Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #2

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The church is odd too if you ask me. They're singing the praises of mom and dad and saying how they loved and took care of this little girl and are ignoring pretty much the fact that if we believe dads story his twisted mind punished his 3 year old at 3 am by having her stand outside by a tree that was across the alley way and left her there alone not to mention since the little girl went missing all mom and dad have done is hide in their home. I understand they are probably nervous cause ppl are pointing fingers at dad but still it's kinda ****ed up to me when to find this child we need to rely on the community when the ppl who should want her back more than anything should be her parents not community members you guys are all amazing tho for what you have done and are trying to find this baby. But seriously these are ppl who loved her? Ppl who have her cruel punishments and can't be bothered to cooperate with police and won't help find the little girl? If I was the church I'd have let dad rot in jail until he's ready to tell what REALLY happened to this innocent baby. As for mom idk how involved in things she was but she's making herself look no better by sitting inside refusing to help search for her child and not cooperating with police and telling her lawyer how she wants her other daughter back who cps took when in reality her thought process should be I know my one kid is safe and I can always work my way to getting her back and focus on the matter at hand which is finding my baby who could be in danger or dead. Just my opinion.

Are the reports concerning who provided the funds to post his bail from MSM or rumors online?

The behavior of family/friends/members of the community who were close to the family actually do not strike me as odd at all.
When you are close to someone, who has otherwise always been a good person or loving parent as far as you know, I'm sure it is very difficult to reconcile in your mind that they could have actually done something terrible, even if evidence, logic, or the public's opinion is that they likely have. My guess is that the "3am milk story" was as surprising and disappointing to them as it was to anyone else. But, disappointment in someone's parental punishment choices still may not lead you to automatically conclude that they are possibly guilty of much worse. When you aren't viewing things from the outside looking in, I can understand it being very difficult to look at things logically.

As for the older daughter, Sherin's sister, and the focus being there. I can also understand that somewhat. Have there been any MSM reports about whether she was placed with a family member or close friend or is she in the system? Statistically, if a child is in the foster care system, they are NOT exempt from abuse and neglect. They may even be at a higher risk (I'd have to do some Google searching to confirm that) So I can understand if the Mother's focus is there, because her daughter is not guaranteed safe and the steps needing to be taken to have that child possibly returned to her care are perhaps more set or clear than how to get her missing child back. ??

This is of course just my opinion/tossing ideas out there.
So he works in the investment banking and finance field---not in IT. Good to know that we know something about him. I've never seen a case where there's been so little information about the parents or the child. How long have they lived in the USA? Did Sherin just turn 3 or is she about to turn 4? What's her medical condition that they're referring to? How old is the mother? How long have they lived in their present home? What are they doing to try to find their daughter? (nothing, that's what).


Sherin's birthday is July 14, 2014.
I would be looking hard at the route he takes to get to work. He would remember landmarks and less-traveled streets/areas maybe. He wouldn't have had much time to plot or map an out of the way place.
Exactly, plus humans are creatures of habit, so if he is used to leaving his area one way he will likely almost always do that and will likely almost always return that same direction, even if the time of day and traffic is vastly different. Adrenaline gets you to run more on instinct and our habits play a huge role in that. I hope they have checked out the workplaces, especially the trash and back alleys. If mom really is a nurse she could have also easily landed in the medical waste if it's close enough. A child that size would easily fit into a small gym bag, large diaper bag, etc and could easily be tucked into one of these things without anyone knowing or suspecting when they saw the bag being carried.
The church is odd too if you ask me. They're singing the praises of mom and dad and saying how they loved and took care of this little girl and are ignoring pretty much the fact that if we believe dads story his twisted mind punished his 3 year old at 3 am by having her stand outside by a tree that was across the alley way and left her there alone not to mention since the little girl went missing all mom and dad have done is hide in their home. I understand they are probably nervous cause ppl are pointing fingers at dad but still it's kinda ****ed up to me when to find this child we need to rely on the community when the ppl who should want her back more than anything should be her parents not community members you guys are all amazing tho for what you have done and are trying to find this baby. But seriously these are ppl who loved her? Ppl who have her cruel punishments and can't be bothered to cooperate with police and won't help find the little girl? If I was the church I'd have let dad rot in jail until he's ready to tell what REALLY happened to this innocent baby. As for mom idk how involved in things she was but she's making herself look no better by sitting inside refusing to help search for her child and not cooperating with police and telling her lawyer how she wants her other daughter back who cps took when in reality her thought process should be I know my one kid is safe and I can always work my way to getting her back and focus on the matter at hand which is finding my baby who could be in danger or dead. Just my opinion.

ITA. It reminds me of Justin Ross Harris' church and how they supported the parents and sang their praises of what wonderful and caring parents they were too. :(
So I started a Map. (Took me so long to start as I kept on hoping she would be found everyday.) All it has on it is her home address, information for that location and photos relevant for that location. Please let me know if anything new can be added (search areas, possible routes the car may travelled, possible locations that she may be - esp you locals.) It's nothing so far other than gives an insight into the area for non-locals.

