TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & her 2 daughters found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019

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I was mistaken. It was her second ex husband that mentioned they got married shortly after her mom died. Which actually raises more questions for me. Her parents (or at least her mom) gave approval for Nichol to get married at 15??? I don’t believe it’s legal to get married that young without parental consent.
Where did last name Olsen come from? I thought last husband was Montez. I am confused.
He couldn't have attended with her friends telling everyone they are sure he murdered her (even though the medical examiner said she committed suicide). If he had attended those same friends would post all over the internet that his attendance was insincere.

Ita. Every case, the vigil is discussed & some determine guilt based on appearance/no appearance. These people are lawyered up & are advised to not go. Moo
I think, in some cases, it’d be dangerous for them to appear in public. If someone holds a grudge or blames them they’d be an easy target. Imo
Granny, those same friends might have turned the vigil into a mini riot.
If Nichol has her daughters' brain matter or blood "blowback" on her clothing (most likely her sleeve on the arm that held the gun), the boyfriend's alibi won't matter. It will be undeniable that Nichol was her daughters' killer.

I hope. I’d hate to see zealous LE make this something other than what it is, to please family/public.
IMO, there had to be major evidence for the coroner to make his decision.
Again.....I think the family/friends are unaware of what NO was dealing with & are now in the “she would never”, stage.
What a horribly sickening tragedy though. Jmo
I hope. I’d hate to see zealous LE make this something other than what it is, to please family/public.
IMO, there had to be major evidence for the coroner to make his decision.
Again.....I think the family/friends are unaware of what NO was dealing with & are now in the “she would never”, stage.
What a horribly sickening tragedy though. Jmo

MOO, I agree. We all probably have witnessed some private behavior by someone that would absolutely SHOCK people if it were made public. Substance abuse, domestic abuse, etc. I’m sure she loved her children very much, but I would not be surprised if she were struggling. We all struggle, to varying degrees.

Edited to add: there are wonderful moms I know who I’d deny could do a murder-suicide. Not saying I wouldn’t be in denial, too.

Whatever it is, I hope we get to the truth.
Oh, the sheriff has to be concerned about future elections, surely.
The coroner ultimately has the final word, imo.

IMO, the coroner is 100% confident in his findings. There’s no infonregarding a visitor/intruder at the home. CW has an alibi that passed, evidently.
Where was that?
Seems like a fancy hotel will

FB and Twitter too. It's only a matter of time before the stories make the MSM.
How do you look at hashtags? I have no idea. TY
FWIW there are some incredible footage and photographs on social media. I'm not on FB but I am on others. The person who mentioned hashtag was right. Looking at all of this has persuaded me back to the She-Didn't-Do-It Camp. I can't believe the number of friends and family she had. I realize, social media is not real life. But it does give you a glimpse into the world of NO, AM, LB. There is a video Alexa's boyfriend made of her and their relationship that is truly heartbreaking. If anyone wants to experience the emotional rollercoaster of this event, I recommend looking. I'm more confused than ever. And I'm wondering if there were ever a MS perpetrated by someone like NO. She just doesn't fit after what I've just seen. This is a person, who if she'd been asked to move out of her boyfriend's house, could have called a million different people for instant help.
Is it okay to post information about NO’s 2014 DV charge that was dismissed? There’s an interesting tidbit and I wonder what the sleuths here would make of it.

I believe you can depending on the link you're able to provide/source. I would ask one of the WS mods first.
FWIW there are some incredible footage and photographs on social media. I'm not on FB but I am on others. The person who mentioned hashtag was right. Looking at all of this has persuaded me back to the She-Didn't-Do-It Camp. I can't believe the number of friends and family she had. I realize, social media is not real life. But it does give you a glimpse into the world of NO, AM, LB. There is a video Alexa's boyfriend made of her and their relationship that is truly heartbreaking. If anyone wants to experience the emotional rollercoaster of this event, I recommend looking. I'm more confused than ever. And I'm wondering if there were ever a MS perpetrated by someone like NO. She just doesn't fit after what I've just seen. This is a person, who if she'd been asked to move out of her boyfriend's house, could have called a million different people for instant help.

There is a huge difference between Facebook "friends" and actual friends. As a hairstylist, she probably "friended" everybody, for business purposes. But, those are not actual friends you can turn to for help. Probably the kind of "friends" you might casually meet for a drink, if that.

NO was a very attractive, sexy lady. Who, it seems like due to her having children with various men, was probably a lot of fun, but seems like rather unstable or always looking for something better. As you get older, that becomes more difficult.

Not judging anyone. Just don't think her life was all that great. She wanted to keep the rich BF, and it seems like he was done with her. Kick to the curb. Like trash. Move out. And she probably didn't want to go.
FWIW there are some incredible footage and photographs on social media. I'm not on FB but I am on others. The person who mentioned hashtag was right. Looking at all of this has persuaded me back to the She-Didn't-Do-It Camp. I can't believe the number of friends and family she had. I realize, social media is not real life. But it does give you a glimpse into the world of NO, AM, LB. There is a video Alexa's boyfriend made of her and their relationship that is truly heartbreaking. If anyone wants to experience the emotional rollercoaster of this event, I recommend looking. I'm more confused than ever. And I'm wondering if there were ever a MS perpetrated by someone like NO. She just doesn't fit after what I've just seen. This is a person, who if she'd been asked to move out of her boyfriend's house, could have called a million different people for instant help.

Yes, beautiful people have more "friends" on social media. But a very small percentage of these social media friends are actually real friends who would be dependable in a time of crisis.
Most Of Your Facebook Friends Are Not Your Real Friends, Says Study

I sadly suspect that if Nichol had been an unattractive woman there wouldn't be very many people pushing conspiracy theories surrounding these murders and suicide. :(
Being rejected by a boyfriend shouldn't result in the murder of children. The fact that they were murdered is an indication to me NO was a seriously unstable woman with a history of failed relationships. She certainly could have blamed her children for those failed relationships rather than accept responsibility.

Belle~I was thinking the same. Perhaps NO thought the kids caused this relationship to fail.
I feel bad for CW labeled a POI. That’s a huge stigma for him to overcome, imo. I just think people can’t/won’t believe a loved one used suicide, as a way out. IMO, after she shot the first child, in her mind, she had no choice but to go the rest of the way. Moo
https://search.bexar.org/Case/CaseDetail?r=92a02e5b-723c-46a5-a66b-0ff93542e1ed&st=l&l=Bribiescas&fn=Hector&m=&=&full=y&p=2_2013CI15214 DC0000200000

A closer read of the court filings on the child support case reveals it began in Sept 2013 and was disposed in Jan 2016 after a non jury trial. Also interesting to note on Jan 11 of this year Elizabeth Zavala crime reporter for San Antonio Express News requested a CD of the court proceedings. Has anyone seen any of her reporting on this? Also, this looks like a contentious relationship. Was he the man who filed the DV charges in 2014, or was that someone else?
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