GUILTY TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #9

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Genuinely curious... Does her sister believe the entire trial was a farce? MOO
This won't be a popular opinion, but I think CA deserves some grace. I'm sure she loved her sister and would never contemplate her being capable of a crime of this magnitude. Whatever her true feelings, on the stand she didn't deny the jury's verdict, she didn't claim that her sister was being railroaded or lash out at the victim.

It's likely that the trial is the first time that CA has heard the overwhelming amount of evidence against KA. Cognitive dissonance is a real phenomenon, and it take a long time to work through one's emotions, beliefs, values, etc and accept the truth. I don't know if she'll ever be able to get there, many people spend their entire lives denying the obvious because the alternative is just too painful to contemplate. But I hope that she can eventually come to terms with her sister's crimes.

As an aside, I'll add that I know lots of people don't believe her statement today that she didn't know KA took her passport. Maybe she did lie, but as there's been no evidence presented one way or another, I'm not going to condemn her until I hear otherwise.
Given that it took only around 2 hours to decide guilt, I would think the punishment deliberations will be quick and decisive: LWOP or 99 years. If she is given 99 years, she will also have years tacked on for her escape attempt. Either way, KA will be spending the rest of her life behind bars.
Like most of you, I was saddened reading what Mo's family said - they will never heal from this horrible crime. It was Cash, though, that brought me to tears - her sorrow at losing her friend, her shock at discovering Mo in the bathroom covered in blood and when she tried to save her with CPR until she was told to stop. Then, there is her strength at refusing to move from the apartment because that is where she feels closest to Mo! Cash has even rejected her first name because it is the same as the murderer. Wow. Just wow! My heart breaks for all of Mo's family and friends.
I know this may not be popular, but I also feel awful for KA's family - they are also victims of KA's jealous, hateful, and murderous rage.
Murderers like KA victimize so many - not only the family and friends of their victims, but their own family and friends suffer as well. It is like a bomb with many shockwaves. It makes me want to scream "You do know you will get caught, don't you?"

There is something about this case, though, that really got to me - maybe it was the victim - that smile, her incredible talent, just reading about the joy and happiness she gave to so many. It was heartbreaking.
But then, finding out why Mo was murdered. OMG! I remember first reading about KA and why this awful crime happened - I was absolutely shocked - Are you kidding me? Jealousy and envy over some guy who isn't worth it? Didn't she ever learn that success and living well is the best revenge? Did KA really think she was going to get away with murder? Did she not think about how recognizable her vehicle was? Did she not consider the amount of RING cameras and surveillance out there? I realize the answer to all my questions is "Uh, no." But, in a murder like this, I still want to ask.
Sad. Shocking. Horrible.
As an aside, I'll add that I know lots of people don't believe her statement today that she didn't know KA took her passport. Maybe she did lie, but as there's been no evidence presented one way or another, I'm not going to condemn her until I hear otherwise.
snipped for focus
I'm giving CA a pass about the passport. In fact, don't think she lied anyway. She was asked "did you give KA your passport?" "No" when asked twice iirc, "How did she get it?"
"I guess she took it" was the answer or similar. That may very well be the truth. Likely she knew, but she didn't GIVE it to her, (though maybe told her where it was.)

I agree with all you said in the rest of your post.

rereading...maybe I'm wrong here. I can't remember if she was asked...did you give her your passport? or "did you know she took the passport?"
KA is without empathy and seems to be putting on the personality in prison that will bring her the most benefits/goodwill from others. I think everyone, even family, needs to be very careful about trusting her, because she doesn't seem to have that value within her.

She once had an all-American girl look.
Is it just me, or have her eyes become soulless?

Personally I do see something in those photos that is now gone. I think she regrets taking her own future potentials away.
Trimmed to indicate just the Defense Witness names...All (3)
Often, the Defense has the opportunity to include a considerable list of close friends of the convicted, because they are willing to support their friend even post conviction and those persons are not suffering in the same way as the Victims close friends. With the exception of the Chaplain that was not the case here... And the only substance followed Christine's monologue whereby the Prosecution completed one of the missing pieces: Kaitlin stole her passport.

