Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #5

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I’ve really been thinking about that. Or a golf cart. BC borrowed one from the neighbors the evening of the disappearance to ride around the property to supposedly look for MC.

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It was a golf cart the neighbors had? I thought it was a 4-wheeler. I thought it was the neighbor who rode it around the Chambers' property to look for him, or BC could have gotten on the quad or whatever ATV it was, with him. I can hardly wait to hear what the Klein folks have to say about MC's phone tracking.
Regarding the bike; I would like to hear the origins of this alleged bicycle.
Was it new? If not, how long had it been there?
The questions swirling around in my head depend on the answer to this.
I completely agree - if BC bought him a bike, she needs to speak up. What was the occasion? What did it look like? Did the grandkids ride it (I know they are small and probably didnt...just thinking hypothetically). MC was in the garage with Suzy's husband (I BELIEVE I am right with which son-in-law it is) - wouldn't they remember if there was a bike? My husband is much like MC - always has a car he is working on - and he would notice if a spark plug was missing off the shelf and would know if a bike was having there.

Re: Meeks spending money looking for MC. It isn't like Meeks is spending his own personal money to search for him. The county and state (maybe?) are out some money, but it isn't costing Meeks a dime. For all we know, Meeks is looking for MC in places he knows he wont find anything. He could be 'searching' just for appearances sake. If I was a sheriff of questionable integrity and had an idea that someone I cared about could be involved in a murder/kidnapping I probably wouldn't look in any place that I had a reasonable suspicion of finding a body. Just my opinion....
Don't PD's have budgets they need to
adhere to? I still think the searches Meeks made plus the family's private searches were alot. I don't know that Meeks had control of where the family's searchers went or the private sonar guy who searched parts of the lake.

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The private investigators were very firm in their assertion that they don't believe
MC ever had a bike. And didn't this assertion just come up? I feel that she almost needs to say something now.

"Yes, he had a bike. I bought it for him on ? and I bought it at ? You can check with the bike store. They can verify my claim."

Meeks said so much. If he's lying (and I sometimes think he's not well informed or that he doesn't remember things well) then the phone investigation and the divers and the presentations in front of 2 different case squads could easily say he's full of it. I believe they would come forward.

There doesn't seem to me that there's been a lack of searching for him. Helicopters, dogs, searchers on 3 different occasions in the beginning. And now to hear that he had divers in the water twice underneath the bridge.
That's a lot of money to expend for a ruse.

Why not just keep quiet (Meeks)or are you thinking that he had to come up with something because the investigators were beginning to put pressure on him to say something?

In one of my posts the other day I mentioned and referenced the dogs
hitting on a spot 500 yards w/in the house. I then asked if the scent would disappear once he got on the bike. It shocked me that he parroted almost the same thing. Or maybe it was because we were both seeing the same thing and it made sense. Almost made me think he reads here. But I highly doubt it. He doesn't even check the "drop box" the private investigators set up for him. I think he lets his mouth get out in front of himself.

Well, the divers need to go down again
no matter what and I hope it's soon. I also hope BC will speak up about the bike.

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Thanks for your thought provoking post here. You know me too. I'm never shy about sharing those thoughts either. Lol...

I'm glad you agree that BC needs to clear up this bike thing real quick to have any credibility. The longer this goes on, she will keep losing points.

And Meeks? Oh my gosh, you nailed it. Yes! I most definitely am thinking he needed to come up with something because the investigators were indeed putting pressure on him to say something.

At the recent interview his speech and body language screamed that his back was up against the wall.

This may sound totally disrespectful but the whole time I was watching it, all that kept coming to mind was the scene from the Wizard of Oz where the little dog Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal 'The Great and Powerful Oz' who was really just a guy trying to fool everyone.

"Don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain!"

So, then he sprung the 'official' LE theory on us, like one of those old Jack-in-the-Box toys.

Out of the blue! The sheriff tells us he feels ( feels?? seriously?? ) that Michael Chambers rode a bike to the lake, threw the bike in the lake, and himself, of course. Yep. Committed suicide right then and there. ( Even though the drop was only a few feet in distance?? )

I also noticed that they conveniently changed the travel speed of the phone on the bike, from the absurd 2.5 mph to the higher 4.5 to 5 mph.

Sorry, I don't remember the new exact corrected speed because, in my opinion, that was only 'chosen' after the derision from the public about how a bike would fall over at 2.5 mph.

Someone apparently had not checked facts about walking and biking speeds before they were initially released. Therefore, the 'speed' of the phone ping had to be adjusted upward to match actual factual knowledge.

It was also the first we ever heard of Michael having a bike.

Yes, I agree with you Razz about the dogs hitting on the spot 500 yards from the house. When the sheriff said the dogs lost the scent when he got on the bike, that really startled me. I did remember your post. Does make you wonder who reads here.

