Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #6 *Arrest*

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As I continue to watch the news and read and research what is known in this case, and ponder the possibilities , my heart just hurts for Sini and her child . I cannot imagine living the horror and reality of this tragedy .

Likewise. From the way Sini is acting according to MSM, it sounds like she is in denial about the whole thing. I would be too in her situation.
It's not uncommon here, in my region, for us to have multiple fridges and freezers. I've got a small fridge, upstairs, for storing pop and adult beverages, and a large freezer in the basement for meats and such. So that makes sense with storing the nutritional drinks.

There's a video of the Mathews' garage online. Unfortunately there is no fridge or freezer in there.
I'm still thinking he went to the area near the college first.

I was thinking he didn't know what to do during this time and drove around. He also probably sat in his car thinking about what to do next after dumping her body.
So what's the round orange colored thing on the ground that all the LE vehicles are parked around?

I think that it could possibly be a launch pad for a larger drone, they usually need a firm, stable and even space to take off and land. My son uses a wood block set up on something to launch his small drone, but his doesn't need as much room as the one LE is using. I would think it also works something similar to a helipad possibly as far as knowing where they are landing it with the camera setup.
Do any of you know cases where a child was killed accidentally by a parent and the parent dumps the body elsewhere and makes excuses?
We are talking about pinpointing the time of death to within an hour. I don't know of any cases, where it was that accurate.

I've just given you an example lol

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I know that the body being moved is a popular theory and is even a plausible one given the fact that the area had been searched. But the part of me that believes in humanity, just can't wrap their minds around someone saying "hey can you keep the body of my child while LE is looking around? OH and now i have an ankle monitor so can you dump her for me?" My brain just cannot accept that Sherin was "in storage" and then someone had the stomach to move a body in a stage of decomp that required dental records and the mom to look at photos of clothing instead of the body itself... :( If this does end up being the case I won't be shocked, but what kind of "human" can do that??

We see them on the WS scroll bar every day. Too many cases to follow. :sigh:
I keep seeing people say the protein shakes, the formula, etc. BUT has it ever been reported as anything other than milk?
It's probably not very significant, but I'm still confused as to the mothers remarks, when identifying the clothing.

"Could have been something her daughter wore."


I can understand perhaps not remembering exactly what your child wore to bed, but how can you not know those are definitely her clothes? Purchasing them, doing laundry, picking up dirty clothes and putting them in the hamper, dressing the child, folding them and putting them away..... Either she has the worst memory in history or she did 0 chores around the house/doesn't come into contact with her childrens' clothing much, which I find bizarre.

She's not saying anything that could be used against, or incriminating against, her husband. How non compliant is that? I don't think that she ever went to actually i.d. anything in person, either, did she? I think that spousal immunity thing is going to come into play here, should it go to trial.
She's not saying anything that could be used against, or incriminating against, her husband. How non compliant is that? I don't think that she ever went to actually i.d. anything in person, either, did she?

LE showed her photos of the clothing. They did not say if she came in to do that, but said she was cooperating with that. I would assume to prevent the images from being leaked to MSM or social media that they required her to come in to view those photos. JMO since we haven't seen them
After they found a "small body" their were images or video via MSM showing LE up above ground with what looked like an access panel/grate/manhole thing open and they were inspecting it from above and looking down. Their was also an image of them examining the grate thing (sorry I don't know the terms) that takes away water flow off the road that is built into the curb. I saw the pictures on WS when they were first released. I just tried to google but I couldn't find anything except the culvert memorial and some scene photos from that.

GrouchyMom tends to be great with finding these links again, maybe she can help with those images?

sorry to disappoint this time. I am usually a hoarder of pics, articles, videos and documents but I did not save the pic of LE reaching into the torn drain inlet. I didn’t see it as relevant and didn’t see it anywhere else. I went back through the threads and it may have been deleted or I missed it. Sorry I was just thr same kind of inlet that is famous from Stephen King’s movies and books, “IT”.
sorry to disappoint this time. I am usually a hoarder of pics, articles, videos and documents but I did not save the pic of LE reaching into the torn drain inlet. I didn’t see it as relevant and didn’t see it anywhere else. I went back through the threads and it may have been deleted or I missed it. Sorry I was just thr same kind of inlet that is famous from Stephen King’s movies and books, “IT”.