Some of Kaitlin's close friends came forward to relate their knowledge of Kaitlin's feelings for Mo Wilson. Maybe the defense was hard pressed to find any additional parties to offer solely endorsement of Kaitlin's character. Also conspicuous by absence was any commentary from a Psychologist or similar professional that KA's actions were a response to anything like overwhelming obsession or irresistible impulse. (I'm sure the Social Science folks on here have a different terminology for the state of mind that last phrase describes....) Point is: it was not at all a "cry for help" presentment. Help that KA obviously needs.

IANAL, MOO, JMO and all the similar acronyms.
I am behind so apologies if I’m repeating but to your last points, I’m shocked to have not seen any strategy from the defense as far as character witnesses or psychologists. Momentary psychosis, tripping on shrooms (per the earlier testimony about drugs found in the house). Nothing! Really just a waste of going to trial, why even put Mo’s family through this. It strikes me that it’s another example of KA’s obsessive control—I would bet she didn’t allow her d to present any kind of testimony that she had mental illness. Total denial that anything was wrong with her.

Reading Mo’s parents’ and her brother’s statements is really heartbreaking. I feel for KA’s sister as well, it’s a loss that is quite confusing to mourn. So tragic, and such an unnecessary crime.

I am behind so apologies if I’m repeating but to your last points, I’m shocked to have not seen any strategy from the defense as far as character witnesses or psychologists. Momentary psychosis, tripping on shrooms (per the earlier testimony about drugs found in the house). Nothing! Really just a waste of going to trial, why even put Mo’s family through this. It strikes me that it’s another example of KA’s obsessive control—I would bet she didn’t allow her d to present any kind of testimony that she had mental illness. Total denial that anything was wrong with her.

Reading Mo’s parents’ and her brother’s statements is really heartbreaking. I feel for KA’s sister as well, it’s a loss that is quite confusing to mourn. So tragic, and such an unnecessary crime.

What can a defence do when their client has no case? She was caught red handed driving to the murder, with the murder weapon at her house, and the DNA at the crime scene, then did a runner.

She should have pleaded out, but sometimes clients don't listen to reason.


Vehicle satellite records, phone-tracking data and surveillance video from a nearby home showed Armstrong’s Jeep driving around the apartment and parking in an alley shortly before Wilson was killed.

Data from Armstrong’s phone showed it had been used that day to track Wilson’s location via a fitness app that she used to chart her training rides.

Investigators also said shell casings near Wilson’s body matched a gun Armstrong owned.

Jurors heard the frantic emergency call from the friend who found Wilson’s body, saw the gruesome police camera footage of first responders performing CPR, and heard audio from a neighbor’s home surveillance system that prosecutors said captured Wilson’s final screams and three gunshots.

In closing arguments, KA's defense tried to make a big deal about disparity between the vehicle tracking infotainment data and KA's cell phone location data. In other words, the vehicle GPS (Global Positioning System) is nearly always more accurate.

Vehicle tracking systems are known to use satellite or assisted GPS (A-GPS) whereas KA's phone location tracking was most likely serviced by cellular network radio signal triangulation and WIFI positioning where the receivers can be subject to GPS drift, not generally associated with true satellite or A-GPS. MOO

GPS Accuracy: There are a number of factors that affect accuracy no matter what GPS receiver is being used. The GPS radio signals encounter differing conditions while travelling through the atmosphere, causing signal delays, and therefore affecting accuracy. The geometry of the satellites being used will also vary.

The GPS will have a wider array of satellites to choose from if you're out in the middle of a big field, versus being on 6th Avenue in Manhattan. You will get better positions if the satellites you're locked onto aren't clustered in one part of the sky. Therefore the more sky view you have, the more accurate your GPS will be. In addition to blocking your view of the sky, urban canyons can also cause multipath effects, where the GPS signal bounces off of buildings or other objects reducing accuracy.

The other thing about this is inaccuracy can apply to say a stationary vehicle or person - who can say exactly what the location is? There is margin for error.

