Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #1

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This creek is on the Dallas side, not Richardson. While the helecoptor flew over there was no indication that this area was checked o.n foot with dogs. I made a map of the entire thing cause I live by the rail road but I can't upload the pics, if people want to see let me know how to do it with my iPad. Richardson PD searched their side properly, but she lives on the boarder and as far as I know Dallas PD did not do the proper search.

and they are very very touchy about stepping on each other's toes.

Also there is a small bridge that is well hidden- along with a tunnel that helps funnel the creek.... Jesus Christ I'm getting the chills I should go check it out right now but I'm scared. I know for a fact the police did not check this area.

bbm (bolded by me)

Welcome to Websleuths MissKyra! I am pretty sure you can't post pictures until you have a certain amount of posts. Others might have more details on that, but just wanted to throw that out here so you knew it's not you.

Also rumors from social media aren't allowed to be posted. Here are the rules about that:
How is the Father alleging he saw her "outside" the fence? Unless he himself was "outside" the fence with her, I cannot see where he would have a visual vantage point with her being so tiny and a stockade fence blocking his view of her. I mean even on the second floor window vantage point, I don't believe you could see beyond a good eight to ten feet out from other side of fence. How did he see her? IMHO
What possibly could a child do at 3 a.m. to warrant such a punishment, most are sound asleep. Bedwetting is the only thing comes to mind...IMHO
What possibly could a child do at 3 a.m. to warrant such a punishment, most are sound asleep. Bedwetting is the only thing comes to mind...IMHO

Speech/language delays often are tied to behavior issues. This is called "communication disorder" and often includes problem behaviors -- the child cannot express wants and needs and so acts out. (Not going in search of a link, but the research is out there.)

I'm not saying that Sherin, or any child, deserves punishment, not at all, rather that language delay can become a big problem for families. If this child had other delays, possibly many adults had difficulty grasping that Sherin and her sister actually need different guidance & parenting?

3 AM can be a hard time to apply your developmentally appropriate parenting skills, KWIM?

I taught preschool for many years. Parents can get rather upset when they see their child in your classroom doing things the child "won't do" at home...

Re: Mom. IIRC someone stated that Mom is a nurse? Was Mom at work, leaving Dad with the 2 young children?

Whatever happened, Sherin, I'm sorry & hope that you are OK!

I'd like to know when was the last time someone outside of the household saw Sherin.

I also agree that LE must have found something that would suggest they don't expect to find her alive. As well as the search not continuing overnight, charging the father is unusual. Eg, in a genuine case of a child wandering off, you never hear of the parents being charged for endangerment *during* the search. LE would (I think) normally wait for the outcome.
My guess is they used that to get him into custody to prevent him from taking off.

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This creek is on the Dallas side, not Richardson. While the helecoptor flew over there was no indication that this area was checked o.n foot with dogs. I made a map of the entire thing cause I live by the rail road but I can't upload the pics, if people want to see let me know how to do it with my iPad. Richardson PD searched their side properly, but she lives on the boarder and as far as I know Dallas PD did not do the proper search.

and they are very very touchy about stepping on each other's toes.

Also there is a small bridge that is well hidden- along with a tunnel that helps funnel the creek.... Jesus Christ I'm getting the chills I should go check it out right now but I'm scared. I know for a fact the police did not check this area.

I hate all this talk of developmental delays as if it's some excuse for parents to become monsters. (I know that no one here thinks that. It's just the way it always seems to be portrayed in media and stuff.) It ticks me off because children with disabilities are the ones who need MORE compassion. Not punishment or anger. I read an article recently, I wish I could find it, talking about how when kids with disabilities are killed by parents, the narrative in media is much different than when a child without a disability is killed.

I am not saying this child has autism. But someone wondered why a child would be up at 3am. I am in an autism mom group and tons of kids have sleeping problems and are up at all hours of the night. So to me, it's not so unusual for a child to be up at 3am, unfortunately. I am sure even kids without autism can have sleeping problems. So that is always a possibility.

Also, some families just have wonky sleep schedules (or rather, lack thereof.) So that would be another possibility.
Hoping for some amazing and miraculous news this morning! :please:

Blessed little Sherin, child of God.
I don't watch interviews or news footage in most cases so I've not heard her name. Are they pronouncing is similar to Sharon? TIA
My boy has not grown as quickly as I would like. He's 25 pounds and 32 inches. He doesn't look sickly. Just little. This little girl looks similar to him. I would expect that she is either a bit shorter or weighs a bit more. Maybe 36 inches and 30 pounds.

My 3.5 year old is 36 inches and 27 pounds. He was 4 wks premature and has always been off the growth chart but growing well on his own curve. I wouldn't put much weight into the measurements.

I don't have a good feeling about this. :( Hoping she is found soon.

