Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #6

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This is my theory:

I think its likely one of the two adults was punishing her(abusing) and went too far, likely punishments that have been doled out many times before by both of them, maybe she was smacked and instead of falling onto carpet like the other 99% of times she fell into a table or counter and hit her sensitive head. They panicked, they had already been investigated before when taking Maleah to the hospital so that was out of the question(because DV doesn't want his child taken away perhaps), so they tried to handle it themselves, but the damage was too severe and Maleah died. At some point BB had to leave for the funeral, maybe Maleah was still alive when she left, maybe not, but either way DV was going to "handle it". Her flight lands and he isn't there, not responding to calls/texts but she isn't in any hurry to get home because she knows Maleah is likely dead, but maybe she doesn't know the details of whether DV fled with other child and left Maleah and the mess in the apartment or whether he cleaned up. Only now she has other people involved(BB2) and after a few hours she needs to put on a show for BB2 of being concerned. She doesn't know the state of the apartment so she is reluctant to let LEO open the apartment door, but thankfully the apartment is empty and clean(at first glance) so now she puts on the full show about them being missing. Then DV resurfaces and she stands by him, supporting his story, he wouldn't lie, he is her fiance and she trusts him, etc. Until she sees the public's reaction to his story. So then she does a u-turn and begins to distance herself from him, throws out accusations of sexual abuse, he was the one abusing her before, etc and then tries to completely cut ties, no they weren't engaged anymore, he was gay, they had a fight and broke up, maybe he was mad about that and hurt Maleah. Now its just a matter of time of who is going to "break" first. Can investigators turn them against each other? Maybe they've been advised by legal(or otherwise) counsel that ratting the other out would only lead to them telling on each other and they both go down for murder.
I wonder if laundry basket and can were kept because ultimately a burning didn't take place. Have a fire to burn a body you can throw the basket on. It'll melt away. End up having to bury a body, it seems unlikely you could easily bury the basket.

Absolute total speculation on my part and random thought only. Respect to all.

I've been thinking about that gas can as well. Maybe he thought the gas fumes would cover the decomposition odor and confuse the cadaver dogs. Maybe he never intended a fire?

edited for spelling. Ugh autocorrect!
That poor sweet child. I pray and hope they can find her so she can Rest In Peace and all of us that care and love her can have some closure for her. And I sure hope that all involved in any way with hurting this child or any child get charged and have to pay their full debt for hurting these innocent victims. All my love and prayers for Maleah.
The gas can could have been purchased with the illogical thought it would prevented perpetrator/s from being seen at a gas station filling up on an evidence hiding road trip. (illogical because a gas station stop is not only place you can be seen)

Or perp/s completely underestimated what it would take to burn a human body in the wet conditions of Houston and had to abandon that plan.

Or it simply has nothing to do with it.
I read somewhere here DV went to his warehouse job for only 1hr on Friday and left throwing up? Has the trash compactor or other means of disposal there been checked? Maybe he left her in the trunk until then.

She came back home alive that morning, though, right? That is the still from video where she is so far behind him.

ETA, good idea though, about using the disposal system at his work.
I read somewhere here DV went to his warehouse job for only 1hr on Friday and left throwing up? Has the trash compactor or other means of disposal there been checked? Maybe he left her in the trunk until then.
There was an article that stated he was vomiting at work a few times during the week and by Friday he was officially off sick with the flu. It sounded like he was not at work at all on Friday.

According to the video from the apartments he carried the basket out, which likely contained Maleah, Friday afternoon. I don’t remember the time - sometime after 1:00 pm.
There is a website:
Houston City Service Info

for looking up dates of service at certain addresses, but it didn’t return any results when I tried looking up the home address- however even looking up stuff like this in my own city, the interwebs stump me so maybe someone else should try. And I would guess a compounding pharmacy would have private trash services of some sort- if he even went to work that day. I bet/assume there are cameras around the trash at that pharmacy, too.

ETA, I think it’s worth looking at places BB might have suggested or known about, too. JMO.
I've wondered... Not blaming BB2, but, could she have been fed a line, and has just wanted to believe it, or is used to BB having a drama filled life so she'd rather not ask many questions?

  • BB and BB2 discuss her flight being hours late, but DV is on his way to pick her up at 10:07, based in part, on his kidnapping tale.

  • BB2 said she went to pick BB up, at almost 1:00 a.m. After BB had sat at the airport for over two hours. Why wait that long? An hour late, and I'm calling calling around to find my s/o and kids. If I can't find them, then I'm calling some agency if there's no sign of them at home. LE, FD, Hospitals, talk to folks in memory.
  • BB didn't have her house keys, so they went to BB2's house, and figured DV was still circling the airport?? For over three hours? They didn't find that odd, or is the man just not bright enough to navigate an airport?

  • Yet BB2 drives right up and scoops BB up and takes her to her residence.

