TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #3

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Yes , it’s been said so. Why didn’t he call the security of his gated house to go and check them instead of calling the brother, makes me wonder unless he had a different purpose ?

Is that within the scope of security for gated communities in TX? I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely asking. Where I live, typically only 55+ communities are gated, and the security guards (when they are actually there) are only to let people in the development.
If you look around the forum in any other thread, you will notice posters have a pattern. Some of us likes to use initials, others like to write the first name of the victims, the missing and/or the suspects. Although, I can’t speak for everyone but if one looks around it’s impossible not to notice this pattern of habit throughout Websleuths.

“We” don’t “know” if NO threatened with suicide. Only CW, NO and the children who were present in the house would know. Unfortunately 3 of them are dead.
The supposition CW should have known what was going to happen comes from the civil suit of LB’s father.

Wheeler knew Olsen’s behavior was escalating, was erratic and was potentially threatening and/or could lead to actual violence,” the lawsuit states.
The father of London Sophia Bribiescas, 10, has sued the boyfriend of her late mother, Nichol Olsen, for the child's death, while accusing Olsen of the shootings.
There must be a link to the actual document somewhere in this thread too, but I had this one on hand.

One other poster was questioning why CW called it in as a suicide.
The IMO possibilities are:

- 1) because NO might have used the threat of suicide before and although he never believed she would kill herself with the girls around, there he was looking at their bodies now

- 2) because he went inside like usual without seeing any sign of an intruder and has found them together with the gun right there made it look like a suicide, especially in hindsight after their fight

- 3) because he wanted LE to come to that conclusion

- ?

Because what we know so far, IMO the first 2 are the most likely.

Here is a link to the lawsuit document:

At this point, I don't know what to belie
If you look around the forum in any other thread, you will notice posters have a pattern. Some of us likes to use initials, others like to write the first name of the victims, the missing and/or the suspects. Although, I can’t speak for everyone but if one looks around it’s impossible not to notice this pattern of habit throughout Websleuths.

“We” don’t “know” if NO threatened with suicide. Only CW, NO and the children who were present in the house would know. Unfortunately 3 of them are dead.
The supposition CW should have known what was going to happen comes from the civil suit of LB’s father.

Wheeler knew Olsen’s behavior was escalating, was erratic and was potentially threatening and/or could lead to actual violence,” the lawsuit states.
The father of London Sophia Bribiescas, 10, has sued the boyfriend of her late mother, Nichol Olsen, for the child's death, while accusing Olsen of the shootings.
There must be a link to the actual document somewhere in this thread too, but I had this one on hand.

One other poster was questioning why CW called it in as a suicide.
The IMO possibilities are:

- 1) because NO might have used the threat of suicide before and although he never believed she would kill herself with the girls around, there he was looking at their bodies now

- 2) because he went inside like usual without seeing any sign of an intruder and has found them together with the gun right there made it look like a suicide, especially in hindsight after their fight

- 3) because he wanted LE to come to that conclusion

- ?

Because what we know so far, IMO the first 2 are the most likely.

At this point, I don't know what to believe. There are so many odd things like, as mentioned above, he could have called the security gate.
Is that within the scope of security for gated communities in TX? I'm not being facetious, I'm genuinely asking. Where I live, typically only 55+ communities are gated, and the security guards (when they are actually there) are only to let people in the development.

Most of that personnel are not just doormen afaik.. They are security of the entire gated community and some even patrol the site . The residents can call them if they feel any kind of danger imo .

Why didn’t he reach someone there , the security or neighbor or anyone who is close and was able to go and check ? He chose not to go himself , he called the brother but we don’t know what he said and at the end of the day, how conveniently noone went there that night and in the morning he appeared back with sort of an alibi which might lack consistency considering the latest Berla news going on .I don’t know.. . I feel timeline, phone calls, phone pins , cctv footages , car’s whereabouts should be deeply investigated . JMO
Sorry, goofing my post. How did we get to "Charlie?" Does someone know him? Does someone know NO threatened suicide?

I use the name, initials, and descriptions (ie londons dad) interchangeably. Don’t really have a good reason why. I do not know anyone involved personally. Although half my friend list on a different social media platform were “friends” with her. Interestingly enough, I saw a conversation between classmates when this first happened, saying they KNEW she couldn’t do this. A few days later I see the same group of girls talking about how they hadn’t seen or spoken to her since High school (20 years). That’s what sparked my interest to do some digging.
The calls coming from Nichol’s phone that night bother me. Why call his mother? Why call 911? I wish we had all of the phone records coming from that house, including the kids phones.

