GUILTY TX - Riley 'Baby Grace' Sawyers, 2, brutally murdered, Spring, 24 July 2007

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believe, thanks so much for those links. I cannot even imagine what Sheryl is going through right now. :(

Riley was so obviously cherished by her grandmother. Why didn't Kimberly just leave her there where she was in a stable and loving home??

I will never understand this. :(

Rest in our Lord's loving arms sweet Riley.
believe, thanks so much for those links. I cannot even imagine what Sheryl is going through right now. :(

Riley was so obviously cherished by her grandmother. Why didn't Kimberly just leave her there where she was in a stable and loving home??

I will never understand this. :(

Rest in our Lord's loving arms sweet Riley.

Good Morning, I can only speak from my own experience as to why KT would want to keep Riley from her grandmother & father. My Mother kept myself & my sisters because of the child support. I can't tell you how often we were referred to by my stepfather as his "Meal Ticket". And, my dear sweet father who never missed a child support payment, had no idea that his daughters were being abused. As I'm writing this, my heart breaks for Riley.
Good Morning, I can only speak from my own experience as to why KT would want to keep Riley from her grandmother & father. My Mother kept myself & my sisters because of the child support. I can't tell you how often we were referred to by my stepfather as his "Meal Ticket". And, my dear sweet father who never missed a child support payment, had no idea that his daughters were being abused. As I'm writing this, my heart breaks for Riley.
I'm sorry for you and your sisters, paddy. Did your mother remain married to this man? If so, I don't get that, either. I hope that your Dad is still alive. I also hope that, as children and now, you got to spend time with him. If you did, why didn't you tell him that your stepfather was abusing you? Were you afraid to say anything?
Paddy, your story is so sad-wish we could reach back through the years and hug your child-self if that makes any sense...Someone recently explained to me the "meal ticket" concept, which never occurred to me in all of these years pondering why abusive parents demand their children back from foster care.
Newmom, I know how you feel. I want these two convicted of murder because that is what they did, not some accidental consequence of a discipline plan that went awry, as one news report put it. Plans go awry when you forget to pick up the dry cleaning, not children's lives. I would like them to have to live with that label forever of murder. However, I understand in the practical sense that if getting a life conviction is easier with the injury to a child charge, so be it.

The last major trial in Galveston was lost because of the charge (I am too tired to remember the name, but basically rich/weird guy shot his neighbor, cut him up and dumped him in the bay) of first degree murder, and the prosecution could not prove that the defendant actually DID murder the neighbor instead of self defense as he claimed--before he cut up the body and dumped it. The prosecution gave the jury a very narrow charge and there was simply no evidence. Had they gone for a lesser manslaughter charge the jury could have convicted but instead could convict only on the injury to a corpse charge. Very sad, as it was pretty obvious Mr. Crazy killed his neighbor, but just not evidence there for murder charge.

I am sure that trial is still echoing with Galveston County DA. So they may very well play it safe to get a conviction.

However, this is a child's life, and if the defense is weak, they may go for it.

I was thinking just yesterday about how terribly sad it must be for Riley's grandmother. There is a grandmother at ballet who has basically raised her granddaughter and it would devastate her to lose the child, I know. And in such a terrible fashion.

I think Kimberly kept Riley because she could, and because at heart, she was and is a selfish, immature person.
Paddy, your story is so sad-wish we could reach back through the years and hug your child-self if that makes any sense...Someone recently explained to me the "meal ticket" concept, which never occurred to me in all of these years pondering why abusive parents demand their children back from foster care.

believe, yes, my story is sad and you make perfect sense. But, my story took place in the 1950's & 60's, OMG! Here we are 40 years later and the abuse is still happening, no, not to me, but to the sweet Riley's, precious Neavaeh's. What do we have to do to get the abuse STOPPED? I truly want a law passed, I want a death penalty for child abusers, molesters, and killers. Maybe someday there will be such a law, just my wishful thinking.
"Meal ticket", boy, that's still happening too! You wouldn't believe how many girls with children in my area that are receiving state assistance & just hand over the money to useless, non-working, drug using, abusive men!
Riley's grandmother Sheryl is being treated very harshly over at another forum (think court). I pm'd her and told her that it was much nicer here and that WS'ers are very compassionate towards victims and their families. I hope she joins and sees for herself what a great place this is.

:blowkiss: for Sheryl
Riley's grandmother Sheryl is being treated very harshly over at another forum (think court). I pm'd her and told her that it was much nicer here and that WS'ers are very compassionate towards victims and their families. I hope she joins and sees for herself what a great place this is.

:blowkiss: for Sheryl

Thank you shopper-Please let Sheryl know that I for one cannot see any cause whatsoever for any harsh treatment-people are lashing out for no good reason. I think they worked within the system and the system failed Riley badly. They were simply "guilty" of believing that Kim still had safe the child they were desperately trying to find.
For those of you who would like to make a statement regarding tougher sentencing and laws, a fellow WS'er took a letter I wrote to my area Congressmen and turned it into a petition at the petition site. Here is the link if you are interested-I think the Child Safety Act has been effectively buried, and perhaps there is still a way to reach our leaders-I think 10K signatures will get the petition before decision makers.
Riley's grandmother Sheryl is being treated very harshly over at another forum (think court). I pm'd her and told her that it was much nicer here and that WS'ers are very compassionate towards victims and their families. I hope she joins and sees for herself what a great place this is.

:blowkiss: for Sheryl

Shopper - I'm so upset by this! I guess I can go find that forum. Is it against the rules to post a link? I have a few things I would like to say to ANYONE who bashes the grandmother or father of Riley. Having gone through this with my grandchildren, I know how the court system works and this case is very close to my heart.

I send Sheryl daily "mental" hugs.

