Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #5

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So in another case I am following (Thomas Brown) the family was able to get the State of Texas involved and booted the county sheriff off the case. Would this be possible here? The Tom Brown Family is also a client of Klein.
RM is really walking a slippery slope for several possible criminal acts with the whole interview thing. Just goes to show what a God complex the guy has.

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Yep. From an outsider, it looks like he thinks he is untouchable. And that is a very dangerous mentality to have.
( BBM )

THIS!!!! ocgrad, I am not 'post-stalking' you, or trying to be a groupie. I keep quoting your posts because they ring so true for me. We are definitely on the same page with much of this.

This one makes so much sense too. In fact, I think you nailed it!

Have you thought of starting your own P.I. firm? ;)
I think I can be objective with people to whom I am not connected. Full disclosure, in my past I know what it is like to have had an affair and the craziness behind the scenes, almost like living a double life. I used to travel extensively in my work and had a great deal of independence. BC only travels locally or semi regionally but she still must have had a good deal of independent time away from home. Then the surgery and all comes to a halt even for a few weeks. Also as she may have had more than one affair going on, it's possible she was sometimes indiscriminate, or became involved with someone who was more controlling, someone who was really jealous of MC because he felt that he held all the cards, after all when she had to rest and recuperate she did it there, with him. Or maybe she had truly fallen in love with this other man, an emotional attachment is always a chance you take when you play that game. Perhaps he realized she was right back at home with MC and decided to quit seeing her and she panicked because she couldn't stand losing him. I myself have been in a marriage where I didn't feel loved, (even though later I realized I really was) and I looked for it in the wrong way.
As I said I can be objective with people I don't know but if I had to investigate the people with whom I have had bible study for several years, I might believe their testimony and be looking elsewhere.
I wonder if the rumors are true that one of her affairs was with a sheriff's deputy. An intentional cover up that SM is unaware has occurred to me. For sure that should be easily exposed by the PI. And I think these recent statements, the slow bike ride, first 2.5 then when that clearly is unbelievable it's 4.5 mph, which is still wrong on a bike, is all SO very ludicrous I wonder if it was a staged comment. An interview on a FB page. Releasing no missing bike description, no request for citizens to help locate a key piece of evidence. Maybe the PI has already uncovered some collusion by the deputy investigating and this is a way to giving him or co-conspirators the message that they are closing in. Granted the sheriff didn't come off that way. But it was so over the top stupid that I think there might more to it than we realize.
So in another case I am following (Thomas Brown) the family was able to get the State of Texas involved and booted the county sheriff off the case. Would this be possible here? The Tom Brown Family is also a client of Klein.

I really hope that’s coming.

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You and I have always disagreed about the blood being planted, but that's what I love about the brainstorming minds here at WS! All the differing thoughts keep my own brain working.

Playing devil's advocate to answer your question as to who in their right mind would not remove Papaw's phone from him, if harming/abducting him? Papaw himself. At least for those hours before the phone went dead.

I do not feel awkward- sometimes I think everyone understands my sarcastic ways - I’m glad you understand it but sometimes I need to drop the sarcasm and just say what I mean! It would be easier right ?!

I appreciate everyone here! Lots of great people coming together, throwing our opinions, thought, ideas etc. we all want the same thing in the end either way. And that’s closure for papaw and his family!

( BBM )

Thank you both for mentioning this. Such a great point!

Tripod, even though we don't agree on some aspects of this case, I want you to know how much I really do appreciate reading your opinions.

I tend to get tunnel vision about anything I passionately believe. Reading other ideas helps to keep my mind working better too.

kidetect22, your posting style is just fine! I think most everyone here are pretty savvy. We're pretty good too at asking for, or offering clarification if we're not sure.

