TX - Shanna, 36, & Diederik Vandewege, 3 mos, slain, Fort Worth, 15 Dec 2016 *GUILTY*

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I actually sometimes fall asleep at times of great distress. In arguments or when receiving bad news for example. Read somewhere that it's your bodys way to cope. This for me is more likely to happen when I didn't contribute to the situation. If I did then I will fall asleep immediately after solution.

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How do they sleep? I mean, sitting in the interrogation room? Or lying down somewhere? Trying to picture it, don't know how these things work ...

Anywhere/how! If in an interrogation room, seated at a table, one might put his head down on the table and nap. Or lean his head back and snooze (like uncle Louie who imbibed too much at Thanksgiving). Hubby observed one get out of the chair, lie on the floor and sleep <--- not typical, though.

If in a holding cell, which I don't believe CV was, there's the cot.

Hubby theorizes that even if one is not confessing yet (or ever), there's a certain amount of relief in being caught.
I actually sometimes fall asleep at times of great distress. In arguments or when receiving bad news for example. Read somewhere that it's your bodys way to cope. This for me is more likely to happen when I didn't contribute to the situation. If I did then I will fall asleep immediately after solution.

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Yep! I'm an escape sleeper. I really mastered it as a teenager but I'm middle aged and can still sleep for over 12 hours. Easy. I get stressed, I sleep. Anxious? Sleep. Sad? Goodnight!

I've heard the guilty sleep innocent insomnia idea before and it's cool to consider, but I'd look super guilty in jail because I guarantee I'd be crashed out as much as possible.
I actually sometimes fall asleep at times of great distress. In arguments or when receiving bad news for example. Read somewhere that it's your bodys way to cope. This for me is more likely to happen when I didn't contribute to the situation. If I did then I will fall asleep immediately after solution.

That reaction is common among people with narcolepsy, IIRC.
Oh snap. A Trillion % agree. Wth.

I wonder if the coworker was just not smart enough to tell police that this guy wants his pregnant wife dead?


Strange that CV (or anyone, really) would talk to a co-worker like that while on-the-job. He'd only worked there several months, so it's not like he was long-time friends with his co-workers.

I'd wrongly assumed the co-worker was male. Maybe because it's hard to imagine a man talking about his wife like that to another woman. Well, unless there's a high level of comfort in the relationship, that is (and even then, still hard to imagine such a conversation taking place on the job).

Anyway..........now we know from the capital arrest warrant that the co-worker was a female who contacted police, via their mutual employer Costco, on Dec. 21st (6 days after the murders). She told LE about how CV ragged on his wife's looks and how he wanted to kill her.

CV also reportedly told this female co-worker that if she had insurance on her jewelry and ever wanted money, all she had to do was to fake a robbery. Makes you wonder if Craig had taken out insurance on the three things he reported stolen after the murders (Shanna's wedding ring, her diamond earrings, and her pearls).

Also....about 8 hours after CV allegedly killed Shanna and baby D, on Dec. 15 at 6:28 p.m., he texted his manager and accused a female co-worker of hitting him, threatening to stab him, and bragging about knowing how to make bodies disappear. Pretty dang Interesting, right?

I think it's quite possible that CV and a female employee had a falling out and he was trying to set her azz up.

Reference -- capital arrest warrant: https://www.scribd.com/document/334950693/Vandewege-Redacted#from_embed
I'm just chiming in with this. I read the arrest warrant and on page 5 (I believe), it's mentioned that CV spent a good deal of time sleeping while at the station for his initial interview. Of course this is strictly an anecdotal opinion, but my husband (ex-LE) says the guilty always sleep. The innocent are are far too distraught, nervous to rest. JMHHO (just my hubby's humble opinion)

I've heard this, too, from my dad, a retired NY detective.

