TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #3

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DNA Solves
I sincerely doubt Alexa had items packed on her own or from when they moved in with her name spelled incorrectly. That doesn’t make much sense. If she had packed stuffed animals in trash bags, it would’ve been better IMO to re-pack those items into boxes instead of what we have here... images of boxes with her name misspelled and trash bags splashed acrosss the media. Should CW face a jury at some point over this, his jury will in all likelihood be chosen from people who are seeing these images. Public perception is important, whether we like it or not.

I will say though, that if he had the items boxed neatly, labeled correctly, arranged for a time for delivery, etc... the families likely would’ve still been upset. IMO, they’re not so much distraught over misspellings and trash bags. Her father is distraught that Alexa has a bullet in her head and is never coming back. Nothing is ever “right” after such a tragedy, I suppose.

People seem to forget that CW is also going through a LOT right now—not just NO’s and the girls’ friends and family. I am operating under the assumption that this was M-S until the ME or Sheriff says differently, which means he is a victim in my eyes, in more ways than one. He lost his GF, whether they were breaking up or not. He lost 2 young girls that, according to the Sheriff, he cared for. He found 3 dead bodies in his home. He has been subjected to interrogations and searches and police scrutiny. He has been uprooted from his home. Lastly (although I’m sure there is more I’m forgetting), he is being openly accused of MURDER and other awful things without there being any evidence to support those claims so far. Despite all of that, he took the time (and money) to have ppl pack up the girls’ belongings because, according to that article, the families asked for them. The article also said that they (the families) stood outside waiting for the moving trucks, which sounds like it was in fact discussed and arranged with the families beforehand. You don’t just send a moving truck to someone’s home without knowing if they’re even there. He had his attorney personally oversee that this was all done properly, and according to her, the families didn’t seem offended by how it was handled. Then they go on social media to post pics and act like it was a big surprise and that CW was behaving as if the girls’ belongings were in his way??? Of course you were not invited over to his home—no one in their right mind would allow that under these circumstances. I know they’re mourning, but that is just downright unfair. Everything looked nicely packed in cardboard or plastic boxes, other than some stuffed animals in a garbage bag. And yes, the name being misspelled is unfortunate but SO PETTY and clearly not intentional or his doing. I have said over and over that I won’t judge how someone who just lost a child mourns, and I still won’t, be some of the behaviors I’m seeing are starting to really make me wonder...
I’ve wondered how this determination is definitively made as well. Someone could murder me by shooting me at an angle consistent with suicide. Doesn’t make it suicide. I’m very curious to know how the ME arrived at his conclusion.
I don’t think it works like in the old days where suicide is concluded once a weapon is found in close proximity or by trajectory. It‘s a combination of fingerprints, impact angle, gunshot residue, bloodstain patterns, forward/back spatter, and much more that I know nothing about technically, lol. But I know it would be very, very difficult to stage a suicide by gunshot with today‘s state-of-the-art forensics.
But dad believes he knows who shot and killed his child.

Dad does not know who was involved as far as we know. Believing and knowing are two different things.

And two wrongs don't make a right. If the investigation/outcome is M/S and if he has said anything libellous/defamatory then while not necessarily a crime he has wronged somebody else. Why needlessly generate more victims?
MOO: #1 POI in the deaths of the girls= NO
followed by: NO son, all ex’s, (spouses, boyfriends), of NO, business associates of NO, and there are other outliers that could be considered.

How some think CW is the only POI is just...

Unless ME changes the COD of suicide for NO, I am firmly in the “NO killed the girls camp.”

And... Firearms & Ballistics – The Forensics Library
When a firearm is discharged, a cloud of gases and fine particles is released composed of gunshot residues (GSR), sometimes referred to as firearms discharge particles (FDRs) or cartridge discharge residues (CDRs). The mixture will often contain both organic and inorganic particulates, the organic matter consisting of unburned and partially combusted propellant and inorganic matter produced by hot gases acting on the bullet. When released, these fine particles will settle on any nearby surfaces and are easily carried away from the scene. The presence of such residues can provide strong links between suspects or objects and the scene of a shooting, therefore various methods of detecting gunshot and other residues have been developed...”
i'm currently thinking the toxicology reports will decide it for me. if NO comes back with alcohol and/or any type sedative/benzo/muscle relaxer then my opinion is the possibility of staged suicide is greater. and to the point of staged suicide, i'm of the opinion that for someone who knows what a suicide by firearm scene looks like then re-creating that scene with a passed-out via alcohol/drugs victim might not be that difficult. i'm sure that everything appeared to the ME to be a suicide. yet if the tox report shows ingestion of significant alcohol/sedative/benzo then the timing of ingestion prior to death might become important. it could possibly point, imo, to NO being significantly impaired and/or unconscious prior to her death. MOO.
i'm currently thinking the toxicology reports will decide it for me. if NO comes back with alcohol and/or any type sedative/benzo/muscle relaxer then my opinion is the possibility of staged suicide is greater. and to the point of staged suicide, i'm of the opinion that for someone who knows what a suicide by firearm scene looks like then re-creating that scene with a passed-out via alcohol/drugs victim might not be that difficult. i'm sure that everything appeared to the ME to be a suicide. yet if the tox report shows ingestion of significant alcohol/sedative/benzo then the timing of ingestion prior to death might become important. it could possibly point, imo, to NO being significantly impaired and/or unconscious prior to her death. MOO.
Interesting thoughts. I guess for me, it would depend on the level of substances in her blood. Obviously if it was enough for her to be nearly unconscious, that could work for your theory. But it could also be that being under the influence of substances impaired her judgment and made her more likely to pull the trigger.

