Found Alive TX - Rudolph 'Rudy' Farias, 17, Houston, 6 March 2015 *found beaten and unresponsive in 2023*

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in that you tube Part 2 above.
It's stated that the car wreck happened in June, but it's said that his wounds are from the car wreck that happened more recently. like last week?
Was it the mom who said that?
Or is this whole car wreck thing not related?
in that you tube Part 2 above.
It's stated that the car wreck happened in June, but it's said that his wounds are from the car wreck that happened more recently. like last week?
Was it the mom who said that?
Or is this whole car wreck thing not related?
Has it been stated that his wounds are from the car wreck? I have wondered if that was the case, but not seen anything mentioned. So many different stories going around though so I could easily have missed it.
Hope you can join us tonight on Websleuths YouTube Live. We will be discussing Rudy Farias and more!
Has it been stated that his wounds are from the car wreck? I have wondered if that was the case, but not seen anything mentioned. So many different stories going around though so I could easily hav
I'm not even sure. Someone upthread stated that, or may have quoted it from someplace, probably speculation.

I need to step back until LE makes a statement on this case.
Lost. So many changes.

I saw on the youtube part 2 upthread that the mom and son left that hotel together. I don't even understand that. I'd think that they would be separated while authorities look more deeply into what was told to Q.
I'm not even sure. Someone upthread stated that, or may have quoted it from someplace, probably speculation.

I need to step back until LE makes a statement on this case.
Lost. So many changes.

I saw on the youtube part 2 upthread that the mom and son left that hotel together. I don't even understand that. I'd think that they would be separated while authorities look more deeply into what was told to Q.
Yeah hoping LE can clear some of this mess up for us!
As is appears Tricia will be talking about Quanell's presser tonight I'm posting the transcript. Make of it what you will..



- I received an emergency phone call to get over here, for this meeting with the detective's and Rudy's mother and Rudy and so I dropped everything I was doing and made it here as fast as I possibly could and I spent about an hour and 20 minutes, one on one with Rudy, with one of the detective's.

I heard horrific things from that young man, and I did not want him to see me start shedding tears, but I couldn't hold back the tears, because of the things he was saying to us, to the detective and myself.

No child, no child should ever be treated like that by your own mother. This young man said that when he initially ran away he came back two days later, and she told him that he had to hide, that he was going to get in trouble and they were going to arrest him for running away and that he had to continue hiding. And so she hid him out for a while, then brought him back to the house and hid him in the home. And initially, whenever the investigators would come, she would hide him in the house, and he kept saying, 'I don't want her to go to prison, I don't want her to get in trouble, I don't want her to go to jail.' And so we asked him 'Why did you run away?' and he said he just got tired of her not respecting his boundaries. And he said that he wanted his own life and his exact words was 'I was tired of living like a slave.' She would take him to work with her and he would do the required work she was supposed to do. And a lot of the responsibilities of her job was on him and he went on to say that, what troubled him the most was her crossing his personal space boundaries. He said that she would make him sleep in the bed with her and he said that she made him play 'daddy'. He said that she... that he didn't like getting into bed with her, that he would try to sneak out of the bed and sometime hide under the bed but she told him he had to be her husband. That's a damn shame man.

That little boy said she was the one providing drugs to him for years; hallucination drugs, mushrooms, etc. and that the reason why he left, he was just tired of her crossing his boundaries when he would shower; she would come and pull the shower curtain back and stare at him and then she would make him bathe her with the soap, and he ran away, this time, because he was tired.

REPORTER - Quanell, you've been doing this for many years - How emotional has today been with this case?

QUANELL - It's a god damn shame. I ain't never in my life heard of a mother doing to a child what this woman did.

REPORTER - Were you at all there when the mother was questioned?


REPORTER - And, what was her reaction when you talked to her?

QUANELL - She... I knew something was wrong with the story when she was questioned, when he got.. when they found him, he had her credit card in his pocket. She just cancelled that credit card two and a half years ago. So, if he's been missing for eight years, how the hell he get your credit card in his pocket when they found him? from two and a half years ago. And he said to us that she gave him that credit so he could go and buy her certian things.

REPORTER - But with the other allegations. What was her response to those allegations?

QUANELL - She hadn't even heard them because we had to remove her from the room.

REPORTER - So she hasn't been questioned about that?