But where you have a plotted timeline, e.g. a vehicle moving down a road, or a jogger running a park course, it is not possible to dispute the overall route, even allowing for margin for error. So each individual plot could be inaccurate, but not the overall route.
Given that it took only around 2 hours to decide guilt, I would think the punishment deliberations will be quick and decisive: LWOP or 99 years. If she is given 99 years, she will also have years tacked on for her escape attempt. Either way, KA will be spending the rest of her life behind bars.
Like most of you, I was saddened reading what Mo's family said - they will never heal from this horrible crime. It was Cash, though, that brought me to tears - her sorrow at losing her friend, her shock at discovering Mo in the bathroom covered in blood and when she tried to save her with CPR until she was told to stop. Then, there is her strength at refusing to move from the apartment because that is where she feels closest to Mo! Cash has even rejected her first name because it is the same as the murderer. Wow. Just wow! My heart breaks for all of Mo's family and friends.
I know this may not be popular, but I also feel awful for KA's family - they are also victims of KA's jealous, hateful, and murderous rage.
Murderers like KA victimize so many - not only the family and friends of their victims, but their own family and friends suffer as well. It is like a bomb with many shockwaves. It makes me want to scream "You do know you will get caught, don't you?"

There is something about this case, though, that really got to me - maybe it was the victim - that smile, her incredible talent, just reading about the joy and happiness she gave to so many. It was heartbreaking.
But then, finding out why Mo was murdered. OMG! I remember first reading about KA and why this awful crime happened - I was absolutely shocked - Are you kidding me? Jealousy and envy over some guy who isn't worth it? Didn't she ever learn that success and living well is the best revenge? Did KA really think she was going to get away with murder? Did she not think about how recognizable her vehicle was? Did she not consider the amount of RING cameras and surveillance out there? I realize the answer to all my questions is "Uh, no." But, in a murder like this, I still want to ask.
Sad. Shocking. Horrible.

And KA herself? How could she throw her own life away? No one said she was not smart, moreover, she was mathematically inclined, and athletic, it is also shocking what she did with own life. In Texas, there are top-class and many other, schools for science and technology. Lots of remote learning programs, too. Even after a programming boot camp, she would be highly employable. And if Colin didn't mind spending money on her, when they got back together again, what prevented her from asking him to sponsor her studies, "to be better educated for their future business", and then she'd have so many career choices! Instead, she was spending the time stalking her BF and Mo, and learning to shoot. She should have used her gifts, and grown, and achieved professionally. I believe part of elite athletes' appeal is their earning power, but KA could be eventually making good money, too. I suspect that she was mathematically apt, judging by the fact that of the three participants of the drama, the least amount of data was extracted from her gadgets. She could have put her head to.a good use, instead she squandered all her talents away. Mo had a brief romantic involvement with CS in November, but did not deviate from own career path after that. It is unbelievable that KA got so dissolved in the guy. She literally lost her face as the result of this story.
And KA herself? How could she throw her own life away? No one said she was not smart, moreover, she was mathematically inclined, and athletic, it is also shocking what she did with own life. In Texas, there are top-class and many other, schools for science and technology. Lots of remote learning programs, too. Even after a programming boot camp, she would be highly employable. And if Colin didn't mind spending money on her, when they got back together again, what prevented her from asking him to sponsor her studies, "to be better educated for their future business", and then she'd have so many career choices! Instead, she was spending the time stalking her BF and Mo, and learning to shoot. She should have used her gifts, and grown, and achieved professionally. I believe part of elite athletes' appeal is their earning power, but KA could be eventually making good money, too. I suspect that she was mathematically apt, judging by the fact that of the three participants of the drama, the least amount of data was extracted from her gadgets. She could have put her head to.a good use, instead she squandered all her talents away. Mo had a brief romantic involvement with CS in November, but did not deviate from own career path after that. It is unbelievable that KA got so dissolved in the guy. She literally lost her face as the result of this story.
Yes, I agree about KA. She basically had it all: smart, very pretty, ability to earn money, various careers, friends and family. I known people (especially in my younger life) who were obsessive with their partners/exes but most of the time, they just talked non stop about it driving their friends crazy and finally got on with their lives. Thats where KA got stuck….

