TX - Maria Gonzalez, 11, father found her dead underneath a bed in their apt, strangled, SA & beaten, Pasadena, 12 Aug 2023 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They didn't say.
Keep in mind, since he was in custody with ICE/DHS they have his DNA on file, but they didn't say whether his DNA is at the crime scene. JMO as to why they can't detain him. I guess the key is not probable cause?
But…….if they can’t arrest him now, can they ever?
What if he left no dna at the scene?
I hope he’s the right guy…….
do they.....do that? Never heard of people giving DNA upon entering country unless already going to be in custody
No, they don't collect DNA from immigrants unless they are arrested for a crime and/or detained by immigration for not having proper status.
But…….if they can’t arrest him now, can they ever?
What if he left no dna at the scene?
I hope he’s the right guy…….
I know.
They said they need to test the key for DNA. (OK)

Since Maria was sexually assaulted, I assume the perp's DNA is on her. Did they finish processing her? If his DNA is on her, it's a slam dunk. Lots of questions.
No, they don't collect DNA from immigrants unless they are arrested for a crime and/or detained by immigration for not having proper status.

He's an asylum seeker. So they do hold them in custody and do background checks etc. They take DNA and match with relatives in the US etc. They take parents' and child's DNA to make sure they are actually parent and child etc.
LIVE Presser:

No maintenance workers involved; have been cooperative

Key found in apt did not go to victim's apt

Found out that it opened the door to another apt in the complex

Recent photo of POI is when LE contacted him (photo of POI sitting on bed)

Have DNA from POI when contacted him on Sat

Was last seen at complex 4 PM on Monday

No info that he fled to Mexico; He is Guatemalan
thank you for the notes, this is where I am seeing they got the dna from him saturday.... so he submitted to the test, then took off is how I read it.
I am hoping the statement that they cannot arrest him is that they 1. don't have him 2. are waiting for DNA to match the scene before setting charges, so no valid reason to arrest him until they have that evidence.....
So when looking in the crime scene they found a key, and the key opened a neighboring apartment. They talked to witnesses and it seems that a witness said something that directed them also to Juan Carlos. But he stays in an apt with other people.

The key was found on the first day but what it opened was not found out until after he was already gone which was on 8/14/23.

His DNA was collected Saturday during the interviewing process. This worries me a bit because if there was a language barrier, he could claim the DNA was not given willingly. Let's hope that part was done perfectly so they can use it in court. It looks like they suspect him because of the witness statements along with that between the 3 roommates the others had their keys still in their possessions, he randomly got up and left for another work opportunity, and when his roommates asked for his key, he told them he was going to hang onto it for now. Looks like they are just waiting for the DNA to come back, but are hoping they can find him quickly to "talk".

IMO Probably hoping to catch him before he thinks to skip to MX or Back to Guatemala.

around the 14 min mark the sound gets terrible and I couldn't understand anything anymore. Not sure if it was FB or my end.
I knew it was going to go be a kid in their teens that did this to her due how odd the placement of her body was. As far as his DNA goes since she was SAd by him then I'm almost certain they got his DNA from her which is how they linked it to him. It's probably his DNA linked to her, and then the key linking to to that other apartment where they found he stayed at is why they can say they got a solid lead on a POI.


- My name is Josh Bruegger. I'm the Police Chief here, City of Pasadena. Here today to provide an update on the murder/homicide that we had last Saturday of 11 yr. old, Maria Gonzalez, at 1004 Main, Apartment No. 24. There's obviously been a lot that's happened this past week, as we've been working this case. Before I get started, I'd be remiss not to recognise all the investigators and the officers that made the scene. As you can imagine, cases like this, especially involving children, not only is it traumatic for the victim and their family, it can also be hard on the first responders as well and they have worked their tails off this week to get us to the point that we're at right now.

A couple things I just want to touch on. There's been a lot of talk this week about the maintenance folks out there, whether they've been cooperative, not cooperative, suspects, things like that. I just want to clear that up real quick and just say that the maintenance staff out there has been cooperative; at this point, there is no reason to believe that any of them have been involved. And as you all know, we've kind of gone in a different direction with a person of interest.

