Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #4

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I certainly don't want to ever offend anyone, but I must say, when some say Sherin was 'accidentally' killed it truly bothers me greatly. Maybe it is because I too was abused as a child by my own abusive father who also locked me outside when I was around Sherin's age. I easily could have died from some of the severe beatings I received. Would it have been an accident?? Hell no.

But no, no, no, he didn't accidentally kill Sherin. Saying this could have been an accident is so unfair to Sherin who was being abused and physically assaulted by her father.

The truth is no parent has a right to strike/injury or abuse their child. Period. Everything he did was purposefully done against a tiny little child that he had to know could not withstand the severe injuries HE inflicted upon his little daughter.

I refuse to give this lowlife an excuse of he accidentally killed her or that he snapped. He is not a stupid man. He knew what he was doing and he knew it could have been fatal and for all we know his goal may have been to make sure he killed her.

Sorry for venting but the theories that he may have just snapped or accidentally killed her when he was brutally assaulting his 22 pound daughter makes me so sad for Sherin. Nothing Sherin could have ever done would ever warrant her parent brutally assaulting her much less sustain injures so severe that it caused her death. :mad:
I agree - whatever happened, happened because he was furious. He didn't control his temper and killed his daughter. Period.

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Whenever someone dies accidentally like choking my belief in them goes out the window when they don't call 911 for help. I had my son at 17 and when he was 2 he had a broom and it hit the ceiling light fixture and came crashing down on him. I was so worried he was hurt. Not once did I think oh my gosh I'm in trouble. I got my son help. And low and behold he is 22 now. Jmo.

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Members of the surrounding churches were invited to the vigil last week. They all declined. Nice bunch.

I would decline too given how many threats their own church was getting. Also, just because church members or staff declined doesn't mean their weren't people from the church and neighbourhood there. We saw dozens and dozens of people pass through offering prayers. Given how many churches we have seen on the map close to their home, I can't imagine not one of the people who has gone to the vigils isn't from the churches. Also they have had Hindu, Catholic, Christian and Muslim representatives... Again, people have been threatened by the public, which IMO is likely a reason why many of their church members stopped speaking with MSM. They were (and still are by some) being persecuted. Even yesterday when Maria Guerrero was announcing Wesley's arrest people in the comments were demanding church members be arrested too for "covering it up" and then hate saying they would give him bond (again), began, despite the fact that the church has said more than once they did not bond him out the first time. Sorry for this rant, but I think it would be really hard to go there and say you are from a church because of how people are reacting. Just out of respect for Sherin and keeping it peaceful they're need to decline sounds necessary.
No. theres not much there because they PARK THEIR CARS THERE.

Hes still lying.

Actually, living in Southern California, many people store their excess "stuff" in their garages, and park their cars in their driveways.

My parents had a two-car garage, and they still managed to store things there.
But do we actually know when the 4 y/o was removed? All I remember hearing from the beginning was that officials wouldn't/couldn't confirm if the other child was still in their custody, not that she was still in their custody and then removed later. I never heard anything about the child being removed because of something the mother said.

I just assumed it was standard procedure to remove any remaining children in situations like this.

I believe that accounts said that the child was removed on Monday of the first week, concurrent with Dad's release on bond, and in spite of the bond requirement that he have no contact with any children or with family members.
I keep thinking of different things regarding what was taken into evidence. You say "sedative" and I go back to a prior thought. Costco sells medication in bulk. I wondered if that was on the receipt....
I had not caught that a sedative was taken into evidence.

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IMO, Dad has changed his story because the body has been found and now the jig is up. He knows he strangled that child to death becauseshe frustrated him and would not drink her milk at 3:00am. He is now coming up with a story that she “accidentallychoked” to try to avoid getting charged with murder and pass this off as an “accident.”
An autopsy will show how the child died and if there are any other signs of abuse. I highly doubt that “accidentally choking” is going to bethe cause of death. If he strangled her to death the autopsy will clearly show ifher hyoid bone is broken.
He just keeps digging himself in deeper by changing hisstatements to the police.If he didintentionally murder this child I hope he gets the death penalty. His “alternate”statement will not help him.
maybe this site has made me jaded but 3am, in the garage, assisting her to drink "milk", I hope its not what i think...

Put him away for life
Oh sweet Lord, I hope not also.:notgood:
Here the affidavit for arrest on WM injury to a child

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10/7/17 3am: Supposedly when WM milk incident happened.

8:12am: Officers received the call from family (dont know who) saying Sherin was missing...told the police the story about putting her by the tree where he saw coyotes for not drinking her milk.

10/22 11am: Sherin's body is found in culvert

10/23 12:15 PM:
WM came to PD with atty with new version of events saying she "choked" on the mik.

What will be added next?
I would decline too given how many threats their own church was getting. Also, just because church members or staff declined doesn't mean their weren't people from the church and neighbourhood there. We saw dozens and dozens of people pass through offering prayers. Given how many churches we have seen on the map close to their home, I can't imagine not one of the people who has gone to the vigils isn't from the churches. Also they have had Hindu, Catholic, Christian and Muslim representatives... Again, people have been threatened by the public, which IMO is likely a reason why many of their church members stopped speaking with MSM. They were (and still are by some) being persecuted. Even yesterday when Maria Guerrero was announcing Wesley's arrest people in the comments were demanding church members be arrested too for "covering it up" and then hate saying they would give him bond (again), began, despite the fact that the church has said more than once they did not bond him out the first time. Sorry for this rant, but I think it would be really hard to go there and say you are from a church because of how people are reacting. Just out of respect for Sherin and keeping it peaceful they're need to decline sounds necessary.

I've somehow missed the church members being threatened. What is all this about? Just related to this case or was something happening prior to it?
Based upon his latest story I'm thinking he clamped his hand over her mouth and nose to force her to swallow and held it there until she suffocated to death.
If this was True and your "beloved" daughter died by ACCIDENT - from your frustration and exhaustion from night feedings - wouldn't you simply call 911, or at the very least your wife who is a nurse? Clearly WM is calculating - manipulative so WHY wouldn't he believe he could just say she choked on her milk even if he had forced it down throat???
After all, we are talking about a man that thought it would be acceptable to punish a 3 year old by placing her outside in the middle of the night.
IMO he took her into garage for other reasons - and the real reason he did not call out to his wife - or call 911 is because WHAT he was doing to her in the garage was a crime and there was DNA to prove what he was doing to her - so he had to remove her body and the evidence that was on her - in her, instead of treating her as his "beloved" daughter.
His ACTIONS after her death say more than he will probably ever admit to authorities.
As tiny as she was - If he held her nose would it have left marks? I wouldn't think it would have taken much effort or pressure to cover his nose - not enough to leave evidence marks on her, anyway. But, I don't know what all can be discovered through autopsy.
Just my thoughts and opinions.
Actually, living in Southern California, many people store their excess "stuff" in their garages, and park their cars in their driveways.

Lots of people do all over the world.

Im saying we see that this family parks in the garage.
She choked on her milk and died? Really? Really? With a nurse in the house who wasn't woken up to help, or 911 not called until several hours later....and the body hidden?!


I don't want to hear anything else from this man except a guilty plea.
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