TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #2

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I just have to wonder... These speculations are more suited to planned, ruthless murders, rather than depressed parents committing suicide and taking their poor children with them.

So what was Nichol's motive in your scenarios? You think she shot the children in a calculating manner? Eliminating threats, accomplishing complete success in her goal (for three deaths)? That would not be depression or mental illness IMO
One can be depressed and suicidal, and also commit a premeditated act.

This could have still happened very quickly, but once she committed, she knew what she was doing.

She was going to kill herself, and she was going to take her daughters with her.
Why would he vocally call out for answers and justice and state unequivocally that NO would never do this if he secretly believed her to be responsible? That defies logic to me.
One word: denial.

If I got a penny every time I hear he/she would never have done this to his/her children/wife/husband/parents/brother/sister/friend, I‘d be filthy rich.
Take CW’s wealth/privileged lifestyle out of the equation, no one would be interested, imo.
IMO, because NO was well “made up”, people assume she was ultra happy, incapable of the slightest wrong.
Moo, she was “counterfeit”.
CW/family/friends are the class act in this picture. Silence is golden.
Moo jmo, imo, all that jazz

That's utter rubbish to insist people are only interested in the case because of CW wealth. It's also an insult to regular poster here. People care because a mother and you girls were found dead. As for wealth, If anything I'd say CW supporters here are actually more fixated on his wealth than his detractors. Many poster have insinuated that NO killed herself because she would not live without his WEALTH. If he was average joe many here will suspect him. But alas a rich young guy being a killer not what many are prepared to accept. Even if he was found guilty many still wont accept. We still have Chris Watts deniers because he was "good looking" I imagine CW will get 100x the support with his looks with Money.

Also to counter your point about NO supporters saying she was "Made up" and utlra happy therefore incapable of suicide. Do CW supporters not throw their own line of defense by saying he was rich and had too much to lose therefore he cant commit murder? See how it works...

Oh and as for his family being a class act because they are silent. Yes, even Serial killers under the advice and counsel of their defense attorney have remained silent.
Why on earth does he deserve to have his life turned upside down?? There has not been one iota of evidence to prove he had anything to do with their deaths. Nichol's family and friends have turned this into a very public witch hunt and he would be a fool not to lawyer up.

Last person to see them alive is a good enough place to start. Most cases the last person to see the victim alive is the killer. Also they have past history of the way he treated her so they are basing this on what they know about him.

He hired his legal team not for SM rumblings but because he knows he is guilty or has something to cover up imo. You do know he hired criminal lawyers? You don't hire these heavy weights to to silence social media rumblings. Any lawyer and issue a cease and desist. You hire criminal defense to fight your defense when you get your assss rolled out in front of the court.

The truth is going to come out :)
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How many times do we see a POI eventually becoming a suspect and then charged with the crime? Many.

Silence doesn’t denote class or innocence, it’s often used for avoidance and guilt. Victims (and NOs family, the girls fathers and the friends are also victims) are angry and speak out wanting justice.
Just watched a COLD JUSTICE episode last night. ME called a suicide, which turned out to be a murder. I adore Kelly Siegler, who is one of my favorite Texans, and she busted the cold case. I admit the evidence so far is about 50/50. But I just keep coming back to the stats. And that's the man. When I told my sister and my husband about this case, they both said automatically, "The boyfriend did it." It's the only logical answer. If it turns out NO did it, I'll admit I was wrong. But I'm waiting. (I love how those who argue CW has been maligned, think nothing of *advertiser censored*-shaming and judging NO's mothering skills . Such hypocrisy.)


And it will proven to be the same thing in this case 100% no question about it. MOO IMO etcAnd yes the double standards about poor CWs character being ruined yet from day 1 - on this forum, her having 3 different dads and being a gold digger who choose money over her kids was pandered around. It's still the focal line of reasoning for most on here's reason as to why NO is guilty
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Some people have stated that Nichol had no experience with a gun. This tells me Nichol was the murderer.

Inexperienced shooters (would not be CW) flinch at the recoil and the sound of a pistol firing. This causes the gun’s muzzle to dip and then the bullet ends up hitting lower than the intended target. That’s why London was shot in the neck and then the head. She was murdered by an inexperienced shooter, her mom.

