TX - Shanna, 36, & Diederik Vandewege, 3 mos, slain, Fort Worth, 15 Dec 2016 *GUILTY*

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Must have been having mental problems and dr prescribed some medicine that did not help. I think he needed something a lot strong than anti anxiety medication! He needed some anti- psychotic meds!! He is obviously delusional and psychotic. Maybe he was mis-diagnosed.....I hope this all comes out, because I think he has some very serious mental issues that were not being treated.

I just don't think people in midst of psychosis are capable of covering up a crime the way he did. They usually do things openly. Like that mother awhile back who killed her kid and then walked naked, covered with blood down the street. Or the one who pushed her dead baby on the swing for hours.
Theydont carefully try to stage the scene, hide certain valuables to pretend it was related to a robbery, calmly call 911 and lie about when they found the bodies, etc.
Anytime someone tried to coverup a scene the insanity defense goes out the window for me and I'm not convinced that the crime can be attributed to mental health issues at all.
If someone can cover up a crime, they can prevent themselves from committing it. IMO
I just don't think people in midst of psychosis are capable of covering up a crime the way he did. They usually do things openly. Like that mother awhile back who killed her kid and then walked naked, covered with blood down the street. Or the one who pushed her dead baby on the swing for hours.
Theydont carefully try to stage the scene, hide certain valuables to pretend it was related to a robbery, calmly call 911 and lie about when they found the bodies, etc.
Anytime someone tried to coverup a scene the insanity defense goes out the window for me and I'm not convinced that the crime can be attributed to mental health issues at all.
If someone can cover up a crime, they can prevent themselves from committing it. IMO

Agree. Plus all killers have mental health issues directly prior to the murder.

So this guy has just found permanent residency in Texas..
I bet he will want to stick to the 'intruder' story---but I am sure his attorney will convince him that it is impossible at this time. I think he will plead guilty , but use some kind of mental health defense.

If CV did it (of which I have very little doubt), I hope he does plead guilty, unless Shanna's family really wants the death penalty.

I could see CV claiming some sort of diminished capacity, as you predict, primarily to try avoid full responsibility, save face, and/or avoid the death penalty.

If he refuses to acknowledge responsibility and pleads not guilty -- like Scott Peterson, Christian Longo, etc -- it's gotta be excruciating for the victims' family having to listen to BS excuses and jabs at the deceased during the trial.

Based on the limited information we know now, I agree with those who suspect that CV is a narcissist, not someone with a history or diagnosis of schizophrenia or anything like that. I also think he was probably doing recreational drugs. And, there seems to me to be a level of immaturity with CV that's different from Peterson and Longo -- CV seemed focused on bros, beers, babes, video games, and work place drama kinda stuff.

This isn't a very in-depth article about why husbands/father kill their families, but it's sort of interesting. http://abcnews.go.com/US/LegalCenter/story?id=1598597&page=1
Is anyone else caught up on the fact that nothing was stolen during the supposed robbery except for personal items of Shanna's -- her wedding ring, her diamond earrings, and her pearl necklace? It offends me so much on behalf of Shanna.

If one believes CV, intruders left several guns, phones, electronic equipment, and other items of value......but broke into safes to get those three items, for which they were willing to kill Shanna and Diederick.

That story makes no sense, obviously, and has me wondering why he chose to claim those three items were stolen.

--Did he insure those pieces of jewelry before the murders in order to make a lot of money by faking a robbery (like he told his co-worker she could do)?
--Did he pawn those items for a fast buck?
--Did he give Shanna's jewelry to another woman?
--Was he trying to set up a woman for the crime; make it appear that someone resented/hated Shanna enough to take her life, her baby's life, and her personal belongings?

I really hope LE knows or finds out what happened to that jewelry.
Well you never expect THIS. Trust me on this one--you never expect your child's father is going to commit homicide. One small bright spot, I guess, is she'll never have to realize and spend the rest of her life blaming herself. Small comforts.

Another small comfort: he did this unthinkable deed in TEXAS.
Yeah why didn't he just kill her in Colorado? Or did he not decide to until after the move? Seems dumb to go to the trouble of moving and everything but the whole thing doesn't make much sense.
I've met lots of murderers in prison but never a .... what's it called when you kill your whole family? Patricide? Or is that the killing of a father??

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Patricide is killing a parent. Fillicide is killing your child. Fratricide is killing a sibling. We usually refer to these special effers as family annihilators I think. IDK the proper term
Patricide is killing a parent. Fillicide is killing your child. Fratricide is killing a sibling. We usually refer to these special effers as family annihilators I think. IDK the proper term

And bat s#it crazy is killing them all.

For the sake of having condoms in your pocket to protect yourself with other partners that one may decide to sleep with. Jmo

Especially days after killing wife and child. Jmo
No nothing like that, if he did maybe I'm oblivious but I never got that vibe from him.

Thank you! Another question...Did you find him very weird from the first day that you met him?
All my Blessings to you for a Very Merry Christmas
Its so sad when by first info, this poor man came home to find his family dead, to a day or so later, to finding out HE is the ñut job
responsible for their deaths. I think a little jailhouse justice would be a real good punishment for him, for starters. Male chauvinist pig.
Before the arrest warrant was issued, Shanna's dad was very supportive of his son-in-law.
Before the capital murder warrant was issued, Riddle had expressed support for his son-in-law in a comment made on a Star-Telegram article, calling other comments left by readers “detrimental” to his daughter’s husband and “his innocence.”

“I believe in him and so do all of the other family members and friends gathered,” Riddle wrote. “Until you have had to deal with the mixed emotions that we’ve been experiencing since this episode, do not be judgmental lest you be judged.”

I hope Mr. Riddle and the rest of Shanna's loved ones are holding it together.

A few days ago, it was reported that attorney Gordon was going to Colorado to confer with his client, but CV is still in Garfield County jail. He's the worst of the lot, but there are some other very bad dudes holed up there too. http://www.garcosheriff.com/PDFs/current_inmates.pdf

I wonder if CV had visitors. Once he's transferred, seems unlikely he'll ever be leaving Texas again (at least I hope he won't).
I will forever be haunted by the thought of this waste of human space holding that precious child's head while he cut his tiny little neck. There is a special place in hell for those who would do that to a sweet infant child. Please don't misunderstand me, it is horrific he would do this to his beautiful wife, yet there is something inhuman in a monster who can do this to his own infant then proceed to clean up, go buy coffee and appear somewhat normal for a shift of work. Not to mention getting caught later with condoms in his pocket.
Yeah, the last photo to be put in his and Shanna's album should be him swinging from a rope attached to a tall tree.
Thank you! Another question...Did you find him very weird from the first day that you met him?
All my Blessings to you for a Very Merry Christmas

Yes and I'm not one to try and judge quickly, so I'll be the first to play devil's advocate, however he was odd. I did try and be kind and hospitable to a new person in our department but he just thought differently and had an oddness that most noticed right away. It's still really hard for me to imagine that anyone could do this to someone they loved and their baby but everything is pointing to him.

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