Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #3

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Confused, I don’t see any sleuthing of mom here for several pages in this thread. Loads of discussion in adoptions and kids with special needs.

I’m new, am I missing something? :what:

I am equally confused. We discussed predictions on Monday’s court case but IMO that wasn’t sleuthing or about the mom just social services protocol. I thought I must have missed something.
I am equally confused. We discussed predictions on Monday’s court case but IMO that wasn’t sleuthing or about the mom just social services protocol. I thought I must have missed something.
Don't forget, sleuthing posts get removed. So, whoever was doing it realized they don't see their posts anymore and know that the post on sleuthing was directed at them. The rest of us just keep moving along [emoji4]

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I don't know if I believe that he ever put her out by the tree, this time, or any time. If this was, for lack of a better word, a "normal", punishment, in this family, I'm surprised, that someone who lived in the neighborhood hadn't called in to LE that there was a toddler, standing in an ally, all alone. This is a heavily populated subdivision. Just like the brisket guy, if he'd done that as a regular form of punishment, for either, or both, of the children, I feel that someone would have noticed, before Sherin's disappearance.
I don't think he ever put her out by the tree but I do think it was a punishment he used. I think he used it on both girls and either put them in the garage or fenced in back yard.

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I have debated if I was willing to share this here but I feel as I must. This week I have developed a huge amount of empathy for the mom. I was quick to judge on too little info.

You see see day before yesterday morning we had a bit of drama her in my home. Some of you have seen me mention my 11 yr old daughter who is autistic and developmentally delayed. Well, my husband left for work at 6:15 Wed morning and Katie and I were still asleep. I had been up with her for her nightly wake up from around 3-5. The best I can tell she must have awakened shortly after he left. She has become quite stealthy of late but this time topped the cake. She managed to get out of the house and wandered off. (We have her twin bed between his bed and my hospital bed to prevent her getting up unsupervised) Not before evidently rolling in the wet grass in 50 degree weather. She was found at a restaurant nearby and the man mowing the lawn there called the police. She was able to tell the police her name but that was all except when he asked where she lived she said North.( I am assuming the North Pole) So after driving her around and she couldn’t identify a house he took her to the local emergency room. Some how police dispatch was able to match her to my husbands cell number (I will never guess how) and called him at work. He tried to call me but she had turned the ringer off on my phone. So at 8 am he runs into the house a wakes me up to tell me she is at the hospital. I knew it would waste valuable time if I tried to get dressed and him help me get to the car with my wheelchair so I just told him to go. I knew what he would be facing when he got there and it wasn’t going to be pretty. At first the police and Doctor tried to claim that she had been out all night because she was in her nightgown(at 8 in the morning). Then they wouldn’t let him see her until DSS/DHS arrived. The police interrogated him then DSS took their turn. Then the police came her to interrogate me and then swapped places with DSS. They kept telling him she wasn’t coming home with him. They started telling me if she was allowed to come home there would be requirements we would have to agree to. I home school her for several reasons and am licensed through the state as a school. The said I would have to put her in public school. Then asked if I would refuse to put her in public school. Of course I responded that if it was the only way I could get her home I would enroll her but, if it was my choice as was my legal right as her parent I would continue homeschooling. Duh.

Once she she left I called my husband back at the hospital and he was finally with our daughter. We sat spastically for the hour or two and waited, At nearly 3 pm he called me and said they were on their way home together. Just before leaving the police told him he had originally intended to arrest him. With no stipulations except to add another lock to the 2 already on the door she escaped through. At that point I was ready to put a stockade bar across the door anyway. Today the social worker just popped in unannounced to check for the new lock (which was on the door within an hour of her arrival home.)

So as long as the mom is not a poi with LE she has my empathy. I had a reminder of just how quickly things can go south. Perhaps they were like my husband and I when he has two days off in a row I take a sleeping pill and he does the night shift with her. That way I can catch up on my rest from being up with her every night for the 3 am party. We have medicated her and nothing stops the 3 am party.

90% of autistic children bolt at least once but until it happens you believe it won’t happen to you. As many safeguards as we had in place it still happened and I was terrified. I still am. How easily it could have been much worse. How easily they could have taken her away. She was close to traffic when she was found. It could have been deadly. I know haw serious it was. I am now afraid to sleep. She thinks she had a grande adventure. She rode in a police car, they gave her toys at the hospital and everyone made over her like a little princess she has no concept of the danger. I do
Bless your heart! Thank you for sharing- I had a child who was a wanderer (on a much smaller scale!) and I remember all too well that sudden terror when you realize they aren't where they are supposed to be!