As investigators were processing the crime scene last Saturday, one thing they found was a key in the apartment. That key has been crucial in helping us move this case forward. The investigators, after processing the key, found out that the key did not go to the victim's apartment, and so started checking other apartments and we found that it opened another apartment, there in the apartment complex. The first responders made the scene on Saturday and the investigators followed them up and they began interviewing neighbours in the apartment complex, other witnesses, and as part of that was the interview here of the person of interest. And this image that we're releasing today is a still image from our department's body camera system.


So that's what he looked like Saturday when investigators contacted him. So that is a recent photo and what he looked like when they contacted him.

It's been a struggle this week. You know, any investigation we try to limit what we release to an extent, but also keep the public informed because we want to hold some stuff back for investigative reasons. As it happens, every time, beyond our control, information gets released that we don't release and so that's why I'm going to try to clear up anything that's out there.

The victim was found in a trash bag in a clothes hamper, under the bed. We had initially held that back, but that got out, outside the organisation and so I just want to confirm that that is accurate, she was.

We have turned over quite a bit of evidence to the Institute of Forensic Sciences in Harris County, which processes all the DNA evidence and so they've got that. I will say we have a DNA sample from our person of interest on Saturday, when investigators were out there as part of the investigation, so we do have something to compare it to, so, at this point, we're waiting on DNA to come back.

No arrests have been made. This 18 yr. old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, is a person of interest. He was living there in the apartment complex. He was last seen in the apartment complex at 4pm., Monday; his whereabouts are not known.

We've been asked several times over the last 24 hours if we had concerns that he was fleeing to Mexico. I don't have any information that he is fleeing to Mexico, he is Guatemalan, so his whereabouts are unknown. That's what we're asking for the public's help. I think there's a chance somebody knows where he's at, and if they do, we're asking that they reach out to us, either the department, or Crimestoppers, which is offering a reward for information that leads to his arrest.

Our investigators, armed with new information, would like to talk to him again to try to get more information. And that's where we're at right now and I will take any questions that you might have.

REPORTER - So the key - did it go to the apartment that he was staying in?

CHIEF - Correct, it did, yes.

REPORTER - What can you tell us about investigator's conversations with him?

CHIEF - He didn't have a lot of information, just that he lived in the complex, was familiar, but nothing really at the time, nothing that stood out at the time. Investigators went back out there a couple of days later to talk to some other people that also live in that apartment. I'd say, evasive with investigators, didn't necessarily pay attention to the investigators when they were out there when they were talking to the other roommates, that's what I can tell you about...

REPORTER - How many other roommates?

CHIEF - There's two other roommates.

REPORTER - Are they family members or... who was he living with?

CHIEF - He did not... he'd only been there three or four weeks. Trying to keep it easy for you, they're all from Guatemala and so it was a connection of a connection of 'hey, I got a friend that needs somewhere to stay', and so he was living with these folks for three to four weeks. They didn't really know him that well because, again, it was somebody asking if he could stay with them. And so, you know, they work during the daytime, kind of went their own ways and did their own thing.

REPORTER - Do you guys have a DNA sample of him?

CHIEF - We do.

REPORTER - Did he have any kind of vehicle or..?

CHIEF - Not to our knowledge, he doesn't at this point, everything we know - he's been picked up and taken places by people, so somebody knows where he's at.

REPORTER - Did he say that he knew the victim, did he admit it any point?

CHIEF - I don't want talk about that right now.

REPORTER - We don't know if they crossed paths or anything.. ?

CHIEF - They lived in the same area, is all I'm gonna say. The apartments are pretty close to each other, so he could have seen her if they were, you know, if she was outside at the same time he was outside, because they're that close to each other.

REPORTER - In terms of timeline - whenever you guys got that key and figured out that it went to the apartment he was staying at. Can you give me a timeline of when that happened compared to when you guys spoke to him?

CHIEF - It was after he had already left on Monday.