I began googling dogs tracking scents after the interview. I knew in the case of young Amber DuBois a canine had tracked her scent in a car! It led them many miles away to the exact exit ramp off a freeway to the general area where Amber had been left. But since it was private property they couldn't search there.

In googling I found where dogs had also found people miles away in car trunks. So it really confused me to hear him say the dogs would lose the scent of someone on a slow moving bike. Really??

The whole thing seemed to be calculated, manufactured answers to shut down this case. The question is why.

There may not be anything criminal about it at all, but I don't believe we're getting the truth about the investigation.

Are the new answers an attempt to appease the family in some way? Hard to believe that when he spent so much time voicing his upset about Suzy and the P.I.

There was some information that was constructive. You're right. You mentioned about the various searches and the costs of them. That it would be an expensive ruse. Here's my thoughts, and I want to say them very carefully.

"Expense" is a relative term. People will spend money for a specific purpose. At times, the purpose they are stating is not the actual reason they are doing it. Let me just leave it at that.

Again, that is all just my opinion. None of this is passing the smell test.

I don't have any idea where PaPaw is. You mentioned the divers needing to go back. Maybe you're right but I tend to doubt if he is there. If anything is, it would only be his phone, thrown in by someone else, in my opinion.

I believe whoever abducted him covered their tracks well.

Thank you again Razz for sticking with us...

I completely agree - if BC bought him a bike, she needs to speak up. What was the occasion? What did it look like? Did the grandkids ride it (I know they are small and probably didnt...just thinking hypothetically). MC was in the garage with Suzy's husband (I BELIEVE I am right with which son-in-law it is) - wouldn't they remember if there was a bike? My husband is much like MC - always has a car he is working on - and he would notice if a spark plug was missing off the shelf and would know if a bike was having there.

Re: Meeks spending money looking for MC. It isn't like Meeks is spending his own personal money to search for him. The county and state (maybe?) are out some money, but it isn't costing Meeks a dime. For all we know, Meeks is looking for MC in places he knows he wont find anything. He could be 'searching' just for appearances sake. If I was a sheriff of questionable integrity and had an idea that someone I cared about could be involved in a murder/kidnapping I probably wouldn't look in any place that I had a reasonable suspicion of finding a body. Just my opinion....

Thank you!! Your last paragraph spelled out my thoughts exactly. The ones I didn't know how to say. You did it for me. Good job!

Thought of something similar myself. That someone else harmed him, and she’s seizing the opportunity of the situation because she’s glad he’s gone.

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I hadn't thought of this. Could be that this plus guilt is what caused her bizarre behavior.

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I would love to know the other sons relationship right now with BC- JC1 that is... Meeks mentions calling him to apologize for the suicide theory... and reaching out to Suzy who doesn’t return his calls. What about JC2 or Cheri? Is it he just doesn’t deal with them normally on this matter? Just thinking out loud.

I have to think all the neighbors have been questioned ... maybe the PI needs to take time and go rehash some details with all of them from when everyone was frantically searching for MC.
No way to 'accidentally' go off 2 mile bridge. Guardrails all the way. No curvy road before or after it. And last summer we were in a drought....the water wasn't terribly deep around the bridge.

I have a hard time buying a 70 year old man would find the need to bike 17 miles away from home...through Quinlan proper, (people around these parts may pull over for a tractor but I would venture to say they aren't as friendly to bikes) with bad knees. The ride alone would make him feel like he was dying. And no one has ever reported seeing him on a bike.

We get reports of people going through Quinlan all the time...and by reports I mean they call the law and complain....people on lawn mowers, one time a lady in an electric wheelchair. Have even seen a report of person on horseback. The road is a simple oil top 2 lane road. With hardly a shoulder. So if you are on the road you back up traffic and irritate people. A 6ft 3 in. tall man in a DFD hat and shirt on a bike would have drawn attention. Not to mention he would have passed the Sheriff substation. I don't know where he was, but my gut tells me it wasnt on a bike or on 2 mile bridge.

The lake was accessible VERY close to his house , and the path is concealed by woods. I can buy the theory he was taken through the woods to a waiting boat and transported somewhere for some horrible purpose. jMO.

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I've always thought he was in the lake. I do not feel he got there via that bridge or a bike.

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Most search organizations do not charge for their services. All they request is that meals and lodging be paid for. I say most because maybe some do charge for their services, but I have never personally heard of one that does. The Texas Game Wardens and Department of Public Safety do searches as part of their customary job duties at no charge. Working with the family on this case, I personally contacted a search organization last year to do a search, and hotel and food was priced at around $1,000. In the end, the decision was made to hire Klein rather than have the inquired upon search. Klein does searches as part of their paid fee.