Shopper - I'm so upset by this! I guess I can go find that forum. Is it against the rules to post a link? I have a few things I would like to say to ANYONE who bashes the grandmother or father of Riley. Having gone through this with my grandchildren, I know how the court system works and this case is very close to my heart.

I send Sheryl daily "mental" hugs.


I'll link it and if the mods think it should be deleted, I completely understand.

Scroll down just a little and you'll see what I'm talking about. Some on there don't believe she is who she says she is. Which is kind of funny, Phil Spector's sons posted on the PS board and were treated nicely (not that they shouldn't have been) but still.
Thank you shopper-Please let Sheryl know that I for one cannot see any cause whatsoever for any harsh treatment-people are lashing out for no good reason. I think they worked within the system and the system failed Riley badly. They were simply "guilty" of believing that Kim still had safe the child they were desperately trying to find.

I agree. One poster "over there" was so ugly, if I could I would slap her face so hard she would have to pick it up off the floor. It was classic blame the victim/family. Unbelievable!
The administrators disabled registration over there so I was unable to sign up and post-those who are listed as "senior posters" who are bashing whoever is posting as Riley's Grandmother are a curious group. There seems to a basic lack of respect or sensitivity that is amazing...
Good Morning, I can only speak from my own experience as to why KT would want to keep Riley from her grandmother & father. My Mother kept myself & my sisters because of the child support. I can't tell you how often we were referred to by my stepfather as his "Meal Ticket". And, my dear sweet father who never missed a child support payment, had no idea that his daughters were being abused. As I'm writing this, my heart breaks for Riley.

paddy - Sending big hugs your way! (((((((HUGS))))))))))

I'm so sorry that you grew up this way. :(
Texana - you're right about the Galveston DA's office probably wanting to play it safe with this case.

The case you're referring to is Robert Durst. What an unbelievable travesty and embarassment for Galveston.
Riley's grandmother Sheryl is being treated very harshly over at another forum (think court). I pm'd her and told her that it was much nicer here and that WS'ers are very compassionate towards victims and their families. I hope she joins and sees for herself what a great place this is.

:blowkiss: for Sheryl

Thanks shopper for the heads up on that forum. There is NO reason for Sheryl to be treated harshly anywhere. If those people want to point blame and lash out at someone they need to focus their attention on Trenor and Zeigler - NOT Riley's loving grandma. :furious:

I hope Sheryl joins us and sees how so many of us have reached out on sweet Riley's behalf. I can't get this sweet, innocent child off my mind and out of my heart and I know you all feel the same.
For those of you who would like to make a statement regarding tougher sentencing and laws, a fellow WS'er took a letter I wrote to my area Congressmen and turned it into a petition at the petition site. Here is the link if you are interested-I think the Child Safety Act has been effectively buried, and perhaps there is still a way to reach our leaders-I think 10K signatures will get the petition before decision makers.

Thank you believe! :blowkiss:
OMG! The website that Shopper provided is absolutely awful......(not meaning anythign towards you shopper) but some of the people on there are absolutely heartless, it seems. My goodness! I am used ot being on here where every one speaks their mind, everyone is very open adn honest, and to go on there where it seems there is no heart or understanding, it just hurts my heart. Some people just don't have the understanding as all of us on WS. I really do hope that Sheryl does come join all of us if this is what it takes for her to grieve. I felt really bad for her and the things that were said towards her on the court tv website/forum. ugh! :mad:
I'll link it and if the mods think it should be deleted, I completely understand.

Scroll down just a little and you'll see what I'm talking about. Some on there don't believe she is who she says she is. Which is kind of funny, Phil Spector's sons posted on the PS board and were treated nicely (not that they shouldn't have been) but still.

I read a little of what certain posters were saying and I just had to quit it made me so mad... that's ignorant beyond belief. But... it is 'the internet'... people will be ignorant... the best thing to do for family of murder victims is to stay away from it all. Easier said than done I'm sure... and I feel very sorry for Sheryl for having to endure that. I do hope too that she'll come here... it may give her a place to vent and talk about Riley and whatever she wants, a place where she most certainly won't get attacked. This case still makes me so angry. I'm keeping my mouth shut mostly though.
I'll link it and if the mods think it should be deleted, I completely understand.

Scroll down just a little and you'll see what I'm talking about. Some on there don't believe she is who she says she is. Which is kind of funny, Phil Spector's sons posted on the PS board and were treated nicely (not that they shouldn't have been) but still.

Shopper - thank you for the link! I tried to google it, but couldn't find it. I have gone over and read what some posters are saying and it is unbelievable! I can't post over there, because I am not registered and apparently, Admin has disabled registration.

They appear to be very short-sighted "crime board" readers, in my opinion. :waitasec: :doh: Especially the person who said no really cares what the Grandmother or father has to say and that they should stay off the tv. My jaw dropped. Do they not understand that if you want to stop child abuse, changing laws is one avenue? I realize it won't solve everything, but I firmly believe that the Court has to stop the "presumption" that children are better off with mom, and start with a "presumption" that children should have access to all important people in their lives and that custody should be awarded to the person that can feed, clothe, shelter, and maintain loving contacts. Courts should not be allowed to grant "move away" orders unless it can be established that moving the child away from "loving contacts" is REALLY in the best interest of the child and not just in the best interest of the moving parent.

It takes a village to raise a child and courts should not let parents isolate children! Isolation is what allows these things to happen and trying to work within the legal system, while not impossible, results in not seeing the child again until they are 18, plus you end up spending every cent you have and are probably homeless by the time it is over, so you don't even have safe shelter to visit the child in. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!!!:banghead:

My heart goes out to the Sawyers and little Riley.

And Paddy, hugs :blowkiss: to you. I hope you have gotten the chance to spend time with your dad.


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