TX TX - Rachel Cooke, 20, Georgetown, 10 Jan 2002

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Thanks Michelle but I won't be going to New Orleans. I just started a new job and won't be doing any searches this year unless they are in Central Texas.
Today, Sept 28, 2005, a "GINA for Missing Persons" CONCERT LIVE WEBCAST will be held from 8-10 p.m. PST. The concert will inform the public about missing Rachel Cooke, Monica Appleton, Joanna Rogers, Sarah Kinslow, Monica Carassco, Jennifer Wilkerson, and other missing persons from Texas and other states.

The concert features performers Harriet Schock, Susan Gibson, and Jannel Rap. Ms. Rap's sister Gina is missing from Nebraska. To view the concert go to http://www.kulakswoodshed.com/webcast.shtml. For more information on the concert and the G.I.N.A. organization go to http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/...453&trail=15#1.
RCOOKE said:
I wrote a document in 2002 called Guidelines lto Follow. It needs to be updated with my more recent experiences but you can read it on the Rachel Alert Network website. http://rachelalert.org/guidelines .

The U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention also has a good document on their website. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/publicat...sPage=PubResults&strSortby=&p=&strPubSearch=Y

Every missing person case is different so a step-by-step approach probably won't work. However the two documents listed above should offer some help.

I was just reading this and I had to add a little. I don't think anyone really looks for a step by step approach in how to cope whether it is with a missing child, murdered child, etc.

I think that what people look for when they end up in a nightmare like you are in is something written by another who has been in the same shoes.

When my daughter was murdered I honestly thought I was going crazy...thoughts and feelings. I had no idea what was normal and what wasn't. I just knew that I felt like I was losing my mind. I went into a book store a couple months after Shelley's murder and I found a book called "No Time For Goodbyes." Or "No Time To Say Goodbye." It isn't the story of someone's loss of a child but it talks about what feelings are normal to have as a parent of a murdered child...as a sibling, etc. It talks about what to expect with the judicial system...how it progresses if the killer has been caught. It covers a lot of different areas. It was a life saver to me. I discovered that the feelings and thoughts that I was having were perfectly natural under the circumstances. It really was a big relief to discover that I wasn't losing it. The book covers suicide too. I would recommend this book to everyone. I gave it away to another mother so I'm not sure of the exact title.

I think that any book that shares a story like yours can help another person. Even though two people won't feel and think exactly alike.. just reading what someone else thought or felt or did really does help. A person might read one little thing that makes a big difference to them. Just knowing that you aren't alone...knowing and sharing a person's story are two different things. I can know that a million people lost a child to murder but reading their story and how they coped...felt...thought..did... is totally different.

I guess I just wanted to say that I think people who are going to walk in our shoes someday will appreciate stories from people like us. No, I haven't written a book :D but have thought about it over the past 12 yrs. There were a lot of twists and turns before and after my daughter's murder. I may just write one one of these days. I started to write a few years ago and found it just to difficult to do at that time. Maybe soon. I think you should give it some though too.
Bobbisangel said:
I was just reading this and I had to add a little. I don't think anyone really looks for a step by step approach in how to cope whether it is with a missing child, murdered child, etc.

I think that what people look for when they end up in a nightmare like you are in is something written by another who has been in the same shoes.


I think you are right about needing to read about or talk to other people who have been through a similar experience. I know talking to other families of the missing has helped me. You feel alone and out of touch with the world. It helps to understand that you are not alone and all of the emotions that come up when you loose a loved one (under any circumstance) are normal and not always bad. You just have to learn to channel your emotions and to live with the pain.

If you haven't seen my journal, you may be interested in reading it. I wrote my account of what has happened in the last 3 1/2 years. The first couple of years are fairly complete but I've slowed down with my entries due to lack of new things to write about. http://rachelcookeseach.org/journal .
RCOOKE said:

I think you are right about needing to read about or talk to other people who have been through a similar experience. I know talking to other families of the missing has helped me. You feel alone and out of touch with the world. It helps to understand that you are not alone and all of the emotions that come up when you loose a loved one (under any circumstance) are normal and not always bad. You just have to learn to channel your emotions and to live with the pain.

If you haven't seen my journal, you may be interested in reading it. I wrote my account of what has happened in the last 3 1/2 years. The first couple of years are fairly complete but I've slowed down with my entries due to lack of new things to write about. http://rachelcookeseach.org/journal .

Thanks Robert. I hadn't read your journel but I will now. I appreciate you pointing me to it. Take care, Barbara
Bumping for Rachel. I believe the fourth anniversary of her disappearance is coming really soon. Thinking of her family!
Thoughts and prayers for Rachel and all her loved ones.