So stay true to yourself! We get you...;)
I think I can be objective with people to whom I am not connected. Full disclosure, in my past I know what it is like to have had an affair and the craziness behind the scenes, almost like living a double life. I used to travel extensively in my work and had a great deal of independence. BC only travels locally or semi regionally but she still must have had a good deal of independent time away from home. Then the surgery and all comes to a halt even for a few weeks. Also as she may have had more than one affair going on, it's possible she was sometimes indiscriminate, or became involved with someone who was more controlling, someone who was really jealous of MC because he felt that he held all the cards, after all when she had to rest and recuperate she did it there, with him. Or maybe she had truly fallen in love with this other man, an emotional attachment is always a chance you take when you play that game. Perhaps he realized she was right back at home with MC and decided to quit seeing her and she panicked because she couldn't stand losing him. I myself have been in a marriage where I didn't feel loved, (even though later I realized I really was) and I looked for it in the wrong way.
As I said I can be objective with people I don't know but if I had to investigate the people with whom I have had bible study for several years, I might believe their testimony and be looking elsewhere.
I wonder if the rumors are true that one of her affairs was with a sheriff's deputy. An intentional cover up that SM is unaware has occurred to me. For sure that should be easily exposed by the PI. And I think these recent statements, the slow bike ride, first 2.5 then when that clearly is unbelievable it's 4.5 mph, which is still wrong on a bike, is all SO very ludicrous I wonder if it was a staged comment. An interview on a FB page. Releasing no missing bike description, no request for citizens to help locate a key piece of evidence. Maybe the PI has already uncovered some collusion by the deputy investigating and this is a way to giving him or co-conspirators the message that they are closing in. Granted the sheriff didn't come off that way. But it was so over the top stupid that I think there might more to it than we realize.

You and I have experienced the same thing with a past affair, and you’re correct. It is definitely like living a double life. Exhausting. Consuming. And for BC, I wish I had that kind of time on my hands. lol

I have heard the rumor fodder on that as well, only I heard it was another member of Sheriff’s Office. An elected official. If you get my drift. (I don’t want to specify exactly what this person does, because I don’t know if it would be allowable being so descriptive.) If that rumor is true, then that may explain how all of BC’s court paperwork got pushed through the system with no questions being asked about it.

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<snipped for space>
Would Klein via the state be able to compel BC to talk if she continues to not respond to their calls?

Is this, as someone related above, like an onion where layers need to be peeled away to get to the truth or is the truth as simple as SM has said it to be.

Time will tell, I hope.

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This is what I have also wondered. But it sounds like they will have to uncover probable cause of knowledge she is hiding. And then i think they would have to submit that to the TX DPS to have her subpoenaed. Like most cases they will be going through phone records and tower dumps and combing data like a haystack. Maybe they will have to come up with evidence to bring her before a grand jury. Someone else may know better how this works.
This is what I have also wondered. But it sounds like they will have to uncover probable cause of knowledge she is hiding. And then i think they would have to submit that to the TX DPS to have her subpoenaed. Like most cases they will be going through phone records and tower dumps and combing data like a haystack. Maybe they will have to come up with evidence to bring her before a grand jury. Someone else may know better how this works.

You are absolutely correct. She can have a subpoena served on her, but they have to have genuine evidence of a need for one. And unlike HC, the State requires genuine evidence.

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You and I have experienced the same thing with a past affair, and you’re correct. It is definitely like living a double life. Exhausting. Consuming. And for BC, I wish I had that kind of time on my hands. lol

I have heard the rumor fodder on that as well, only I heard it was another member of Sheriff’s Office. An elected official. If you get my drift. (I don’t want to specify exactly what this person does, because I don’t know if it would be allowable being so descriptive.) If that rumor is true, then that may explain how all of BC’s court paperwork got pushed through the system with no questions being asked about it.

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Oh, that would explain a lot if true.
You are absolutely correct. She can have a subpoena served on her, but they have to have genuine evidence of a need for one. And unlike HC, the State requires genuine evidence.

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Which begs another question. Did HCSO serve any SWs on this case?

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Which begs another question. Did HCSO serve any SWs on this case?

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Good question. But not to my knowledge. Or at least I haven’t found anything during my document searches.

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Good question. But not to my knowledge. Or at least I haven’t found anything during my document searches.

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If I'm not mistaken, Texas allows the public to get copies of SWs. There may be times when a judge puts a 6 month hold on one if he/she feels it could jeopardize the case. The only reason I know this is from the Missy Bevers murder investigation where one of our brave Ex Websluethers put in requests for all SWs. They were doozies to say the least.

