TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #6

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Well, it was definitely a deliberate shove. Not cool. I understand he must want to be anywhere else in the world than in that courtroom. He did not kill Mo, so he is a victim too of KA. But he doesn’t come off as a good person in general.

Like you, I hope he receives help as well. This will be a lot to live with for the rest of his life.

Yes, but again, we don't know the circumstances. He is the only one in the group wearing a mask. Maybe, has COVID or RSV and he doesn't want people to come too close to him? Shoving a camera in one's face is not doing one's job, it is violating boundaries. In short, without the context, we can't tell what it was. Plus, he may have PTSD from this story, and we don't know if he got threats.
Not that it really matters, because there’s definitely no excuse for KA to murder Mo, but we have only heard CS’ side of his and KA’s relationship. Maybe KA did think they had a future. Why would CS have to change Mo’s name in his phone if they were free to date others.

He said they lacked the inertia to end their relationship (ie lazy). KA sounds anything but lazy. Was he breadcrumbing her along so that she’d continue to basically do everything for his business and he’d continue living his like as he chose? Really, what woman would do that?

And to think KA gave up her entire like (and obviously Mo’s, which she probably doesn’t care about anyway), for some selfish guy who used her, disrespected her, and cheated on her.

It doesn't matter in the slightest what kind of boyfriend he was, though. She was a 36-year-old grown woman. She could have walked away from him and been just fine. Plus was she not also dishing out the disrespect and using him (financially, etc.) herself?

Jealousy can really bring out the worst in a person and unfortunately that's what happened here... Did she want revenge against MW?

First degree murder, flying to another country, attempting to escape before trial, etc. aren't in the same pond as "jealousy." Jealousy = the crazy phone call made to Mo, maybe. But this murder - I see cruelty, coldness, and an attempt to control others' lives completely. Way beyond jealousy. IMO.

We also can see that he was not in love with KA, but - she later murdered another woman in cold blood, so maybe, KA she didn't deserve much love?

Looking at all that she allegedly does -- stealing much of his life savings, murder -- you may be right .
Their whole relationship sounds ridiculous. Breaking up, but still living together, crazy jealousy when they date others, and then full access to bank accounts and management of accounts. What could go wrong.

And things seemed like they were at least decent money wise to have $400k cash available.

And that might be the issue. KA was good with investment, but in his own group, CS was a hero, and probably he got decent money from endorsements. If KA left him, she'd not be able to make that much. All that people working with them say, "she can retire tomorrow", was a total hearsay. What was meant, "she could retire tomorrow with CS around, to invest his money". Without CS, a yoga instructor, she probably didn't make that much.

I honestly don't see any longlasting interest between MW and CS either - I think MW, being younger and an ascending star, had, or would have, better options in life than him. But, KA might have had no way of knowing it. What she could see is that any woman with good education or at least a good accountant on the payroll would see some interesting trends in KA's and CS's business, so maybe, it was KA's additional fear, being ousted as a "skimmer"?
And that might be the issue. KA was good with investment, but in his own group, CS was a hero, and probably he got decent money from endorsements. If KA left him, she'd not be able to make that much. All that people working with them say, "she can retire tomorrow", was a total hearsay. What was meant, "she could retire tomorrow with CS around, to invest his money". Without CS, a yoga instructor, she probably didn't make that much.

I honestly don't see any longlasting interest between MW and CS either - I think MW, being younger and an ascending star, had, or would have, better options in life than him. But, KA might have had no way of knowing it. What she could see is that any woman with good education or at least a good accountant on the payroll would see some interesting trends in KA's and CS's business, so maybe, it was KA's additional fear, being ousted as a "skimmer"?
Skimmer, yes.
KA parasite. It feeds.
Was the prosecution finished questioning CS Friday? I was trying to read back to see what he testified to so I could get an idea of what the defense will question him on and missed it if anyone tweeted the state was through with him.

I didn't see any tweets that indicated the state was finished with him, but chronologically it would make sense if they stopped there as they covered everything up until the last time he saw/heard from her.

I do wonder if they were maybe rushing, hoping to have him dismissed before the weekend. Given that he's back on Monday, maybe they will go back and cover some additional stuff. I expected the fact that he gave her all the money to invest for him to come up.
Yes, but again, we don't know the circumstances. He is the only one in the group wearing a mask. Maybe, has COVID or RSV and he doesn't want people to come too close to him? Shoving a camera in one's face is not doing one's job, it is violating boundaries. In short, without the context, we can't tell what it was. Plus, he may have PTSD from this story, and we don't know if he got threats.
Did I miss something? I thought CR pushed away a camera coming towards his head, and not a person. I did see a cameraman fall down but he walked backwards into a barrier.
Was the prosecution finished questioning CS Friday? I was trying to read back to see what he testified to so I could get an idea of what the defense will question him on and missed it if anyone tweeted the state was through with him.
CS did not begin testifying until Friday afternoon, and it did not appear to me that prosecution finished with him. Nothing in MSM states the defense will begin cross examination on Monday but "His testimony will continue Monday."

