TX - Police respond to reports of shooter at Santa Fe High School, 18 May 2018

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To insinuate that somehow it's everybody else's fault for "not doing enough" to intervene is to blame the victims, imo. That's how statements like these come across, imho, whether intentional or not.

Too often, members of these communities are doing what they can legally and otherwise to "see something, say something." It's been demonstrated time and time again in these recent mass shootings (and other acts of gun violence).

The perpetrator made the decision. Not the community. Not the teachers, students, families, parents, first responders, etc.

I hope I misread your post, joedotnet. If so, I welcome any correction. <3

I have no real answers...but in most of these shootings there were clues, signs, YouTube videos, Instagram posts, etc. When something like this is heard or seen it needs to be taken seriously. Same as saying the word bomb in an airport.
If the suspect used a shotgun, that sucker would be loud ... and could sound like explosives.

... I'm hoping there were not any incendiary devices / explosives used. I guess we'll find out soon enough. This is so overwhelmingly sad. These poor kids, teachers, schools, families, communities, first responders — everyone who has to face this trauma. My heart hurts for them.

I saw a quote from one of the students on twitter who said that he wasn’t surprised this happened at his school. That he just assumed it eventually would.

That is just unbearably sad.
hi my blue this is the pitts its endless

there was one yesterday (cant recall ) but a nearbye day care was evacuated there was this big crib that had 4 babies - diapers- in a like cart being evacuated

i almost vomited seeing the little infants bouncing along in there crib

they were like a year old guys diapers

Hi friend! Ok that was a bomb that exploded in Orange County, CA.
To insinuate that somehow it's everybody else's fault for "not doing enough" to intervene is to blame the victims, imo. That's how statements come across, imho, whether intentional or not.

Too often, members of these communities are doing what they can legally and otherwise to "see something, say something." It's been demonstrated time and time again in these recent mass shootings (and other acts of gun violence).

The perpetrator made the decision. Not the community. Not the teachers, students, families, parents, first responders, etc.

I hope I misread your post, joedotnet. If so, I welcome any correction. <3

I’m not blaming anyone but the shooter. However, the community, law enforcement, etc need to take early warning signs more serious. Too often early signs are missed.

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local being very careful

suspect in a Shirt a short while ago

"Born To Kill"
confirmed per scanner

local news is now airing officer called in seeing several IUDs

I think you mean IEDs--Improvised Explosive Devices. IUDs are Inter-Uterine Devices...a form of birth control. Thank you for bringing some levity to this sad situation. It gave me a chuckle. Very scary to hear there might be explosives in the building too.
good lord bombs have been found in several areas at school and off campus

so is the second suspect a bomb builder??
Sheriff, Live on CNN:

Explosive devices found in the HS

as well as in surrounding areas near the HS (off the campus)
good lord bombs have been found in several areas at school and off campus

Very scary. I hope they are all found and nobody else gets hurt. I also hope the suspect in custody is the only perpetrator.
To insinuate that somehow it's everybody else's fault for "not doing enough" to intervene is to blame the victims, imo. That's how statements like these come across, imho, whether intentional or not.

Too often, members of these communities are doing what they can legally and otherwise to "see something, say something." It's been demonstrated time and time again in these recent mass shootings (and other acts of gun violence).

The perpetrator made the decision. Not the community. Not the teachers, students, families, parents, first responders, etc.

I hope I misread your post, joedotnet. If so, I welcome any correction. <3

If we don’t take THESE warning signs more serious is my point - https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/341236002

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I honestly can't even begin to imagine being a high school student in today's America. Hundreds of thousands of students are traumatized by these events.

Almost 1,500 students (not including staff) in Santa Fe High School alone. The entire district on lock-down. Add first responders, hospital staff, parents, teachers ...


I saw a quote from one of the students on twitter who said that he wasn&#8217;t surprised this happened at his school. That he just assumed it eventually would.

That is just unbearably sad.
My point is THESE warning signs ARE taken seriously. So I guess I didn't misunderstand your point. But you're certainly entitled to your opinion, obviously.

Adam Lanza and all of those warning signs were taken seriously? It’s a chain reaction.

What is your solution then if community and LE, etc. acting on warning signs more diligently is something you don’t think would solve the problem?

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First of all, this shooter isn't Adam Lanza. I'm not arguing about Adam Lanza. He is one shooter. One.

That case is not this case. It's not a chain reaction. Lanza didn't invent school shootings.

That said, my ONLY point is that I don't think it's OK to blame everyone else for "not doing enough beforehand." Most people are intuitive, not clairvoyant.

Like I said earlier, it's been demonstrated time and again that, in the vast majority of cases, things were done. They were reported. Families and communities and strangers "saw something and said something." Experts intervened.

Other than being male and usually white, the other glaring similarity in almost all these mass school shootings is their age &#8212; under 25, generally 15-19 years old &#8212; and their access to firearms.

Welp. I'll agree with you in this way: Yes, let's be more diligent about acting on this problem, shall we?

Adam Lanza and all of those warning signs were taken seriously? It&#8217;s a chain reaction.

What is your solution then if community and LE, etc. acting on warning signs more diligently is something you don&#8217;t think would solve the problem?
Since poss explosive devices were found in the HS, were the other poss explosive devices located at the suspect's home or where he had built

them, or had they been placed in other off-campus locations in order to harm others?

CNN: 17 yo male student in custody
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