Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #3

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I do find the amount of spoons odd, however, in regards to the phones....I hang on to my old o es as well. My 4 year old uses one to watch YouTube videos through our home network. Also, if it is a company "health system" laptop you can bet it's encrypted, I have one and work for a health system but you cannot get in without credentials.
Nice sleuthing MarisaS!

It IS odd that would be taken from the workplace. I'm guessing it is for the contents vs the laptop itself.

My wheels are turning only slightly.
When was a laptop reported missing? Does it have a date listed as well from wherever you were able to pull that info up?

Thanks. There are several links involving this security issue and it goes back about 10 years. Here is one of the links I used. There were quite a few links available and HIPPA was mentioned several times as well as worry about laptops not being encrypted properly leaving patient info etc vulnerable. It sounds from the different articles that security, or lack of and lack of changes to this security is what caused these issues. Whatever the case, it sounds like that laptop shouldn't have been out of the medical center.

Since the default assumption (according to the dad's story) is that the dad last saw her out at the tree, the fact that LE knows who that person is but won't comment on that makes me wonder if they know someone *else* last saw her (perhaps tied in with that drive at 4 am).

Three scenarios come to mind:
1) a witness (the only one we are aware of being the guy whose video was viewed 5x who described what he saw in the video with the car "whizzing" by)

2) someone in collusion with WM who maybe met up with him that night

3) the Acura driver who was someone other than WM


I apologize that i wasn't clear. What that meant is LE knows who was the last person besides the parents to see Sherin. Not that someone else saw her when she went missing. Maria Guerrero asked LE if they know the last person outside f the immediate family to see Sherin. They said they know who and when, but did not elaborate on the who and when. It was not pertaining to around the time she went missing.
5 phones. Does anyone else find that odd? He may have needed one for work and one for personal, but most nurses only need a personal phone as they use those high tech walkie talkie type of things in hospitals.

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Or it could be they upgrade / change phones often and keep the old ones.

Also, on the wooden spoons. The normal kitchen cooking size is what my mother used to warm my patootie when I needed it. Likewise, I used one in raising my children. Yes, I was a believer in spanking, not a beating! Now, a total turn around, and would not spank. Live and learn!
How long has the mother been employed at Children's Hospital?
I have a few old, random phones, sitting in the junk drawer. Maybe one or 2 were just old unused phones?
That would make sense. My husband does use his old phone just for wifi (games) and no calls. I suppose they would want to check all old phones even if they don't have cell service just in case.

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Does anyone feel like yesterday we were super close and today with the list of items taken and the knowledge that they were getting more warrants makes it feel like we are back at the beginning?
It felt like yesterday the only theory left was finding Sherin's body, today it seems like we are back to the possibility of rehoming, money issues, possible trafficking, and even the idea that she was kidnapped. So many different things seem to be in play today.
Does anyone feel like yesterday we were super close and today with the list of items taken and the knowledge that they were getting more warrants makes it feel like we are back at the beginning?
It felt like yesterday the only theory left was finding Sherin's body, today it seems like we are back to the possibility of rehoming, money issues, possible trafficking, and even the idea that she was kidnapped. So many different things seem to be in play today.

The warrants released today are from the search FBI did last week. 3 more additional warrants were issued today, but we dont know the contents.

Eta: Hit enter too soon, lol. I think the warrants today were likely for items of interest related to information seized in the last warrants...and possibly the searches they've been doing. I see new warrants today as forward movement and a narrowing of their scope. JMO
Does anyone feel like yesterday we were super close and today with the list of items taken and the knowledge that they were getting more warrants makes it feel like we are back at the beginning?
It felt like yesterday the only theory left was finding Sherin's body, today it seems like we are back to the possibility of rehoming, money issues, possible trafficking, and even the idea that she was kidnapped. So many different things seem to be in play today.

That's exactly how I feel. I was so sure they would find her today as it seemed they were so close yesterday and had her basic location pinpointed. Very disappointing.
I am 99% sure MSM said she was a nurse but didn't say where. But, it could also have been the dad's using it or fixing it if he does IT type of things on the side or does some sort of freelancing. When I google mapped this location I noticed it's only about a mile outside of the 15mile search and it said that it was I believe a 31-minute drive due to an 8-minute delay in traffic when I looked. The fact that this laptop was in this house definitely ties the family to that location in one way or another and I feel like that shouldn't be an area that's ruled out (unless they already ruled it out via cameras).

It does seem odd to me that this laptop specifically is out of its home though, it surely has confidential files and possible patient records and such on it that I wouldn't think they would generally allow staff or IT people to take home, like if the computer was being fixed you would think they would have it done on site. I would think the only people who MAY bring work home from a medical facility would be a doctor who is working on a tough case or is transcribing notes etc. Just seems an odd place for this laptop to be.
My husband works in IT and I have NEVER seen him bring home a laptop from work to work on at home. He does bring home his own work laptop in case he has to log in from home. And he would never think of working on a work laptop from another company. A lot of times IT people are privy to information that is not common knowledge to many of their co-workers. The only way I could see that Med Center laptop being there would be if WS worked for them. JMO
If I recall correctly they generally don't use luminol as a first line of checking as it can remove the DNA.