REPORTER - When the DNA sample was taken was he a person of interest then?

CHIEF - He wasn't, so, as the investigation goes on, oftentimes the investigators will.. if people voluntarily give it to us, especially people that are in the area, because one thing that's important is that we're able to eliminate people just as.. somebody's DNA is where it shouldn't be. So it's important that we were able to exclude people, as well.

REPORTER - Can you just clarify on that timeline - when did you figure out the key was for that apartment?

CHIEF - It was after he left; it's been the last couple days.

REPORTER - Do you know approximately what day?

CHIEF - I don't know, no, I just know it was after he left on Monday.

REPORTER - (asks about whether he was a person of interest when police spoke to him)

CHIEF - At that point, you know, we had a wide net at that point. So, at that point, he was not a person of interest. Not anymore than anybody else that lives in the complex.

REPORTER - Given that he's been (inaudible) in the last few days - is his picture now out with other law enforcement agencies?

CHIEF - Yes and we've also.. if he were to cross the border we've asked to be notified as well, so.

REPORTER - Was his DNA found on the key?

CHIEF - They have not processed that yet.

REPORTER - When you found the key, how long did it take you to to try it out?

CHIEF - It was a couple of days later, just as part of processing the evidence. I can't tell you exactly when, but as part of processing the evidence, I'm not sure exactly when that was done.

REPORTER - Does that mean that every single door was tested or just..?

CHIEF - We didn't have to get very far, I'll just say that.

REPORTER - What kind of a criminal history does he have?

CHIEF - As far as we know, in the United States, he does not have a criminal history.

REPORTER - Is he considered dangerous?

CHIEF - Absolutely.

REPORTER - How long has he been here? where else did he live?

CHIEF - He's from Guatemala. I know that Customs and Border Protection encountered him back in January, out in the El Paso area, is the last that I know of. I don't know of any other contacts that they might have had with him but that's the last one that I know of.

REPORTER - Did he (inaudible)?

CHIEF - I don't know his route here, I just know that back in January he was apprehended by CBP.

REPORTER - (I think he asks if Maria's father knows him)

CHIEF - No, they don't. To my knowledge, they do not know each other.

REPORTER - You describe him as dangerous but he's also described as a person of interest, at this point, not a suspect - what's keeping you from using that other word?

CHIEF - A little bit more evidence. I can tell you we're pretty close, but not quite there yet, because if he was a suspect we'd be at the DA'S office getting a warrant.

REPORTER - Why is he considered a person of interest, based on the evidence that you guys have got?

CHIEF - Without going too much into the evidence - the key is really one of the key pieces, plus some of the other witness statements that we have, as far as his location and his whereabouts. The other two roommates still have their keys, they tried to get the key back from him when he left and he said, 'no, I'm gonna hang on to it'. He didn't have the key, there was the key to that apartment in the victim's apartment.

REPORTER - Do we know if he said why he was leaving?

CHIEF - My understanding, he just said, 'I'm leaving, going to do work somewhere else'.

REPORTER - As a person of interest can he be arrested..?

CHIEF - For this offence, he cannot be arrested because there's no warrant for him, but we will really want to talk to him.

REPORTER - So you're waiting for the DNA to come back?

CHIEF - That's correct, or potentially other evidence. I mean, there's still witnesses we're working through, talking to. We're obviously trying to move as fast as we can, but also there's a legal process that we got to follow and so we may get there, may get to a probable cause level before DNA. It's just gonna depend on tracking down some more witnesses and trying to gather more information.

REPORTER - (inaudible)

CHIEF - No. The catalyst was.. her autopsy wasn't done until Monday, and so, once we had that information, to know more of what happened and to be able to be informed when I come and give information, that's why we released it on Tuesday.

REPORTER - So he was one of how many people who were interviewed on Saturday?

CHIEF - There's a bunch, you know, you got family members, you got other neighbours and so, there's at least 10 people that were interviewed as part of it.

REPORTER - But the DNA samples were taken from... an approximate amount of people?

CHIEF - I don't know the number, I don't know.