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Klein has also come up against other crooked Sheriffs in his cases. Example: The case of Colt and Molly. Sheriff Joe Russell ended up in hot water over that case. Now whether Klein is to be credited with uncovering his corruption, I can't say. But it did not end well for that Sheriff.
The sheriff is also accused of willful maladministration by allowing his nephew, James Conn Nipp, a man who investigators believe is connected to a missing persons case, to meet with family members unsupervised in a room with evidence.
So in another case I am following (Thomas Brown) the family was able to get the State of Texas involved and booted the county sheriff off the case. Would this be possible here? The Tom Brown Family is also a client of Klein.
This is hopeful!

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I'm a big believer in the "this case is an onion" theory. Even if it does end up being self-inflicted, someone is clearly hiding something.

After seeing the further information about Klein, his contact with the state and past cases, I can see why the family was so excited about his hiring. I feel like he's a direct line to the state - which IMHO is the only way this case will ever be solved.

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This. This is exactly what I think happened. He became enlightened somehow on everything, and just had enough. Also, her sister in law was there to take care of her after her surgery. I can&#8217;t understand needing someone to care for you after surgery on your wrist. It&#8217;s a wrist, not a full body cast.

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You may be on to something here regarding the dynamics of MC and BC's relationship at that specific time. Why exactly did BC feel she needed another person there with her, in addition to MC?

I hesitate though to run with this because MC could have been queasy at even the thought of something medical. ( That's how my husband is. I always recovered from surgery more quickly when he was not there. Didn't have to worry about him passing out. Lol...)

I pause too because not all fractures of the wrist are free of complications. I don't know anything about hers, but some are not just a simple cast and you're good to go. Some people experience continuing difficulty with bathing, dressing, preparing meals, etc.

Her sister-in-law might have just been someone to help pass the time as well. Girl talk, etc., which would allow MC to go work in his garage without worrying about BC.

Just some thoughts...

Might not have any bearing on their situation at all though. Because on the other hand, the sister-in-law might truly have provided a sense of security if there really was a tense relationship between MC and BC at that time.

Glad you brought it up...

You may be on to something here regarding the dynamics of MC and BC's relationship at that specific time. Why exactly did BC feel she needed another person there with her, in addition to MC?

I hesitate though to run with this because MC could have been queasy at even the thought of something medical. ( That's how my husband is. I always recovered from surgery more quickly when he was not there. Didn't have to worry about him passing out. Lol...)

I pause too because not all fractures of the wrist are free of complications. I don't know anything about hers, but some are not just a simple cast and you're good to go. Some people experience continuing difficulty with bathing, dressing, preparing meals, etc.

Her sister-in-law might have just been someone to help pass the time as well. Girl talk, etc., which would allow MC to go work in his garage without worrying about BC.

Just some thoughts...

Might not have any bearing on their situation at all though. Because on the other hand, the sister-in-law might truly have provided a sense of security if there really was a tense relationship between MC and BC at that time.

Glad you brought it up...

The first response to this is that he was a FF so likely wouldn't be squeamish, but my DH is a retired VFF & he doesn't do well with family injuries. He's pulled people from accidents with no problem, but if it's one of his own it's a struggle.

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I totally concur. Every single thing in your life is to be scrutinized. And the affairs are obviously something that’s being looked at or they wouldn’t have been mentioned. Love/sex, and money are the most common reasons for both murder, and marital discord.

And suicide is last on my personal list. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
BBM. This is exactly why I try to keep my skeletons at a minimum b/c God forbid something happen to anyone close to me (or me myself) I know 1st hand from being here that EVERYTHING comes out!

Murder will always be my first theory!!! Always! Him walking away is my second theory. Suicide really isn’t on my list at all. And really I was being snarky about “who wants a wife with three boyfriends anyways!” Lol I find it funny when individuals feel it’s unfair to talk about BC’s affairs!! When your husband is missing, anything to do with your personal life is and should be public knowledge. IMO
Same as above. ITA

I may be wrong, and this is only my opinion, but I don't feel like this was suicide either. The reason I feel this way has to do with MC's life as a firefighter.

They say there has been an increase in suicide among firefighters, but I think it is among working firefighters, not retired.

I feel like he has been involved in looking for a missing person in his career and understands all too well the pain the family endurs not knowing the whereabouts of their loved one.

He was a very caring, loving Father, Grandfather and Husband.

Does this rule out suicide? No, but IF he committed suicide he would have left a note for his family. He would not have left them in agony of not knowing. I truly believe he would have done something to let them know what happened....not just disappear.