And all of this happened in a short brief period of time. Who knows, maybe there were a lot of “MO’s” and she finally just snapped (I’m sure “Snapped” will be highlighting her soon”).

Finally I also give a lot of grace to KAs parents. They acknowledged Mos family immediately. I can’t imagine having to sit at court and be her family. Knowing she destroyed another family. That’s almost as bad as the victim’s family. Sure they can still see here in prison, but what kind of life is that.
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edited to add:
….reportedly turned down a plea deal that could have reduced her prison sentence by decades.
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So Kaitlin Kait Kai Allison Arie chose a jury sentence.... she think that all the jurors who have had a messy breakup or cad boy/girlfriend will be lenient? Dreamer.

Who told her it was her job to police who CS could and could not spend time with? With a GUN.

She isn't delusional as much as she is demented.

Fatal attraction.

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So impressed with CC's testimony yesterday, her loyalty, her resilience. I hope one day she'll proudly and boldly take her name back, if she so desires.

The other Kaitlin has a whole pile of other names to pick from. Imposter.

Truth: if TripleKDoubleA were half the light and airy things a few people tried to say about her, she'd be so filled with remorse that, well, she wouldn't have run, not in Costa Rica nor in her Hamburglar pants. She would not be stone-faced in the courtroom. Regret and grief would exude from her...

Why'd she do it? And why'd she go to trial over it? She wanted CS to pay. I guess for lying to her, as if once exposed, she'd have full support, justified.

Un. Be. Liev. Able.

So absolutely, unquantifiably unfair that Mo paid the full price for ArieKate's obsession.

Tragic beyond words.


Both the state and the defense have rested and closed their cases. Jury will begin deliberating about sentencing beginning 9am CT tomorrow morning. Court is adjourned.

6:00 PM · Nov 16, 2023
So will anyone be tweeting early morning, or have we heard all we will hear until they reach a decision. Then, when they have, I wonder if the judge will allow that to be televised?
I assumed the verdict would be guilty. I didn't expect to feel so deeply sad. This one evil moment in time has brought a lifetime of anguish for so many.

(Note: I'm on the empath end of the scale and have all the feels. I'll just put my thoughts about KA under the spoiler)

My heart goes out to all those affected by this horror, and I was surprised that part of the sadness I felt was about KA -- it's breathtaking what she sacrificed to assuage the gods of jealousy.

Maybe part of this is that in my earlier life, I was dumped by my ex who fell for a younger woman, and married her.
Little Buddhist meditator me I was besieged by thoughts of violent revenge and retribution. Crazy stuff that all stayed at the "revenge fantasy" level, of course, but it was quite compelling at the time.

Even as a cover or antidote for the demons that raged inside, there was seemingly some goodness in KA, both potential and realized, and she was loved (and seemingly did love) her family, but she let the demons triumph. The Armstrong family have certainly sacrificed financially for lawyers and emotionally because they love her unconditionally as a daughter and a sister and she betrayed that trust.

Even for those who take joy in the guilty verdict, no bad thing that you hope for her will match the hell hole of existence in a women's prison in the State of Texas. The physical existence itself will be hell and she'll be surrounded by some violent psychopaths and criminals. Even in a women's prison, there's a potential for physical and sexual abuse.

Watching this Greek tragedy play out, it's an object lesson to never give in to the base emotions, no matter how hard they are to overcome.

Cash now recounting Mo Wilson's last few days on earth. Shares a funny anecdote about how excited they were to see each other in Austin that Mo even forgot her bag at the airport. They retrieved the bags and shared Cash's king bed as they caught up about everything.On 5/11, she remembers how Mo spoke to Matt on the phone. When Mo left for her bike ride, Cash took a photo of her and sent it to her mom. Cash wrote, "your girl is in safe hands here in Austin." Mrs. Wilson lets out an audible sob at that painful memory.

4:16 PM · Nov 16, 2023
She was in safe hands. No one could have predicted that KA would change that.
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