Updated: Nov 3, 2023 / 06:49 PM CDT

Colin Strickland testifies​

Colin Strickland took the stand in Kaitlin Armstrong’s murder trial Friday afternoon.

He began by talking about his relationship with Armstrong. He called it a “sometimes tumultuous” relationship that was “at times extremely comfortable and loving.”

The State asked him about how he met Wilson and about when their brief romance took place. Strickland said their relationship was entirely platonic for about the first year they knew each other, but they went on a date in late 2021 when Wilson spent some time in Austin, at a point where Strickland and Armstrong had been broken up.

Strickland said he and Armstrong broke up because they got in a fight about Strickland going on a mountain bike ride with Wilson and some others after a race in Arkansas.

After Wilson left town, Strickland said he and Armstrong eventually got back together in December of 2021. The two had lived together during portions when they were broken up.

Strickland testified about Mo telling him of a phone call she received from Armstrong while Armstrong and Strickland were broken up, confronting Wilson about her relationship with Strickland.

“She was upset,” Strickland said of Wilson’s reaction.

Strickland said Armstrong had access to his email and social media passwords and therefore access to his text messages.

He also addressed a time in December of 2021 when he purchased two handguns after Armstrong told him she was paranoid about certain things, like going on bike rides alone in the woods and a homeless camp near their home.

The State asked if Strickland knew Caitlin Cash, the woman Wilson was staying with in town. Strickland said yes and spoke very highly of Cash.

Strickland testified about spending the day with Wilson on May 11, saying he dropped her off at Cash’s after they went to Deep Eddy and Pool Burger and never went inside the apartment.

His testimony will continue Monday.
It wouldn't surprise me if she had placed an Apple Tag in his backpack.
Or just had his location services turned on on his iPhone. Seems like all of their electronics were Apple.
When you have to constantly check on your partner the way that KA was checking on CS, you have to know that 'he's just not that into you.' Any sane person would cut his/her losses. KA had a lot of things going for her. She could have gotten a better job than a yoga instructor and done that on the side. I just don't understand why she kept trying to push a square peg into a round hole.

I don't know what she expected to accomplish by murdering what she thought was a rival. If it were not Mo, it would have been someone else. Mo wasn't the problem. CS clearly gave KA enough clues for her to realize that she wasn't the one and never would be. I don't care how much she intertwined their finances or how indispensable she thought that she made herself.

This was always destined to end badly for her. I mean, had she stopped to think about how much time she was wasting with someone who clearly didn't love her the way that she deserved to be loved, perhaps, she would have finally decided to cut her losses.

Instead, she took out all of her frustration of unrequited love on Mo. Those bullets were really meant to CS. However, she was too much of a coward to attempt to gun him down.

Now, she's going to spend the rest of her life in prison. Was it really worth it, KA? I think not.

BTW - I don't understand why KA isn't going with a "crime of passion" defense.

BTW - I don't understand why KA isn't going with a "crime of passion" defense.

While I believe Texas still allows crimes of passion to result in a lesser charge, by definition those are crimes committed with 'no malice aforethought'.

This murder was clearly planned and premeditated. KA drove to the victim's residence to shoot her. It would never qualify.

Edit - As an aside I just looked this up, and until 1973 it was legal in Texas for a husband to kill his wife's lover as long as he did it while they were still in 'the act'.
Homicide is justifiable when committed by the husband upon one taken in the act of adultery with the wife, provided that the killing takes place before the parties to the act have separated. Such circumstance cannot justify a homicide where it appears that there has been, on the part of the husband, any connivance or assent to the adulterous connection.
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When you have to constantly check on your partner the way that KA was checking on CS, you have to know that 'he's just not that into you.' Any sane person would cut his/her losses. KA had a lot of things going for her. She could have gotten a better job than a yoga instructor and done that on the side. I just don't understand why she kept trying to push a square peg into a round hole.

I don't know what she expected to accomplish by murdering what she thought was a rival. If it were not Mo, it would have been someone else. Mo wasn't the problem. CS clearly gave KA enough clues for her to realize that she wasn't the one and never would be. I don't care how much she intertwined their finances or how indispensable she thought that she made herself.

This was always destined to end badly for her. I mean, had she stopped to think about how much time she was wasting with someone who clearly didn't love her the way that she deserved to be loved, perhaps, she would have finally decided to cut her losses.

Instead, she took out all of her frustration of unrequited love on Mo. Those bullets were really meant to CS. However, she was too much of a coward to attempt to gun him down.

Now, she's going to spend the rest of her life in prison. Was it really worth it, KA? I think not.

BTW - I don't understand why KA isn't going with a "crime of passion" defense.


