Found Safe TX - Michelle Reynolds - 6th Grade Reading and Language Arts Teacher - Missing Since 22 Sept 2022

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Wonderful news!
I wonder if once Michelle has healing and peace, she is able to write a book about her experiences of 6 weeks living homeless in New Orleans. I would love to read something like that .. about her daily life, the people she met, their stories etc.
I love this idea. I would definitely read it. :)
OH MY goodness! I actually screamed with happiness when I saw the ‘found safe’ tag on the thread. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HER HUSBAND AND FAMILY I am actually crying! I hope Michelle can get the help she needs and that they can all heal together as a family ❤️. Just wow!!!! Amazing news.
FOUND! Out of respect for the family, this will be my final update to the TIMELINE. I wish for continued healing and peace for Michelle and her family, so that they can move on and put this ordeal behind them. <3

moved from Natchitoches, LA to Orange, TX for a teaching job (9)

marriage to husband (9)

couple began teaching in Alvin - both 6th grade teachers at different schools (9)

began struggling with mental health (9)
hospitalized for mental health issues - acute psychosis - thought smoke detector was recording her, put on medications and was able to get back to work (15@22:45) - cf Thu Oct 27

~2018 ("2-3 years later" after first inpatient program)
hospitalized for mental health issues, did outpatient program, returned to health (15@23:30) - cf Thu Oct 27

taken to ER for psychosis, suicide ideation, In inpatient program for 10 days, put on new medication (15@10:45) - cf Thu Oct 27

~SEP 1
"had been undergoing outpatient treatment for about three weeks after a recent episode, having been on leave from her job as a teacher during that time. She had been taking nightly medications" (8.)

THU SEP 22 - LAST CONTACT WITH FAMILY / SEARCH DAY ONE -----------------------------------------------------
  • AM - [Zoom meeting with counselor (8.)] visited a counselor in person, then came home (9)
  • ~12PM - [spoke to husband,] said she was going to get something to eat (last contact with family)] (7) told daughter she was going to get food and stop at the bank [and asked if she wanted to come with (14)]; short time later, daughter tried to call but MR did not answer phone (14)
  • ~1:45 picked up on camera heading to highway, to Baton Rouge (15@11:45)
  • 3:30PM - daughter woke, mother still gone (14)
  • 4:00PM - 13yo son contacts his father when MR failed to pick him up from school (14)
  • 5:00PM - husband called daughter to see if she had seen MR (14)
  • [when daughter returned home from school, called dad at work to see if he knew where she was; he started calling MR but calls went directly to voicemail (9)]
  • 8:30PM - husband called daughter at work to tell her he hadn't heard from MR; daughter left work (14)
  • PM - reported missing by husband to local LE (Brazos County Sheriff's Department) (9)
  • AM - MR presumably drove to NOLA (15@12:20)
  • 12:01 PM - Vehicle parked at corner of S Peters St & St Joseph St, New Orleans (4) in front of broken parking meter (10); person who may look like MR sits in car for about twenty minutes, then gets out (9) and leaves alone on foot (5) heading west (6) - husband notes potential height discrepancy between his wife and the driver in the video (8.)
    View attachment 371796
  • ~4PM - MR spotted on surveillance footage walking south on Constance St towards the Pontchartrain Expressway (11) from WWII museum (15@14:00) View attachment 369958
  • ~4:10PM - seen on camera at Sidecar Patio and Oyster Bar/Rusty Nail, orders a glass of water, uses their restroom, and that’s the last confirmed video sighting of her. (12)
    View attachment 371795
  • ~4PM, she confronts inhabitants ["an older couple" (15@14:45)] of a tent just behind the restaurant and states that she needs a place to stay, and they offered a tent. They shared cheese/crackers and water, and she only stated her name and gave no other details. They report she had chewing gum and menthol cigarettes with her(she does smoke menthol cigarettes) The tent is along Calliope St, between Magazine St and Annunciation St. They state she left early morning Saturday 9/24. A few days later they called stating they found her shirt in the tent, and that there is a black t-shirt missing, that is why it is reported that she may have changed into a black t-shirt. Police have the shirt. (12)
  • PM - Lexus "pinged" car in New Orleans; upon LE arrival, vehicle was no longer there (1)
  • Husband thinks MR stayed near Baton Rouge due to license plate cameras, disheveled state of car (15@12:00)
  • AM - Homeless people from whom she borrowed tent overnight state she left early morning (12), left walking east, took right (15@15:10)
  • PM - Vehicle located in New Orleans by husband and brother by geo-location. (2) - cf Sun Sep 25
  • 3AM - Vehicle located in New Orleans by husband and brother by geo-location (9)
  • 4AM - husband, brother, [and 13yo son?] sit around and wait at vehicle but MR doesn't return (14)
  • First MSM news coverage (3)


  • Footage released of MR leaving vehicle alone on foot (5)
  • Helicopter search on Mississippi River (8.)
  • Boat search planned for Mississippi River (8.) - cf Thu Sep 29
  • Equusearch received several calls about possible sightings and leads; each was mistaken identity (10)
THU SEP 29 - DAY 8
  • Boat search on Mississippi River (10)
  • Husband moves vehicle to Lexus dealership (10)
FRI SEP 30 - DAY 9
  • Surveillance image of MR walking south on Constance St towards the Pontchartrain Expressway released (11)
FRI OCT 7 - DAY 16
  • Brother CT posts update to FB group, stating known movements on Sep 23 (12)
MON OCT 10 - DAY 19
  • Prayer vigil held (13)
THU OCT 27 - DAY 37
  • Husband interviews on Crime Lines & Lies, in which he states:

