Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #2

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Exactly. I would rake him over the coals. Even if what he says is true about leaving her out by a tree, at 3:00. ( which is a load of manuere).I would be livid. I wouldn't even bother packing my stuff, I would just ghost him, and leave him to deal with the cops. So it makes zero sense for her to not speak to the investigators, and then get a lawyer for herself.
This little baby girl is/ was so helpless, and dependant upon two people, and two people only. She is the victim here, she deserves better than stonewalling the investigation.
If it was me and my child had went missing like this, I wouldn't leave either, I would be scared that if I left or moved or changed my number that she wouldn't ever find me... I have seen cases where people have had children missing for 20 years and they didn't move or change their phone numbers in all that time, despite what the evidence suggests, simply because they have the "what if they come home" in the back of their minds.
Add to that the fact she is trying to get her other daughter back, in order to do so you need to have proof of a stable residence. If she moves to a hotel or to family she will also have to set up another bedroom and have that home approved by CPS before they place the child back with her. Her home is likely her "safe place" and has her creature comforts. I know if it was me I would want to be at home.
I hope this isn't considered sleuthing on her, it is definitely not my intention. I am just saying as a mom who has suffered extreme domestic violence in the past, that emotions and wanting to be close to her children is likely what she wants and needs right now, and since she can't be close to them physically, she is probably in the house with their favorite blankets and toys.
If it was me and my child had went missing like this, I wouldn't leave either, I would be scared that if I left or moved or changed my number that she wouldn't ever find me... I have seen cases where people have had children missing for 20 years and they didn't move or change their phone numbers in all that time, despite what the evidence suggests, simply because they have the "what if they come home" in the back of their minds.
Add to that the fact she is trying to get her other daughter back, in order to do so you need to have proof of a stable residence. If she moves to a hotel or to family she will also have to set up another bedroom and have that home approved by CPS before they place the child back with her. Her home is likely her "safe place" and has her creature comforts. I know if it was me I would want to be at home.
I hope this isn't considered sleuthing on her, it is definitely not my intention. I am just saying as a mom who has suffered extreme domestic violence in the past, that emotions and wanting to be close to her children is likely what she wants and needs right now, and since she can't be close to them physically, she is probably in the house with their favorite blankets and toys.
Maybe, but why stop speaking to the very investigators doing their very best to find her? Why hire a lawyer? They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, that ain't nothing compared to a mother who's child is missing. That ******* would have to run to the investigators for safety if was me, and I too am a survivor of domestic abuse. But if he had pulled something like that the police would be the least of his worries he would have been turning himself in.
I had some business to attend to in Dallas and Garland today, so used the opportunity to drive past WM's house; also checked out some nearby parks and areas I was wondering about.

When I drove by the home, the lawn looked like it was starting to be in need of mowing. I saw no sign of life at the property. I gone past a neighbor standing out in his front yard so wasn't at all tempted to park. (I had no reason to, as I hadn't planned to check out the memorial. I would still like to hope she's alive, even though I understand the feelings prompting its creation.) When I was there, there were no reporters, no TV, no people searching, nothing.

I drove 'around the block' and paused for a bit setting my map to my next destination, and then when I came back out onto Sunningdale, I noticed a dark blue sporty sedan idling near the mailbox with two dark-haired men in the front. There were two mailboxes, so this wasn't necessarily theirs. Didn't want to appear nosy so I kept on driving.

Driving out of the neighborhood towards Central, I took an impulsive jog right onto a smaller back street off Spring Valley where there is a bit of newer multi-family development--there were some creek/culvert/drainage areas I wanted to check out. Parked and searched there (it's called McKamy Park and is quite small). At 2pm there were a fair number of people coming and going with their dogs, including some South Asian Indian folk (the area appears to have a fair representation of this ethnic group). A few of them were walking in a group, and one or two stopped and looked into the fenced drainage area; not sure if they were looking for Sherin but I'd like to think they might have been. I looked into the culverts and walked the drainage ditch area throughout the park and complex. (It was a beautiful, sunny day for being in a park in Texas.)

Got back in my car and headed down Central to check out Medical City Hospital (the Park Central area with creek and walking paths).

ETA: enroute, checked out the Walmart I saw there along the service road--and fielded the dumpster at a service station there despite getting the hairy eyeball from two homeless men. ;) It had a chain wrapped around the latch, but it wasn't locked. Only bags of food garbage inside.

