Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #2

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Snipped by me. Perhaps some are unaware of this post.

I don't think anyone crossed the line here.
We are no Sleuthing her.
She did get her own Lawyer.
and is not saying much.

Which to me says a lot!

I don't think anyone crossed the line here.
We are no Sleuthing her.
She did get her own Lawyer.
and is not saying much.

Which to me says a lot!


How about "Shame on her." or "Her silence speaks volumes of complicity, or worse."

For all anyone knows, she's also a victim of abuse and is scared for her own life. She's already lost both of her children. Leave her alone.
Snipped by me. Perhaps some are unaware of this post.

Thank you for bringing this forth, I did not see it. Based on this Mod guidance, I did err and submit my apologies.
They both got a lawyer he will blame her, she will blame him!

In Texas, they have to have separate lawyers... it was mentioned in local MSM, but I don’t remember what the exact reason was...

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In Texas, they have to have separate lawyers... it was mentioned in local MSM, but I don’t remember what the exact reason was...

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Its because neither one can insert the spousal confidentiality clause when the victim is a minor child. In other words both can be compelled to testify against the other spouse in cases involving minor children.
In Texas, they have to have separate lawyers... it was mentioned in local MSM, but I don’t remember what the exact reason was...

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Why would SHE need one?

That's my question... I can understand having a separate lawyer for each if both were suspected of a crime
Wow---Kudos for such a stand up post. Good on you for posting that.

WS has integrity, and when we make a mistake we say so. The Mods do a great job keeping the threads productive, and we all need to do our part...just like you did.

All good.

Now back to finding this little girl. What a heart breaker this one is.
Its because neither one can insert the spousal confidentiality clause when the victim is a minor child. In other words both can be compelled to testify against the other spouse in cases involving minor children.

Ahhhh Thank You for this!
Hello, Sleuthers.... emerged from lurking the sad case of Abby & Libby, and so saddened to hear of little Sherin...beginning with the Amber Alert on my phone. All I can do is add my thoughts, and I appreciate all of you who share the same. :coffeews:

As far as asking for video of the Acura SUV, wondering if LE is simply trying to confirm if the WM was alone in the vehicle? I both hope & hope against the 4 year old daughter being able to impart some info.
Okay let me share a little info that I hope will help.

Often young children from “orphanages” and those who have been neglected, abandoned and abused will suffer from “failure to thrive”. My 11 year old was one of those children when we received her. At 13 months she weight 12 pounds 4 ounces. It was all we could do to get her to take 3 ounces of formula a day initially. She also has sensory issues and could not tolerate the feel of textured food in her mouth. To back up a little we were totally in The dark on her issues as the adoption agency told us that she had a “hole in her heart” (which is usually the lay speak for a septal defect that causes a murder due to a traumatic birth, prematurity or the baby having respiratory issues at birth and most times abates with age) and “failure to thrive”. In reality she was a 24 week premie with no prenatal care, fetal alcohol syndrome, severe Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (a genetic condition which causes tumors in vital organs), asthma, bi-lateral schizencephaly (an area of the brain missing with only spinal fluid in it’s place) a seizure disorder (infantile spasms) and we were to later learn autism, ADHD and developmental delay (she was 2 years old developmentally for 5 years). Now she varies from 3 - 5 depending on the skill)

Back to my point, we had to increase concentration of her formula to get enough calories to maintain her weight in less volume while attempting to feed her every hour when she was awake and anytime she woke up which was no longer than 3 hours due to her sleep issues. I counted and recounted every calorie that went in her mouth for years always looking for new ways to maximize her caloric intake. Trying to get her to tolerate solid foods was a three ring circus. Everything had to be room temperature or back it came. We mixed food with formula to make it like soup and gradually made it thicker as she would accept it. I sang, we nearly rubbed her cheeks off trying to stimulate her to swallow. The suddenly one day she ate chicken. I made chicken every way imaginable to get her to try new flavors. Than she started retaining too much calcium in her kidneys and we had to cut out the formula supplement and go to pedia-sure with less calories and increase her sodium intake to bind with the calcium so it could be excreted. It took years to get her to a place where she did not lose significant weight if she had a cold. Fortunately I am on stubborn old woman and she eats like a pro athlete now. There isn’t much she won’t eat now, even veggies. Ice cream is one of the few things she just won’t do. She is still thin but she gains consistently with growth and has enough fat resources to hand a short illness.