Thanks for looking!! I know you are really great at keeping records and remembering where to find things! Thanks for trying! I tried to google it and had no luck, just the images of the culvert itself. i wonder if it may have been removed as it might not have been MSM or proof that it was off Sherin's scene? If I recall it was fairly close up, and didn't really give a reference of what was around the workers...
I don't know if we are allowed to post youtube videos but I am going to link this one because it shows firefighter training going through a culvert and how difficult it is. It does't say the size of the culvert, but they say that it starts out bigger and gets smaller on the other end. It is a tight fit obviously, but the culvert they are using appears to be about the size of the one Sherin was found in (at the end) and these men are wearing equipment and pushing equipment through with them as it won't fit on their back. Just sort of proved to me that it really would be possible for a bigger man to fit, if a firefighter with full gear can get through then surely a determined person dumping a body could... IMO

It's a short video but IMO worth a look because it really does make WM dumping Sherin in that culvert seem far easier than many of us have assumed...


These men, are extremely physically fit, and go forward, the whole way, with a panic strap attached. My friend's son was a green beret and I can see him doing this w/o any problem during his military career. I just do not see SM as a fit enough individual to make it forward, pushing a 22 # bundle in front of him, let alone trying to back his way out of there. Btw, I had to take a lil break 1/2 through, when the dude kinda struggled at one kicked my claustrophobia kicked in! No worries about me hiding anything in a culvert.
Despite the current situation caused by WM, looks like his family used to have a happy time with Sherin, at least according to the pics on this new facebook page obviously with connections to the family or their church

And apparently the marble hunters are losing it over the article that called out the overzealous community members !!
These men, are extremely physically fit, and go forward, the whole way, with a panic strap attached. My friend's son was a green beret and I can see him doing this w/o any problem during his military career. I just do not see SM as a fit enough individual to make it forward, pushing a 22 # bundle in front of him, let alone trying to back his way out of there. Btw, I had to take a lil break 1/2 through, when the dude kinda struggled at one kicked my claustrophobia kicked in! No worries about me hiding anything in a culvert.

Yeah I don't know if I could crawl into a short one to save my own kid or if I would tell them to wait and call LE, BUT adrenaline would be fueling me and I likely would, and adrenaline was most likely fueling WM as well, and given the fact there are documented cases of people lifting cars because of adrenaline, I can see how in an adrenaline fueled need for self-preservation that he would crawl in... and once inside, he would have been dedicated to getting in and getting out... I do feel he more than likely went in feet first pushing her with his legs to keep an eye on the entrance, and so he wouldnt be face to face with Sherin though... but regardless of how or even who, this is good proof that he COULD have fit and it wouldn't require someone super small to have done this dirty work. Firefighters with equipment can do it, without the fuel of a flight or fight response, I think that means anyone who has everything to lose could do it.... :(
Despite the current situation caused by WM, looks like his family used to have a happy time with Sherin, at least according to the pics on this new facebook page obviously with connections to the family or their church

And apparently the marble hunters are losing it over the article that called out the overzealous community members !!

Please forgive my ignorance; what is a 'marble hunter'? I am familiar with the community members, Omair Siddiqi, etc..(their page, anyway)

I keep seeing people say the protein shakes, the formula, etc. BUT has it ever been reported as anything other than milk?

Police confirmed that the child was much smaller than other kids her age, and that it was common for her to eat several times each day and night in an effort to put on some additional weight. Officials added that the “milk” being fed to the girl was more like a protein shake.
Please forgive my ignorance; what is a 'marble hunter'? I am familiar with the community members, Omair Siddiqi, etc..(their page, anyway)

Oops sorry about my feeble attempt at humor :banghead: Another poster had earlier used the british phrase "lose your marbles" to refer to the overzealous funeral organizers :laughing:
It was commented that those persons hoping to gain control of little Sherins body had " done lost their marbles " when she was released to an unnamed person / funeral home .
Thanks for looking!! I know you are really great at keeping records and remembering where to find things! Thanks for trying! I tried to google it and had no luck, just the images of the culvert itself. i wonder if it may have been removed as it might not have been MSM or proof that it was off Sherin's scene? If I recall it was fairly close up, and didn't really give a reference of what was around the workers...

It was on David Goins twitter page, there was a short video showing the search going on, Hannah VanHuss Davis retweeted it .
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