I’m very curious as to time of death. My guess is CW did indeed leave the home. But I also guess the TOD falls within the realm of possible that he killed them and then left. If they can show with phone records and GPS that he was gone at midnight to 9am and they died in the wee hours of the morning, I would think they would’ve closed the case by now. However, if the TOD was more like 10pm til midnight, and he can be shown to have left the home at 10pm, that’s too tight of a timeline to exclude him I think.
i'm currently thinking the toxicology reports will decide it for me. if NO comes back with alcohol and/or any type sedative/benzo/muscle relaxer then my opinion is the possibility of staged suicide is greater. and to the point of staged suicide, i'm of the opinion that for someone who knows what a suicide by firearm scene looks like then re-creating that scene with a passed-out via alcohol/drugs victim might not be that difficult. i'm sure that everything appeared to the ME to be a suicide. yet if the tox report shows ingestion of significant alcohol/sedative/benzo then the timing of ingestion prior to death might become important. it could possibly point, imo, to NO being significantly impaired and/or unconscious prior to her death. MOO.
It is also possible for a woman to be knocked unconscious from a punch to the face, which might be hard for a ME to detect if there is a large hole blown in the head from a gunshot that may have occurred afterwards.
It is also possible for a woman to be knocked unconscious from a punch to the face, which might be hard for a ME to detect if there is a large hole blown in the head from a gunshot that may have occurred afterwards.
Probably, but then how do you make her hold the gun AND pull the trigger in a way to have GSR and blood splatter consistent with suicide: no blood in hand palms, blood on hand surface, blood patterns consistent with no object (person) blocking clothing/floor/other objects and no bloody footprints or cleaning up?
Taking everything into consideration, this is a very uncompassionate post IMO. The poor man just had his daughter's brains blown out. I wonder how you would react in a similar situation. Pushing his agenda? Calling him pathetic? Maybe have some empathy and understanding. Can you even imagine what he is going through? Not to mention he believes CW to be responsible. This is fresh, unsolved and we are witnessing some raw human emotion. I certainly feel for him.
Everything considered, this dad, other friends and family have very publicly vilified, condemned and relentlessly accused CW of crimes for which he has not been charged.

This is a message board, far from MSM and to try to compare these is such a false equivalency.

Yes he is devastated, but this does not grant him a free pass to be malicious.

Richard Jewell could explain this (Richard Jewell - Wikipedia)
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It is also possible for a woman to be knocked unconscious from a punch to the face, which might be hard for a ME to detect if there is a large hole blown in the head from a gunshot that may have occurred afterwards.
Is this your opinion because I’m sure I can gather extensive evidence from the team of medical experts I work with that would refute this.
i'm currently thinking the toxicology reports will decide it for me. if NO comes back with alcohol and/or any type sedative/benzo/muscle relaxer then my opinion is the possibility of staged suicide is greater. and to the point of staged suicide, i'm of the opinion that for someone who knows what a suicide by firearm scene looks like then re-creating that scene with a passed-out via alcohol/drugs victim might not be that difficult. i'm sure that everything appeared to the ME to be a suicide. yet if the tox report shows ingestion of significant alcohol/sedative/benzo then the timing of ingestion prior to death might become important. it could possibly point, imo, to NO being significantly impaired and/or unconscious prior to her death. MOO.
I was acquainted with someone who recently died by suicide (gun shot to head). They had ingested a significant amount of alcohol before committing this act, so a toxicology report stating NO was under the influence of something would not make me think this was staged. I would only be convinced it was staged if they were to determine she was unconscious when shot. MOO
I agree wholeheartedly.

On the flip-side, there seems to also be an extreme lack of empathy and a distinct lack compassion for CW who is, indeed, also a victim in this thus far. He will remain a victim at least until the Sheriff and FBI complete their investigation into who murdered the two girls. If/when it's announced that he had zero to do with their murders, the lynch mob mentality has already seen to it that the results will never be accepted as such.

Murder/Suicide - the extreme act of Domestic Violence. Horrible to see someone who is still a victim be further victimized by the hoards.