CHIEF - To my knowledge, everybody that we've talked to so far has been cooperative, so I'm gonna say somewhere in that, yes.

REPORTER - His roommates have been cooperating?

CHIEF - His roommates have been very cooperative, yes.

REPORTER - Is he here illegally in the United States?

CHIEF - I believe he is not here legally.

REPORTER - And he might have been here three to four months in Houston, not in the United States, am I right?

CHIEF - My understanding is he was in Pasadena for about three to four weeks, before he left on this week. Before that, he was in Louisiana. My understanding when he was released by immigration, he was released to some sponsors in Louisiana and when he was there, they're the ones who reached out to some connection that they had here, about him coming here for work and needing a place to stay.

REPORTER - The El Paso encounter - do you know when that happened?

CHIEF - January, I don't know the exact date, but in January sometime.

REPORTER - You mentioned work - what does he do?

CHIEF - Day labourer, a variety of different things.

REPORTER - In Louisiana?

CHIEF - Baton Rouge area.

REPORTER - Have you guys made contact with the sponsers?

CHIEF - We have not yet, no.

REPORTER - Did you say he was 18?

CHIEF - He was 18 yrs. old. That's correct.

REPORTER - We spoke to the mother today, Maria's mother in Guatemala, and she obviously was very distraught and asked her what her message to the public here was and she was begging everyone in law enforcement from Pasedena to upper federal government agencies to do everything they can to find whoever did this. What would be your message to her?

CHIEF - My message is we're doing everything we absolutely can to bring whoever this is to justice to answer for this. This is a horrific crime, we're leaving no stone unturned. The men and women at the back have been working tirelessly all week because this case is important to us.

REPORTER - How many days more to get the results of the DNA?

CHIEF - That's gonna depend on the Institute of Forensic Sciences. I don't have an answer for you on that. They know the facts of this case, they know the urgency of this case, but I also know, Harris County is a large county with a lot of stuff going on and so we'll see, but I do know this is a priority for them.

REPORTER - Are you asking any other agents, US Marshals, anybody to try to see if this guy is already in Mexico?

CHIEF - We have reached out to our federal partners. He is flagged with DHS, so we will know if he crosses the border. They will alert us if he crosses.

REPORTER - And if he were to attempt to cross there's nothing to stop them from letting him do so or..?

CHIEF - It depends on... I don't know about federal immigration because he is in the country illegally, that they could possibly detain him on that, but as far as detaining him for this offence. At this point, no. Like I said. we're working hard to...

REPORTER - But there is a search for him from other agencies?

CHIEF - Yes.

REPORTER - Prior to his time at the apartments, do you know where stayed?

CHIEF - He was in Baton Rouge, is my understanding with whoever the sponsors were, when he was released from immigration and then he came from there directly to here is my understanding.

REPORTER - What part of Guatemala is he from, do you know?

CHIEF - I don't know the answer to that. You know, the sense I get, I'll tell you, just from talking to the investigators in the complex up there - there seems to be a connection, somebody knows somebody who knows somebody from Guatemala and so it's.. they are a tight knit community.

REPORTER - But you don't think he knew the Gonzalez's prior to (inaudible)?

CHIEF - To my knowledge, no.

REPORTER - I know that this person of interest crossed illegally into the US around January, he was due for some sort of court date at some point and he was given a sponser, I believe, who lives in Lousianna - do you know what kind of criminal background check was given by the Federeral government on this person of interest when he got into the US?

CHIEF - I don't know the answer to that. You'd have to ask, probably, Customs Border Protection on that.

REPORTER - Does he have a criminal history in Guatemala?

CHIEF - Not that I know of, yet, but getting information from the Guatemalan government has been a little bit of a challenge that we've been trying to work through.

CRIME STOPPERS - I'm the director of victim services for Crime Stoppers of Houston and first and foremost, on behalf of Crime Stoppers, our hearts and prayers and thoughts go out to Maria's family. I've been doing this a long time, over three decades and there's certain cases that do stand out and anytime a young girl, an 11 yr. old girl, is sexually assaulted and then murdered, it kind of brings back a lot of bad bad memories of other cases as well.

