Found Safe TX - Michelle Reynolds - 6th Grade Reading and Language Arts Teacher - Missing Since 22 Sept 2022

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OCT 2, 2022

Missing Texas teacher spotted walking down the street in New Orleans

SAN ANTONIO – The Texas teacher who has been missing since September 22 was spotted walking down the street in New Orleans.

Covered parking meters or covers around trees trunks?
Trees in tree pits on the sidewalk. There are bags around the trunks of the saplings/small trees, for protection/watering. There appear to be lines from the tree to the ground supporting the trunks too.
Re the Lexus being towed, the article that was referenced just says, "He [Tim Miller of Equusearch] says her husband had the car moved Thursday to a Lexus dealership.”(link below).

Also, the husband was back in Texas, with the Lexus left in New Orleans.

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Regarding the jacket, I live in Houston near where she is from. I know it sounds weird to non Texans or southerners, but when it gets to be fall and the temps drop below 90 we start wearing (or least bringing) jackets/sweaters when we leave the house. Yesterday it was in the 80s and my daughter told me “it’s going to be a cold winter if it’s already this cold in October.” I wear a light sweater everywhere I go most days and my kids take sweatshirts to school everyday. Maybe a Texas thing.
I bring a sweater with me everywhere. It’s because the air conditioning is cranked so cold inside of public buildings. If you dress for the outdoor heat and freeze to death indoors!
I’m hoping she is okay. My sister has bipolar and is in her sixties. You seriously wouldn’t believe some of the things she has done and she’s still here. I’m hoping that they can find Michelle soon. It’s very possible she’s okay but doesn’t realize what’s going on.
Just to avoid confusion here, it hasn't been established that the issue Michelle suffers from is bipolar disorder. But if so, yikes, apparently the average manic episode lasts for 3.5 months.

I’m hoping she is okay. My sister has bipolar and is in her sixties. You seriously wouldn’t believe some of the things she has done and she’s still here. I’m hoping that they can find Michelle soon. It’s very possible she’s okay but doesn’t realize what’s going on.
A dear friend of mine (as well as multiple relatives I am not close with) has bipolar disorder and I echo your thoughts. It is a very serious disease, and some of the things done in manic episodes are just shocking and unbelievable, incomprehensible, to those of us who are not sufferers. I am aware it was not stated Michelle has bipolar - but a possible manic episode is something I have considered in her case. MOO.
If someone turns up at a healthcare facility, their whereabouts would not necessarily be made public unless permission was granted under HIPAA, right? So (speculation) perhaps the lack of new updates from the family and MSM is because she has turned up at some kind of facility but she/her family do not wish to share?
If someone turns up at a healthcare facility, their whereabouts would not necessarily be made public unless permission was granted under HIPAA, right? So (speculation) perhaps the lack of new updates from the family and MSM is because she has turned up at some kind of facility but she/her family do not wish to share?
Usually when that happens, isn't some kind of statement released? Even if it incorporates "Please respect the family's privacy".

Otherwise, people would still be searching for her.
If someone turns up at a healthcare facility, their whereabouts would not necessarily be made public unless permission was granted under HIPAA, right? So (speculation) perhaps the lack of new updates from the family and MSM is because she has turned up at some kind of facility but she/her family do not wish to share?
Michelle’s MIL posts updates to her Facebook page daily and as of yesterday she posted Michelle is still missing and there have been no recent credible leads. There’s also been a account set up for financial assistance for the search and time away from work for Michelle’s husband.

It saddens me that the media coverage for this case has dwindled down to nothing. I wonder if the lack of media coverage is related to the fact there are photos of her in NOLA. I’m wondering if offering a reward would motivate people who may have seen or know something regarding her disappearance come forward.
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Just to avoid confusion here, it hasn't been established that the issue Michelle suffers from is bipolar disorder. But if so, yikes, apparently the average manic episode lasts for 3.5 months.

IME, 3 months is a best case scenario.

Also — saw where age was mentioned upthread and thought I’d throw in my two cents. As I mentioned the other day, my mom has bipolar disorder. My Granny had it too, and neither had their first major episode until they were in their early 50s. I’m pretty sure menopause was the trigger in both cases. So even though the onset of bipolar disorder (as well as most other psychiatric illnesses) typically happens much earlier than that, that’s not true for everyone. It can be triggered at any age post-adolescence, really.

IF Michelle suffers from bipolar disorder (and that’s a big IF), it’s possible that her episodes have been much less severe in the past. There are a few different types of bipolar disorder, and smaller hypomanic episodes are much more common.

While it’s true that my mom has exhibited some very strange behavior in the past (behavior that I would consider was both reckless and dangerous in nature), she’s always been far more dangerous to herself than to anyone else.

A few examples of this behavior includes sitting in her bedroom laughing maniacally at absolutely nothing — no lights on, no TV, nothing. Another time she turned the TV to a channel of nothing but static and told me God was about to share an important message with us through the television and it was our job to spread this message to the rest of the world. In another instance, she believed there was a poisonous gas inside our house, forced us all out of bed at 2 in the morning, and became hysterical when we tried to go back inside. I had to literally get inside my car and act as if I was going to stay with a friend while my dad drove her to the hospital.