    • he's been getting fake ransom messages (15@9:00)
    • went to outpatient program as usual in past 3 weeks - had been in hospital for 10 days prior to that (15@10:45)
    • Sep 22 - ~1:45 picked up on camera heading to highway, to Baton Rouge (15@11:45)
    • Sep 22 - thinks MR stayed near Baton Rouge due to license plate cameras (15@12:00)
    • AM Sep 23 - MR drove to NOLA (15@12:20)
    • car looked disheveled, as if she'd slept in back seat (15@13:30)
    • [unknown date] spotted at library (15@20:00)
    • have checked hospitals, homeless shelters, library, churches, etc. (15@20:00)
    • ~8 years ago hospitalized for mental health issues - acute psychosis - thought smoke detector was recording her, put on medications and was able to get back to work (15@22:45) - cf ~2015
    • ~5 years ago hospitalized for mental health issues, did outpatient program, returned to health (15@23:30) - cf ~2018
    • taken to ER for psychosis, suicide ideation, In inpatient program for 10 days, put on new medication (15@10:45) - cf Aug
  • Michelle is FOUND and reunited with family after someone eating with her recognized her and contacted LE (16)

(1)Search for missing Alvin ISD teacher continues after car found in New Orleans
(2)'Really tough time' | Husband of missing Alvin woman says children are struggling with news
(3)Alvin ISD teacher still missing after car found in New Orleans, sheriff's office says
(4)Missing Texas teacher's car found in New Orleans as search continues
(5)HAVE YOU SEEN MICHELLE REYNOLDS?: Search continues for missing Alvin ISD teacher last seen on Thursday
(6)Missing TX teacher's car found in New Orleans; husband desperately in search of answers exclusively speaks to WDSU
(7)A Search Is Underway for a Texas Teacher Whose Car Was Found Out of State
(8.)Alvin teacher Michelle Reynolds still missing; New Orleans police now involved in case | Houston Public Media
(9)Family desperate for clues in Texas woman Michelle Reynold's disappearance
(10)Texas EquuSearch hits pivotal point in the hunt for TX school teacher
(12) Michelle Reynolds ~ Vanished from Alvin, Texas... group post by page admin
(13) Prayer vigil held for missing Alvin teacher Michelle Reynolds (Fox26 - Oct 10)
(14) Search continues for missing Alvin teacher (AlvinSun - Oct 18)
(15) Missing Michelle LIVE with her Husband Michael - Crime Lines & Lies - Oct 27
(16) Missing Texas teacher last seen in New Orleans located alive - WDSU - Nov 2
What amazing news! I feel so badly for her suffering from psychosis. I hope they find the right answer for her! I agree with others that we need more help with mental health in America. Praise be that Michelle was found safe. Much prayers for her and her family!
@wnk you are spectacular. I’d pay a little annual retainer if you’d pledge that if I ever go missing, you will timeline and cite and throw your brilliant organizational skills into finding me, as you did here. Consider making yourself a Patreon and taking enrollments in the WNK Recovery Club. :)
Welcome home Michelle! Wishing you all the love and great care in the world!
A final update from Michelle's brother.
❤️❤️❤️Michelle has been found safe!
Thanks to ALL for the prayers, posts, comments, ideas, and everything else in this…it’s so overwhelming!

She is in what we suspected a psychosis state in which she is having trouble distinguishing what is reality and what is not.

Her belief is that she has had people after her, and that her being gone was protecting her family from these bad people. She has been living as a homeless person, and avoiding people and places, and has tried to change her appearance as a way to hide. She has memory and can give details of thought processes, based on the things she has perceived as real threats to her.

She is now back in our safety, and her doctors are involved, and we pray to be able to get “our” Michelle Townsend Reynolds back.


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Oh wow! Bless her heart! I hope she gets well and back into main stream again. What a wonderful outcome. Michelle.....if you ever read this, you had a lot of people looking for you and concerned for your well being. So glad you were found safe!
Just popping back in here quick to ask those who were following Michelle's case to please keep any eye out for Ian Indridson. Like Michelle, he's a highly respected member of his community who disappeared suddenly, without phone or wallet or money, while dealing with severe mental health crisis. Unfortunately, unlike Michelle, he left on foot and his family has not seen any sign of him since the day he left in early January. By this point, he could be anywhere and his appearance could have changed significantly. But it only took one person recognizing Michelle to bring her home, and the same could hold true for Ian as well.
A final update from Michelle's brother.
❤️❤️❤️Michelle has been found safe!
Thanks to ALL for the prayers, posts, comments, ideas, and everything else in this…it’s so overwhelming!

She is in what we suspected a psychosis state in which she is having trouble distinguishing what is reality and what is not.

Her belief is that she has had people after her, and that her being gone was protecting her family from these bad people. She has been living as a homeless person, and avoiding people and places, and has tried to change her appearance as a way to hide. She has memory and can give details of thought processes, based on the things she has perceived as real threats to her.

She is now back in our safety, and her doctors are involved, and we pray to be able to get “our” Michelle Townsend Reynolds back.
What an absolutely terrifying state for her to be in, I hope she can pull through this episode quickly and recover. Imagine being so scared that you're willing to live out on the streets in another state just to protect your family? That terror must feel so real to her. Peace to her and her loved ones. Unfortunately the battle for mental health is often lifelong and far from easy.
So what do we learn from this? What is there about Michelle's case/situation that we can apply to future missing persons to be proactive in helping the person be found? Many people thought she was dead. What signs were there that she wasn't that we can look for in future cases?
So what do we learn from this? What is there about Michelle's case/situation that we can apply to future missing persons to be proactive in helping the person be found? Many people thought she was dead. What signs were there that she wasn't that we can look for in future cases?
One of the biggest signs that she wasn't dead is that her car was left in an area that wasn't very easy to get to the river, and definitely not easy to get to a bridge. In that same vein she did not immediately go to that location. It was a day later. That is the best I have.

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