Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #5

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It took much longer than I expected to clean up the threads in this case because, quite frankly, the threads were a total mess. There were too many TOS violations to count, bickering, rumors, unapproved sources, discussion of moderation, and the list goes on.

I spoke with Tricia and we seriously considered leaving the threads locked indefinitely and not opening a new thread.

However, all missing people deserve to be found and Michael Chambers does not deserve to have his case forgotten simply because some WS members choose not to follow simple rules.

So we are opening a new thread now for Mr. Chambers. Although this is Thread #5, we'd like all of you to think of it as a starting over point for this case.

Please take note of the following:

TOS and WS rules will be strictly enforced from this point onward. You have been warned. Expect a TO or worse if you choose not to follow the rules of this forum and of this case.

NO ONE has been named a POI or a suspect in Michael's disappearance. Do not sleuth Michael's sons, grandchildren, neighbors, or friends. DO NOT accuse anyone of killing Michael. Do not imply or insinuate that any of Michael's family members murdered him.

If you don't have either a link from mainstream media or law enforcement or a post from one of the Verified Insiders in this case, think long and hard before you post something as fact.

DO NOT tell people to "google" something when they ask for a link. That is a TOS violation. If someone asks for a link, provide it. I don't care if you think they are being lazy or not. Just provide the link.

There are no approved FB pages in this case except for official mainstream media FB pages and official LE pages. The Bring PaPaw Home FB page is a closed group on FB and is, per TOS, NOT approved to mention here or to discuss in any capacity.

Per discussion with Tricia regarding the facts of this case, we are going to allow limited discussion of MC's wife, BC. You must use her initials when discussing her unless you are a Verfied Insider. Limited means limited. Do NOT accuse BC of murdering her husband. You may discuss verified information regarding her actions since her husband disappeared. If these rules are not followed, this thread will likely be shut down again.

Finally, after reading through 4 threads, I would like to make the following request and suggestion as you continue to sleuth this case:

1. Please create a case map, Michael was seen on surveillance camera at a Walmart. I would like to see a map showing the location of the Walmart and the location of Michael's home. Additionally, if there are any confirmed areas that have been searched by LE or the family, those could be put on the case map.

2. Please put together a timeline of the day Michael disappeared using the information from mainstream media and from the Verified Insiders in this case. Even if the information is incomplete, it may help sleuth this case.

Once these are created, I can pin them to the top of future threads. This is something we typically do in missing people cases.

I just wanted to throw this back out here. Michelle Boyd’s thread was headed in the same direction. Luckily the admins cleaned it up literally a day before police found her alive and well. Her husband was practically tried and convicted on the thread. I don’t post on this thread for reasons of my own but have followed the case and done all the research on the case. I had to say something. I just hate to see family members accused who are not named suspects. What if they are innocent? Anyone can read these posts and you could ruin a persons life with false unfounded allegations. Please be mindful of what you post, especially concerning family.

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I just wanted to throw this back out here. Michelle Boyd’s thread was headed in the same direction. Luckily the admins cleaned it up literally a day before police found her alive and well. Her husband was practically tried and convicted on the thread. I don’t post on this thread for reasons of my own but have followed the case and done all the research on the case. I had to say something. I just hate to see family members accused who are not named suspects. What if they are innocent? Anyone can read these posts and you could ruin a persons life with false unfounded allegations. Please be mindful of what you post, especially concerning family.

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liltexans posted that over a month ago.... we’ve had no issues since. Everyone is throwing ideas around- clearly we can speak on BC’s affairs, JC2’s bee sting and falling out with his mom, we can speak on MC being “upset, drained, ticked off, down and out”, the death certificate being issued so fast, the cell phone being turned off so fast etc! I think lately we have stayed very nice and respectful. IMO!
liltexans posted that over a month ago.... we’ve had no issues since. Everyone is throwing ideas around- clearly we can speak on BC’s affairs, JC2’s bee sting and falling out with his mom, we can speak on MC being “upset, drained, ticked off, down and out”, the death certificate being issued so fast, the cell phone being turned off so fast etc! I think lately we have stayed very nice and respectful. IMO!


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Sorry to quote myself but I found what I was thinking about!

At 11:30 into the video they start talking about suicide.

At 12:00 Sheriff Meeks says "There is some evidence I will say that the family is well aware of. We have been very transparent with the family from day 1. They know everything we know. This theory of suicide was no surprise to the family. Now they may say it was, but it's not. I promise you that."

Then at 22:00 the reporter asks him..."Should you not have come out with opinions and stuck to hard core facts?

Sheriff Meeks responds: "I did come out with evidence. I should not have said he committed suicide without contacting the family first. I have contacted the family. I have a call into Suzy...she has not returned my call. I've talked to John Chambers and apologized-again-this is no surprise to the family."