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I haven’t read all the pages forward from this post yet but am bouncing off this one about the laptop. As a nurse, I can verify it is NOT nefarious for this laptop to be in this home. There are particular jobs that employees at hospitals do from home from secure hospital-owned laptops. Contents are secured through VPN connections and servers through the hospital. There are no HIPAA violations. I’ve had a nursing position like this myself and a laptop like this myself as well. Without “sleuthing” Sherin’s mother, I can guarantee you all, you can put to sleep the “sleuthing” of the laptop. It was where it was supposed to be.
I am an RN who works from home for an insurance company. My company owned computer equipment is in my home office, although I have to get past 2 firewalls, VPN and then log into the system

Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk
I don't know if I believe that he ever put her out by the tree, this time, or any time. If this was, for lack of a better word, a "normal", punishment, in this family, I'm surprised, that someone who lived in the neighborhood hadn't called in to LE that there was a toddler, standing in an ally, all alone. This is a heavily populated subdivision. Just like the brisket guy, if he'd done that as a regular form of punishment, for either, or both, of the children, I feel that someone would have noticed, before Sherin's disappearance.

I agree. If you put a 3yr old child outside in the dark, she's going to cry and someone would have heard her. And if he told her to stop crying, she would have cried even harder because she would have been more afraid than she was in the first place. Three year olds can't control their crying when they're afraid. Someone would have heard her. It never happened IMO.
AnaPisces said:
Yes Niner, it is known that the car was driven between the hours of 4&5am. Who drove it and where is not known. But we can take a good guess at who drove it.

Thank you for the info! :eek:hwow:

PoirotryInMotion said:
snipped by me...
1) a witness (the only one we are aware of being the guy whose video was viewed 5x who described what he saw in the video with the car "whizzing" by)

So, it's that neighbor that was getting to do his briskets that saw the car "whiz" by? TIA!

Another question - the car was seen "going", but was it seen "coming back"?

Oops - saw my answer on the above:
dedee21 said:
The car left at 4 and returned at 5. He made sure the car was cool to the touch before calling LE.

Gigglingtoes said:
:gathering: Coyotes.

and :gathering: Mountain lions in DeOrr's case....

So nothing "new" on any court dates for "dad"? TIA!

And thanks for all the discussion, and articles posted! Helps to keep up with this case.

:rose: Where ARE you SHERIN??!!
India is researching, and police haven't found hers. Once a passport for a child is done, it's good for 16 years. They could've brought the others passport for her, imo
As you see I agree with you. It alone would not be enough to meet the legal standard of continued custody, but it has to be looked at as an additional or complicating factor. Social services is supposed to be governed by one cardinal rule (the best interest of the child) but family reunification has become its mantra. The best interest of the child however usually gets lost in the system somewhere so it becomes the responsibility of the child advocate/Guardian ad Litem/CASA to speak only for the child and his/her best interest.

I mentioned before, Texas has had huge issues with CPS not doing what they needed to do and children ending up dying so there is a lot of pressure on them/media attention on them to make sure the children are okay. That may work against the parents in this instance.
India is researching, and police haven't found hers. Once a passport for a child is done, it's good for 16 years. They could've brought the others passport for her, imo

Has there been a new development/statement in regards to Sherin's passport? The last I heard about it was on reporter Maria Guerrero's FB live video on October 18th @ 5:32 pm and the story then was that Police were not commenting on whether or not the passport was among the items taken during the search, also no mention of it being missing.
11:45 mark
I mentioned before, Texas has had huge issues with CPS not doing what they needed to do and children ending up dying so there is a lot of pressure on them/media attention on them to make sure the children are okay. That may work against the parents in this instance.
We know he lied about a 3am punishment. But these types of claims are enough to have kids removed from the home.
Still heavy hearted that this precious little one hasn't been located yet. I hate it, hate it hate it.
LE needs to find her now. Im afraid cause of death will be lost if they dont.
We know he lied about a 3am punishment. But these types of claims are enough to have kids removed from the home.


