GUILTY TX - Riley 'Baby Grace' Sawyers, 2, brutally murdered, Spring, 24 July 2007

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Sheryl, I also want to extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family. This has been one of the most horrible, deeply disturbing, and emotional crimes I have followed. For me to have never known Riley personally, and to be so affected, I can't even imagine what you and Rob are going through. I also can't imagine what purpose they possibly have for keeping the body in Texas. Why? What possible evidence do they think hasn't already been collected? The only thing I can think of, is for Ziegler's attorney's to somehow think they can show evidence of abuse BEFORE Riley came to Texas, (old fractures, etc.) that would implicate Websleuths is a wonderful group of TRULY dedicated and CARING people who want only justice for victims and their families. I pray that God grant you his Blessing and Peace during this holiday season. It has to be so hard.:blowkiss:
Dear GrandmaSheryl: So many of us around the world have been touched by Riley and devasted by what was done to her. We mourn with you. But, I wanted to say that because of you, your little Riley's life was so much more than the horror of her last day on earth. She experienced joy during her life because of you. That is all she remembers now in heaven. She remembers your love, your arms around her and your kisses. Now, she is around you every moment of every day and even though she is tiny, she will give you the strength to go on until you and she can be together again. God bless you!
Sheryl, you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as your private pain is played out in the media...

I think that Zeigler is getting his money's worth out of his attorney. If Zeigler does not cop to his role in this tragedy, then he will truly burn wherever he deems the fires of hell reside....sorry for the strong statement but I am aggravated.
GrandmaSheryl, I havent posted here at this thread but read it every single day. I also just wanted to welcome you to WS, and to let you know if there is anything any of us can do for you, we are just a click away.
That had to have been so hard to go and learn all of the details of Riley's death. Such a nightmare. It sure sounds like the "mother" is trying to blame everything on the stepdad. I hope a jury doesn't buy her story. They both deserve the death penalty or LWOP. They are both young but many people have had babies in their teens and early twentys and did not abuse or murder the babies. I was 19 yrs when my son was born and I would have died before ever hurting him. There is no excuse for her even if she is young. She made a choice to hurt her daughter and to follow her husband's instructions...if that is what happened with the belts, etc. Riley was spared nothing and they shouldn't be either.
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful offers of support. Yes the trip to Galveston was hard, but it was something that I felt I had to do, I wanted to meet the people who were working on her case, and now that I have I am that much more confident that justice will be done for my Riley. These detectives and the FBI are wonderful people.:blowkiss: They have taken on this case as if she were one of their own, they loved her too before they knew who she was, just as the people of Galveston loved her and gave her the name of Baby Grace. I was fortunate enough to meet some of the people of Galveston and to thank them for their efforts. I was also lucky enough to meet Cheryl Lawless and Rain York of Texas Equusearch who with the help of Hal Newsome got us out to the island and I spoke to Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch while on the island and hope to someday meet him. I also met the neighbors of the Spring neighborhood where Riley lived and saw the house which was hard, but the hardest of all was when I went to the causeway bridge where they supposedly threw her from as if she were no more than garbage to be gotten rid of as if she didn't matter.:furious: I agree with all of the comments I have read on alot of the stories that no one is more guilty than the other. It really does not matter what caused her death or who inflicted it, she is no more dead from the skull fractures than she would be from suffocation or drowning. The attorneys could do us all a favor and have their clients plead quilty and get LWOP and save us all the heartache and expense of a trial. I will stop venting now. Just wanted to let you all know that I am still around and that I appreciate all that you do.:blowkiss:
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful offers of support. Yes the trip to Galveston was hard, but it was something that I felt I had to do, I wanted to meet the people who were working on her case, and now that I have I am that much more confident that justice will be done for my Riley. These detectives and the FBI are wonderful people.:blowkiss: They have taken on this case as if she were one of their own, they loved her too before they knew who she was, just as the people of Galveston loved her and gave her the name of Baby Grace. I was fortunate enough to meet some of the people of Galveston and to thank them for their efforts. I was also lucky enough to meet Cheryl Lawless and Rain York of Texas Equusearch who with the help of Hal Newsome got us out to the island and I spoke to Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch while on the island and hope to someday meet him. I also met the neighbors of the Spring neighborhood where Riley lived and saw the house which was hard, but the hardest of all was when I went to the causeway bridge where they supposedly threw her from as if she were no more than garbage to be gotten rid of as if she didn't matter.:furious: I agree with all of the comments I have read on alot of the stories that no one is more guilty than the other. It really does not matter what caused her death or who inflicted it, she is no more dead from the skull fractures than she would be from suffocation or drowning. The attorneys could do us all a favor and have their clients plead quilty and get LWOP and save us all the heartache and expense of a trial. I will stop venting now. Just wanted to let you all know that I am still around and that I appreciate all that you do.:blowkiss:

