Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #5

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I’ve been questioning why NONE of this is on the HCSO page. Not one word. Am I the only one who finds that rather odd? Where I live, you follow the official law enforcement agencies’ FB and websites for up to the minute announcements, breaking news, and press releases, as well as crime information and updates. HCSO has a social media presence, so why wasn’t the mystery suicide bike description put there first? Why wasn’t the rest of the past few days put there first?

And both the family, and Klein say there is no bike. It doesn’t exist. The family especially would know. So I don’t know why this is still being fed into by RM. He really should stop digging. And lying.

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I agree, the bike info and description should have been put on HCSO public page, and probably the interview as well. If they don't want to deal with a bazillion comments, they can just turn off comments for those posts.

The only other thing I wanted to point out is that yes, Klein and SOME of the family say there was no bike. We don't yet know what all the family has said, even though that could very well be just ONE family member. We may never know with certainty, but hope the pressure brings the answer.
I have always thought the blood was from a gunshot. VI said there was a small area it was more pooled but mostly drops and the blood went outside the shop also. In the FB interview i believe the sheriff indicated the dogs tracked the blood to the road or to the culvert at the road. I would easily go with an idea that he was transported down Hideaway in a golf cart and then loaded into a vehicle at 2101 but if they really have gps tracking of it only moving 4.5 mph then he wasn't driven on the road. Or did the expert just extrapolate and interpret the ping data they already had. If she used the ping data then maybe its possible a route across the lake was misinterpreted for a route through town. And of course where he went and where his phone went and by what means could be two different things. Even blood drops in the shop and outside which the dogs tracked could have been staged to lead the investigation out to the road instead of down to the lake.
I guess it goes without saying that I have never ascribed to suicide or MC leaving for a new life. I only have one theory, that he was murdered.

I didn't see any correction in my reading the thread backwards, so I'll mention it here. There was no blood at all found outside the shop, or outdoors anywhere. Our one VI described the scene ( Pmerle00) in a detailed manner, and said the last blood drop stopped about 3 feet inside the shop man-door. It didn't sound as if there were many single drops leading to the door and the single drops were a good couple of feet apart. The larger pool of blood was made up of the exact same kind of blood droplets, all about the same size. It didn't sound as if it was a very large area, but enough to show perhaps an injury that might need more than a bandaid. It sounded to me like MC stood in one spot, dripped some blood onto the floor, and then walked to the door and vanished. The tracking dog tracked his scent.
Klein has been on this awhile. I know you mentioned the SW retrievals in the MB case. Could there be any chance Klein has already issued a SW? I'm not sure how our former WS member did it.
Do you?

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No I'm not sure how those docs were obtained.
I’ve always thought that the blood was planted. Since the very first day.

When considering the phone information, which is far from being an exact science and shouldn’t be taken as gospel truth, let’s think about this for a minute. Who in the world would take someone to kidnap or harm them, move a body, etc, without taking the person’s phone off of them? I would think that even the dumbest of criminals would immediately take the victim’s phone to keep them from calling for help, being tracked, and whatever else. I am extremely confident that MC was nowhere near wherever his phone GPS signal was.

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You and I have always disagreed about the blood being planted, but that's what I love about the brainstorming minds here at WS! All the differing thoughts keep my own brain working.

Playing devil's advocate to answer your question as to who in their right mind would not remove Papaw's phone from him, if harming/abducting him? Papaw himself. At least for those hours before the phone went dead.
I hadn't thought about this! And what if they were afraid they WOULD get stuck with her.

Maybe she was involved with man/men who are married & own businesses or held employment/ civic positions such that they could not allow themselves be dragged into the spectacle that would be MC&BC' s divorce & settlement discussions.

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Things that make you go Hmmmmmm!

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I've wondered about that, and if that is so, when did MC learn the truth? How many others knew it? Perhaps a number of other friends knew or suspected it well before MC did, and do we really know?

I’m sure he’s known for years. I’m thinking something came to a head during her medical leave.

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You and I have always disagreed about the blood being planted, but that's what I love about the brainstorming minds here at WS! All the differing thoughts keep my own brain working.

Playing devil's advocate to answer your question as to who in their right mind would not remove Papaw's phone from him, if harming/abducting him? Papaw himself. At least for those hours before the phone went dead.

Very good point!!!

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I’d be interested in knowing what Hunt County turned over to the CCRT - Cold Case Review Team.

I wonder how many cold cases they’ve solved.

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Wondering that as well. I’m sure they’re determinations we’re based on whatever bogus information they were presented with.

