GUILTY TX - Riley 'Baby Grace' Sawyers, 2, brutally murdered, Spring, 24 July 2007

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Ah yes, Texana-I have been waiting for the "abuse excuse" from Zeigler's side. One of them was going to do it, and it seemed clear Kim did not qualify. I suffered immensely at the hands of a parent when I was growing up but I do not beat my children or have any desire to. It is obvious that if Zeigler was capable of what he has been accused of, then it was a behavior that was learned on some level or at least witnessed. Grownups, IMO, take the time to analyze what worked for them when they were being parented and what didn't. Why go out and visit your rage on a defenseless 2 year old who didn't even belong to you because she was defiant? What a small, small tiny bug of a man Royce II must be inside....
It's nice to meet you GrandmaSheryl. Your beautiful Riley has touched my heart. I have a 21 month old granddaughter and she looks so much like your precious angel. This has touched me in so many ways, and I want to give you and your family all my sympathy.
Hi GrandmaSheryl I just wanted to welcome you to Websleuths and say how sorry I am about what was done to Riley. My prayers to you and your son. You will like it here, Websleuths is a very warm place, especialy when you are in such pain.
It is the best place with members that love you but be aware that some infiltrate just like other forums. So, look at the post counts and see that sometimes it is infiltration. Not that we won't watch your back as we will but defense attorneys have a way with message boards to seek public info. We have seen this many times. No honorable defense attorney will ever make the case for Riley being a culprit in her own death nor will defense attorney's saying there was another causative other than Kim and her boyfriend/husband so if you see this posted than know it is the usual suspects.
Hi GrandmaSheryl, I just wanted to give you & your family my heartfelt condolences on the loss of beautiful little Riley & welcome you to Websleuths. This place is nothing like the courttv boards, believe me!
Ah yes, Texana-I have been waiting for the "abuse excuse" from Zeigler's side. One of them was going to do it, and it seemed clear Kim did not qualify. I suffered immensely at the hands of a parent when I was growing up but I do not beat my children or have any desire to. It is obvious that if Zeigler was capable of what he has been accused of, then it was a behavior that was learned on some level or at least witnessed. Grownups, IMO, take the time to analyze what worked for them when they were being parented and what didn't. Why go out and visit your rage on a defenseless 2 year old who didn't even belong to you because she was defiant? What a small, small tiny bug of a man Royce II must be inside....

It is truly awful to think of how it must have been.

If the jury does convict of capital murder an abusive childhood may mean the difference between life and death for Ziegler.

Not fair considering what Riley got, but I don't think an abusive childhood will make a difference in a conviction on any charge--penalty phase only.
Grandma Sheryl, I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for what little Riley had to endure and for what you and your family are going through right now. This story has broken my heart. That beautiful little girl deserved so much better. I am so upset with the court system, if they had just done their job, little Riley would be here today. We have to do something, this is happening way too much. :(

God bless you all.
Hi Sheryl,

I wish that there were magic words that could take away your pain but I know such words don't exist in the human language. Please know that not a day has passed since this whole sad story unfolded that I haven't thought of you and your family. You continue to be in my heart and prayers.

We're priveleged to have you here at this forum. If you ever need a listening ear, please feel free to PM me. I'm usually up fairly late.

With Love and Deepest Sympathy,

Ah yes, Texana-I have been waiting for the "abuse excuse" from Zeigler's side. One of them was going to do it, and it seemed clear Kim did not qualify. I suffered immensely at the hands of a parent when I was growing up but I do not beat my children or have any desire to. It is obvious that if Zeigler was capable of what he has been accused of, then it was a behavior that was learned on some level or at least witnessed. Grownups, IMO, take the time to analyze what worked for them when they were being parented and what didn't. Why go out and visit your rage on a defenseless 2 year old who didn't even belong to you because she was defiant? What a small, small tiny bug of a man Royce II must be inside....

believe, I too thought the abuse card would be played sooner or later, and was pretty darn sure it would be from Zeigler. It really ticks me off when I
see these stories in the news about childern who have suffered at the hands of grownups, who use the excuse that they were abused, that doesn't fly with me. How about using the excuse, I'm just plain EVIL and I'm such a COWARD that I abused & murder an innocent baby. I pray that the 12 people who sit on that jury feel the same way. Like you, I have never abused my children, nor would I have ever stood by and allowed anyone else too. Riley's story hits to close home, my heart breaks for her, her grandma &
I am so glad Sheryl was invited to this site and decided to join. She needs the support that I am sure she will find here. I have watched the compassion and love that everyone here has given to the families of the missing and deceased, and you guys are incredible. She couldn't have found a better group to provide the support she is going to need in the coming months.