Grandma S. I saw you on our local news, and I so wished I could give you a big hug.

We do not have LWOP in Texas, it will either be life or it will be death penalty. Either way I hope and pray Riley gets justice. I have a fifteen year old daughter who asks about Riley--she touched so many hearts.

My heart goes out to you--

((())) hugs.
Has anyone heard of any news of a funeral service for Riley in Ohio?
Good timing, Littledeer. This just appeared on Fox:,2933,321045,00.html

The remains of a slain toddler known as "Baby Grace" will soon be returned to her family in Ohio.
A judge in Galveston approved the agreement Tuesday involving the remains of two-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers.

No date yet, but 'soon'. So we'll have to keep our eyes peeled for upcoming news about it.

If you come back here, first of all here is a (BIG HUG)!

Please let us know of any services that you will have for Riley Ann here in Ohio. There are posters who are from the area that might might to attend if that is okay with you.

How are you doing? I'm sure this past Christmas was SO HARD for you and your son. I'm sure Riley was there with both you in every second though in spirit and feeling your love and I hope you were feeling hers!
I agree, Littledeer. If I can attend, I will. I can't get her sweet little face out of my mind.
OH, I just saw this on my myspace. I hope they don't mind me posting it here:
Jan. 11, 2008, 3:17PM
Ashes of 'Baby Grace' to be flown to Ohio on Monday
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle

GALVESTON — The ashes of 2-year-old Riley Ann Sawyers, also known as Baby Grace, will be returned to Ohio on Monday on a private jet for burial, the family attorney said today.

An anonymous donor from the Houston area is providing a private jet that will leave from Ellington Field and carry a casket holding an urn containing Riley's ashes, family attorney Laura DePledge said.

Services are scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday at St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church in Mentor, Ohio, DePledge said. (more at link)
I can't get to Mentor by 10 a.m. :(

I will light a candle for her though.

God bless that anonymous donor. :blowkiss:

Thank you so much for posting that!!!! What a beautiful wonderful gift that anonymous donor has given to Sheryl and the family. God Bless him or her!!!!

Taxi: Why can't you make it?? pm if you want.
School hours, LD. Are you close to Mentor? It would take me about 30 minutes and the service would be half over.
Bless the two of you for considering going!! Please let Grandma Sheryl know that our thoughts and hearts are with her and her family if you go....

Yes, I live 20 minutes away. Do you work at a school then?

believe09: I most certainly will do that! If anyone wants to send a card, pm me and I'll give an address.
Visitaton and funeral arrangements have been made for Riley Ann Sawyers, also known as "Baby Grace".

Visitaton for Riley will be from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15th at the Monreal Funeral Home located at 35400 Vine St., Willowick, Ohio. (At the corner of Vine and Rte. 91)

Funeral Services will be at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 16th at St. Bede the Venerable at 9114 Lake Shore Blvd., Mentor, Ohio.

I will definately be going to the calling hours. If anyone has a personal message for Sheryl, you can email or pm me.

I am going to send some flowers in the name of WS, if that's okay with everyone here.

Let me know.

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