QUANELL - (shakes his head no)

REPORTER - Can you describe her demeanour and his demeanour during questioning?

QUANELL - When she was in the room, he wouldn't say nothing. He wouldn't say one word when she was in the room, but the minute she left the room and we were allowed to talk to the young man... he asked, he said 'can I speak with Mr X by myself, can I talk to Quanell by myself?' and the detective was like 'well can one of us stay in the room?' and he was like 'okay, but I'll talk to him.' When she left... when he first came here, he was holding on to her, he wouldn't talk to nobody. He wouldn't say one word to anybody; like he was petrified, but the minute he got alone by himself, he slowly calmed down and he slowly began to talk very coherently, and specific details.

REPORTER - This is a man in his mid 20's. People might wonder why not run away from this situation, why not get yourself out of it - Did he give you any explanation about that?

QUANELL - I honestly believe, based on what he said to us, she was drugging the hell out this kid and she convinced him that he was in trouble for initially running away, and that law enforcement wanted to arrest him and put him in jail for running away. She had convinced him that all type of agencies were looking for him to put him in jail.

REPORTER - He was in plain sight, according to you, and that he would take her to work...

QUANELL - No, he would go to work with her. He would stay at the job with her.

REPORTER - Right, she would take him to work - Where did she work and where was he doing this work?

QUANELL - It was some kind of security job or something like that, where they went I don't know, but it was a security type job, a nighttime security watch type job.

REPORTER - How had he ended up at the church?

QUANELL - We still can't... he admitted that he had took mushrooms, okay? and 2 weeks before this... not even a whole 2 weeks, her car was stolen. When her car was stolen, she didn't know how the car was stolen, but the keys were in the car and he stole the car, that's when he got into the accident in the car; and it was him that got into the accident in that car.

REPORTER - What was the story.. I mean this is 8 years he was reported missing; I spoke to neighbours who said he went by 'Dolph' but he never told anyone what happened. What was his story?

QUANELL - Because she had convinced him that he was in so much trouble for initially running away and she gave this boy serious drugs, to the point to where this boy needs extensive professional help.

REPORTER - How did he stay missing for so long? I mean 8 years.

QUANELL - He was allowed to visit with some of the neighbours under an assumed name. She believed that after so many years people had forgotten about the case and that under an assumed name, and convinced him to use that name, nobody would put two and two together.

REPORTER - But he never told any of the people that he was with what was happening?

QUANELL - Never told anybody what was going on. And let me say this - that young man's body have scars all over it, slice wounds from his forearm up to his wrist. All type of scars on this kid and he said that she often locked him in the room, that she would give him drugs and lock him in a room and there's a whole lot of mental health issues there, I believe, induced because of the drugs that this young man was given.

REPORTER - Quanell, at any point during this process today, did you see the mother detained by HPD?

QUANELL - They took her to another room and kept her there for a minute after he had confided with us what was said. I know they were on the phone with the DA's office and their superiors about this case, but I want everybody to know something; this young boy was not kidnapped by some strangers and he got away and they found him. That's not the case here.

REPORTER - You know, this happened on Thursday, and we're nearly a week later and investigators waited almost a week to speak to him. Hearing the story that you heard, is it a concern that they've waited this long to hear from him, given the story that you were told, it seems like he's had 8 years of dealing with this and now another week?

QUANELL - I was shocked that they have not done more. I was shocked that they had not executed a search warrant on the home. I was shocked by that and I said 'don't you all think you need to get busy and execute a search warrant on that home?' and the young man made it crystal clear to us that that's where he was, in the house. But he was living under this fake assumed name.

REPORTER - Do you believe police failed in this situation?

QUANELL - Big time. No doubt about it. Absolutely they did, because there was several instances where calls were made about him to law enforcement and they did not properly follow up and follow through, based on the history of that address, because she hadn't changed addresses.

REPORTER - Some residents were saying this morning, that she brought bags.. she was trying to leave, do you know something about that?

QUANELL - She was what?

REPORTER - She was trying to leave the house.

QUANELL - She did leave the house.

REPORTER - So she was trying to escape?

QUANELL - She did leave the house, and she was trying to get away from the house. Yes.

REPORTER - Why was she at this hotel?

QUANELL - She says she felt that she was not safe going home because she had been receiving threats.

