Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #1

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Ok, I may be totally wrong, but zooming in on the item still on the belt...

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

I really can't tell its too blurry for me. The receipt was in the trash so LE knows exactly what he bought I think.
I agree with the exception of a possible head injury. However the head tends to bleed a lot and if I recall correctly it wasn't much blood. I can see hitting his head and becoming somewhat disoriented and wandered off. However I will agree it would seem as if he would be found if this were the case.

I personally haven't ruled anything out yet because there are just too many things that make me go hmmmm:).

I think it's a possibility, although a slim one, that he injured himself and wandered off. It's hard to say what can happen to a person. Maybe he bled a lot, and had it wrapped up. And, yes, he of all people should know what to do in the event of injury. But he could have gotten overheated. Could have been on medication that caused disorientation. Hypoglycemia. I could see several things that could cause him disorientation. And it's a possibility that he hasn't been found even though he's close. Do I think this is what happened? No. Just putting possibilities out there.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I've been following but not commenting because I had nothing. My grandparents lived in Quinlan when I was young off Lake Tawakoni. It's been years since I've been that way but something struck me today. I know Michael is retired but I also have heard there's a lot of stuff going on with the Dallas police and fire pension lately. How long has he been retired and is there any possibility this pension nonsense has affected him?
Ok, I may be totally wrong, but zooming in on the item still on the belt...

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Prilosec was exactly what I thought of after thinking that it was a mascara (white tube, purple/white packaging) at first! I think it's the purple that made me think that. Really not sure, and probably not relevant to Papaw's disappearance.

The other item does look like an eyeliner to me.
I think it's a possibility, although a slim one, that he injured himself and wandered off. It's hard to say what can happen to a person. Maybe he bled a lot, and had it wrapped up. And, yes, he of all people should know what to do in the event of injury. But he could have gotten overheated. Could have been on medication that caused disorientation. Hypoglycemia. I could see several things that could cause him disorientation. And it's a possibility that he hasn't been found even though he's close. Do I think this is what happened? No. Just putting possibilities out there.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

No I don't really think this is what happened either because everything was locked up so if he were disoriented, hurt, confused I don't see him locking everything up. But stranger things have happened as was mentioned.

I just can't help but think it was someone mad at him for some reason and the only other possibility I can think of is he set this up to get away but it seems from the GD he was happy, kind and this doesn't seem to fit his character.
Prilosec was exactly what I thought of after thinking that it was a mascara (white tube, purple/white packaging) at first! I think it's the purple that made me think that. Really not sure, and probably not relevant to Papaw's disappearance.

The other item does look like an eyeliner to me.

No, not relevant. Too much, anyway. I think IF that's what it is, and it's his instead of BC's, them it adds to possibilities of his health, and what may have happened. A horrible case of acid reflux that made him vomit/get light headed, and bump his head? Just thinking out loud.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I believe he keeps his cash in his wallet. GD says he's organized like that.

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Yep. Here is what the granddaughter said:
"He used cash at walmart, didn't appear to remove his DL from surveillance video. It would be unlike him to put both in his pocket and not in his wallet. Creature of habit, my Papaw."

I have been wondering how LE knows there is "a small amount of cash" (to use the GD's words from post #92) that's missing. I suppose he paid cash at Wal-Mart, and the receipt they found shows he got some change back, and that's what's missing ...? It can't be much.

To me, it all sounds so staged. I really hope that LE examined Papaw's wallet for fingerprints and DNA. I think it's possible that it was someone other than Papaw that took the cash and his driver's license out of his wallet.
Prilosec was exactly what I thought of after thinking that it was a mascara (white tube, purple/white packaging) at first! I think it's the purple that made me think that. Really not sure, and probably not relevant to Papaw's disappearance.

The other item does look like an eyeliner to me.
But you know, it could be relevant.
If he bought the Prilosac for himself, he bought a bunch which could mean, at that particular time, he was not planning on hurting himself. He bought enough for the future.

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If Prilosec was not something he normally took it could also point to chest pain he was trying to treat

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I also would like to know more of BC's timeline or schedule for the day just to recreate what happened from when she got home to the LE investigation. I have asked Pmerle00 if she could tell us when she arrived home and the best answer she gave was 6-7. Which is not a time. I feel she should be able to remember specifics since she must have had to answer this for LE that night. It should be an oft repeated story, "I got home at 6:25 and he wasn't in the house so I figured he was in the shop and I changed clothes then went out..." I am certain the story she told LE that night did not begin with, "I got home sometime between 6 and 7, I really don't remember exactly...". I believe in MSM reports I saw that she got home about 7 but I would like to have that confirmed and know more about what she did after arriving.
Found the video of the Mar. 13th press conference, conducted by the Sheriff:
1. Hunt County Sheriff's Office received a call regarding a missing person at "approximately 6:55 PM."