That to me really keeps me up on the fence. What prevented those 4 911 calls from going through? Not only did she call 4 times she also attempted to call CWs mom before calling 911.

I wonder how well time of death was nailed down? Who spoke to any of the 3 deceased on the phone? Not texts, but on the phone? And at what time?

It seems like if NO was feeling suicidal she would have called a friend or relative rather than CW’s mom unless they were super close and we just haven’t been made aware of that relationship.
That to me really keeps me up on the fence. What prevented those 4 911 calls from going through? Not only did she call 4 times she also attempted to call CWs mom before calling 911.

I wonder how well time of death was nailed down? Who spoke to any of the 3 deceased on the phone? Not texts, but on the phone? And at what time?

It seems like if NO was feeling suicidal she would have called a friend or relative rather than CW’s mom unless they were super close and we just haven’t been made aware of that relationship.
Agree. It sounds "bizarre" for me .
That to me really keeps me up on the fence. What prevented those 4 911 calls from going through? Not only did she call 4 times she also attempted to call CWs mom before calling 911.

I wonder how well time of death was nailed down? Who spoke to any of the 3 deceased on the phone? Not texts, but on the phone? And at what time?

It seems like if NO was feeling suicidal she would have called a friend or relative rather than CW’s mom unless they were super close and we just haven’t been made aware of that relationship.

Maybe she knew CW was not taking her calls, or his phone was off and she wanted to leave him a final message? I could imagine everything from " Tell him I'm sorry" to "It's all his fault," and everything in between.

My brother's ex wife would call my parents when they were fighting, and he left the house. This was before cell phones were a thing. I thought it was a horrible way to go about things, but for some people, it's all about sharing the conflict. IMO.
On another note, gorgeous, accomplished, rich, enviable people are not safe from feelings of self-derision or illogical bouts of rage.

Imo, when I hear phrases like "she had it all, no way would she have decided to (fill in the tragic blank), I remind myself of the above.
All moo
Maybe she knew CW was not taking her calls, or his phone was off and she wanted to leave him a final message? I could imagine everything from " Tell him I'm sorry" to "It's all his fault," and everything in between.

My brother's ex wife would call my parents when they were fighting, and he left the house. This was before cell phones were a thing. I thought it was a horrible way to go about things, but for some people, it's all about sharing the conflict. IMO.
On another note, gorgeous, accomplished, rich, enviable people are not safe from feelings of self-derision or illogical bouts of rage.

Imo, when I hear phrases like "she had it all, no way would she have decided to (fill in the tragic blank), I remind myself of the above.
All moo
I have a family member that does that too. It's awful. I wonder if Nichol was that close with his mother, if they met several times, etc.
Did the 911 calls from NO phone I believe start immediately after she tried to call CW mom?

The first call was made to Wheeler’s mother at 11:09 p.m., which we’re told was not answered. Then four separate calls were made to 911. The first call was at 11:10 pm, followed by two calls at 11:11 p.m. A final call was made at 11:12 pm. Three of the calls did not connect, but show up on Olsen’s phone record. Only one of the calls connected to the 911 system.

Calls made to 911 the night of the Anaqua Springs shooting deaths
The first call was made to Wheeler’s mother at 11:09 p.m., which we’re told was not answered. Then four separate calls were made to 911. The first call was at 11:10 pm, followed by two calls at 11:11 p.m. A final call was made at 11:12 pm. Three of the calls did not connect, but show up on Olsen’s phone record. Only one of the calls connected to the 911 system.

Calls made to 911 the night of the Anaqua Springs shooting deaths
I believe there was something really bad happening and the first call NO made was a call for help to CW mom or to tell her what was happening. When she got no answer NO started calling 911. MOO
NO called CW mom looking for CW needing help. Something was happening.

OR she called the mom in a last ditch effort to get a final message though, as suggested in an above post, it goes unanswered, and she sets it down and picks up the gun. The 911 calls could’ve been one of the girls grabbing her phone and trying to call for help. Either being prevented from doing so, or hesitated & disconnected bc it was MOM.

I wonder how much actual time passed between the call to mom vs the first call to 911. Meaning: 11:09 and 2 seconds and 11:10 and 57 seconds is almost 2 whole minutes. A lot can happen in 2 minutes. On the other end... 11:09 and 58 seconds and 11:10 and 3 seconds means one call ended and the other was immediate. Maybe I’m just thinking too much into it.

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