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I think Klein has to find motive and evidence of conspiracy through data records and interviews. I don't think they will find him until they identify which boyfriend and his associates had motive, availability and capability and with pressure knowing he is on to them, one will make a deal to take them to the body, even if it means a more specific location in the lake so they have a targeted place to look. Perhaps as they develop probable cause on the right people they may be able to get a tower dump or their phone records and figure out who was there that day. But I don't think they will find his body and then back into who did it. At this point they have to identify the suspects and be led to his body. Basically they have to start investigating it like there are bad guys to prosecute and find them moreover finding his body, I don't think HCSO has done that. But is it because of incompetence or corruption? Much of what they have and haven't done left us wondering, nothing more so than releasing a missing bike description like they did yesterday. Is it Meeks, or is he letting the deputy running the investigation feed him, the family and the rest of us a line of bull? Especially since these last days with this bike the only thing that makes sense is intentional misdirection and diversion.

( BBM )

I agree! This post is such a concise summary of what has taken place, and what needs to take place now.

Whoever killed MC has hidden him well. I believe it was well-planned in advance, and the killer covered his tracks carefully.

Chances of stumbling upon his remains by a hunter, hiker, etc, are very remote. ( Buried? Perhaps grave pre-dug? In the lake? Weighted down? )

You nailed it. The best chances of ever locating MC is for the P.I. to find the killer first, and be led to the remains, as opposed to the other way around.

Daunting task for sure. But as you say, make the priority finding the bad guys. Investigate all the players.

Doesn't appear HCSO has done that. Why?

"...Incompetence or corruption?"

Whichever reason it is, that is the main, ( and I repeat MAIN ​) obstacle for the P.I. and MC's family.

Instead of seeing evidence of an active investigation into promising leads, we're being treated to a dog and pony show about a phantom bike that slowly ( very slowly ) transported MC to a bridge where he jumped several feet to his death.


Honestly, if this wasn't such a very tragic case, I could almost believe this was a comical 'Saturday Night Live' parody. It's that incredulous. That​ much beyond the understanding of how any missing person investigation should occur.

Obviously, the P.I. sure has his work cut out for him....

Thank you again for such a good summation.

( BBM )

I agree! This post is such a concise summary of what has taken place, and what needs to take place now.

Whoever killed MC has hidden him well. I believe it was well-planned in advance, and the killer covered his tracks carefully.

Chances of stumbling upon his remains by a hunter, hiker, etc, are very remote. ( Buried? Perhaps grave pre-dug? In the lake? Weighted down? )

You nailed it. The best chances of ever locating MC is for the P.I to find the killer first, and be led to the remains, as opposed to the other way around.

Daunting task for sure. But as you say, make the priority finding the bad guys. Investigate all the players.

Doesn't appear HCSO has done that. Why?

"...Incompetence or corruption?"

Whichever reason it is, that is the main, ( and I repeat MAIN ​) obstacle for the P.I. and MC's family.

Instead of seeing evidence of an active investigation into promising leads, we're being treated to a dog and pony show about a phantom bike that slowly ( very slowly ) transported MC to a bridge where he jumped several feet to his death.


Honestly, if this wasn't such a very tragic case, I could almost believe this was a comical 'Saturday Night Live' parody. It's that incredulous. That​ much beyond the understanding of how any missing person investigation should occur.

Obviously, the P.I. sure has his work cut out for him....

Thank you again for such a good summation.


This entire case is material for a Lifetime movie, or maybe even the big screen. I’m really surprised that an investigative journalist hasn’t picked it up.

I also get the feeling that this case is an onion, with so many layers to peel back. Not only do we have a strong possibility of homicide and many possible players, but we also have an incompetent law enforcement agency that’s corrupt.

Klein definitely has their work cut out for them, but I have no doubts in their abilities.

Just my opinions.

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That's a good question. When he said that, I didn't feel it was clear that these 3 are the extent of it. He didn't specifically say they are talking to her boyfriend at the time of his disappearance. Surely there was only one boyfriend at a time. If one of these 3 is the conspirator they believe they covered their tracks or kept themselves sufficiently separated from it. My FIL is a kind man but back in his younger days he was in a motorcycle club and even now he has friends (in the same area btw) whom he says he could call who would take care of situations for him. Not that he would nor am I confident he even could, but there are lots of guys who have those guys so they can stay clean, some times they are even associated with sheriff deputies so that their actions don't get well investigated. All that gives a guy confidence to handle questioning.

( BBM )

THIS!! ocgrad, I am not 'post-stalking' you, or trying to be a groupie. I keep quoting your posts because they ring so true for me. We are definitely on the same page with much of this.

This one makes so much sense too. In fact, I think you nailed it!

Have you thought of starting your own P.I. firm? ;)
I’m sure he’s known for years. I’m thinking something came to a head during her medical leave.

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You and I are definitely on the same page 👌🏼 I’ve always thought things took a turn during BC’s medical leave. Possibly MC started checking her messages or calls? Did he over hear her on the phone speaking to a boyfriend ? Did he receive a call from one of these boyfriends wives filling him in onnmore than he already knew ?

I kind of feel like while she was home, maybe MC just got tired of it all and finally gave her an ultimatum! BC probably didn’t like having to choose. She was also could have been mad at MC for putting his foot down. All just thoughts running through my head ...
Oh, I knew you were writing tongue in cheek about the wife with three boyfriends. No problems! So sorry if my post made you feel awkward.