Right now, Crime Stoppers is offering up to a $5,000 reward for any information leading up to the arrest of the suspect responsible for the absolutely cold blooded, horrific murder of 11 yr. old, Maria Gonzalez.

We are asking the public to step up to the plate and do the right thing. Crime Stoppers is anonymous and I do want to stress that, anybody who reaches out and contacts us and provides information leading up to the arrest and identification of the suspect responsible is anonymous. We do not care about your immigration status, your residency, no-one is going to ask any questions, nor are they going to know your identification. You can contact us at 713.222.TIPS, you can submit a tip online www.crime-stoppers.org and even better, we have a mobile app available in over 20 languages.

As a board member of the Houston chapter of Parents of Murdered Children and Surviving Family Members of Homicide, and have been working with homicide survivors now for over 30 yrs., I can unequivocally tell you that grief is intensified when justice is lacking, and sadly, right now, justice is lacking for Maria and her family and we know somebody out there knows who committed this incredibly horrific evil, heinous murder, and it's time for you to clear your conscious and get in touch with us and you may be eligible for up to a $5,000 reward.

MESSAGE FROM THE FAMILY - We are very thankful to Pasadena Police Department, all of the investigators and everybody that has put in work, including Crime Stoppers. We are grateful that everybody has cooperated to find us justice. Today at 7pm., we're going to have a vigil at the apartment complex where this happened at, at 1004 Main St., Pasedina. We are grateful for the community and unfortunately we do not have the strength to be up here and speak today, so I'm speaking on their behalf, thank you so much.


- My name is Josh Bruegger. I'm the Police Chief here, City of Pasadena. Here today to provide an update on the murder/homicide that we had last Saturday of 11 yr. old, Maria Gonzalez, at 1004 Main, Apartment No. 24. There's obviously been a lot that's happened this past week, as we've been working this case. Before I get started, I'd be remiss not to recognise all the investigators and the officers that made the scene. As you can imagine, cases like this, especially involving children, not only is it traumatic for the victim and their family, it can also be hard on the first responders as well and they have worked their tails off this week to get us to the point that we're at right now.

A couple things I just want to touch on. There's been a lot of talk this week about the maintenance folks out there, whether they've been cooperative, not cooperative, suspects, things like that. I just want to clear that up real quick and just say that the maintenance staff out there has been cooperative; at this point, there is no reason to believe that any of them have been involved. And as you all know, we've kind of gone in a different direction with a person of interest.

As investigators were processing the crime scene last Saturday, one thing they found was a key in the apartment. That key has been crucial in helping us move this case forward. The investigators, after processing the key, found out that the key did not go to the victim's apartment, and so started checking other apartments and we found that it opened another apartment, there in the apartment complex. The first responders made the scene on Saturday and the investigators followed them up and they began interviewing neighbours in the apartment complex, other witnesses, and as part of that was the interview here of the person of interest. And this image that we're releasing today is a still image from our department's body camera system.

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So that's what he looked like Saturday when investigators contacted him. So that is a recent photo and what he looked like when they contacted him.

It's been a struggle this week. You know, any investigation we try to limit what we release to an extent, but also keep the public informed because we want to hold some stuff back for investigative reasons. As it happens, every time, beyond our control, information gets released that we don't release and so that's why I'm going to try to clear up anything that's out there.

The victim was found in a trash bag in a clothes hamper, under the bed. We had initially held that back, but that got out, outside the organisation and so I just want to confirm that that is accurate, she was.

We have turned over quite a bit of evidence to the Institute of Forensic Sciences in Harris County, which processes all the DNA evidence and so they've got that. I will say we have a DNA sample from our person of interest on Saturday, when investigators were out there as part of the investigation, so we do have something to compare it to, so, at this point, we're waiting on DNA to come back.

No arrests have been made. This 18 yr. old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, is a person of interest. He was living there in the apartment complex. He was last seen in the apartment complex at 4pm., Monday; his whereabouts are not known.