It very well could be what you are saying. People often don't change things for daylight savings or after power outages etc. But, I do feel like it was likely a human and not a camera that gave them this time frame since they are so keen on getting camera footage.

That said, it could easily be that they have one or two shots of their vehicle, or it's plate and want better/more footage of the driver and possible occupants.

I think the fact that LE is asking so little from people means they have a lot, though TBH, with all of the racial things going on in the USA right now, I can't help but think if she was a 3 year old white blonde girl that there would be constant coverage and updates from LE etc. I really hope I feel that way because of previous cases of missing people and the ones who seem to be front page news over the ones who aren't.

Praying for Sherin and her sister who must be absolutely terrified and confused to have woke up and be removed from family and friends and likely questioned by strangers and so on.

As to the bolded portions above, I have to disagree. Even if she was a blonde, blue eyed girl, if her father told the same bogus story as this man did, people would not see her as a 'missing' child.

I think the public sees her as a victim of the father, and not a child lost in the woods. And that has nothing to do with race, imo.
Richardson police say*they know an SUV left Sherin Mathews’ home and returned between 4 to 5 a.m. Saturday.*Police are calling that hour crucial, saying the SUV could have traveled within a ten mile radius in that time.

“That’s one hour so that means basically only about 30 minutes out from the house is what we are looking for,” said Sgt. Kevin Perlich of the Richardson Police Department.

An Acura SUV is now the focus of police. The maroon vehicle is one of three cars towed from Sherin Mathews’ Richardson home Saturday. Police are asking anyone in the area near the Sunningdale home to look at their surveillance video in case the SUV is captured there, particularly*businesses. Police say city traffic cameras won’t help because they are only on a live feed.

Police won’t say if parents have or have not said if they left the house at any point after she went missing.

Police already have the video from a nearby restaurant.

“There’s a missing 3-year-old that they figured that our surveillance cameras could help with the lead and you know we are just happy to cooperate,” said restaurant employee Pam Huyen.

Police are urging businesses to look at their video now because many recording systems reset after a few days. They don’t want to lose any of that potential evidence.

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I don't know how LE knows the exact time frame the SUV left the home but could they have searched all three impounded vehicles,and it was in his SUV the cadaver dogs hit on a scent?

"The family confirmed to TNM that Sherin had been adopted from an orphanage in Bihar in July 2016. Wesley and Sini already had a biological child, when they adopted Sherin."

According to this article, since July 2016.

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But it is confusing because it says she was 'adopted' in July 2016. It takes about a year for the adoption process to happen and she may have lived with them in 2015 and the adoption occurred in July 2016.

So both versions of reporting could be correct. She lived with them for about 2 years and she was adopted in July 2016.
As to the bolded portions above, I have to disagree. Even if she was a blonde, blue eyed girl, if her father told the same bogus story as this man did, people would not see her as a 'missing' child.

I think the public sees her as a victim of the father, and not a child lost in the woods. And that has nothing to do with race, imo.
Oh i am not saying I think that they would have a different assumption as to what happened o her, I just feel like the media would be picketing outside the house and the police would be doing more updates. I REALLY hope that Sherin is getting the exact same treatment that any case would, I just know from following so many cases over the years that non-caucasian people of all ages tend to get pushed to the back when it comes to media coverage and LE statements.

That said, this case is unique, esp since the dad was released on bond, and LE could be giving them all space and may even have asked media etc to stand down in hopes that one of the parents would say something or attempt to move her or do something/anything that would give a solid lead -which is far less likely to happen if you have a circus on your lawn and crime scene tape making you look guilty and watching your every breath.

I really hope that one day SOON race stops being a factor in any case, because every life matters, color/ethnicity/race/religion does not make you any less human than the next person.

I hope this clears up my thinking a little bit better. I just want to know that she is being treated the way any case would be.

I can't help but think of JonBenet or Madelaine McCann and all the coverage they still have in comparison to how little coverage baby Sherin seems to be getting.
So he works in the investment banking and finance field---not in IT. Good to know that we know something about him. I've never seen a case where there's been so little information about the parents or the child. How long have they lived in the USA? Did Sherin just turn 3 or is she about to turn 4? What's her medical condition that they're referring to? How old is the mother? How long have they lived in their present home? What are they doing to try to find their daughter? (nothing, that's what).

He could work in IT and still work with Citi-Group. My son's good friend works in IT for Citi-group---dealing specifically with cyber-security etc.
Oh i am not saying I think that they would have a different assumption as to what happened o her, I just feel like the media would be picketing outside the house and the police would be doing more updates. I REALLY hope that Sherin is getting the exact same treatment that any case would, I just know from following so many cases over the years that non-caucasian people of all ages tend to get pushed to the back when it comes to media coverage and LE statements.

That said, this case is unique, esp since the dad was released on bond, and LE could be giving them all space and may even have asked media etc to stand down in hopes that one of the parents would say something or attempt to move her or do something/anything that would give a solid lead -which is far less likely to happen if you have a circus on your lawn and crime scene tape making you look guilty and watching your every breath.