I'm still waiting for someone to post links to any MSM allegations with first-hand accounts of his supposed misdeeds. Whole lot of chirping out there in cyber-land making it's way into every conversation without an iota of fact from a first hand source in MSM (or elsewhere) to back it up.

Is there a pass given legally to relatives of homicide victims exempting them from libel/defamation? Maybe there is a reason for that.

I am very empathetic to relatives of homicide victims but not to the point I would give them a pass for potentially wronging someone else especially someone innocent. Who is also, btw, a victim.
Everything considered, this dad, other friends and family have very publicly vilified, condemned and relentlessly accused CW of crimes for which he has not been charged.

This is a message board, far from MSM and to try to compare these is such a false equivalency.

Yes he is devastated, but this does not grant him a free pass to be malicious.

Richard Jewell could explain this (Richard Jewell - Wikipedia)

Well said! There have been a couple of high profile cases where "trial by media" has resulted in damages and hopefully the media has learned a lesson.

If you dare suggest that NO killed herself and her girls they go bat poop crazy.

It has not been determined that NO shot her daughters. Or if it has, please give me a link.

Inviting the very people who are accusing him of murder into his home? It defies all logic.

On the contrary, being generous and kind (within official, legal, safe channels) is a great way to appear above the situation. (ie. the bigger of the two parties)
It has not been determined that NO shot her daughters. Or if it has, please give me a link.

On the contrary, being generous and kind (within official, legal, safe channels) is a great way to appear above the situation. (ie. the bigger of the two parties)

It was his house, her relatives can't just demand that they be allowed in his home just because NO and her girls lived there.
On the contrary, being generous and kind (within official, legal, safe channels) is a great way to appear above the situation. (ie. the bigger of the two parties)

I just think CW has way too much at stake to take the chance. He very well could be looking at a murder trial with his life and freedom on the line. He would be incredibly foolish to give those accusing him of murder any further “ammunition”, so to speak.
It has not been determined that NO shot her daughters. Or if it has, please give me a link.

On the contrary, being generous and kind (within official, legal, safe channels) is a great way to appear above the situation. (ie. the bigger of the two parties)

<modsnip - rude> No where did the quoted post state “NO shot the girls.”

As to the second: CW is not beholden to extend the olive branch to the people calling him a pedophile murderer while carrying their flaming pitchforks.

Of course, YMMV
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If I made any mistakes in transcribing, my apologies in advance.

Posted on 550 KTSA’s FB page at 8:44 am on 1/23 (the day after BCSO announced the FBI would be joining the investigation):

Trey Ware: “What made you feel like you needed to bring them in?”

Sheriff Salazar: “Sometimes in suicide cases, for example, the reason why I’m saying a suicide case is because the ME has made their initial ruling ....”

TW: “The way it has been presented, at least with the suicide of her and the homicide of the children, on the surface, in other cases, it would indicate that she killed the children and herself, but you don’t necessarily believe that’s the case,do you?”

SS: “Well, that’s the inference that folks are making online and on social media, and I just think it’s too much of a leap to make at this point. For me, and for my agents anyway. The ME has tentatively, or initially, said hers was a suicide. They never said she killed her children. So that’s too much of a leap for me to make. We need to see some evidence to support or refute that.

TW: “So the ruling of a murder-suicide is not necessarily one that is there yet. Was it the same gun in all three cases?”

SS: “That’s the belief right now, but of course we are waiting on test results to come back. All indications are that it is, but I need to see some evidence to that.”
550 KTSA
Non-FB link: KTSA host Trey Ware talks to Sheriff Javier Salazar on bringing in FBI to help with Anaqua Springs triple shooting case

From the following day (1/24):
“Salazar said Thursday that no one connected to the ‘Searching for the Truth’ site has been in contact with his office. The family is free to spend the money as it pleases, whether it’s to fund a private investigator or fund another opinion from a different medical examiner, as he has seen suggested on social media, he said. ‘If the family and friends feel the need to do that, if they feel that they will bring them some comfort, I’m in favor of that,’ he said.

He doubts a second medical examiner’s report will come to a different conclusion or that a private investigator could uncover evidence the authorities don’t already have.

As the case has evolved, some social media users have theorized what could have happened in the house the night of the shootings. Salazar said he has seen ‘things that are flat-out factually incorrect on social media’ and that others have made ‘leaps’ that he wouldn’t .

‘Look, some people are never going to be convinced,’ Salazar said. ‘You’ll never convince 100 percent of the people. I can’t worry about that. All we can do is go where the evidence takes us.’”

From 1/28:
“BCSO investigators met with FBI officials on Friday [1/25] and shared their investigative materials with the agency, the sheriff said Monday. Additionally, the sheriff said the FBI is an equal partner in the investigation.

‘My understanding is they're combing through that evidence and getting it to whatever experts they deem are the right experts to look at it, and then they're going to get back with us at a certain
point and we'll proceed together,’ Salazar said.”
Here's everything we know about the Anaqua Springs triple shooting
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