We've been asked several times over the last 24 hours if we had concerns that he was fleeing to Mexico. I don't have any information that he is fleeing to Mexico, he is Guatemalan, so his whereabouts are unknown. That's what we're asking for the public's help. I think there's a chance somebody knows where he's at, and if they do, we're asking that they reach out to us, either the department, or Crimestoppers, which is offering a reward for information that leads to his arrest.

Our investigators, armed with new information, would like to talk to him again to try to get more information. And that's where we're at right now and I will take any questions that you might have.

REPORTER - So the key - did it go to the apartment that he was staying in?

CHIEF - Correct, it did, yes.

REPORTER - What can you tell us about investigator's conversations with him?

CHIEF - He didn't have a lot of information, just that he lived in the complex, was familiar, but nothing really at the time, nothing that stood out at the time. Investigators went back out there a couple of days later to talk to some other people that also live in that apartment. I'd say, evasive with investigators, didn't necessarily pay attention to the investigators when they were out there when they were talking to the other roommates, that's what I can tell you about...

REPORTER - How many other roommates?

CHIEF - There's two other roommates.

REPORTER - Are they family members or... who was he living with?

CHIEF - He did not... he'd only been there three or four weeks. Trying to keep it easy for you, they're all from Guatemala and so it was a connection of a connection of 'hey, I got a friend that needs somewhere to stay', and so he was living with these folks for three to four weeks. They didn't really know him that well because, again, it was somebody asking if he could stay with them. And so, you know, they work during the daytime, kind of went their own ways and did their own thing.

REPORTER - Do you guys have a DNA sample of him?

CHIEF - We do.

REPORTER - Did he have any kind of vehicle or..?

CHIEF - Not to our knowledge, he doesn't at this point, everything we know - he's been picked up and taken places by people, so somebody knows where he's at.

REPORTER - Did he say that he knew the victim, did he admit it any point?

CHIEF - I don't want talk about that right now.

REPORTER - We don't know if they crossed paths or anything.. ?

CHIEF - They lived in the same area, is all I'm gonna say. The apartments are pretty close to each other, so he could have seen her if they were, you know, if she was outside at the same time he was outside, because they're that close to each other.

REPORTER - In terms of timeline - whenever you guys got that key and figured out that it went to the apartment he was staying at. Can you give me a timeline of when that happened compared to when you guys spoke to him?

CHIEF - It was after he had already left on Monday.

REPORTER - When the DNA sample was taken was he a person of interest then?

CHIEF - He wasn't, so, as the investigation goes on, oftentimes the investigators will.. if people voluntarily give it to us, especially people that are in the area, because one thing that's important is that we're able to eliminate people just as.. somebody's DNA is where it shouldn't be. So it's important that we were able to exclude people, as well.

REPORTER - Can you just clarify on that timeline - when did you figure out the key was for that apartment?

CHIEF - It was after he left; it's been the last couple days.

REPORTER - Do you know approximately what day?

CHIEF - I don't know, no, I just know it was after he left on Monday.

REPORTER - (asks about whether he was a person of interest when police spoke to him)

CHIEF - At that point, you know, we had a wide net at that point. So, at that point, he was not a person of interest. Not anymore than anybody else that lives in the complex.

REPORTER - Given that he's been (inaudible) in the last few days - is his picture now out with other law enforcement agencies?

CHIEF - Yes and we've also.. if he were to cross the border we've asked to be notified as well, so.

REPORTER - Was his DNA found on the key?

CHIEF - They have not processed that yet.

REPORTER - When you found the key, how long did it take you to to try it out?

CHIEF - It was a couple of days later, just as part of processing the evidence. I can't tell you exactly when, but as part of processing the evidence, I'm not sure exactly when that was done.

REPORTER - Does that mean that every single door was tested or just..?

CHIEF - We didn't have to get very far, I'll just say that.

REPORTER - What kind of a criminal history does he have?

CHIEF - As far as we know, in the United States, he does not have a criminal history.

REPORTER - Is he considered dangerous?

CHIEF - Absolutely.