2. Upon arrival at the Chambers property, Sheriff's officers made contact with BC, who stated that:
1) She'd spoken to MC earlier in the day "at around 8 AM"
2) When she returned home "a few minutes prior to the call," he was nowhere to be found.

3. MC was seen at Wal-Mart in Quinland "around 11:15 AM."

4. LE believes "whatever happened to Mr. Chambers happened between noon and 3 PM on Friday."

5. A reporter asks if the Sheriff can share what MC purchased at Wal-Mart. He fumbles a bit, and a woman is heard in the background saying, "mascara." He then points to his right and says, "For her, for her."

6. LE doesn't have "any idea" how much cash MC had. "We just know that he did carry cash."

7. No sign of forced entry into the shop.

8. One of MC's daughters, SH, makes a brief, yet emotional plea. "Someone knows something."

9. No known disputes with anyone ("We've checked all that out.")

10. The phone pinged. Cannot elaborate because it's part of the investigation. "It did, it did ... a couple of places ... but we followed up on those, and nothing."

11. Sheriff: "We are not afraid to ask for help." TX Rangers are already involved, with the FBI on their way.

12. LE theorizes something happened between noon and 3 PM on Friday because it would have taken until around noon for MC to get back from Wal-Mart, and the neighbors come home around 3 PM and they did not see anything unusual.
(Second video from the bottom)
On the same webpage as the one in my last post, there is a video in which you can hear a brief snippet of the 911 call.

The video is the third one from the top, with a caption reading, "The family of a missing retired Dallas firefighter says the last five days have been like living in a nightmare.(Published Tuesday, March 14, 2017)" The 911 recording starts around the 0:23 mark:
Found the video of the Mar. 13th press conference, conducted by the Sheriff:
1. Hunt County Sheriff's Office received a call regarding a missing person at "approximately 6:55 PM."

2. Upon arrival at the Chambers property, Sheriff's officers made contact with BC, who stated that:
1) She'd spoken to MC earlier in the day "at around 8 AM"
2) When she returned home "a few minutes prior to the call," he was nowhere to be found.

3. MC was seen at Wal-Mart in Quinland "around 11:15 AM."

4. LE believes "whatever happened to Mr. Chambers happened between noon and 3 PM on Friday."

5. A reporter asks if the Sheriff can share what MC purchased at Wal-Mart. He fumbles a bit, and a woman is heard in the background saying, "mascara." He then points to his right and says, "For her, for her."

6. LE doesn't have "any idea" how much cash MC had. "We just know that he did carry cash."

7. No sign of forced entry into the shop.

8. One of MC's daughters, SH, makes a brief, yet emotional plea. "Someone knows something."

9. No known disputes with anyone ("We've checked all that out.")

10. The phone pinged. Cannot elaborate because it's part of the investigation. "It did, it did ... a couple of places ... but we followed up on those, and nothing."

11. Sheriff: "We are not afraid to ask for help." TX Rangers are already involved, with the FBI on their way.

12. LE theorizes something happened between noon and 3 PM on Friday because it would have taken until around noon for MC to get back from Wal-Mart, and the neighbors come home around 3 PM and they did not see anything unusual.
(Second video from the bottom)

I'm curious about 2. She returned home a few minutes before she called 911. What alerted her to a serious problem that required a 911 call? Had she called several times earlier and got no answer? If I came home and my husband were not here, I would not immediately suspect a problem. Especially if I saw his truck I would think he is around somewhere, at a neighbor's, back part of the property, shop, or something. How long was she home and what led her to call 911?
I've been following but not commenting because I had nothing. My grandparents lived in Quinlan when I was young off Lake Tawakoni. It's been years since I've been that way but something struck me today. I know Michael is retired but I also have heard there's a lot of stuff going on with the Dallas police and fire pension lately. How long has he been retired and is there any possibility this pension nonsense has affected him?

I think the pension problems are not affecting those who go ahead and retire. It's those who are not at retirement age that have problems to look forward to when they are ready.
I want to go back to the theory that he injured himself somehow and then wandered off. First of all, he's a fireman and other than a doctor, who would know more about injuries? Life-threatening or not? If he cut himself he certainly would have known if it was very serious (call 911), bad enough to seek medical attention (wrap it up and either call someone to drive him or drive himself to urgent care). The fact that his car was still there, his phone was gone, everything was locked up and nobody heard a peep out of him makes me certain he met with foul play. Of course there is the remote possibility that he staged something and just merely walked away from his life. I just can't buy into that but stranger things have happened. Also, if he had been injured and wandered off, don't you think they would have found him by now? So I am checking that one off my list, for now. All this is IMHO, of course. I feel so badly for the family. I hope he is found soon.