It is more likely that they used the swabs that change color, its the Kastle-Meyer test. You swab a surface with a q-tip type swab and then use a droplet of a reagent and then I believe a droplet of peroxide if it turns pink quickly it is considered to be positive for human blood.

It was my assumption that this test was likely used and that is the reason for the random items that were removed from the home.

Perhaps there was a splatter of some sort on the wall hanging and this swab was positive? That would give a reason for them seizing this item versus seizing ALL photos and decorative wall items.

I do think if they have reason to believe she lost a lot of blood that they would go back into the house, they may tear up flooring/carpets or they may use a luminol type of spray.

I would THINK they did do a few quick swabs of the floors and didn't find anything or we would see things like throw rugs and carpets on the list of things removed from the home.

Thank you!!!!!!

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My husband works in IT and I have NEVER seen him bring home a laptop from work to work on at home. He does bring home his own work laptop in case he has to log in from home. And he would never think of working on a work laptop from another company. A lot of times IT people are privy to information that is not common knowledge to many of their co-workers. The only way I could see that Med Center laptop being there would if WS worked for them. JMO

Thank you, that is what I thought. 12 years ago my partner did IT on the side for small businesses and back then most of the PC's and laptops did come into our home, but the internet wasn't what it is today as far as remote fixing and these were small businesses like local mechanics, the local pet shop that sort of thing. Anywhere else like our hospital had its own IT department/contacts and it was all done on site because of the intranet, wireless networks were just becoming a thing though back then, so I wasn't sure if taking work home was still a thing given the techno age we live in, it seemed doubtful and I am grateful that you clarified this!!
My husband works in IT and I have NEVER seen him bring home a laptop from work to work on at home. He does bring home his own work laptop in case he has to log in from home. And he would never think of working on a work laptop from another company. A lot of times IT people are privy to information that is not common knowledge to many of their co-workers. The only way I could see that Med Center laptop being there would if WS worked for them. JMO

Do we have any idea what type of nursing Mom does???

Maybe she answers a 24 hour Nurse Line on a set schedule and that accounts for one cell phone & the hospital's laptop?

The four year old was not at home when Sherin went missing. From what I read, she was at a friend's place.

That in itself is quite interesting. Four years old is very young for a sleep over. I find the timing notable, and the sleepover odd.
That in itself is quite interesting. Four years old is very young for a sleep over. I find the timing notable, and the sleepover odd.

The 4 year old was at home, as confirmed by LE to Maria Guerrero at NBCDFW
I think it depends on where you work.

Both my husband and I work for the same company, and both of us do remoting (work at home). We always had laptops that we used at work, and we always took these same laptops home, and used them when working from home. We have certain security procedures we go through to log onto the company's servers.

It just depends on your company, and what they want you to do. I am in IT, and he is a manager.

OH okay, so your situation is different than agilbe's. Thanks for sharing that it does happen. I am assuming it is unlikely that a giant place like a hospital would send home there devices and that it is more likely to be small businesses or people with less sensitive information, but that obviously doesn't mean that the laptop in question here wasn't sent home by it's normal user to be tuned up, possibly for a quick fix compared to waiting on a giant IT department with more to worry about than a single laptop that for all we know was running slow...
I agree and he does bring home his OWN work laptop. When he does work on (fix) any of the company computers it's always on site, never at home.
The four year old was not at home when Sherin went missing. From what I read, she was at a friend's place.

My first post on this specific thread although I’ve been following it since the beginning. However I didn’t kno this fact. I was talking about this case with a co worker and she said it was so weird I was telling her this because it sounds exactly like a book she just read. It’s called “The Good Neighbors”. I haven’t read it and I asked her for the ending but she didn’t want to tell me in case I do read it. I just find it strange that the night this happened the oldest daughter isn’t home. There is a part of me that still thinks she may have been “given” to someone. And now as soon as I say that I think, well then why report her missing to the police. Wonder if she was given to someone and then reported missing for insurance money? Probably not expecting the police to be so thorough or the story to cause so much attention....
I apologize that i wasn't clear. What that meant is LE knows who was the last person besides the parents to see Sherin. Not that someone else saw her when she went missing. Maria Guerrero asked LE if they know the last person outside f the immediate family to see Sherin. They said they know who and when, but did not elaborate on the who and when. It was not pertaining to around the time she went missing.

Ah, thanks for clarifying, blue22! That makes sense. (You were clear enough; I just misinterpreted the meaning.)
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