TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
<modsnip - quoted post>
Thank you!

Just a summary:

CW has NOT been declared a SUSPECT.

NO’s COD remains listed as SUICIDE.

Unless those two FACTS change, it is unconscionable to muckrake and vilify CW.
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i'm currently thinking the toxicology reports will decide it for me. if NO comes back with alcohol and/or any type sedative/benzo/muscle relaxer then my opinion is the possibility of staged suicide is greater. and to the point of staged suicide, i'm of the opinion that for someone who knows what a suicide by firearm scene looks like then re-creating that scene with a passed-out via alcohol/drugs victim might not be that difficult. i'm sure that everything appeared to the ME to be a suicide. yet if the tox report shows ingestion of significant alcohol/sedative/benzo then the timing of ingestion prior to death might become important. it could possibly point, imo, to NO being significantly impaired and/or unconscious prior to her death. MOO.
Hmm. I took a combination of benzos/Somas when I last attempted suicide (sorry for triggers), so even if those are in the tox report it would indicate even MORE likelyhood of suicide to me, but that is my own opinion/experience. Meaning if those are found in her system, she could have ingested the pills in a short window of time leading up to the shootings. MOO.
And there are other things he is upset over as well, IMO:

“For now, Carlos Montez is left only with memories of his 16-year-old daughter and unanswered questions about her death.

He said he opened one box of clothes, found her cheerleading uniform and could look no further.

‘That broke my heart the moment I opened that box — because I knew I would never get to see her wear that again,’ Montez said, his voice cracking with grief.”
‘Pretty callous’ return of victims’ belongings stokes tensions between families after Anaqua Springs killings

I hope I will never have to experience anything remotely close to what he has been through the last three weeks.

Also, when you say “In doing so, he's pushing himself to the head of the person of interest list,” what do you mean? I’m genuinely curious.

From your link:

“Obviously, there was no purpose in having anybody come to that home for their own voyeuristic reasons,” she said.

If I was CW I'd fire that attorney.
I wouldn't! I think his attorney is quite competent and is spot on about the voyeuristic reasons.


Maybe not fire, but maybe let sometime else on the team handle the press. Right or not, there are things you say in public and things you say in private. Some of the things she's said aren't playing well in public and aren't helping her client's image.
I read somewhere that she has 2 brothers.

I was in a horribly dysfunctional relationship in the past. Many times, after major fights, I would leave, turn my phone off and go home. He was the type that would continuously text and/or call all night so I would turn the phone off. If CW left and turned his phone off, this may be the cause for delay in determining exactly where he was. Just a thought. IMO
She has at least can one ...worth checking into IMO.
Hmm. I took a combination of benzos/Somas when I last attempted suicide (sorry for triggers), so even if those are in the tox report it would indicate even MORE likelyhood of suicide to me, but that is my own opinion/experience. Meaning if those are found in her system, she could have ingested the pills in a short window of time leading up to the shootings. MOO.

So sorry to hear that you tried to commit suicide.
Hope your life is far better now.
Thanks for your input, a survivor.:):)
The Toxicology report will have us formulating our theories, and previous results, as yours, may be helpful.
So sorry to hear that you tried to commit suicide.
Hope your life is far better now.
Thanks for your input, a survivor.:):)
The Toxicology report will have us formulating our theories, and previous results, as yours, may be helpful.
Thanks Tmar. It's been a journey, I can say that. It seems there are quite a few survivors weighing in on this thread, which of course makes sense. We've been to our own dark places. MOO.
He was the type that would continuously text and/or call all night so I would turn the phone off. If CW left and turned his phone off, this may be the cause for delay in determining exactly where he was. Just a thought. IMO
RSBM for focus

I’m glad you made it out OK.

Good point about the possibility of CW shutting his phone off. I’ve done that myself.

Whether he did or not, it sounds like LE is being very thorough, IMO:

“Salazar said they're still looking into that man’s [CW’s] story and that he has been cooperative with investigators, although ‘understandably upset’ about their deaths.

‘We're not going to stop investigating until we verify that,’ Salazar said. ‘As I mentioned earlier, we talked about cellphone tower technology -- that's going to go a long way in showing, at least, where his cellphone and then GPS on his vehicle -- it'll tell us where those two items were, and then we'll have to continue investigating to see if he was in possession of those two items“ (BBM)
BCSO 'not ready to say' mom killed 2 kids then self at Anaqua Springs Ranch home
My brother committed suicide a few years ago. We had just come back from an awesome 2 week family vacation. I don't care if the man upstairs came down and told me that my brother did, in fact, kill himself - I would have not believed it. I did not want to believe it. I denied it and denied it. I "knew" someone else had to have done it. But with time I was able to process the huge shocking loss and I came to accept what had happened. Years later-- yes I can admit he absolutely killed himself. When you are going through something so unfathomable, your mind won't let you believe it to be true. It takes time. In my opinion it hasn't been much time at all. This was my brother. I can't imagine it being my child! I can certainly understand why the father would have a difficult time wrapping his head around what happened. He needs time to process what happened. Not to mention if the sheriff would have told me they were still investigating what happened with my brother , of course, I'd want to believe someone else did it - that he didn't do it. I'm sure this father is having a very hard time wrapping his head around the possibly that NO killed her children. The father is a victim. He's far from pathetic. He's going through the worst thing in his life. I will forgive him for not acting rationally.
It has not been determined that NO shot her daughters. Or if it has, please give me a link.

On the contrary, being generous and kind (within official, legal, safe channels) is a great way to appear above the situation. (ie. the bigger of the two parties)

He already appears well above the mania being displayed towards this victim in cyberland. Sheriff has clearly stated, on more than occasion, that CW is not a suspect, yet some in here afford his not a scintilla of generosity, kindness etc. Rather the opposite.

Someone please link me to any sheriff statement that Nichol was not a suicide.

He has stated that he agrees with the ME finding of suicide. He stated: "It's not that I don't agree with the ME findings, but I've still got two murders to investigate." I know, he used a double-negative there so it's hard for some to grasp it. There's a reason grammar rules say, "don't use double negatives as they confuse some people". The easiest way to figure out double-negatives is to strike through both of the negatives: "It's not that I don't agree with the ME findings, but I've still got two murders to investigate."

And he has further stated that he has not heard from the Find the Truth folks, but did say that they were quite able to use their funds to have a second autopsy done and also stated that he doubted it would change the ME finding of suicide for Nichol.

The only thing outstanding in this case now, as per the sheriff's own words … are the two murders still being investigated.
Some members have alerted and others have sent PMs asking for this thread to be reopened. Unfortunately, we don't have the mod power to address all of the problems this case seems to cause when the thread is open and there has not been any "news" in this case in approximately 3 weeks.

If and when there is something new reported by MSM in this case or the BCSO releases a new statement, we will reopen this thread.
Thank you to member @Vern for sending a link to update this case.
Sheriff claims Anaqua Springs victims family attorney threatens him in email | WOAI

There IS new info in that the sheriff is quoted in the above article:
Salazar also reveals the possible end of the investigation in the email, saying it appears the medical examiner’s ruling of a murder/suicide seems to hold up.

“At this point I have been shown no evidence in the case that would lead us to even challenge the M.E.’s report any further or to even overturn it,” Salazar said to us.

There has still been no official closing of the case by the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, but the quote above seems to indicate they are leaning that way.

At this point, this thread will remain closed for discussion. If that changes we will let you know.


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