I believe I read somewhere that JC1??? worked on the cars with him. He would know about the bicycle and Klein has said the family states there is not a bicycle. I just don't see that as a plausible suicide. Especially the drop from the bridge would not have killed him!

I would like to hear more about the 30 LE officers on the Cold Case team who all think he walked away. I wish we could see the evidence to suggest that. Because of that, I give a little more weight to the thought he walked away.....

I just don't see him hurting his family this badly because his wife was having affairs and he was depressed.

I learned from the Leanne Bearden thread tho that suicide is possible from even the most unlikely scenarios, so I guess it could be possible.

Hoping for a miracle someday!
Agree. I feel like *IF* this was suicide (and I don't believe it is) that he would have left a note and if he was just going to "walk off the property" and do it, no reason he had to wait for her to return to work. JMO

I wonder about this too. BC had been home on medical leave for quite some time. I would imagine that any regular visits with others might have been severely curtailed during that time.

Lot of time for someone to get really angry about plans being disrupted. May have seen MC as the one responsible, and taken matters into their own hands.

The timing seems really significant. She had just returned to work.

Just want to add a thought of a different scenario. Wondering if it could have been someone she was not involved with, but who wished he could be. Again, viewing MC as the obstacle to that.

Nurses see people at their most vulnerable times. She did Home Health. Probably had long-term patients and provided personal care for both genders.

No matter how careful a nurse is to set boundaries while providing care, ( much of it intimate with changing dressings, checking and inserting tubes, etc, ) there are patients who suddenly see you in a new light.

In short, they 'fall in love' with you within days. Nurses learn quickly how to handle those situations, but some of them can get a little weird.

BC probably ran into a few too. Perhaps one of them saw MC as the roadblock to their happy future. Even if BC didn't know she was supposed to be part of it.

I hope they're checking out all of her patients as well, present and past...

This is exactly why I can't rule out her involvement (among other things like her actions since that day) b/c the timing is just too specific. I follow other cases here and when the spouse has a solid alibi from being on a trip or like this, 1st day back from medical leave, it's a red flag for me. Even if she herself wasn't involved, someone knew she was going back to work that day. IMHO
You may be on to something here regarding the dynamics of MC and BC's relationship at that specific time. Why exactly did BC feel she needed another person there with her, in addition to MC?

I hesitate though to run with this because MC could have been queasy at even the thought of something medical. ( That's how my husband is. I always recovered from surgery more quickly when he was not there. Didn't have to worry about him passing out. Lol...)

I pause too because not all fractures of the wrist are free of complications. I don't know anything about hers, but some are not just a simple cast and you're good to go. Some people experience continuing difficulty with bathing, dressing, preparing meals, etc.

Her sister-in-law might have just been someone to help pass the time as well. Girl talk, etc., which would allow MC to go work in his garage without worrying about BC.

Just some thoughts...

Might not have any bearing on their situation at all though. Because on the other hand, the sister-in-law might truly have provided a sense of security if there really was a tense relationship between MC and BC at that time.

Glad you brought it up...

Or perhaps the SIL was a confidant; someone other than MC to take her places as well as allow opportunity for MC to leave the house so she would have freedom.
The first response to this is that he was a FF so likely wouldn't be squeamish, but my DH is a retired VFF & he doesn't do well with family injuries. He's pulled people from accidents with no problem, but if it's one of his own it's a struggle.

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Thanks for reminding me that MC was a Firefighter. Sorry, it slipped my mind during that post. But you've made a really good point!

Using my own experience here. I had taken my then 11 y/o daughter to her school's roller skating party at a local rink.

She was the last one on the end of a chain of skaters, and she went flying into the wall. I quickly scrambled to her, and she said, "Mom, I can't feel my legs."

My mind went crazy! I could not even think, except to command her to not move. After calling 911, that was the only 'medical' knowledge I could access in my brain. Sheer panic took over.

She was taken to the hospital by EMS. Fortunately ( not enough exclamation points to express my relief ) she was fine. Normal sensation and movement returned about an hour later.

I was an ER nurse myself at the time too. ( Worked in the ER for years before I went into psych nursing. ) Pretty much useless to my daughter though.

Thanks again, you're very right about this.

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