BBM..."Crime of passion", known in Texas as "sudden passion", cannot be used in the guilt/innocence portion of a case, but, IF found guilty of the crime of murder, THEN a heat of passion defense can be argued, in the penalty phase, and if proven by a preponderance of the evidence, can result in a far lesser sentence, as little as two years. I do not see this being a successful defense in this case. There is far too much evidence of stalking, and as far back as January, 2022, KA allegedly told a friend that she wanted to kill MW. JMO.

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My understanding is CS will be back on the stand on Monday to finish testimony (left off from last Friday) w/prosecution ... and then there is defense's cross-examination, and then if prosecution chooses to redirect.

-- Then CS witness will be released (unless they choose to call him back at another point). Which is doubtful as this trial is moving along fairly quick. moo
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When you have to constantly check on your partner the way that KA was checking on CS, you have to know that 'he's just not that into you.' Any sane person would cut his/her losses. KA had a lot of things going for her. She could have gotten a better job than a yoga instructor and done that on the side. I just don't understand why she kept trying to push a square peg into a round hole.

I don't know what she expected to accomplish by murdering what she thought was a rival. If it were not Mo, it would have been someone else. Mo wasn't the problem. CS clearly gave KA enough clues for her to realize that she wasn't the one and never would be. I don't care how much she intertwined their finances or how indispensable she thought that she made herself.

This was always destined to end badly for her. I mean, had she stopped to think about how much time she was wasting with someone who clearly didn't love her the way that she deserved to be loved, perhaps, she would have finally decided to cut her losses.

Instead, she took out all of her frustration of unrequited love on Mo. Those bullets were really meant to CS. However, she was too much of a coward to attempt to gun him down.

Now, she's going to spend the rest of her life in prison. Was it really worth it, KA? I think not.

BTW - I don't understand why KA isn't going with a "crime of passion" defense.

100% to your post. I don’t get it either. Yes, be hurt, be upset and angry, that’s normal, but get some help for your emotions and move on!
BTW - I don't understand why KA isn't going with a "crime of passion" defense.

In Texas, "crime of passion" is not a defense against a murder charge. 'Sudden passion' concerns punishment, NOT guilt or innocence.

While this may come up during the sentencing phase, there was zero chance this murder would have been charged as 2nd degree murder when the evidence is clear this was a planned and premeditated event. KA was following MW on Strava, knew where MW was staying, monitoring CS's messages, etc.

Texas crime of passion laws actually refer to such acts as being acts of “sudden passion.”

Texas Penal Code Chapter 19, concerning criminal homicide, holds that such “sudden passion” means “passion directly caused by and arising out of provocation by the individual killed or another acting with the person killed which passion arises at the time of the offense and is not solely the result of former provocation.”

The law also holds that such passion must be due to “adequate cause.” This means a “cause that would commonly produce a degree of anger, rage, resentment, or terror in a person of ordinary temper, sufficient to render the mind incapable of cool reflection.”

Texas murder laws state further that, at the punishment stage of a trial, “the defendant may raise the issue as to whether he caused the death under the immediate influence of sudden passion arising from an adequate cause. If the defendant proves the issue in the affirmative by a preponderance of the evidence, the offense is a felony of the second degree.” (That is the nature of a manslaughter charge, when a person recklessly causes another person’s death.)

Did I miss something? I thought CR pushed away a camera coming towards his head, and not a person. I did see a cameraman fall down but he walked backwards into a barrier.

Honestly? I simply missed it the first time. When people posted "shoved", I went back and watched the link they posted, it was a different one. I don't see his hand touching the person, but at this angle it might be cut off. For me, it is hard to tell, because i simply don't see the place of contact, his palm. I think we need to view from more angles to understand.
Did I miss something? I thought CR pushed away a camera coming towards his head, and not a person. I did see a cameraman fall down but he walked backwards into a barrier.
Agree, from my viewing all he did was push the camera away from his head in a rush, understandable in the circumstances Imo, to get the H out of dodge.
She could have gotten a better job than a yoga instructor and done that on the side.

She actually did get a better job. She got her real estate license and was supposed to work for Sotheby's, until she blew up her life by taking Mo's.

Armstrong, the primary suspect in Wilson's murder, is a yoga instructor and an independent real estate contractor.

Her real estate license has been sponsored by Kuper Sotheby's International Realty since the beginning of 2022. However, in a statement, the company said that she had not yet started her career selling real estate and she is no longer affiliated with the brokerage.
Honestly? I simply missed it the first time. When people posted "shoved", I went back and watched the link they posted, it was a different one. I don't see his hand touching the person, but at this angle it might be cut off. For me, it is hard to tell, because i simply don't see the place of contact, his palm. I think we need to view from more angles to understand.
I guess we'll know for certain if/when the camera/reporter files assault charges.

I only personally viewed the part where the cameraman walked backwards into the barrier. "Push the camera away" is what I heard from the news broadcaster.
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