REPORTER - What now is the police investigation (inaudible), where are they?

QUANELL - I can't say at what state their investigation is, but what I can say - it ain't no way in hell that woman shouldn't be locked up immediately, and that boy needs to go to the best drug rehab and best psychological mental health facility that we can find for him. He's a good kid. He's a good kid. That kid was just severely abused.

REPORTER - And what was the mother's reaction when you brought these stories to her?

QUANELL - I couldn't go back in her presence at that point. The police felt that it was just best that she and I not speak again, because I was bitter.

REPORTER - Is she aware of these facts the son told you?

QUANELL - Yes she's aware, and then she goes back in there and tries to tell him, and she don't even know that was recorded - 'tell them, tell them that you made it all up, that was just a lie.'

REPORTER - You said she would ask him to play Daddy, can you just... he was sexually abused?

QUANELL - She would ask him to play daddy, she told him that he had to be the husband. She would force him to sleep in the bed with her and he was forced to sleep, at times, in the bed with no clothes on.

REPORTER - Was anything (inaudible)?

QUANELL - Yes, but I don't want to talk about the kissing and all of that stuff.

REPORTER - He was telling you that there was some sort of sexual action that was happening between him and his...

QUANELL - Let me ask you a question - if your mother tongue kissing you and naked, what the hell was that? I mean, damn, dude, you have to go that far? That, that's what happened. This is sick. This ain't normal. This is sick.

REPORTER - Quanell, if these allegations are true, I understand the position you're in, but if they are true, how long before you think there's an arrest?

QUANELL - Based on what that young man said to me in front of the detective, I don't see why she's not in handcuffs right now. I don't see why she's not in handcuffs, right now.

Thank you.
As is appears Tricia will be talking about Quanell's presser tonight I'm posting the transcript. Make of it what you will..



- I received an emergency phone call to get over here, for this meeting with the detective's and Rudy's mother and Rudy and so I dropped everything I was doing and made it here as fast as I possibly could and I spent about an hour and 20 minutes, one on one with Rudy, with one of the detective's.

I heard horrific things from that young man, and I did not want him to see me start shedding tears, but I couldn't hold back the tears, because of the things he was saying to us, to the detective and myself.

No child, no child should ever be treated like that by your own mother. This young man said that when he initially ran away he came back two days later, and she told him that he had to hide, that he was going to get in trouble and they were going to arrest him for running away and that he had to continue hiding. And so she hid him out for a while, then brought him back to the house and hid him in the home. And initially, whenever the investigators would come, she would hide him in the house, and he kept saying, 'I don't want her to go to prison, I don't want her to get in trouble, I don't want her to go to jail.' And so we asked him 'Why did you run away?' and he said he just got tired of her not respecting his boundaries. And he said that he wanted his own life and his exact words was 'I was tired of living like a slave.' She would take him to work with her and he would do the required work she was supposed to do. And a lot of the responsibilities of her job was on him and he went on to say that, what troubled him the most was her crossing his personal space boundaries. He said that she would make him sleep in the bed with her and he said that she made him play 'daddy'. He said that she... that he didn't like getting into bed with her, that he would try to sneak out of the bed and sometime hide under the bed but she told him he had to be her husband. That's a damn shame man.

That little boy said she was the one providing drugs to him for years; hallucination drugs, mushrooms, etc. and that the reason why he left, he was just tired of her crossing his boundaries when he would shower; she would come and pull the shower curtain back and stare at him and then she would make him bathe her with the soap, and he ran away, this time, because he was tired.

REPORTER - Quanell, you've been doing this for many years - How emotional has today been with this case?

QUANELL - It's a god damn shame. I ain't never in my life heard of a mother doing to a child what this woman did.

REPORTER - Were you at all there when the mother was questioned?


REPORTER - And, what was her reaction when you talked to her?

QUANELL - She... I knew something was wrong with the story when she was questioned, when he got.. when they found him, he had her credit card in his pocket. She just cancelled that credit card two and a half years ago. So, if he's been missing for eight years, how the hell he get your credit card in his pocket when they found him? from two and a half years ago. And he said to us that she gave him that credit so he could go and buy her certian things.

REPORTER - But with the other allegations. What was her response to those allegations?

QUANELL - She hadn't even heard them because we had to remove her from the room.