REPORTER - How long has he been here? where else did he live?

CHIEF - He's from Guatemala. I know that Customs and Border Protection encountered him back in January, out in the El Paso area, is the last that I know of. I don't know of any other contacts that they might have had with him but that's the last one that I know of.

REPORTER - Did he (inaudible)?

CHIEF - I don't know his route here, I just know that back in January he was apprehended by CBP.

REPORTER - (I think he asks if Maria's father knows him)

CHIEF - No, they don't. To my knowledge, they do not know each other.

REPORTER - You describe him as dangerous but he's also described as a person of interest, at this point, not a suspect - what's keeping you from using that other word?

CHIEF - A little bit more evidence. I can tell you we're pretty close, but not quite there yet, because if he was a suspect we'd be at the DA'S office getting a warrant.

REPORTER - Why is he considered a person of interest, based on the evidence that you guys have got?

CHIEF - Without going too much into the evidence - the key is really one of the key pieces, plus some of the other witness statements that we have, as far as his location and his whereabouts. The other two roommates still have their keys, they tried to get the key back from him when he left and he said, 'no, I'm gonna hang on to it'. He didn't have the key, there was the key to that apartment in the victim's apartment.

REPORTER - Do we know if he said why he was leaving?

CHIEF - My understanding, he just said, 'I'm leaving, going to do work somewhere else'.

REPORTER - As a person of interest can he be arrested..?

CHIEF - For this offence, he cannot be arrested because there's no warrant for him, but we will really want to talk to him.

REPORTER - So you're waiting for the DNA to come back?

CHIEF - That's correct, or potentially other evidence. I mean, there's still witnesses we're working through, talking to. We're obviously trying to move as fast as we can, but also there's a legal process that we got to follow and so we may get there, may get to a probable cause level before DNA. It's just gonna depend on tracking down some more witnesses and trying to gather more information.

REPORTER - (inaudible)

CHIEF - No. The catalyst was.. her autopsy wasn't done until Monday, and so, once we had that information, to know more of what happened and to be able to be informed when I come and give information, that's why we released it on Tuesday.

REPORTER - So he was one of how many people who were interviewed on Saturday?

CHIEF - There's a bunch, you know, you got family members, you got other neighbours and so, there's at least 10 people that were interviewed as part of it.

REPORTER - But the DNA samples were taken from... an approximate amount of people?

CHIEF - I don't know the number, I don't know.


CHIEF - To my knowledge, everybody that we've talked to so far has been cooperative, so I'm gonna say somewhere in that, yes.

REPORTER - His roommates have been cooperating?

CHIEF - His roommates have been very cooperative, yes.

REPORTER - Is he here illegally in the United States?

CHIEF - I believe he is not here legally.

REPORTER - And he might have been here three to four months in Houston, not in the United States, am I right?

CHIEF - My understanding is he was in Pasadena for about three to four weeks, before he left on this week. Before that, he was in Louisiana. My understanding when he was released by immigration, he was released to some sponsors in Louisiana and when he was there, they're the ones who reached out to some connection that they had here, about him coming here for work and needing a place to stay.

REPORTER - The El Paso encounter - do you know when that happened?

CHIEF - January, I don't know the exact date, but in January sometime.

REPORTER - You mentioned work - what does he do?

CHIEF - Day labourer, a variety of different things.

REPORTER - In Louisiana?

CHIEF - Baton Rouge area.

REPORTER - Have you guys made contact with the sponsers?

CHIEF - We have not yet, no.

REPORTER - Did you say he was 18?

CHIEF - He was 18 yrs. old. That's correct.

REPORTER - We spoke to the mother today, Maria's mother in Guatemala, and she obviously was very distraught and asked her what her message to the public here was and she was begging everyone in law enforcement from Pasedena to upper federal government agencies to do everything they can to find whoever did this. What would be your message to her?

CHIEF - My message is we're doing everything we absolutely can to bring whoever this is to justice to answer for this. This is a horrific crime, we're leaving no stone unturned. The men and women at the back have been working tirelessly all week because this case is important to us.