Huh not seeing your logic. An inexperience shooter but yet capable or producing 2 head shots to 2 different people? Ummm ... only someone who has experience of a gun can pull off accurate shots to the head. I have seen people miss targets up close never mind getting the head shot in.

Of course we don't know what circumstances they were killed in i.e in bed etc <modsnip discussing other forums >
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And it will proven to be the same thing in this case 100% no question about it. And yes the double standards about poor CWs character being ruined yet from day 1 - on this forum, her having 3 different dads and being a gold digger who choose money over her kids was pandered around. It's still the focal line of reasoning for most on here's reason as to why NO is guilty

Every poster here is permitted to express their opinion within the TOS. Making a statement of opinion and guaranteeing that it will be “proven 100%” without the required qualifier that it is one’s personal opinion is troublesome on this forum from my perspective. One can feel strongly about something, yet clearly make it known that it is an opinion. Of course if this is insider information, then the poster should become a verified insider which is also within TOS. It would be a good idea for all of us to review the TOS here to keep the discussion within the high standards of this forum. And that is all MOO about how this thread is flowing.

Editted to add: other claims within the quoted post state that on this forum posters have labeled NO a gold digger, which I believe to be a falsehood. IMO from what I understand about this forum and our TOS, that would never be permitted. If the quoted poster could link the posts where this happened as claimed, I will apologize for calling that out. If however there is no basis for that claim, I think it would be wrong to let that claim stand as fact.
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The pictures of the girls at Christmas reminded me of prisoners. The tree has the black and white stripe decorations and both their pajama outfits are a prisoner stripe design. Kind of interesting observation. IMO, MOO, JMO
Speaking in generalities as someone with experience in family court here in Bexar County, and all that follows being my personal opinion: A judge isn’t going to remove a child/children based on domestic violence (proven or not) between two adults. The children would have to be in danger for a judge to remove them, especially from a custodial mother. Right or wrong, this is how it works. Judges won’t remove kids based on what *might* happen, and there’s no evidence to suggest authorities had ever been contacted due to domestic violence between NO and CW. The girls’ fathers had absolutely zero legal reason to ask a judge to change custody.
Did she have full custody?
HIPAA laws don't apply to CW telling people about Nichol's mental health problems. He wasn't her health care provider. If his attorneys haven't subpoenaed Nichol's medical records, they can share any info CW has told them about Nichol's issues.
But they don't have to. I'm sure they are gathering information, well I should say IMO.
I don't believe you are correct. A judge has to act in the best interest of the child and the father of one child has made public comments that indicate he and at least one other person did have concerns:
'The home she was living in, we just feel it wasn't a great place for our children to have been loved.'

These two children could articulate what they observed to their fathers and also to a judge. It isn't impossible to remove a child from a custodial parent when children are unhappy living in a household of a man to which the children have no biological relationship.

Boyfriend of Texas mom found shot dead with daughters shouldn't be person of interest, lawyer says | Daily Mail Online
Are we skipping the step of DSS? I was a foster parent, and my understanding is DSS removes the kids.
Every poster here is permitted to express their opinion within the TOS. Making a statement of opinion and guaranteeing that it will be “proven 100%” without the required qualifier that it is one’s personal opinion is troublesome on this forum from my perspective. One can feel strongly about something, yet clearly make it known that it is an opinion. Of course if this is insider information, then the poster should become a verified insider which is also within TOS. It would be a good idea for all of us to review the TOS here to keep the discussion within the high standards of this forum. And that is all MOO about how this thread is flowing.

Thanks Cocochannel, love your username btw, seem we both have a penchant for the finer things in life, although I hasten to add I have been known to drop my standards on the odd occasion. It's all good though, I made the amendment.

Just waiting for the breaking news story. Hopefully soon, real soon.

Edit for your edit- if someone insinuates that NO killed her kids because she could not bare life without a that big million dollar home and will rather kill her kids that suggests they are implying she is a gold digging selfish murderer.

This is one the main reason championed by many here for the motive of MS. I am standing by that. I don't care how anyone spins it. IMO
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