That wasn't intended. Your post was really more a jumping off point for me. I had read so much of people believing he was living his life somewhere else. I just wanted to add my two cents on the that particular topic. Please don't think I was trying to put down your opinion at all.

I'm glad you're here and sharing your thoughts...

I do not feel awkward- sometimes I think everyone understands my sarcastic ways - I’m glad you understand it but sometimes I need to drop the sarcasm and just say what I mean! It would be easier right ?!

I appreciate everyone here! Lots of great people coming together, throwing our opinions, thoughts, ideas etc. we all want the same thing in the end either way. And that’s closure for papaw and his family!
You and I are definitely on the same page [emoji1362] I’ve always thought things took a turn during BC’s medical leave. Possibly MC started checking her messages or calls? Did he over hear her on the phone speaking to a boyfriend ? Did he receive a call from one of these boyfriends wives filling him in onnmore than he already knew ?

I kind of feel like while she was home, maybe MC just got tired of it all and finally gave her an ultimatum! BC probably didn’t like having to choose. She was also could have been mad at MC for putting his foot down. All just thoughts running through my head ...

This. This is exactly what I think happened. He became enlightened somehow on everything, and just had enough. Also, her sister in law was there to take care of her after her surgery. I can’t understand needing someone to care for you after surgery on your wrist. It’s a wrist, not a full body cast.

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I do not feel awkward- sometimes I think everyone understands my sarcastic ways - I’m glad you understand it but sometimes I need to drop the sarcasm and just say what I mean! It would be easier right ?!

I appreciate everyone here! Lots of great people coming together, throwing our opinions, thoughts, ideas etc. we all want the same thing in the end either way. And that’s closure for papaw and his family!

kidetect22, I’m also grossly sarcastic, and say what everyone else is thinking. Some are fans of it, some are not. I can personally appreciate where you’re coming from.

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kidetect22, I’m also grossly sarcastic, and say what everyone else is thinking. Some are fans of it, some are not. I can personally appreciate where you’re coming from.

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Thank you! I think sometimes our good heart can get lost under the “call it how it is” and sarcastic attitude. I never want that to overshadow the sensitivity I have for people, children, animals etc!

Unfortunately(or fortunately) my poor children have now learned to be amused by my sarcastic ways and my oldest has even took up on how to be cleaver and witty with her sarcastic remarks and I sure love and hate it on days! 😂😬

Sorry for getting off topic- with that all said, I’m patiently waiting for the timeline to be produced from the PI!!!! I wonder if we will find out any new info with this timeline that maybe we didn’t know before... fill in some holes ?
This. This is exactly what I think happened. He became enlightened somehow on everything, and just had enough. Also, her sister in law was there to take care of her after her surgery. I can’t understand needing someone to care for you after surgery on your wrist. It’s a wrist, not a full body cast.

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I wonder if the SIL has been interviewed? I'm wondering who told them that MC was severely depressed for three weeks? Surely if the SIL was around she'd be able to shed some light on his state of mind.
Woah, this is very good news! Gamechanger!

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Certainly SM understands what's at stake here. Can he afford to intentionally lie about the GPS? He must know that Klein can get the GPS
without him turning it over. And if found that he lied and intentionally misled this investigation not only would his career be over but he would probably be brought up on charges.

I sort of feel that Klein's assertions in his written response would be a definite no no if there wasn't some truth behind it. I can't imagine the state or the Rangers being ok with one of their fellow LE officers (SM) being
unfairly maligned.

Sorry to belabor the point re Klein's response but I wonder if they didn't clear it through TPS before writing and publishing it. The ramifications for Klein could also be huge.

Would Klein via the state be able to compel BC to talk if she continues to not respond to their calls?

Is this, as someone related above, like an onion where layers need to be peeled away to get to the truth or is the truth as simple as SM has said it to be.

Time will tell, I hope.

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Certainly SM understands what's at stake here. Can he afford to intentionally lie about the GPS? He must know that Klein can get the GPS
without him turning it over. And if found that he lied and intentionally misled this investigation not only would his career be over but he would probably be brought up on charges.

I sort of feel that Klein's assertions in his written response would be a definite no no if there wasn't some truth behind it. I can't imagine the state or the Rangers being ok with one of their fellow LE officers (SM) being
unfairly maligned.

Sorry to belabor the point re Klein's response but I wonder if they didn't clear it through TPS before writing and publishing it. The ramifications for Klein could also be huge.

Would Klein via the state be able to compel BC to talk if she continues to not respond to their calls?

Is this, as someone related above, like an onion where layers need to be peeled away to get to the truth or is the truth as simple as SM has said it to be.

Time will tell, I hope.

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RM is really walking a slippery slope for several possible criminal acts with the whole interview thing. Just goes to show what a God complex the guy has.

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