Sorry some of the posts arent clear to me today or I need more coffee. :blushing:
Has there been a new development/statement in regards to Sherin's passport? The last I heard about it was on reporter Maria Guerrero's FB live video on October 18th @ 5:32 pm and the story then was that Police were not commenting on whether or not the passport was among the items taken during the search, also no mention of it being missing.
11:45 mark

I doubt very much there were any issues in regard to Sherin's passport. Upon entry into the USA from India all passports and visas are checked before you can enter the US, and if the passports etc. weren't valid or if there was an issue with any of it the Mathews family would of been pulled aside by Homeland Security at the airport and wouldn't of been allowed entry with Sherin.
Niner said:
PoirotryInMotion said:
snipped by me...
1) a witness (the only one we are aware of being the guy whose video was viewed 5x who described what he saw in the video with the car "whizzing" by)

So, it's that neighbor that was getting to do his briskets that saw the car "whiz" by? TIA!

Another question - the car was seen "going", but was it seen "coming back"?

No, brisket guy lived just a few doors down on the same street and was quoted as not seeing or hearing anything at 4:15am. And I've heard no reported finds concerning any surveillance videos connected to him.

The 'witness' I'm referring to has described (as seen only on his surveillance video) that he saw a car "whizzing by" at high rate of speed--a "dark blur." That neighbor was personally interviewed on a news video upthread, and he mentioned that LE checked the video 5x and have asked him not to say anything else about what he saw. So we don't know (technically) if he saw the Acura whizzing by *twice*--though given that LE have said they also know the car was back at the house within the hour, it is a possibility it was seen 2x on that tape.

It is my belief that this neighbor lives in the same general neighborhood, but NOT on Sunningdale. WM lives roughly in the middle of Sunningdale--on either end that street makes an elbow turn onto more residential street. Because of that relatively short distance, I don't think that a car would build up enough speed on Sunningdale to "whizz by" in a blur only to jam on its breaks making the tight turns needed to get out of the neighborhood. After listening to the interview with this neighbor a few times, I believe his house bordered a major road (Centennial), where his camera picked up that car whizzing by towards 75/Central after it had time to build up some speed on Centennial.


ETA: Here's a link with the specific reference to the neighbor with the video:

One recording came from a neighbor who says the FBI has been to his home five times to review video his camera captured the night Sherin disappeared.
"I don't know the details of what's on my camera as far as what they're looking for, but I hope there's something on there that can definitely help them out," said Obaid Jabbar.

Jabbar said he's been asked to not reveal specifics about what is on the tapes.
But you need to listen to the video interviewing him if you want to hear exactly what he says (not finding that currently but will add video link if/when I find it).

ETA#2: Video mentioning neighbor from MissMalowe's post #788 in Thread 2 (thanks!)--*but not with interview of this neighbor* (still looking)...

Dark SUV whizzing By video
1:18 mark

ETA#3: VIDEO with brief interview of Obaid Jabbar (neighbor mentioned in first link who had video LE saw 5x): again, thx MissMarlowe (Thread 2, post#766)!

Here it is! The video of the gentleman/neighbor who had authorities visit him 5x about his footage.
1:35 min mark

This was just an observation of the coincidence between what we are calling persons from 2 diff cases.

We have brisket guy here.. and bridge guy on Abby and Libby’s thread.
What’s up with BG’s?

I believe this was saying even if untrue Dads statement alone could be enough to keep the bio daughter in foster care Monday.

We know he lied about a 3am punishment. But these types of claims are enough to have kids removed from the home.

I doubt very much there were any issues in regard to Sherin's passport. Upon entry into the USA from India all passports and visas are checked before you can enter the US, and if the passports etc. weren't valid or if there was an issue with any of it the Mathews family would of been pulled aside by Homeland Security at the airport and wouldn't of been allowed entry with Sherin.

I didn't think there was an issue of validity of the passports, I was more referencing a previous commenter's post that said
....Police haven't found hers
As I had not seen/heard any reports of Police confirming this. Basically, I was more or less asking if there was a MSM report to support this.
India is researching, and police haven't found hers. Once a passport for a child is done, it's good for 16 years. They could've brought the others passport for her, imo

Indian passport
Each person must have their own separate passport including children. Their name can no longer be included in the parent's passport. Passports for children up to 18 years of age will be valid for five years from the date of issue or until the child attains the age of 18 years, whichever is less. If the child is over 17 years but less than 18 years, a normal 5-year validity passport will be issued, for a normal fee

US passport
All passport applicants under 16 must apply in person using Form DS-11.Please note: Passports for children under 16 are only valid for 5 years.

Ok- I read it incorrectly- but an infant passport photo is pretty generic. From reading the reports in India, I gather they are pretty upset over there. We'll see. In the meantime, I am sure someone here has a phenomenal idea where she is. Anyone found out if they have found the paperwork that was required every year for the 1st 2 years of her adoption?
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