If no surprise, why call and apologize?

I think the sheriff was apologizing for bringing the suicide theory out in public, not that that particular theory had never been mentioned to the family previously. I may be wrong, but the sheriff stating it as his main opinion ( though of course he later clarified that) in a public forum, was the actual surprise.
This may be of some interest:

How tech tracks missing people

The case of missing Oregon mom Jennifer Huston has shone a spotlight on technology’s crucial role in locating missing people -- as well its limitations.

While cellphone location technologies can quickly find people, the trail effectively ends when a device is out of power.

Communications expert John B. Minor, who is based in Odessa, Texas and who has assisted in suspected murder cases and attempts to locate lost hikers, describes the scenario as a race against time. “If the battery is exhausted, there is no general tracking,” he told

Huston, a 38-year-old mother of two, was last seen on a surveillance camera leaving a gas station in the Portland suburb of Newberg on July 24, prompting a massive search.

Capt. Jeff Kosmicki of the Newberg-Dundee Police Department told that the last cellphone tower pinged by Huston’s phone was north of the gas station. Her phone shut off at approximately 6.35pm, although investigators don’t know if the battery died or the phone was turned off.


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Thanks for that. After reading it, and several other articles re: phone tracking, recently, I still for the life of me can't figure out how the speed of MC's phone's movement was determined. I've been looking, but haven't been able to find anything that explains it. Yet. Would the cell phone expert simply have calculated the various strengths of cell signals bouncing off each cell tower MC's phone pinged, using time, distance and signal strength? If they know what time MC's phone left the residence, they must know what time it reached the 2-mile bridge, but are withholding that info. I'm sure there is other info only LE and family know. It would not surprise me at all to know that some family members know certain things that other family members do not. I.E.- a possible recent bout with depression.
Does anyone local know if the bridge was expanded to four lanes ? If so, when was it completed ?

A bike ride from his home to that bridge would be 17 - 20 miles, being approx. a 1.5 hour trip. Just thinking out loud. I personally think a missing bike should have been spotted the day he went missing, but JMOO.!2m2!1d-96.0569221!2d32.9610477!1m0!3e1

Right?! Like it should’ve been part of the missing poster?? Bikes stand out. Especially an elderly person riding one in a rural town. [emoji58]this sheriff, I swear. [emoji850]before I get in trouble.
I will admit, and some of you know, that I have always thought suicide was an option. If there had been an authenticated note, or they'd found his body, or his wife had come out and said that, heck at anytime over the past YEAR, I might have been swayed.

But we can poke a dozen holes in this, at least.
The bridge was 'around' 20 miles away. Meeks stated that he was going 2.5 MPH, and that is why they figured out he was on a bike. So, if you are only going 2.5 MPH and you have 20 miles to go, that would take 8 hours! This man with bad knees was out riding his bike for 8 hours and nobody saw him? That'd mean he was still hours away from the damn bridge when the police were called.

1. Who told LE there was a bike missing? More importantly, WHEN did they learn this?
2. I'd love to know if BC has sat down with his children and told them 'her theory'?
3. Did she tell them about this missing bike long ago?
4. Did she tell them about his depression?
5. Was he on meds for depression? If he was so down that he was suicidal, and someone knew that he was deeply depressed, surely he'd have been put on meds, seen a counselor, etc? Or if he refused, his loving wife would surely have reached out to his children for help, right?
6. If he was depressed and if she knew it, why would she not have checked in on him during the day? Especially on her first day leaving him alone to go back to work?
7. Why wait until now to bring up the bike to the public? That would have been a GREAT item for searchers to look for, right?
8. If he was so unhappy with her that he'd end his life, don't you think he'd have changed his will to see to it that she didn't get every single penny like she did?

I think they can now miraculously find his body. And of course it will be too far gone to declare cause and manner of death. So, everyone is off the hook.
All explained and wrapped up with a pretty bow. Made of money.

ETA: All of the above is IMO. Just wanted to add that. :)

My thoughts exactly.
What? What?? WHAT???? Where do I begin....

#1- ok, so they saw his phone ping stop in the center of the bridge. So, I'm assuming they have done many searches of the river. Right? I mean, if you figure he's there, then why search a field with binoculars.

#2- yep. Something is in that water. His phone. A bike. Something. Maybe even his body. But I think it is to cover tracks and prove a theory.

#3- was this his bike? Was he known to ride a bike? Was he seen on a bike in any video footage? 17 miles will have lots of footage, if even from a home camera. Come the eff on. All of this is remedial detective work. Certainly they knew this tidbit within the first week of missing. Why hasn't our VI even seemed like this was a possibility? I'm going to say because this was not shared. Aka created yet.