Hope this year brings them some answers.
Search for Rachel Cooke continues, 4 years later

January 10, 2006

Tuesday marks the four year observance of the disappearance of Rachel Cooke. She disappeared during a morning jog around her neighborhood near Georgetown in 2002.

The entire community helped search for Cooke. A special task force of law enforcement agencies was even formed to help solve the case.

Missing posters of the 19-year-old from Georgetown can still be found at local businesses.

To this day, the Williamson County Sheriff's Office continues to receive new leads. Officials will not release any specific details about tips they've received.

Cooke's father also continues to hold onto hope that she will be found. He writes a special journal that you can read each week at http://www.kvue.com/news/rachelcooke

If you have information about the case, you're urged to call Williamson County CrimeStoppers at 1-800-253-STOP.

My heart breaks totally in two for all of the beautiful young women who have gone missing.

I am stricken by the similar appearance that Rachel and Natalie Holloway share.

In the beginning when Rachel went missing apparently on her morning run, my largest suspect - after getting all of the known facts of the case - was the sherifs officer that lived very close to the Cookes.

Robert, is this person still living in the same location, and is he still working for the Sherifs Department?

I also do not remember if your home was locked when you arrived OR if Rachel might have left the door unlocked when she left for her run.

God love you all, and help you always through this horror.

I apprecate everyone's support with my missing daughter Rachel's case and all of the other missing and other crime victims.

I have decided to leave websleuths due to the way they allow posters to discredit victims and their families. I realize this is a true crime discussion board but it should have some control because it deals with real people, not fictional TV characters.
RCOOKE said:
I apprecate everyone's support with my missing daughter Rachel's case and all of the other missing and other crime victims.

I have decided to leave websleuths due to the way they allow posters to discredit victims and their families. I realize this is a true crime discussion board but it should have some control because it deals with real people, not fictional TV characters.

Robert, I have been a poster here for eight years, and I do not recall any instance of which you speak. Perhaps you could site a particular case where this happened? I would appreciate it so much.

Please keep in mind that all posters here at WS and any other site that I know of, are limited in their knowledge of any given case. Law enforcement keeps their priviledge information close to themselves, therefore common people such as myself are not privy to that information. WE as WS'ers deal with half a deck of cards, WE do not have all of the information on any given case.

I will say we have some BRILLIANT people who post here, that IF IF they were given the WHOLE story, might very well be a diamond in the rough for solving many of the unsolved cases.

I have a perspective that I believe is unique to me, others have other specific abilities in sleuthing as well, and when COMBINED CAN LEAD to many avenues of investigative effort that remain DEAD to law enforcement, imop.

An olde thought that has remained in my mind is this.

'One person has an idea, and another person has an idea, yet when they come together they have a NEW and third idea, through the very act of communication, and new avenues of thought.'

My active interest in crime began when I was 14 years old, I am now 73, I am talking of 60 years of active interest. WE collectively cannot do a good job of anything UNLESS we have all of the information.

I personally grieve for your beautiful daughter, may her soul rest in peace, wherever she may be. Her picture remains in my mind as if she were in front of me, without even looking it up anywhere again.

I personally would be checking out the near neighbor, where is he? Is he still married? Is he still in law enforcement? What was his regular route for patrol? Where is the patrol car he had at his home then, now?

Good luck wherever you go.

I am going back to read ALL the posts, but what the hell happened here that RCooke felt he had to leave. This is very upsetting. I need to go back and read and not stick my foot in my mouth but if something has been happening that has upset this man, we have to really rethink things. Any insight?
Please stay. You have enlightened us in so many ways, and with your help on missing cases. I am truly sorry if anyone, (and hopefully I haven't) hurt you or others in any way. Sometimes we all make mistakes. Please don't let it get to you. You are doing great things. Please keep us informed.
Thanks,AND Prayers.
I went to his WS page and tried to email, but rec'd a message saying he has chosen not to receive emails from here. I will try a pm but will also check to see if he has requested to be removed. Very sad. Here is a person who has first hand experience with so much to share. Sometimes I , too, read some of the posts and accusations regarding family members and just shake my head. Still hoping to understand what brought him to this point.
I think at times it is difficult for those who are Crime Victim Advocates to read the theories and possibilities explored on Websleuths in certain cases. I certainly understand Mr Cooke being offended by certain topics and opinions. Although we at Websleuths make every attempt to insure crime victims are not degraded we are not a Victims Advocate Forum. We are a Crime Forum where an attempt is made to discuss all aspects of the featured case as long as it is within TOS. I am truly sorry Mr Cooke has made this decision but I completley understand where his decision comes from and the pain and anger derived from reading cetain topics and posts. My thoughts and prayers are with Mr Cooke and the Cooke family in their ongoing search for Rachel. We are and will continue to be at his service to aid in keeping the search for Rachel active.

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