When my mom has a manic episode, her entire personality changes. She looks and acts like a completely different person, almost like a child. Her thoughts get all mixed up and confused. She often has a dazed and confused look on her face… because SHE IS dazed and confused and isn’t really all together with it. She doesn’t really know what’s going on and becomes easily frightened and/or paranoid. Sometimes she thinks she has the ability to do things that she doesn’t have the ability to do. Even her handwriting looks different. I’ve seen her honest to God write upside down and backwards like something out of that movie Stigmata. There’s a profound lack of awareness — of both her surroundings and her behavior. The way others perceive her behavior. It’s terrifying to see a family member go through something like this, but as terrifying as it is for family members… it’s 10x more terrifying for the person going through it. My mom always knows something is incredibly wrong in these moments, but she literally lacks the ability to slow down her thoughts long enough to figure out what it is. It’s heartbreaking in more ways than you can imagine.

ETA: We are lucky in that mom is extremely med compliant, and therefore, her episodes have been few and far between. She’s had less than a handful and her last was more than 10 years ago. Watching her mother go through it and being on our (the family’s) side of things, she has always understood and appreciated the importance of being diligent about taking her medication and sticking to her treatment plan. She also knows the warning signs to look out for and often circumvents disaster before it strikes. All of her major episodes have occurred after medical emergencies (surgeries, etc) that were beyond her control.
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IME, 3 months is a best case scenario.

Also — saw where age was mentioned upthread and thought I’d throw in my two cents. As I mentioned the other day, my mom has bipolar disorder. My Granny had it too, and neither had their first major episode until they were in their early 50s. I’m pretty sure menopause was the trigger in both cases. So even though the onset of bipolar disorder (as well as most other psychiatric illnesses) typically happens much earlier than that, that’s not true for everyone. It can be triggered at any age post-adolescence, really.

IF Michelle suffers from bipolar disorder (and that’s a big IF), it’s possible that her episodes have been much less severe in the past. There are a few different types of bipolar disorder, and smaller hypomanic episodes are much more common.

While it’s true that my mom has exhibited some very strange behavior in the past (behavior that I would consider was both reckless and dangerous in nature), she’s always been far more dangerous to herself than to anyone else.

A few examples of this behavior includes sitting in her bedroom laughing maniacally at absolutely nothing — no lights on, no TV, nothing. Another time she turned the TV to a channel of nothing but static and told me God was about to share an important message with us through the television and it was our job to spread this message to the rest of the world. In another instance, she believed there was a poisonous gas inside our house, forced us all out of bed at 2 in the morning, and became hysterical when we tried to go back inside. I had to literally get inside my car and act as if I was going to stay with a friend while my dad drove her to the hospital.

When my mom has a manic episode, her entire personality changes. She looks and acts like a completely different person, almost like a child. Her thoughts get all mixed up and confused. She often has a dazed and confused look on her face… because SHE IS dazed and confused and isn’t really all together with it. She doesn’t really know what’s going on and becomes easily frightened and/or paranoid. Sometimes she thinks she has the ability to do things that she doesn’t have the ability to do. Even her handwriting looks different. I’ve seen her honest to God write upside down and backwards like something out of that movie Stigmata. There’s a profound lack of awareness — of both her surroundings and her behavior. The way others perceive her behavior. It’s terrifying to see a family member go through something like this, but as terrifying as it is for family members… it’s 10x more terrifying for the person going through it. My mom always knows something is incredibly wrong in these moments, but she literally lacks the ability to slow down her thoughts long enough to figure out what it is. It’s heartbreaking in more ways than you can imagine.

ETA: We are lucky in that mom is extremely med compliant, and therefore, her episodes have been few and far between. She’s had less than a handful and her last was more than 10 years ago. Watching her mother go through it and being on our (the family’s) side of things, she has always understood and appreciated the importance of being diligent about taking her medication and sticking to her treatment plan. She also knows the warning signs to look out for and often circumvents disaster before it strikes. All of her major episodes have occurred after medical emergencies (surgeries, etc) that were beyond her control.
Reading your post almost made me cry (I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, Major Depressive Disorder, OCD, Anorexia, etc., not all at once). Your mom is very fortunate to have you on her side.
The family needs to check Seaside Behavioral Health in Touro Hospital. About 4 blocks from where she was walking on Constance St. Parking at St. Joseph and S. Peters is not abnormal for tourists. It is well traveled and unassuming and appears safer than most places in the CBD/warehouse district. Her "walking" into the river from right there or anywhere close to there would be almost impossible without being seen. Convention center, River Walk Mall, Aquarium, etc. Just a very busy area no matter what TOD. With all that said, NOLA has been like Gotham City (without Batman) recently. You can get carjacked on main roads, in broad daylight, or in line for gas at Costco. I'd be more worried that she was carjacked and her car just ended up where NOPD/husband found it. I hope, at the advice of her therapist, that she checked herself into a facility and just took a stroll around NOLA before she did. Sending positive vibes from NOLA . We want Michelle to be found!
I think I would have to find me a park bench or some place I can have a vantage point of all the people and just sit and wait for her to walk by! I just feel she is trying to find her way back to reality!

Hoping she is located soon. She's probably blending in with all the other homeless people around her. She has to be eating somewhere!

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