#4- why the blood? Uh oh. A piece that doesn't fit with the rode the bike for a suicide mission theory.......

I'm not going to lie..... this dabbling in what feels like extreme criminal coverup by actual law enforcement is extremely scary, to me. Please let a bigger agency pick up this case. I don't know how something is reported and recommended to be looked into, but I hope the family does it. This is nuts.

And if he did commit suicide, God rest his soul. The police should have been open and honest from day 1. People would have been out in the water searching.

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[emoji119][emoji119] yes! 100% agree with all of this. It’s absolutely terrifying how much this screams coverup by law enforcement.
Meeks obviously didn't look up the average MPH by a person walking and a person riding a bike.
Walking: 3.1 MPH
Light pace biking: 10 - 11.9 MPH

So where does he get that MC's phone was riding on a bike, since he also said it was going 2.5 MPH.
Is it possible to ride a bike slower than a person walking, for many miles, and keep the bike upright?

I'd love to see the data. Was it a steady 2.5 MPH the whole time? Were there stops and starts? Was it an average of 2.5 MPH, sometimes slower, sometimes faster?
That alone would tell you if the phone was being walked or driven, I think.

"“The phone signal stopped in the middle of the two-mile bridge over Lake Tawakoni. He informed us that the signal only traveled 2.5 miles an hour."

Also, I'm interested to know what kind of technology they used to figure this out. Was it a tracker that they somehow accessed, which would show the phone's route, or was it simply based on phone pings. As in the phone was at his house until 2:30, and the phone pinged at such and such a time in the middle of the bridge, thereby giving them the ability to figure out average travel time.

Now, I would think that if they were able to accurately pinpoint the time and location of his phone, they'd be able to do a tower dump for that time, to see who else was right there, no? I know I've seen them do that in other cases, but not sure if there are reasons this wouldn't be a great idea, other than Meeks and Co. not actually wanting to solve the case.

It just does not compute. It doesn't make sense. And as Judge Judy says, "If it doesn't make sense it isn't true!"
All IMO.

This is why I love websleuths. We don’t just call BS on something, we tear through each part of it piece by piece using research, facts, knowledge, and actual truths. And we never stop asking questions. Great post Midge!
I'm not asking any of you to stop looking for evidence. If you think he was murdered...then you should, by all means, continue.

If you go back and read some of my responses, beginning after the loan they took out came to the forefront, it has/had given me a whole new perspective.

I took the very unpopular stance that I think MC was depressed. I look at their ages, the debt on cars and the garage and it makes me depressed. (And who knows what other problems there were.)

After all is said and done, BC isn't going to net much. I'd be surprised if she gets the asking price for the house. It's going to take a particular person to want to buy it. Then there are realtor fees and the loan she'll need to pay off. After that, she'll have to leave half of that to MC's estate.

The person that had the most to lose was MC. Especially had they divorced or separated.

I do have remaining questions but it's not about anyone's culpability.

I need to take a step back for awhile.
I'm sorry, but right now, I'm just not on the same wave length as some of my fellow Web Sluethers.

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Razz, I'm pretty much on your wavelength. In all honesty, I've always had a super hard time seeing this case as a murder case- specifically a murder-for-hire case.

I can easily envision later-in-life struggles, whether you would call it a late-life crisis, or for BC, a mid-life crisis, trouble embracing aging and coming to terms with it, different wants and needs at this life stage, whatever issues there might be.

If there was a nice, fat life insurance pay-out, I might well lean more one way, but there isn't. At least, we were told by a VI there was none. I do think MC and BC loved each other a lot, and for a lot of years. Another VI said he/she did notice some changes in the 2 years previous to MC going missing. I'm a contrarian, I suppose, in that I don't see money as the #1 motivator in this case, whether there was foul play or no foul play. That's not saying money plays no part at all, because it certainly might. I'm also well aware that people have been killed for $5.00.

These are my gut feelings, and subject to change as always.
There is an interview with HC sheriff on Facebook.

He does clarify to some extent the phone data. Says 4.5-4.8mph with 1 stop along the way.

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For some reason, I'm not able to watch this entire video right now. I knew the speed of the phone had been clarified to 4.5+mph, but is this also the video where it's stated that the missing bike info only came 8 mos. after the disappearance? I can't find another source to link to for that, but I know I either read it, or heard it on the above video.
For some reason, I'm not able to watch this entire video right now. I knew the speed of the phone had been clarified to 4.5+mph, but is this also the video where it's stated that the missing bike info only came 8 mos. after the disappearance? I can't find another source to link to for that, but I know I either read it, or heard it on the above video.