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I hate all this talk of developmental delays as if it's some excuse for parents to become monsters. (I know that no one here thinks that. It's just the way it always seems to be portrayed in media and stuff.) It ticks me off because children with disabilities are the ones who need MORE compassion. Not punishment or anger. I read an article recently, I wish I could find it, talking about how when kids with disabilities are killed by parents, the narrative in media is much different than when a child without a disability is killed.

I am not saying this child has autism. But someone wondered why a child would be up at 3am. I am in an autism mom group and tons of kids have sleeping problems and are up at all hours of the night. So to me, it's not so unusual for a child to be up at 3am, unfortunately. I am sure even kids without autism can have sleeping problems. So that is always a possibility.

Also, some families just have wonky sleep schedules (or rather, lack thereof.) So that would be another possibility.
I understand what you're saying and absolutely agree it is no excuse for harming a child. Children with developmental and emotional delays do need more patience, compassion, and support. The issue is that parents have their own triggers, emotional history, etc that impacts their ability to parent effectively 100% of the time. Add sleep deprivation, middle of the night, etc and someone at their wits end could do something horrible in the heat of the moment.

It is not an excuse nor should it factor into the consequence but it could be an explanation and way to understand what drives the behavior in otherwise "good" or perceived "normal" parents. When thinking of child abuse prevention interventions, this is important. Jmo.

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Richardson Police arrest father of missing girl for Child Endangerment

By:* Staff

POSTED:*OCT 07 2017 09:22PM CDT


UPDATED:*OCT 07 2017 11:04PM CDT

Richardson Police arrested the father of a missing 3-year-old Saturday evening, a few hours after temporarily calling off their search.

Wesley Mathews is charged with Child Endangerment regarding the disappearance of Sherin Mathews. Her mother has also not returned from questioning at the Richardson Police station and investigators have not said whether they believe the girl was abducted. All three vehicles were towed from the family home.

Sherin’s parents told Police they last saw her beyond the fence of their backyard around 3 a.m., off Sunningdale, near Centennial Blvd.

Neighbor Thi Nguyen says that confuses him, “How can a kid get out of the house at 3? How is that possible?”

Police say the parents reported her missing at 8 a.m. and an Amber Alert was issued for the 3-foot, 22 lb. girl. Police say she has development issues and limited communication skills.

Jose Cherian is an elder at Emmanuel Bible Chapel.

"She's a tiny baby and she's very active. A very smart girl," said Cherian.

He, and other church members, searched the field and railroad tracks behind the family's home, and prayed. As the Sherin’s parents were taken in for questioning, investigators went door-to-door, talking to neighbors and collecting surveillance footage.

"We are doing interviews with them and re-interviewing them and so we're trying to get some more details from them," said Sgt. Kevin Perlich.

"I hope and I pray to God that she is safe and she will be returning home. Somebody please bring back the baby, wherever she is," said Cherian.

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I understand what you're saying and absolutely agree it is no excuse for harming a child. Children with developmental and emotional delays do need more patience, compassion, and support. The issue is that parents have their own triggers, emotional history, etc that impacts their ability to parent effectively 100% of the time. Add sleep deprivation, middle of the night, etc and someone at their wits end could do something horrible in the heat of the moment.

It is not an excuse nor should it factor into the consequence but it could be an explanation and way to understand what drives the behavior in otherwise "good" or perceived "normal" parents. When thinking of child abuse prevention interventions, this is important. Jmo.

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There was a case many years ago, I believe in south Texas, where a grandmother took her paraplegic grandson out into the woods and left him in his wheelchair. Horrible case :( But I can remember at the time thinking, where are the parents? How did this elderly woman end up in this situation? Yes, not an excuse but it's easy to see how overwhelming a task like that could be. It would be overwhelming for a young , fit parent. I cannot see my parents being able to physically manage the daily care like that day after day.
There was a case many years ago, I believe in south Texas, where a grandmother took her paraplegic grandson out into the woods and left him in his wheelchair. Horrible case :( But I can remember at the time thinking, where are the parents? How did this elderly woman end up in this situation? Yes, not an excuse but it's easy to see how overwhelming a task like that could be. It would be overwhelming for a young , fit parent. I cannot see my parents being able to physically manage the daily care like that day after day.

I remember that case, and little Sherin made me think of the Jeffrey Franklin case too.

I really and truly hope Sherin is alive and safe somewhere.
Maybe they called off the search and arrested the Father because he (or the Mom) admitted to harming Sherin?
Praying for this baby girl, just read all posts & sickened by the possibilities of this not ending well. 3 am? No call until 8 am? Search temp.stopped? Dad arrested? Please keep posting, blessings & well wishes to you little Sherin.
What possibly could a child do at 3 a.m. to warrant such a punishment, most are sound asleep. Bedwetting is the only thing comes to mind...IMHO

(In Malik's case, he wouldn't drink his milk, iirc...)
If he is lying about what happened to Sherin, he's probably also lying about the time it happened. I could be wrong, but it seems like someone trying to cover up something would be giving as much misinformation as possible.
Not seeing any news either. Looks like they would say "LE back out searching" or something, but nope...
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