  • Does this man not own a phone nor know how to use a borrowed one, or a pay phone o_O (they do still have a few in most airports, last I flew). It seems that no one thought to text or call Derrion, either! Most s/o s call one another when they arrive at their destination. If he wasn't returning calls, and my kids were gone, I'd be frantic.
None of this makes sense. I likely don't think I'm making sense either at this point. I blame sleep deprivation.

Her saying that she did not have house keys and wanted somebody to walk in the house with her makes me think she is protecting herself from going in alone and being blamed for anything. I think she wanted other people there when she walked in the door for some reason. I've seen that in quite a few ID Channel shows if you know what I mean. If you share the use of a car, I would think that you have your own set of keys vs just one set of car/house keys and you would be in possession of them at all times if you are traveling away from home.
I'm curious...and maybe I missed an answer/speculation to this somewhere in all the threads....
Does anyone know exactly what day the step father was sent home from work for vomiting? Ivory Hecker's (Fox 26) tweet only said he was sent home that week & "had the flu" by Friday. I've read that he left for work after he brought Maleah back on Tuesday but then returned. I cannot find anything verifying that though, so I just replied to Ivory Hecker in hopes she knows whether he was at work on Tuesday or not, and all day if so.

My question is - what was the plan for Maleah that Tuesday? He took the son to daycare. BB was flying out later that morning. If he was supposed to go to work and/or tried to/did for a short time. Why would he have brought her back home? They wouldn't have left her home all day by herself at her age, I would think.

Did Maleah get upset and not want to stay at daycare & he figured BB would have her friend drop her off at the daycare on the way to the airport then something happened and that wasn't necessary for BB to ask the friend? Or was that the day he was sent home and the vomiting was related to circumstances at home due to stress/anxiousness? Or was he pre-approved to be off that day?
I read somewhere here DV went to his warehouse job for only 1hr on Friday and left throwing up? Has the trash compactor or other means of disposal there been checked? Maybe he left her in the trunk until then.

This was on May 9. So a week before would have been May 1 or 2 assumably.

"Update: Stepdad of missing girl Maleah Davis hasn’t showed up to work at PharMEDium in a week, his coworker tells me. Darion Vence was sent home because he was vomiting last week. He was officially “home with the flu” by Friday. This week he isn’t answering calls about absence."
Ivory Hecker FOX 26 on Twitter
Her saying that she did not have house keys and wanted somebody to walk in the house with her makes me think she is protecting herself from going in alone and being blamed for anything. I think she wanted other people there when she walked in the door for some reason. I've seen that in quite a few ID Channel shows if you know what I mean. If you share the use of a car, I would think that you have your own set of keys vs just one set of car/house keys and you would be in possession of them at all times if you are traveling away from home.

Bb2 (nana, right?) is the one who filed or jointly filed for the other children to be removed, right? And the one who made sure Maleah went to the hospital with the prior injury? I want to think she believed lies her daughter may have told about what was going on. I have to see her as a victim until there’s evidence contradicting that. She seems to care about Maleah based on what I’ve seen but then again, who knows really. A person may think she has to protect her adult daughter, too.

ETA, the one thing I did find very strange was her referring to Maleah in past tense. Does that happen a lot when a person has knowledge of passing?
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The gas can could have been purchased with the illogical thought it would prevented perpetrator/s from being seen at a gas station filling up on an evidence hiding road trip. (illogical because a gas station stop is not only place you can be seen)

Or perp/s completely underestimated what it would take to burn a human body in the wet conditions of Houston and had to abandon that plan.

Or it simply has nothing to do with it.

I saw an interview with Tim Miller of TEQ that said the gas can was found INSIDE the laundry basket, so to me it seems more likely that it was involved, unfortunately.
I wonder if laundry basket and can were kept because ultimately a burning didn't take place. Have a fire to burn a body you can throw the basket on. It'll melt away. End up having to bury a body, it seems unlikely you could easily bury the basket.

Absolute total speculation on my part and random thought only. Respect to all.
Agree. If purpose is to burn/destroy evidence, burn it all -- basket too.
My question is - what was the plan for Maleah that Tuesday? He took the son to daycare. BB was flying out later that morning. If he was supposed to go to work and/or tried to/did for a short time. Why would he have brought her back home? They wouldn't have left her home all day by herself at her age, I would think.
It is speculated (unconfirmed) BB was home when Maleah last entered. If DV was scheduled to work that day, maybe Maleah was going to go with BB on the plane but something happened to her in the apartment (fatal or not) so BB went without her leaving DV to deal with it
It is speculated (unconfirmed) BB was home when Maleah last entered. If DV was scheduled to work that day, maybe Maleah was going to go with BB on the plane but something happened to her in the apartment (fatal or not) so BB went without her leaving DV to deal with it

I would think she'd have to have a ticket, no?
It is speculated (unconfirmed) BB was home when Maleah last entered. If DV was scheduled to work that day, maybe Maleah was going to go with BB on the plane but something happened to her in the apartment (fatal or not) so BB went without her leaving DV to deal with it

If the original plan was that she was supposed to fly with her mother, I think that would have come out in the media by now.
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