Arrived at Medical City, and parked across the street from the drive exiting the "Emergency" part of the hospital so I could explore that park and creek area, thinking it was *perhaps* where he'd have exited when leaving the hospital if he'd taken her there but then noticed she'd died when he arrived. I was curious about that hospital location because I was wondering if it might be familiar to him (yet without an obvious strong connection), IF the parents had possibly taken SM to Medical City for treatment when her arm was in a sling. (MC has its own children's hospital just off Park Central.) With its extensive creek, lakes, and vegetation, it'd be an easy, quick choice if he'd decided to hide her body in that vicinity in the middle of the night. The area has a walking trail (sidewalk) with grass and then undergrowth and vegetation as a buffer before you get to the creek itself. It is extensive, with several lakes that I didn't have a chance to explore. I just walked the hospital 'exit' area along the vegetation line looking for any sign of SM or disturbance--but found neither.

Went back out onto Forest from Park Central heading west, and then took the next right (with hopes of searching the other side of that drainage/creek area). Unfortunately, what looked like parking spaces along the right side of that street was actually a 'Bike Path'--and the short road led to the entrance of a beautiful, gated neighborhood. This western side of the creek/drainage area was a completely fenced-in park, with gate and combination-key lock for a residents-only entrance. A doubtful drop-zone.

Headed back out to Forest, took the 1st right onto Hillcrest going north, and after passing LBJ explored just the road-culvert areas of a park north of there (Valley View Park) where our children had played more than one soccer game back in the day. (Still testing out the drive-to-the-hospital theory--still exploring where he might have headed if he'd left the hospital in a panic after realizing she'd died). This park--even on a Saturday--was a lot more secluded than others; a drop-off at 3am would hardly be noticeable. A home under construction was directly across the street, but otherwise this park had virtually no sign of life. I only saw ONE person, a cyclist, the whole 15-20 minutes I was there. Again, no sightings. But I felt better for checking (as well as for the exercise and sunshine).

And that was my afternoon. First time ever to go on a "missing" child search.

That was so thoughtful of you. If I lived close I would be constantly searching. There is a big chance that some locals are doing the same. Well I would like to think they are. Locals would have more knowledge about obscure hiding places. Well done you for getting out there for little sherin, every little bit helps.
Maybe, but why stop speaking to the very investigators doing their very best to find her? Why hire a lawyer? They say Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, that ain't nothing compared to a mother who's child is missing. That ******* would have to run to the investigators for safety if was me, and I too am a survivor of domestic abuse. But if he had pulled something like that the police would be the least of his worries he would have been turning himself in.

Hiring a lawyer is not an admission of guilt.
I believe the mother did initially cooperate with investigators & had given an affidavit. (I believe she was reportedly asleep at the time of "the milk incident?") Her older daughter ended up being removed from the home. That situation alone would be reason to hire an attorney.

Then take for instance the statement given via her lawyer and how that has been scrutinized. Imagine if she was speaking on her own, without legal representation and how much her own statements would be picked apart/analyzed/scrutinized etc.

Either way, saying nothing or saying something, you can't win.
Why would SHE need one?

That's my question... I can understand having a separate lawyer for each if both were suspected of a crime

IMO, I would worry about dad or his lawyer twisting things around on me if I didn’t have my own lawyer. I’d want someone who knows how this works to serve my best interests and help navigate me through the investigation and trial (fingers crossed)
I never really examined Sherin face, and the first thing I see is her crosses eyes. And I think of the developmental delays she had. Why adopt a child toddler with known health and neurological problems.

I wonder if they are just now finding out just how extensive Sherin's were/are.

The yard looked like it hadn't been watered or mowed regularly.

That article was full of unnecessary news.

Many banks have an IT people, and that includes Citi bank
Hiring a lawyer is not an admission of guilt.
I believe the mother did initially cooperate with investigators & had given an affidavit. (I believe she was reportedly asleep at the time of "the milk incident?") Her older daughter ended up being removed from the home. That situation alone would be reason to hire an attorney.

Then take for instance the statement given via her lawyer and how that has been scrutinized. Imagine if she was speaking on her own, without legal representation and how much her own statements would be picked apart/analyzed/scrutinized etc.

Either way, saying nothing or saying something, you can't win.

Honestly if you are an innocent parent and you think or LE thinks your spouse is a 'guilty of something ' parent the best thing you can do is hire a lawyer!!!
ETA We are all avid WS'ers but most of us are avid ID channel watchers as well. I've seen enough innocent folks get railroaded in the interrogration room to know, if you get involved in a criminal case like this, innocent or guilty, you hire a lawyer to help you deal with LE !
I hope LE is continuing to develop leads on Sherin's whereabouts. Dad's lawyered up, mom's lawyered up, both have stopped cooperating with LE. That's not accusation, that's fact. It's all up to LE now.

Hiring a lawyer does not mean you stop working with the very people who want to find your child. An attorney's role is to protect your interests, not to hinder law enforcement's access to you. If your interests require severing your relationship to LE then maybe you do need an attorney.