I agree. The more information we analyze the more it seems to me that foul play is the only answer. And it does not fit a stranger/robbery gone bad. I don't see him staging and walking away from his life. If he was that unhappy why not just divorce. He doesnt sound like a person who would have left his kids and grandkids even if he had wanted to leave his wife.
I think the pension problems are not affecting those who go ahead and retire. It's those who are not at retirement age that have problems to look forward to when they are ready.
I never comment on here I typically just read alot but.... sadly it affects ALL of them retired and working. It is on a so called "freeze/lock down"...

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I never comment on here I typically just read alot but.... sadly it affects ALL of them retired and working. It is on a so called "freeze/lock down"...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G928A using Tapatalk

Can you tell us what that means, and how it could affect some of those retired?

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I'm curious about 2. She returned home a few minutes before she called 911. What alerted her to a serious problem that required a 911 call? Had she called several times earlier and got no answer? If I came home and my husband were not here, I would not immediately suspect a problem. Especially if I saw his truck I would think he is around somewhere, at a neighbor's, back part of the property, shop, or something. How long was she home and what led her to call 911?
My exact thought as well.

And here is what the granddaughter shared with us:
"His wife was not home when he went missing. She was at work, and came home to an empty, locked and dark house and shop. Enlisted help from their neighbor to check the land and then called 911 after not being able to find him."

To me, what the granddaughter said seems more reasonable, or at least more like what I would do.

The conference took place on Mar. 13th, just three days after "Papaw" went missing. GD posted the above information on Apr. 10th. Did something change during those four weeks ...?
My exact thought as well.

And here is what the granddaughter shared with us:
"His wife was not home when he went missing. She was at work, and came home to an empty, locked and dark house and shop. Enlisted help from their neighbor to check the land and then called 911 after not being able to find him."

To me, what the granddaughter said seems more reasonable, or at least more like what I would do.

The conference took place on Mar. 13th, just three days after "Papaw" went missing. GD posted the above information on Apr. 10th. Did something change during those four weeks ...?

The way it feels to me is that she may know something, and perhaps she has communicated it to the police but not to family and friends. Like she had been fearful of something that someone had threatened, and when she came home she quickly realized her fear was founded.
But it's also possible that she didn't see him in the house and immediately went to the shop, unlocked it, went in and saw the blood right away so that it all transpired for her in just a few minutes of arriving home. However I think if I was looking for my husband and found the shop locked I wouldnt have even gone in since it would be clear he's not there. I wouldn't have started to suspect something might be wrong that quickly.
Still I have a hard time with any scenario where his license is removed from his wallet and no fingerprints but his. Do we know if his fingerprints were on the wallet? Or had it been wiped clean? For LE to say there were only MC's prints in the shop, is that strange? Shouldn't BC's have been there too and didn't the SIL help him work on the cars? I wonder if LE is being completely forthcoming with the family.
I almost think someone forced him, like at gunpoint to remove the DL and go with him, as if they wanted a large withdrawal of cash from the bank and perhaps that's how they operate, not carrying a wallet but just taking the card or item they need at the time. So they told him to get his ID. I think in most cases for him it would have been normal if someone told him to get his DL that he would just have taken his wallet. It was a small front pocket type wallet anyway. Like if someone told me to get my DL I would have grabbed my purse. But if someone held a gun on me and said get your DL I would have followed their order and just gotten that. If someone did that not to rob him but knowing they were going to kill him and they wanted his body to be ID'd, that is pretty calculating, planned, someone wanting to get rid of him.
Of course there is the remote possibility that he staged something and just merely walked away from his life. I just can't buy into that but stranger things have happened. Also, if he had been injured and wandered off, don't you think they would have found him by now? So I am checking that one off my list, for now. All this is IMHO, of course. I feel so badly for the family. I hope he is found soon.
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me for focus.

My general opinion is that bodies are missed far too often. It isn't unusual for someone to be found in an area that has been searched multiple times before, and often not far from where they were last seen. Of course, it's easy for me to say.

But in Papaw's case, I feel differently. MC was first reported missing by his wife at 6:55 PM on Friday, Mar. 10th. By 10:10 PM, it was being reported that there was a helicopter with heat-sensing technology looking for him (in fact, it appears the helicopter had cleared the area by 9:25). Tracking dogs from a state jail were there by 10:05. They continued to search for him the next day, followed by another search the following Wednesday, and then the last one on Apr. 8th. They all focused on areas around his home.

Sure, he could have left willingly, but I don't think he would have been able to go too far because of his bad knees. If that was the case, he would have had to have help, IMO. He certainly wouldn't have been able to go far if he had been injured, either.

I was able to find the right home -finally!-, and looking at Google Maps, yes, the property is surrounded by woods, and there are a couple of sizable ponds in the area where the third search took place, but it's not like we are dealing with frozen lakes, a river, snow, etc.

One area of concern for me is Lake Tawakoni, which appears to be barely a mile or so from the home to the east :(. The granddaughter said LE had a drone check shorelines of the lake, and that the game warden was looking at it, too.
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