TX - Shanna, 36, & Diederik Vandewege, 3 mos, slain, Fort Worth, 15 Dec 2016 *GUILTY*

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Why the hell didn't his co-workers contact police when he told them he wanted to push his wife down the stairs and kill her?

It may have just been the one co-worker. CV had seniority over her. It puts the employee in a very precarious spot because usually HR sides with management, and usually police are reactive rather than proactive. The most they would do is verify that SV was unharmed at that time, and that would have been it.

Not to mention that the employee could have been afraid for her own safety if she told anyone.

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Coffee for co-workers to pacify them because he was 45 minutes late???

I think I missed a chunk of the document. Going back to read again. Thanks!

And, I bet his co-workers are sick to their stomachs knowing now what happened that morning.

Coffee for co-workers to pacify them because he was 45 minutes late???

Plus it was nearly noon, not exactly a normal time to be bringing coffee to people.

This guy bungled everything he tried to do. Made pry marks on a door but did it while the door was open, making it obviously staged. Left his wife's phone at the house allowing LE to confirm that she didn't use it past when CV went to work. Pulled drawers out but didn't disturb contents. Forgot to show any emotion. Didn't act concerned that the killer might still be in the house. Went to CO with no license plates visible, then gave LE more reason to stop him by speeding. Didn't think to have up to date proof of insurance.

I realize it's hard for a murderer to think of everything. But CV was a bumbling idiot.
Honestly the FWPD probably could not have done anything. CV would have just said it was a bad joke that someone misinterpreted and that he wasn't serious. He's a manager at Costco and a benign looking guy. Narcicissts and sociopaths are expert manipulators.

Sadly, I have to agree. Not knocking PD, just the protocol, I once called FWPD after witnessing a dad verbally abuse and handle his son roughly. The calltaker told me that since there were no injuries, PD could do nothing. I argued that if the father treated his son like this in a waiting room around other people, how abusive was he at home, away from others? She said they can do nothing about emotional abuse. As for the grabbing of his son's arm, jerking him toward him, and forcing him to the ground, she reiterated the lack of injuries.


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Since I'm an LPN, I am a mandatory reporter. I called the head office in Topeka, spent 38 minutes on the phone telling her about numerous incidents I had witnessed between this mom and young teen-aged son. After I got through with the report, that stupid witch asked me what I wanted her to do!!! I told her I thought he should be removed from the home. I honestly don't know if they even followed up with a home visit, much less actually doing something about the situation.
If the co-worker had reported CV's statement about 'wishing he could push his pregnant wife down the stairs and kill her that way' to HR or FWPD, they would have had to document it and at least checked it out.

Even if there was no action that could be taken, that might have had an impact on CV and changed the future course of events. Just maybe.

What's more curious though, to me, than the co-worker not reporting CV's statements about killing his wife early on, is the fact that it apparently took her 6 days after CV's wife was in fact killed to contact HR/FWPD.

I'm not coming down on the co-worker, but believe there may be important context missing here which we'll learn later.
Plus it was nearly noon, not exactly a normal time to be bringing coffee to people.

This guy bungled everything he tried to do. Made pry marks on a door but did it while the door was open, making it obviously staged. Left his wife's phone at the house allowing LE to confirm that she didn't use it past when CV went to work. Pulled drawers out but didn't disturb contents. Forgot to show any emotion. Didn't act concerned that the killer might still be in the house. Went to CO with no license plates visible, then gave LE more reason to stop him by speeding. Didn't think to have up to date proof of insurance.

I realize it's hard for a murderer to think of everything. But CV was a bumbling idiot.

Yeah, he was definitely a bumbling idiot.

To add to your list....during his 911 call, CV mentioned his alibi (just getting home from work) a couple of times before describing the horrific scene he'd just walked into.
It may have just been the one co-worker. CV had seniority over her. It puts the employee in a very precarious spot because usually HR sides with management, and usually police are reactive rather than proactive. The most they would do is verify that SV was unharmed at that time, and that would have been it.

Not to mention that the employee could have been afraid for her own safety if she told anyone.

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"police are reactive rather than proactive. " Excellent point I do not blame that co- worker one bit, what do you think the cops would say if she reported her boss said he was going to push is wife down the stairs? They might just laugh at her and say " call us if he does this". I would be very afraid to report anything like that for fear of backlash too. This is a hindsight is 20/20 thing. Not her fault or her responsibility.
Honestly the FWPD probably could not have done anything. CV would have just said it was a bad joke that someone misinterpreted and that he wasn't serious. He's a manager at Costco and a benign looking guy. Narcicissts and sociopaths are expert manipulators.