REPORTER - So she hasn't been questioned about that?

QUANELL - (shakes his head no)

REPORTER - Can you describe her demeanour and his demeanour during questioning?

QUANELL - When she was in the room, he wouldn't say nothing. He wouldn't say one word when she was in the room, but the minute she left the room and we were allowed to talk to the young man... he asked, he said 'can I speak with Mr X by myself, can I talk to Quanell by myself?' and the detective was like 'well can one of us stay in the room?' and he was like 'okay, but I'll talk to him.' When she left... when he first came here, he was holding on to her, he wouldn't talk to nobody. He wouldn't say one word to anybody; like he was petrified, but the minute he got alone by himself, he slowly calmed down and he slowly began to talk very coherently, and specific details.

REPORTER - This is a man in his mid 20's. People might wonder why not run away from this situation, why not get yourself out of it - Did he give you any explanation about that?

QUANELL - I honestly believe, based on what he said to us, she was drugging the hell out this kid and she convinced him that he was in trouble for initially running away, and that law enforcement wanted to arrest him and put him in jail for running away. She had convinced him that all type of agencies were looking for him to put him in jail.

REPORTER - He was in plain sight, according to you, and that he would take her to work...

QUANELL - No, he would go to work with her. He would stay at the job with her.

REPORTER - Right, she would take him to work - Where did she work and where was he doing this work?

QUANELL - It was some kind of security job or something like that, where they went I don't know, but it was a security type job, a nighttime security watch type job.

REPORTER - How had he ended up at the church?

QUANELL - We still can't... he admitted that he had took mushrooms, okay? and 2 weeks before this... not even a whole 2 weeks, her car was stolen. When her car was stolen, she didn't know how the car was stolen, but the keys were in the car and he stole the car, that's when he got into the accident in the car; and it was him that got into the accident in that car.

REPORTER - What was the story.. I mean this is 8 years he was reported missing; I spoke to neighbours who said he went by 'Dolph' but he never told anyone what happened. What was his story?

QUANELL - Because she had convinced him that he was in so much trouble for initially running away and she gave this boy serious drugs, to the point to where this boy needs extensive professional help.

REPORTER - How did he stay missing for so long? I mean 8 years.

QUANELL - He was allowed to visit with some of the neighbours under an assumed name. She believed that after so many years people had forgotten about the case and that under an assumed name, and convinced him to use that name, nobody would put two and two together.

REPORTER - But he never told any of the people that he was with what was happening?

QUANELL - Never told anybody what was going on. And let me say this - that young man's body have scars all over it, slice wounds from his forearm up to his wrist. All type of scars on this kid and he said that she often locked him in the room, that she would give him drugs and lock him in a room and there's a whole lot of mental health issues there, I believe, induced because of the drugs that this young man was given.

REPORTER - Quanell, at any point during this process today, did you see the mother detained by HPD?

QUANELL - They took her to another room and kept her there for a minute after he had confided with us what was said. I know they were on the phone with the DA's office and their superiors about this case, but I want everybody to know something; this young boy was not kidnapped by some strangers and he got away and they found him. That's not the case here.

REPORTER - You know, this happened on Thursday, and we're nearly a week later and investigators waited almost a week to speak to him. Hearing the story that you heard, is it a concern that they've waited this long to hear from him, given the story that you were told, it seems like he's had 8 years of dealing with this and now another week?

QUANELL - I was shocked that they have not done more. I was shocked that they had not executed a search warrant on the home. I was shocked by that and I said 'don't you all think you need to get busy and execute a search warrant on that home?' and the young man made it crystal clear to us that that's where he was, in the house. But he was living under this fake assumed name.

REPORTER - Do you believe police failed in this situation?

QUANELL - Big time. No doubt about it. Absolutely they did, because there was several instances where calls were made about him to law enforcement and they did not properly follow up and follow through, based on the history of that address, because she hadn't changed addresses.

REPORTER - Some residents were saying this morning, that she brought bags.. she was trying to leave, do you know something about that?

QUANELL - She was what?

REPORTER - She was trying to leave the house.

QUANELL - She did leave the house.

REPORTER - So she was trying to escape?

QUANELL - She did leave the house, and she was trying to get away from the house. Yes.

REPORTER - Why was she at this hotel?