From David Simon's book, "Homicide: A Year of Killing on the Streets":

"10 informal rules that apply in the majority of homicide cases, as detectives soon learn. They are as follows:
. . .
A guilty man left alone in an interrogation room goes to sleep.An innocent man left alone in an interrogation room will remain fully awake, rubbing his eyes, staring at the cubicle walls, . . . A guilty man left alone in an interrogation room goes to sleep."

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Yep! I'm an escape sleeper. I really mastered it as a teenager but I'm middle aged and can still sleep for over 12 hours. Easy. I get stressed, I sleep. Anxious? Sleep. Sad? Goodnight!

I've heard the guilty sleep innocent insomnia idea before and it's cool to consider, but I'd look super guilty in jail because I guarantee I'd be crashed out as much as possible.

I'm just the opposite. When stressed out, sad, scared, whatever, I can't sleep at all. My mind runs in circles and drags me with it, relentlessly, to find a solution to whatever stressful situation there is.

My husband is like you and Schmatz. Sometimes I envy him, sometimes I hate him for simply going to bed! Lol!
I've heard this, too, from my dad, a retired NY detective.

From David Simon's book, "Homicide: A Year of Killing on the Streets":

"10 informal rules that apply in the majority of homicide cases, as detectives soon learn. They are as follows:
. . .
A guilty man left alone in an interrogation room goes to sleep.An innocent man left alone in an interrogation room will remain fully awake, rubbing his eyes, staring at the cubicle walls, . . . A guilty man left alone in an interrogation room goes to sleep."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes, there are always exceptions to the rule and a good law enforcement officer will make note but not necessarily make a definitive determination of guilt or innocence. My body language in general might be considered suspect. My posture is often considered closed off but that's just how I'm comfortable.
These men not only don't want families, they also don't want to be viewed as deadbeats, so they kill their families in hopes of looking like a victim instead. Makes me so angry.

Snipped for space.

This is it. Scott Peterson, Neil entwhistle, Mark Hacking, etc. They can't bear to lose their golden boy status. And they've fooled people so long into believing they're great that they think they can get away with murder. Disgusting.
It's good to see you, Gitana.

Legal question, if you don't mind answering.

With probable cause for an arrest warrant, would LE now have probable cause to subpoena CV's phone records and such?
It's good to see you, Gitana.

Legal question, if you don't mind answering.

With probable cause for an arrest warrant, would LE now have probable cause to subpoena CV's phone
Hang this MF tonight.
It's good to see you, Gitana.

Legal question, if you don't mind answering.

With probable cause for an arrest warrant, would LE now have probable cause to subpoena CV's phone records and such?

That's not automatic but there should be probable cause for such records in this case. I would think that anytime there's a murder, phone records would have evidentiary value. As would all electronic data, surveillance records, etc
Thank you, Gitana.

CV refused to let LE look at his phone for a reason.

Betting LE is going to find some interesting text communications and calls made/received when they get those records.
He must have emotional insecurities, as well as body image issues. He certainly isn't John Q. Studly! That could be the reason he wanted to go to Vegas. Hookers will say just about anything to a client to better the guy, as long as he is a paying customer. There are way too many men who need their manhood boasted about.
Plus, he has the need for this revelation in order to try and overcome the fact that he hires a hooker to make himself feel needed.
He must have emotional insecurities, as well as body image issues. He certainly isn't John Q. Studly! That could be the reason he wanted to go to Vegas. Hookers will say just about anything to a client to better the guy, as long as he is a paying customer. There are way too many men who need their manhood boasted about.
Plus, he has the need for this revelation in order to try and overcome the fact that he hires a hooker to make himself feel needed.
No, he isn't John Q Studly, that's for sure. But, he complained about Shanna's looks. IMO, she was pretty. I guess he wanted to be with someone he felt was stunningly beautiful, to bolster his self image. Makes me wonder why he married Shanna in the first place. For her money? Was he hoping for someone who would also support him financially so he could quit his job and play the field? Just speculating that maybe that was his plan, but then Shanna had a baby and didn't return to work. He got a promotion, but maybe he was bitter about being the breadwinner.