REPORTER - How many days more to get the results of the DNA?

CHIEF - That's gonna depend on the Institute of Forensic Sciences. I don't have an answer for you on that. They know the facts of this case, they know the urgency of this case, but I also know, Harris County is a large county with a lot of stuff going on and so we'll see, but I do know this is a priority for them.

REPORTER - Are you asking any other agents, US Marshals, anybody to try to see if this guy is already in Mexico?

CHIEF - We have reached out to our federal partners. He is flagged with DHS, so we will know if he crosses the border. They will alert us if he crosses.

REPORTER - And if he were to attempt to cross there's nothing to stop them from letting him do so or..?

CHIEF - It depends on... I don't know about federal immigration because he is in the country illegally, that they could possibly detain him on that, but as far as detaining him for this offence. At this point, no. Like I said. we're working hard to...

REPORTER - But there is a search for him from other agencies?

CHIEF - Yes.

REPORTER - Prior to his time at the apartments, do you know where stayed?

CHIEF - He was in Baton Rouge, is my understanding with whoever the sponsors were, when he was released from immigration and then he came from there directly to here is my understanding.

REPORTER - What part of Guatemala is he from, do you know?

CHIEF - I don't know the answer to that. You know, the sense I get, I'll tell you, just from talking to the investigators in the complex up there - there seems to be a connection, somebody knows somebody who knows somebody from Guatemala and so it's.. they are a tight knit community.

REPORTER - But you don't think he knew the Gonzalez's prior to (inaudible)?

CHIEF - To my knowledge, no.

REPORTER - I know that this person of interest crossed illegally into the US around January, he was due for some sort of court date at some point and he was given a sponser, I believe, who lives in Lousianna - do you know what kind of criminal background check was given by the Federeral government on this person of interest when he got into the US?

CHIEF - I don't know the answer to that. You'd have to ask, probably, Customs Border Protection on that.

REPORTER - Does he have a criminal history in Guatemala?

CHIEF - Not that I know of, yet, but getting information from the Guatemalan government has been a little bit of a challenge that we've been trying to work through.

CRIME STOPPERS - I'm the director of victim services for Crime Stoppers of Houston and first and foremost, on behalf of Crime Stoppers, our hearts and prayers and thoughts go out to Maria's family. I've been doing this a long time, over three decades and there's certain cases that do stand out and anytime a young girl, an 11 yr. old girl, is sexually assaulted and then murdered, it kind of brings back a lot of bad bad memories of other cases as well.

Right now, Crime Stoppers is offering up to a $5,000 reward for any information leading up to the arrest of the suspect responsible for the absolutely cold blooded, horrific murder of 11 yr. old, Maria Gonzalez.

We are asking the public to step up to the plate and do the right thing. Crime Stoppers is anonymous and I do want to stress that, anybody who reaches out and contacts us and provides information leading up to the arrest and identification of the suspect responsible is anonymous. We do not care about your immigration status, your residency, no-one is going to ask any questions, nor are they going to know your identification. You can contact us at 713.222.TIPS, you can submit a tip online www.crime-stoppers.org and even better, we have a mobile app available in over 20 languages.

As a board member of the Houston chapter of Parents of Murdered Children and Surviving Family Members of Homicide, and have been working with homicide survivors now for over 30 yrs., I can unequivocally tell you that grief is intensified when justice is lacking, and sadly, right now, justice is lacking for Maria and her family and we know somebody out there knows who committed this incredibly horrific evil, heinous murder, and it's time for you to clear your conscious and get in touch with us and you may be eligible for up to a $5,000 reward.

MESSAGE FROM THE FAMILY - We are very thankful to Pasadena Police Department, all of the investigators and everybody that has put in work, including Crime Stoppers. We are grateful that everybody has cooperated to find us justice. Today at 7pm., we're going to have a vigil at the apartment complex where this happened at, at 1004 Main St., Pasedina. We are grateful for the community and unfortunately we do not have the strength to be up here and speak today, so I'm speaking on their behalf, thank you so much.
Thank you a lot of info there.

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