QUANELL - She says she felt that she was not safe going home because she had been receiving threats.

REPORTER - What now is the police investigation (inaudible), where are they?

QUANELL - I can't say at what state their investigation is, but what I can say - it ain't no way in hell that woman shouldn't be locked up immediately, and that boy needs to go to the best drug rehab and best psychological mental health facility that we can find for him. He's a good kid. He's a good kid. That kid was just severely abused.

REPORTER - And what was the mother's reaction when you brought these stories to her?

QUANELL - I couldn't go back in her presence at that point. The police felt that it was just best that she and I not speak again, because I was bitter.

REPORTER - Is she aware of these facts the son told you?

QUANELL - Yes she's aware, and then she goes back in there and tries to tell him, and she don't even know that was recorded - 'tell them, tell them that you made it all up, that was just a lie.'

REPORTER - You said she would ask him to play Daddy, can you just... he was sexually abused?

QUANELL - She would ask him to play daddy, she told him that he had to be the husband. She would force him to sleep in the bed with her and he was forced to sleep, at times, in the bed with no clothes on.

REPORTER - Was anything (inaudible)?

QUANELL - Yes, but I don't want to talk about the kissing and all of that stuff.

REPORTER - He was telling you that there was some sort of sexual action that was happening between him and his...

QUANELL - Let me ask you a question - if your mother tongue kissing you and naked, what the hell was that? I mean, damn, dude, you have to go that far? That, that's what happened. This is sick. This ain't normal. This is sick.

REPORTER - Quanell, if these allegations are true, I understand the position you're in, but if they are true, how long before you think there's an arrest?

QUANELL - Based on what that young man said to me in front of the detective, I don't see why she's not in handcuffs right now. I don't see why she's not in handcuffs, right now.

Thank you.
Thank you for all you do!
Quanell X is a controversial figure around Houston. Apparently, the New Black Panther Party ousted him a few years back and he's had quite a few allegations of various types of misconduct through the years.

If a person of color feels more comfortable calling him in as a community activist or will only speak to him or with him there or whatever, that's one thing.

But him barging into ongoing police investigations that he's not qualified nor authorized to conduct, then taking it upon himself to publicize things and the other grandstanding that he's well known for, well that can blow investigations and etc.

And him occasionally being successful at something doesn't change that imo. I personally fail to see how it serves anyone to tell the public that Rudy Farias was sexually abused by his mother, especially at this early point in the investigation and when Rudy Farias may not be in a frame of mind to make those types of decisions (if he was even consulted about it being announced on the news). MOO

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Quanell X is a controversial figure around Houston. Apparently, the New Black Panther Party ousted him a few years back and he's had quite a few allegations of various types of misconduct through the years.

If a person of color feels more comfortable calling him in as a community activist or will only speak to him or with him there or whatever, that's one thing.

But him barging into ongoing police investigations that he's not qualified nor authorized to conduct, then taking upon himself to publicize things and the other grandstanding that he's well known for, well that can blow investigations and etc. MOO

It wasn't an official police interrogation so I'm not sure if this could be used as evidence. I'm not sure how things work in the states is it common thing to use hotels instead of the police station ?
This is all so baffling on many levels, but... What LE agency would agree to meet with the mother and Rudy in a hotel room to question them? With a member of the public present? WHY a hotel? Where was Rudy between Thursday and today?
Quanell X is a controversial figure around Houston. Apparently, the New Black Panther Party ousted him a few years back and he's had quite a few allegations of various types of misconduct through the years.

If a person of color feels more comfortable calling him in as a community activist or will only speak to him or with him there or whatever, that's one thing.

But him barging into ongoing police investigations that he's not qualified nor authorized to conduct, then taking it upon himself to publicize things and the other grandstanding that he's well known for, well that can blow investigations and etc.

And him occasionally being successful doesn't change that imo. I personally fail to see how it serves anyone to tell the public that Rudy Farias was sexually abused by his mother, especially at this early point in the investigatin and when Rudy Farias may not be in a frame of mind to make those types of decisions (if he was even consulted about it being stated on the news). MOO

I have never understood why the HPD lets Quanell sit in on ANY of these - is he at least a registered lawyer, if he's not these questioned detainee's people's retained lawyer?! - and yet, this hasn't been the first time he's been purported to be in an interrogation room either.
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