Meeks did a live video interview with Hunt County Theft Reports on FB the other day. That is where he gives the information you are remembering. They did post it as a video afterward, so you can likely still find it there.
Razz, I'm pretty much on your wavelength. In all honesty, I've always had a super hard time seeing this case as a murder case- specifically a murder-for-hire case.

I can easily envision later-in-life struggles, whether you would call it a late-life crisis, or for BC, a mid-life crisis, trouble embracing aging and coming to terms with it, different wants and needs at this life stage, whatever issues there might be.

If there was a nice, fat life insurance pay-out, I might well lean more one way, but there isn't. At least, we were told by a VI there was none. I do think MC and BC loved each other a lot, and for a lot of years. Another VI said he/she did notice some changes in the 2 years previous to MC going missing. I'm a contrarian, I suppose, in that I don't see money as the #1 motivator in this case, whether there was foul play or no foul play. That's not saying money plays no part at all, because it certainly might. I'm also well aware that people have been killed for $5.00.

These are my gut feelings, and subject to change as always.

I will admit at the beginning I was all “BC did it- she set him up!!” That was the only explanation for the cell phone being turned off, the death certificate, etc. Now after a year- I feel more that someone did it for her without her asking? If that makes any kind of sense. Almost like she wanted out of the marriage but couldn’t force herself to follow through knowing how bad it would hurt MC, how much he wanted to keep them together even with rumors going around about her affairs- I feel she is one that would put on a show to keep the children and grandchildren happy!

I’m not even sure there would ever have been a convo with BC and whoever hurt MC about killing him or getting rid of him etc. I think this person saw her struggling to move on from MC and the happiness they once had.... I think BC knows who probably did this and knows why... but won’t ever speak of it because she knows no details. Almost like - “ignorance is bliss” sort of a thing. IMO
I will admit at the beginning I was all “BC did it- she set him up!!” That was the only explanation for the cell phone being turned off, the death certificate, etc. Now after a year- I feel more that someone did it for her without her asking? If that makes any kind of sense. Almost like she wanted out of the marriage but couldn’t force herself to follow through knowing how bad it would hurt MC, how much he wanted to keep them together even with rumors going around about her affairs- I feel she is one that would put on a show to keep the children and grandchildren happy!

I’m not even sure there would ever have been a convo with BC and whoever hurt MC about killing him or getting rid of him etc. I think this person saw her struggling to move on from MC and the happiness they once had.... I think BC knows who probably did this and knows why... but won’t ever speak of it because she knows no details. Almost like - “ignorance is bliss” sort of a thing. IMO

Thought of something similar myself. That someone else harmed him, and she’s seizing the opportunity of the situation because she’s glad he’s gone.

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I’m still thinking the bike would hold crucial evidence if found. I’m surprised sheriff Meeks isn’t asking everyone if they saw anyone riding a bike that day on that route or if anyone found a bike. If the bike was found they could search that area. If MC did in fact ride the bike maybe that’s why he took his license and maybe he was riding somewhere to see something and got hurt. MAybe he got hurt original on the bike and went back to shop and then left again. Maybe he wasn’t the one on the bike. Could his cell phone have died or been shut off on the bridge? So many questions come with this new information.The bike needs to be found. In my opinion of course
I’m still thinking the bike would hold crucial evidence if found. I’m surprised sheriff Meeks isn’t asking everyone if they saw anyone riding a bike that day on that route or if anyone found a bike. If the bike was found they could search that area. If MC did in fact ride the bike maybe that’s why he took his license and maybe he was riding somewhere to see something and got hurt. MAybe he got hurt original on the bike and went back to shop and then left again. Maybe he wasn’t the one on the bike. Could his cell phone have died or been shut off on the bridge? So many questions come with this new information.The bike needs to be found. In my opinion of course

Still waiting on a description of said bike. I thought we would have immediately had one after the interview. Was one released, and I missed it?

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No description yet, should have put a BOLO right away, should do a press conference immediately asking the public in my mind
Finally had time to listen and watch full interview with Meeks on the Hunt County Thefts Report Facebook page.

He clearly isn’t happy with the PI- don’t know much about him and should read up on him I suppose. I will say, I do feel Meeks is genuine. Much to my dismay. I’m not sure he can lie about the Texas cold case team, having 30 people that believe no foul play was involved- he can’t lie about the dive teams- he also can’t lie and say he disagreed with the death certificate being issued if he really told the judge he agreed- that would come out...

I have a hard time believing though it would take 8 months to figure out a bike was missing from the garage and if the phone service was shut off on Mc’s phone well before the 8 months- how did the phone expert get this info ?! Also Meeks says the day he went missing they did ping his phone over by 2 mile bridge- why was this never told earlier? Or was it and I missed that being verified a year ago?!
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