I really hope that one day SOON race stops being a factor in any case, because every life matters, color/ethnicity/race/religion does not make you any less human than the next person.

I hope this clears up my thinking a little bit better. I just want to know that she is being treated the way any case would be.

I can't help but think of JonBenet or Madelaine McCann and all the coverage they still have in comparison to how little coverage baby Sherin seems to be getting.

As to the bolded:

"Near the end of the vigil, many people gathered in front of the home and yelled in unison, "We want answers, we want justice."

Police say they are actively searching for video within a 10-mile radius of the home."
But I wonder if that was the finalization of the adoption. If so, the process began much earlier than that.
I wonder how fast a "domestic" adoption is in India? I know the parents are both US citizens or at least they are being called American, but clearly by the article with grandparents in India it has to be assumed that one or both of them grew up there and I am wondering if that would speed the process up at all? Like, an India citizen going and saying they want to adopt could be a much shorter procedure and even require fewer home studies and such on US soil? I am just speculating but I feel like the adoption could have been sped up because of citizenship status. Clearly they still have family in India and a couple who speaks the language, has community and cultural ties, good jobs in a good country and an income to support the child and is wanting to adopt sounds like a wonderful thing as they would assume that the child would grow up with the best of both worlds.
So I started a Map. (Took me so long to start as I kept on hoping she would be found everyday.) All it has on it is her home address, information for that location and photos relevant for that location. Please let me know if anything new can be added (search areas, possible routes the car may travelled, possible locations that she may be - esp you locals.) It's nothing so far other than gives an insight into the area for non-locals.


The address/house that is marked with the pink house icon on the map isn't The Mathews' house.
I wonder how fast a "domestic" adoption is in India? I know the parents are both US citizens or at least they are being called American, but clearly by the article with grandparents in India it has to be assumed that one or both of them grew up there and I am wondering if that would speed the process up at all? Like, an India citizen going and saying they want to adopt could be a much shorter procedure and even require fewer home studies and such on US soil? I am just speculating but I feel like the adoption could have been sped up because of citizenship status. Clearly they still have family in India and a couple who speaks the language, has community and cultural ties, good jobs in a good country and an income to support the child and is wanting to adopt sounds like a wonderful thing as they would assume that the child would grow up with the best of both worlds.

This article is from 2015

"New child welfare minister pledges to improve ‘shameful’ record on adoption – with more than 30 million orphans estimated in country

When Shreya Roy applied to adopt an orphan in Delhi in 2012, she was told the wait could be at least three years – if she was lucky.

“We called about 25 children’s adoption homes in the city. They kept saying, ‘There are no babies,’” said Roy, 35, a public relations professional. “It just did not make sense. Just look around – there are so many abandoned and poor babies.”
Roy’s frustration reflects what one government official calls India’s “shameful” record of adoption: with more than 30 million orphans, according to one estimate, only about 2,500 were adopted last year – down from 5,700 four years ago – as prospective parents are stymied by complicated rules, endless delays, overcautious bureaucracy and illegal trafficking.

Now, officials like Maneka Gandhi, the minister for women and child welfare, want to change that. “People have to wait for three to four years to adopt. That is inexcusable,” she said. “I want to overhaul the system so it takes not more than four months to adopt.”

Gandhi’s team is now simplifying the rules, setting an online application tracking system, shedding excessive bureaucratic caution and launching a new foster-care programme.

“Earlier, the attitude was if a child got adopted before four years, there must have been something wrong,” Gandhi said. “So they would look for ways to make the rules tighter.”"

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So this child is missing yet neither parent called the grandparents and told them about it? They had to find out through news media in India? That's kind of cruel. IMO

I know. That's what I thought too. If my toddler was missing the first person I'd call, after 911, would be my Mom. I can't believe those poor grandparents had to hear about it from the media instead of from their own son. It makes me even more convinced he is a Guilty . :mad:
But it is confusing because it says she was 'adopted' in July 2016. It takes about a year for the adoption process to happen and she may have lived with them in 2015 and the adoption occurred in July 2016.

So both versions of reporting could be correct. She lived with them for about 2 years and she was adopted in July 2016.

But according to this article, she was with the NGO in Feb 2015 when she was 1-1/2 years old. It's all very muddy when and how SM came to live with her adoptive family, and how old she really is.

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Sherin's birthday is July 14, 2014.

Just curious where you found that information.

According to this link, she was handed over to the NGO on Feb 14th, 2015 when she was 1 1/2 yrs old. According to that information, she would have been born in 2013---which doesn't sound right since she is 3 yrs old, not 4.

You're information makes more sense, I'm just wondering where you found it.
Just curious where you found that information.

According to this link, she was handed over to the NGO on Feb 14th, 2015 when she was 1 1/2 yrs old. According to that information, she would have been born in 2013---which doesn't sound right since she is 3 yrs old, not 4.

You're information makes more sense, I'm just wondering where you found it.


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