Not everyone looks at things the way my husband and I do. We were initially angry with the adoption agency for not providing the info that was available as we had specifically said we did not want a medically fragile child because we were older. This was our second time around and we had raised one family. They later admitted that they knew once she was in my arms we would never let her go and they tried honestly and couldn’t find anyone willing to take her. We decided that there were no guarantees when we made our own years before so why should we expect anything different now. So I can understand the frustration when adoption doesn’t seem to work out the way you planned. When a child is much more of a challenge than you saw in that dream. But I also know that those skinny arms around my neck may feel even better because of the challenges. We appreciate the small victories in a way we never would have otherwise. In the last six months we have finally got her out of diapers just in time to start worrying about when her period will come. That was a HUGE victory.

I am am sorry to have wandered so far off topic but I wanted to say that the one true part of the story may be the milk. Pedia-sure is not cheap and it says on the bottle to throw it away if not used with 2 hours of opening. If the little darling woke up and he had to get up and open a bottle and she refused to drink the whole 8 ounces perhaps that was the straw that broke the camels back. It in now way justifies at best putting her outside,at worst what we all fear, but it might be somewhat of an explanation of how the event began.
I had some business to attend to in Dallas and Garland today, so used the opportunity to drive past WM's house; also checked out some nearby parks and areas I was wondering about.

When I drove by the home, the lawn looked like it was starting to be in need of mowing. I saw no sign of life at the property. I gone past a neighbor standing out in his front yard so wasn't at all tempted to park. (I had no reason to, as I hadn't planned to check out the memorial. I would still like to hope she's alive, even though I understand the feelings prompting its creation.) When I was there, there were no reporters, no TV, no people searching, nothing.

I drove 'around the block' and paused for a bit setting my map to my next destination, and then when I came back out onto Sunningdale, I noticed a dark blue sporty sedan idling near the mailbox with two dark-haired men in the front. There were two mailboxes, so this wasn't necessarily theirs. Didn't want to appear nosy so I kept on driving.

Driving out of the neighborhood towards Central, I took an impulsive jog right onto a smaller back street off Spring Valley where there is a bit of newer multi-family development--there were some creek/culvert/drainage areas I wanted to check out. Parked and searched there (it's called McKamy Park and is quite small). At 2pm there were a fair number of people coming and going with their dogs, including some South Asian Indian folk (the area appears to have a fair representation of this ethnic group). A few of them were walking in a group, and one or two stopped and looked into the fenced drainage area; not sure if they were looking for Sherin but I'd like to think they might have been. I looked into the culverts and walked the drainage ditch area throughout the park and complex. (It was a beautiful, sunny day for being in a park in Texas.)

Got back in my car and headed down Central to check out Medical City Hospital (the Park Central area with creek and walking paths).

ETA: enroute, checked out the Walmart I saw there along the service road--and fielded the dumpster at a service station there despite getting the hairy eyeball from two homeless men. ;) It had a chain wrapped around the latch, but it wasn't locked. Only bags of food garbage inside.

Arrived at Medical City, and parked across the street from the drive exiting the "Emergency" part of the hospital so I could explore that park and creek area, thinking it was *perhaps* where he'd have exited when leaving the hospital if he'd taken her there but then noticed she'd died when he arrived. I was curious about that hospital location because I was wondering if it might be familiar to him (yet without an obvious strong connection), IF the parents had possibly taken SM to Medical City for treatment when her arm was in a sling. (MC has its own children's hospital just off Park Central.) With its extensive creek, lakes, and vegetation, it'd be an easy, quick choice if he'd decided to hide her body in that vicinity in the middle of the night. The area has a walking trail (sidewalk) with grass and then undergrowth and vegetation as a buffer before you get to the creek itself. It is extensive, with several lakes that I didn't have a chance to explore. I just walked the hospital 'exit' area along the vegetation line looking for any sign of SM or disturbance--but found neither.