I'm reminded here (as with so many cases) of a friend who took advantage of me financially and materially, as I suspect she did of many other people, especially after she and her husband separated. She claimed he abused her, but she spoke disparagingly of his appearance, his intellect and his ability to provide financially. Yet, she had not worked in over a decade and he had a steady job. She made comments about herself implying a superior intellect (not), a beautiful appearance (not), and that she was chief breadwinner. She pretended to care about others only to get close to a person so she could manipulate them into getting whatever she wanted.

IMO, these people are narcissistic sociopaths who view other people only as tools to obtain what they want in life. They are unable to empathize with others and are concerned only with their image and their desires. I can't imagine what Shanna experienced in her marriage, but I know she deserved much better. So did Diederik.
Why the hell didn't his co-workers contact police when he told them he wanted to push his wife down the stairs and kill her?
Why the co-worker didn't call police is a good question. The answer to which might be something deeper than the co-worker simply being apathetic or not believing that CV was serious, IMO.

Other related questions that I'd love to have answered:

1. Why and where did CV tell this female co-worker about wishing to kill his then-pregnant wife, and about dreaming of butchering his wife (just days prior to the actual the murders)?
--If he was just running around saying such disturbing things at work, someone else would have come forward already and he wouldn't have still been employed at Costco, IMO.

2. Why did it take the co-worker 6 days after the supposed robbery and confirmed murder of CV's wife to tell LE that CV had spoken to her about both..... staging a robbery and murdering his wife?
--She worked in the same department and had to have heard the news about what happened at the Vandewege home fairly quickly.

3. Is she the same employee who CV accused of hitting + threatening to stab him (and the sales guys) + bragging about knowing how to get rid of bodies?
--According to the affidavit, CV made these accusations against a female employee, by text, several hours after he killed his wife and baby and a couple of hours before he got home and called 911 to report a robbery/murder.

4. Where the hell are Shanna's wedding ring, diamond earrings, and pearls? :steamed:
--These are the only only items CV reported missing from the supposed robbery that ended with his wife and baby having their throats slit.
-- CV texted this short list of 'stolen' items to Detective Barron after his police interview which ended Friday morning. That text was CV's only subsequent communication with LE. When he was called back to the station on Monday for a second interview, he'd already retained an attorney and wasn't talking (though he hadn't been accused of a crime, according to Barron).

Reference: the capital murder arrest warrant -- https://www.scribd.com/document/334950693/Vandewege-Redacted#from_embed
Why the hell didn't his co-workers contact police when he told them he wanted to push his wife down the stairs and kill her?

Honestly the FWPD probably could not have done anything. CV would have just said it was a bad joke that someone misinterpreted and that he wasn't serious. He's a manager at Costco and a benign looking guy. Narcicissts and sociopaths are expert manipulators.
Looks like the husband was a loner which makes me believe he is a video gamer that got caught up in a fantasy thrill kill. Jmo, he probably has a hard time socializing with women and is addicted to *advertiser censored*. I said in the beginning of this thread that the condoms in the pocket were for show because he's socially awkward. Mental health issues for sure

or he was planning on one last stray diddle before he goes down
QUOTE=Angie682;13022368]Honestly the FWPD probably could not have done anything. CV would have just said it was a bad joke that someone misinterpreted and that he wasn't serious. He's a manager at Costco and a benign looking guy. Narcicissts and sociopaths are expert manipulators.[/QUOTE]

ITA - this really put his coworker(s) in a very difficult spot. They only had two options - report his weird conversations to HR or contact LE directly. I too am quite sure that, when confronted/questioned by either HR or LE, he would have just laughed it off and diminished the conversations "it was just a bad joke!". Not to mention it would then be obvious to CV who reported him and that would have made for an even more uncomfortable working environment.

But then again, maybe someone did report his behavior to HR and we just don't know it yet. It's doubtful as I would think that detail would have been included in the previous articles though.

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