As a co-worker of the suspect I've been just reading and following along, everyone is in shock, there is no explanation that is ever going to make this even remotely understandable but because I know the people who were interviewed and it was more then just one... I can say you nailed that on the head, I think people thought he talked too much, was an ******* in general but he was people's bosses on top of the fact that no one would ever have thought this was possible. I've been in a stalking case before the FWPD did nothing! I lived in fear for almost a year before they finally got him, the problem is talk is just talk and until something actually happens they can't do anything. I know who ever this was told to is deeply deeply distraught. They will live with this but I've worked there long enough with my own experience to know he was vindictive and a child who didn't take correction well. Telling on him knowing there wasn't much that could be done other then piss him off for venting probably wouldn't have stopped this but it doesn't matter because what happened, happened. Now two beautiful souls are no longer with us. I just hope he gets the full extent of Texas justice.
If moving to Ft Worth from Colorado was a promotion for him, I am sure he must have had the same behavior at the Colorado Costco. Curious to know this and if other people withheld strange remarks/actions he may have made about his wife etc. I am convinced this guy is suffering from some kind of psychosis and we just don't know how long he has been on meds etc for his condition. Could be the stress of a baby coming or actual baby triggered his psychopathy or made it worse.
Thank u for your beneficial insight cats. We're glad you joined us here but I'm so sorry it's under such sad circumstances.
Thank u for your beneficial insight cats. We're glad you joined us here but I'm so sorry it's under such sad circumstances.

Thank you, it's terrible and I'm still in shock I have a 6 month old myself, she's the most exceptional gift I've been given. What a scary world I've brought her into. To know that this man I worked with daily could do this...

That this world has records of many stories such as this terrifies me.

I would do anything in my power to protect her as every parent should...

I'm at a loss. I can tell you he wasn't well liked. He was not someone who had integrity. He was a narcissist and full of it. He got promoted because he would never have been promoted where he was from. He was lazy, cut corners, always negative about people's motivations. I had honestly never met anyone like him. Management was aware of the ****** things he did I can't speak for the things he told another Co worker but I know she had told me she hated the way he spoke of his wife but I had never been privy to it or to the extent of what horrible things they were but I bet he knows exactly who talked to the detectives. As far as the time it took to speak to the detectives I believe she was told that they had to get the right paperwork to come back and speak with his co-workers. She was terrified, she's been looking over her shoulder this whole time and I'm not sure she's going to recover from this emotionally, and I can't blame her.
I can also add that when he had been talked to by management he would hold a grudge and be spiteful that we made him look bad. Very concerned with his image.
I also think he knew better then to speak to me about those things... Which makes me think he was manipulating all of us. He probably knew she didn't want to hear it but that she probably wouldn't pursue anything some people just have bigger mouths and stronger opinions and those people you probably don't blab to about the crazy stuff in your head. When I first heard about this happening my first thought want him doing it. It was about how devastated he must be but that's because the guy he showed me was the new father and the videos of his baby laughing. Everytime I think of that last video he showed me my heart breaks. He was just learning to laugh. How can anyone do that?!
Thank you for the background, CITC1.

It's difficult to understand how CV retained his management position being so unprofessional and disruptive.

Sounds like he was generally regarded as a big-mouthed, trouble-making ahole -- even though he'd worked there for what, 6 months or less?

We know from the arrest warrant that his manager considered him as having poor relations and people skills with the employees in his department; something which had to be addressed with CV frequently. So, it sounds like people under him were complaining about some things. Maybe his days of employment there were numbered and he knew it?

The accusatory text he sent to his manager about a female co-worker only hours after reportedly killing his wife and baby is surreal. It did have a retaliatory or vindictive tone, to me.

Anyway, it seems clear that the female co-worker who on the 21st told LE the terrible things CV said about his wife was key to establishing the probable cause for his arrest and getting the warrant issued on the 22nd, in time to hold CV in Colorado as he was bonding out. That's a very good thing -- she may well have kept him from hitting the road and wreaking more havoc.
Thank you for the background, CITC1.

The accusatory text he sent to his manager about a female co-worker only hours after reportedly killing his wife and baby is surreal. It did have a retaliatory or vindictive tone, to me.

Anyway, it seems clear that the female co-worker who told LE the terrible things CV said about his wife on the 21st was key to establishing the probable cause for his arrest and getting the warrant issued on the 22nd, in time to hold CV in Colorado as he was bonding out. That's a very good thing -- she may well have kept him from hitting the road and wreaking more havoc.

Yes. I believe that he actually had gotten in trouble that day because a co-worker complained about him that morning and he was just trying to get her back, in fact I believe he actually tried to tell the cops that she may have done it but I am just repeating the parts I remember. When I was told she had been accused of this I knew he must be guilty. There is no way. He knew they had him and he tried to blame it on a young girl who would never hurt a fly.
Yes. I believe that he actually had gotten in trouble that day because a co-worker complained about him that morning and he was just trying to get her back, in fact I believe he actually tried to tell the cops that she may have done it but I am just repeating the parts I remember. When I was told she had been accused of this I knew he must be guilty. There is no way. He knew they had him and he tried to blame it on a young girl who would never hurt a fly.

Do you know if the fact that CV may have accused her of involvement in the murders is what prompted her to come forward about his previous incriminating remarks regarding his wife?
Thank you Cats for sharing your insight! This must be very hard for all of you who worked with him! And especially for the woman he made these terrible remarks to. Did she share them with other co-workers before the murders happened?

Please let her know, if you want to, that I do not blame her at all for not alerting LE or management, she must have felt scared and intimidated by him. I don't believe the murders would have been prevented had she told anyone.

She must be so relieved that he's behind bars now. And as yllek says above, she contributed to LE being able to arrest him for the murders, and probably prevented more loss of life. He might have turned into a spree killer.

Btw, was CV ever married before he married Shanna? Does anyone know?
No that was a different co-worker all together.
Sorry I am just learning this thread and this was directed to yllek.

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