Went back out onto Forest from Park Central heading west, and then took the next right (with hopes of searching the other side of that drainage/creek area). Unfortunately, what looked like parking spaces along the right side of that street was actually a 'Bike Path'--and the short road led to the entrance of a beautiful, gated neighborhood. This western side of the creek/drainage area was a completely fenced-in park, with gate and combination-key lock for a residents-only entrance. A doubtful drop-zone.

Headed back out to Forest, took the 1st right onto Hillcrest going north, and after passing LBJ explored just the road-culvert areas of a park north of there (Valley View Park) where our children had played more than one soccer game back in the day. (Still testing out the drive-to-the-hospital theory--still exploring where he might have headed if he'd left the hospital in a panic after realizing she'd died). This park--even on a Saturday--was a lot more secluded than others; a drop-off at 3am would hardly be noticeable. A home under construction was directly across the street, but otherwise this park had virtually no sign of life. I only saw ONE person, a cyclist, the whole 15-20 minutes I was there. Again, no sightings. But I felt better for checking (as well as for the exercise and sunshine).

And that was my afternoon. First time ever to go on a "missing" child search.
Why would SHE need one?

That's my question... I can understand having a separate lawyer for each if both were suspected of a crime

I believe her own lawyer explained this in MSM. From what I recall he said it was because he has been charged and she is trying to get the other daughter back, therefore the same lawyer would be a conflict of interest. How could a single lawyer argue for both a man charged with neglect and a woman trying to prove she is a good caregiver to her children? A single lawyer simply can't, therefore a conflict of interest. I am not sure if her lawyer is a family lawyer only or one who deals with both family and criminal law, however.
That said, I think the WM's lawyer would tell her to stand by him and that everything will be okay and to try and portray him in a good light as he is looking out for the best interest of his client and that means no jail time. The mom was smart in lawyering up, not only for her own child, but in order to prevent her own arrest if she is innocent as the police have alluded to.

Edit: If by some grace of God WM's story is truthful and they do find Sherin alive, the parents will still need separate lawyers as WM endangered Sherins life and the mom will be fighting to get not only access to Sherin but custody back as well
Just want to say that Adoption Processes might vary on a number of variables but the immigration process would be the same for everyone.. in which cases immigration demands home studies, bona fides of the adoption and a certificate from CARA certifying that these steps have been met and there is no objection to the adoption being ratified.
Why would SHE need one?

That's my question... I can understand having a separate lawyer for each if both were suspected of a crime

She needs one if she hopes to get her older daughter back anytime soon.
I don't understand why she's still staying in the house with him. She's free to leave. She's lost both of her daughters because of him. Let him sit there with his ankle monitor on and listen to the chants of "We want answers! We want justice!" by himself and do some more laundry.

Exactly. I would rake him over the coals. Even if what he says is true about leaving her out by a tree, at 3:00. ( which is a load of manuere).I would be livid. I wouldn't even bother packing my stuff, I would just ghost him, and leave him to deal with the cops. So it makes zero sense for her to not speak to the investigators, and then get a lawyer for herself.
This little baby girl is/ was so helpless, and dependant upon two people, and two people only. She is the victim here, she deserves better than stonewalling the investigation.
I am scratching my head about the "milk" at 3 am. My son had FTT at that age, and we saw every specialist under the sun at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Never in the time we dealt with that did they suggest waking him up in the middle of the night to consume calories. Never did they suggest forcing him to finish something, as it was my understanding that force-feeding like that can create even bigger issues for kids. None of this makes even the first bit of sense, besides thinking he's got some serious control issues if that was a big enough issue to leave a preschooler out in the yard by herself in a neighborhood where there have been coyote sightings. What in the world is wrong with people?
Note on languages: we speak languages at home - English and Punjabi, the doctor has advised us that given such our daughter will take longer to learn to speak but once she does she will catch up quickly to her peers.
You don't suppose the mother had anything to do with Sherin's disappearance too?
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