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I would love to know the other sons relationship right now with BC- JC1 that is... Meeks mentions calling him to apologize for the suicide theory... and reaching out to Suzy who doesn’t return his calls. What about JC2 or Cheri? Is it he just doesn’t deal with them normally on this matter? Just thinking out loud.

I have to think all the neighbors have been questioned ... maybe the PI needs to take time and go rehash some details with all of them from when everyone was frantically searching for MC.

I *personally* have a hard time believing Suzy would not return a phone call to Meeks, if he indeed did try to call her about this. She misses her daddy and is turning over every stone looking for him. I believe if she saw Meeks calling she would be curious as to what he had to say.
I *personally* have a hard time believing Suzy would not return a phone call to Meeks, if he indeed try to call her about this. She misses her daddy and is turning over every stone looking for him. I believe if she saw Meeks calling she would be curious as to what he had to say.

SCL does work at a job that probably discourages personally calls. But I would also think that if RM called her, he would leave a voicemail, and she would return his call. It would be odd for him not to. I mean, why wouldn’t he? I have no doubts that if he’d called, and SCL knew it was him, she would promptly return his call.

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I've always thought he was in the lake. I do not feel he got there via that bridge or a bike.

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I bet you're right. I had suddenly veered away from that idea simply because I didn't think we would be 'directed' to the area where he might actually be. But the more I think about it again, the more I believe he is in the lake.

Being told he jumped in the lake to commit suicide gets out front and ahead of the story if his remains are found there. That makes much more sense than my belief that we would not be directed to where he is.

Again, the reason for all this might be nothing more than the fact that the sheriff fears he didn't do enough to find PaPaw from the beginning. Maybe this is nothing more than a reasonable concern on his part.

I really don't mean to be pointing fingers at anyone. These are serious concerns we are discussing, and there is a lot at stake here...

With the recent events at hand, has anyone considered that the public - and Klein - is being drawn to the idea that MC is in the lake because that’s absolutely where he’s NOT? That we’re being led that direction to take our attention away from where he really is?

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With the recent events at hand, has anyone considered that the public - and Klein - is being drawn to the idea that MC is in the lake because that’s absolutely where he’s NOT? That we’re being led that direction to take our attention away from where he really is?

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This is where I am at. I think it could be a diversion tactic.
I’m semi local. 13 miles away from the Chambers residence. The old bridge was removed and given to a man in Lone Oak. The mans property backs up to my dads ranch. All the old bridge is stacked up on the mans property, and very visible out my dads back gate. Meeks was not being truthful about the remnants of the old 2 mile bridge.

It sort of appears Meeks is not being truthful about several things. To call out a Sheriff on Facebook and call him a liar is pretty damning if you don't have the evidence to back it up.

You are the second person to have first hand evidence he has lied.
I’m semi local. 13 miles away from the Chambers residence. The old bridge was removed and given to a man in Lone Oak. The mans property backs up to my dads ranch. All the old bridge is stacked up on the mans property, and very visible out my dads back gate. Meeks was not being truthful about the remnants of the old 2 mile bridge.

Can you give me an idea what road this is close to in Lone Oak? I will see if I can find a picture on google earth. (Don't want to sleuth you or your Dad so understand if you aren't comfortable giving out that info!)
With the recent events at hand, has anyone considered that the public - and Klein - is being drawn to the idea that MC is in the lake because that’s absolutely where he’s NOT? That we’re being led that direction to take our attention away from where he really is?

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That's exactly what I was thinking after watching the sheriff's interview. Trying to direct our attention there because PaPaw is actually somewhere else.

However, now I think he's concerned PaPaw is there, and he needs to get out and ahead of this.

So, upon reflection, all I've actually done now is totally confuse myself.

Both views are making sense in their own ways...

That's exactly what I was thinking after watching the sheriff's interview. Trying to direct our attention there because PaPaw is actually somewhere else.

However, now I think he's concerned PaPaw is there, and he needs to get out and ahead of this.

So, upon reflection, all I've actually done now is totally confuse myself.

Both views are making sense in their own ways...


LOL! Everything about this case is apt to confuse us, JazzTune!

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With the recent events at hand, has anyone considered that the public - and Klein - is being drawn to the idea that MC is in the lake because that’s absolutely where he’s NOT? That we’re being led that direction to take our attention away from where he really is?

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That's at the forefront of my mind

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Can you give me an idea what road this is close to in Lone Oak? I will see if I can find a picture on google earth. (Don't want to sleuth you or your Dad so understand if you aren't comfortable giving out that info!)
Google earth pics are not real time or in a lot of cases even recent. I can attest to that in that in the photo of my address, we have cars we owned 8 years ago...and no shop we built 3 years ago.

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