Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #6

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38 minute mark:

Nancy asks Tim about the FBI removing the computer from the Nissan to try to track where the car had been.

Tim said that's the word he got from investigators, they're doing everything they can, they took the computer out of the car and sent that off to the FBI so they can analyze it and see if it will track where the vehicle has been. Nothing positive has come of that YET.

Justice for Maleah Davis: Did mom lie about being in apartment with missing girl before she left for airport?
So people have been talking....
(Snipped by me.)

"We have followed up on dozens and dozens of tips and leads, but none have been found to be helpful in leading us in the right area to find Maleah," the statement said.

Not really an indication of family members talking. A lot of the tips come from the public in these cases. Things like: Someone noticed a bad smell, saw a fire burning, or there were vultures circling, etc.
Some of the areas searched might have been places the car was seen on video or someone reported seeing the car or someone/something that looked suspicious.
I don’t think bb was mother of the year. But I still don’t think she had anything to do with Maleah’s disappearance. I think if DV and BB had planned this they would have behaved differently when she returned from her trip.

I would’ve definitely agreed with you before she made it public she knew her daughter was in danger while she was away and did nothing but defend him until he started ignoring her and the she took it to the public along with many other statements that were contradictory for a mother to leave their child with someone. Part of me wants to believe she is innocent, another part of me thinks she knows something and is protecting herself. She also claimed she broke up with him. It made no sense to leave your child with someone you broke up with but then defend.
I don't suppose investigators share everything with Tim Miller, but I found it interesting that Nancy Grace couldn't get him to give a direct answer re DV's cell phone. If Tim knows the status of the phone or not, he didn't want to say.

NG asked him: 1) is his cell phone missing? 2) does LE have his cell phone? 3) did he throw it in the water?
Tim evaded all three of her questions. We all know how critical cell phone data is, and I hope LE have it, but I am doubtful at this point.

ETA: Tim reiterated that he could have taken the cell battery out--so if LE has the phone, wouldn't that destroy data?
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More from NG's podcast...

38:55 minute mark:

Tim says a little after 5 o'clock, DV's phone goes dead and his battery charger doesn't work, and then he's 50 miles away to pick his "wife" up and he thinks he has a flat tire, then he's jacked by 3 mexicans and it just so happens that they bring him right back to the area he left from...

Beginning at 39:52:

Tim: "It is confirmed that she was out of town but the thing that's kind of strange - also, supposedly the children were taken to daycare that morning but then, Maleah, uh apparently he brought her back and she was apparently in the apartment for like uh a hour and 1/2 before mom left. And mom said no, she don't ever remember seeing her in the apartment. So, you know, who's telling the truth, who's lying, you know what, I think Brittany's lying, I think he's lying."

Justice for Maleah Davis: Did mom lie about being in apartment with missing girl before she left for airport?
I would’ve definitely agreed with you before she made it public she knew her daughter was in danger while she was away and did nothing but defend him until he started ignoring her and the she took it to the public along with many other statements that were contradictory for a mother to leave their child with someone. Part of me wants to believe she is innocent, another part of me thinks she knows something and is protecting herself. She also claimed she broke up with him. It made no sense to leave your child with someone you broke up with but then defend.
The problem with everything she says is that she said the opposite sometime in the past. The inconsistency points to lies.
Did Nancy give a link to such information? She is well-known, here on the threads, to not have very good information that has been vetted in my opinion.

For years I have questioned her and her producers as far as vetting information and making sure it is correct. I followed her too closely on too many cases to take her information unless it has mainstream Media or law enforcement verification. I have seen no verification from law enforcement, has anybody else?

ETA, referring to the quote from the Nancy Grace article they said the car was tested later and there was no problem with a car. I question whether that information was released as I have never seen it.
I had posted the same thing back a few threads re the tire as did others. Does Nancy Grace get her ideas here?
That was my initial thought too, but the news game is all about being first with the news. I’d imagine if the interview was air-ready, they would have shown it IMO

This way they can drag it out, similar to the news station that did with the interview with the lawyer and his wife in Kelsey Berreth's case.
I have a question and an opinion:

1 Has there been any video/pictures showing his face when he leaves the apartment that might show if the injury was there prior to him leaving. The injury appears to be vertical which in my opinion would be difficult to achieve with a random knock him out attack. IMO

2 I find it difficult to believe that a toddler would stay by dad's side for that length of time, IMO. I don't know many that sit still and usually they are constantly on the move. IMO

Just some random thoughts.
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