And I've never seen a parent of a missing child give two cents about what the public thinks about them or their statements - all they care about is finding their precious child and they will do all they can to keep their child's name in the news.

Hiring a lawyer is not an admission of guilt.
I believe the mother did initially cooperate with investigators & had given an affidavit. (I believe she was reportedly asleep at the time of "the milk incident?") Her older daughter ended up being removed from the home. That situation alone would be reason to hire an attorney.

Then take for instance the statement given via her lawyer and how that has been scrutinized. Imagine if she was speaking on her own, without legal representation and how much her own statements would be picked apart/analyzed/scrutinized etc.

Either way, saying nothing or saying something, you can't win.

i wouldnt think she needed one......
why does.she need a lawyer?
Where I am all party's in a family court case (including the children) have to have a lawyer, or generally choose to. The courts will require things like Statements of Agreed Facts and CPS proof etc if she is going to fight CPS for custody of her child. Right now her daughter's guardian is CPS, so unless they find very good reason to place the child back with her mom (say the dad is arrested and the police say she is not and was not a threat), then this case will likely go to family court. Even if it is the mom vs CPS for visitation and/or custody. Having a good lawyer to help with the paperwork and getting the ball rolling in a court room is important.
Also, if she is a nurse (i have no clue if this was confirmed in MSM so I keep saying "if") and she has had her child removed from her care, we don't know if CPS has placed other restrictions on her even being around children at all. This could easily affect her job when she does need to go back to work, unless she works in a clinic or on a ward where she wouldn't be in contact with or treating children.
I don't have a problem with Mom having an attorney - in fact I support the decision. Someone's got to protect her.

(I also think she's very controlled by the husband. It's the only way my heart will accept the situation).

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I would lawyer up if I was the mom, especially if she is innocent. Currently, one of her children is missing and the other is in CPS custody. I would have a lawyer with me whenever I talked to LE or the media.
Where I am all party's in a family court case (including the children) have to have a lawyer, or generally choose to. The courts will require things like Statements of Agreed Facts and CPS proof etc if she is going to fight CPS for custody of her child. Right now her daughter's guardian is CPS, so unless they find very good reason to place the child back with her mom (say the dad is arrested and the police say she is not and was not a threat), then this case will likely go to family court. Even if it is the mom vs CPS for visitation and/or custody. Having a good lawyer to help with the paperwork and getting the ball rolling in a court room is important.
Also, if she is a nurse (i have no clue if this was confirmed in MSM so I keep saying "if") and she has had her child removed from her care, we don't know if CPS has placed other restrictions on her even being around children at all. This could easily affect her job when she does need to go back to work, unless she works in a clinic or on a ward where she wouldn't be in contact with or treating children.

You make the pertinent point IMO - mom absolutely needs an attorney, preferably one experienced in family law, to deal with CPS and Family Court. No parent should try to regain custody of their child from CPS without an excellent family attorney fighting the battle for them.

But her attorney shouldn't also be needed to defend her from criminal charges, especially if LE doesn't consider her a POI in her daughter's disappearance and LE has actually stated in public that she is not a POI in Sherin's disappearance.

These are two separate issues. I totally understand the first. I am baffled by the second.
I'm thinking White Rock would be risky. There is a consistent police presence there after some incidents. Though he may not know that. It is the closest and most logical one. Ray Hubbard is another one, but an hour to get there, hide a body ( :( ) and get back would be tight. Lewisville, Mountain Creek, Grapevine, and Lavon are near also, but not near enough for an hour to be enough time round trip. The trinity river could be reached with 25-30 minutes, but I don't know if the access to it is easy.

I agree with you on all counts; WR Lake is close enough, distance-wise; but it's extremely busy out there, especially on these pretty fall days. The other lakes are too far, or too inaccessible for that 1-hour timeframe.

I keep coming back to the idea that it'd be a lot easier to meet up with someone and hand off the child in that short of a time period than it would be to dispose of a body. But maybe that's just wishful thinking (that she's still alive).

That was so thoughtful of you. If I lived close I would be constantly searching. There is a big chance that some locals are doing the same. Well I would like to think they are. Locals would have more knowledge about obscure hiding places. Well done you for getting out there for little sherin, every little bit helps.

Thank you, bleuboy. It helped a bit with my peace of mind, and it felt good to work off the antsi-ness while waiting for news. I think others are still out there looking, too, even if not in an organized search party.
Am I allowed to share a pic of her that's on finding Sherin Mathews page on here?

Please delete if not allowed. Notice the bruises on her arms.

I haven't seen the pic of her arm in a sling but have heard about an elbow injury requiring one, since I don't have a source this is purely a guess but I am thinking/hoping this is her arm still recovering after that injury. I think I read on FB that the injury required surgery, but again haven't seen anything real to confirm the injury at all, so pure speculation.
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