Well, after a 3 hour presentation, and only 3 minutes of deliberation, the Galveston grand jury indicted both Kimberly Trenor and Royce Zeigler of capital murder and tampering with evidence. The district attorney has not yet decided whether to seek the death penalty.
Welcome Sheryl:

As you can see, I am also a new ws sleuther. I am so so heartbroken that you have lost your precious Riley. I have 4 granddaughters and just can't even imagine this. Words are just not enough to express how I feel. If I can sign any petition or anything that would help change the laws or anything else that you feel is needed, please let me know.

I live in Chardon, which is not far from you. If you need any help, or anything, let me know. (you can pm me if you want)

Hugs to you and your family.
I'm not surprised to see that capital murder charges have been brought. This whole thing has just been absolutly heartbreaking (as are always the murders of young children) made worse by the fact Riley had a loving family that wanted her. And I just keep thinking about the unborn child ...
Thank you LittleDeer I know exactly where Chardon is, Riley was born in Geauga County Hospital there, and my favortie Walmart is in Chardon, I was just there the other day trying to do some Christmas shopping :-( I am trying to work through my grief, but I do not think that I will be truly able to until she is home with me again. Hopefully that will be soon. I will keep all here posted. Much Love, Sheryl Sawyers
Thank you LittleDeer I know exactly where Chardon is, Riley was born in Geauga County Hospital there, and my favortie Walmart is in Chardon, I was just there the other day trying to do some Christmas shopping :-( I am trying to work through my grief, but I do not think that I will be truly able to until she is home with me again. Hopefully that will be soon. I will keep all here posted. Much Love, Sheryl Sawyers

Welcome GrandmaSheryl, I just wanted to say I am so sorry for you and your families loss of such a beautiful little life. My DD just turned 3 and I just can't fathom why people would do such a thing. I know my mother is so close to my DD and I cannot even imagine your pain. We here don't understand sometimes why God allows the things he does and probably never will until we see him and ask him but take comfort in that she is with God in loving arms waiting for you to hold her again someday.
I'm not surprised to see that capital murder charges have been brought. This whole thing has just been absolutly heartbreaking (as are always the murders of young children) made worse by the fact Riley had a loving family that wanted her. And I just keep thinking about the unborn child ...

I hope you can find some comfort in the fact that it was obvious to everyone how much you loved and cared for Riley (along with her father, of course) and that she was desperately looked for when her mother left with her.

((()))) hugs.
Where do they plan to keep her body until trial, a morgue freezer? Why does the defense (Kimberly) want a body to go unburied for so long? Spite? Because by then, the defense will have long had it examined by their experts.
An article from yesterday's Houston Chronicle.

The picture in the newspaper was so appealing: a proud and round-limbed 2-year-old, beaming over her birthday cake. The little girl was Riley Sawyers, and her monstrous torture and death at the hands of her mother and stepfather seem almost impossible for most families to fathom.
I just don't understand. :furious: Why is the defense filing motions to keep this child's body here????? :furious:

This is just infuriating. :furious:
Dearest Sheryl,

Words cannot express the sadness and rage I feel over the death of your beloved, precious granddaughter Riley Ann.

I'm so glad that you have found Websleuths and I hope you take comfort that so many of us that didn't know Riley in life are so committed to justice for her in death.

Our hearts break for you, your son, and the rest of your family for the loss of this sweet little angel. She will not be forgotten.

I only wish I could turn back time so that she was safe at home with you and Rob. I feel peace knowing that Riley is now a beautiful little angel running through our Lord's land in Heaven.

I hope that you find peace, especially during this holiday season.

Please always feel like you have a place to come for comfort here at WS. No one here will treat you the way you were treated at the other forum.

Many blessings to you. My deepest and sincerest sympathy to you.

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