Found Safe TX - Sophie, 9, w/ Michael Long, non-custodial parent, Seguin, 12 July 2021

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DNA Solves
He got a call from one of his attorneys during the live, but he didn’t pick up. At this point, I don’t trust him (or the mom) and I’m looking forward to the evidentiary hearings. I will be furious if he has filled Sophie’s head with false info

She seemed very distraught during the video in the car. No matter what she has to be kept away from that boyfriend. She was pleading for them to believe her. That's impossible to discount.

The only things that give me pause are that when the mom and grandmother (who I do not like at all) asked her why she didn't want to go, she didn't bring up the molestation until the end. And, how she described the act was a tiny bit unusual. But I'm not a psychologist. And when she said she found blood in her underwear in the morning - something made me feel she found that to be evidence of abuse, without an actual memory of the particular act that caused the blood.

I do feel it's easier to convince a smaller child that she or he has been abused. But this kid is almost 10. Much harder to do. And most of them are very coached but although I see evidence of manipulation with this dad, she did not seem coached in the car at all. She seemed credible.
There are no answers as to why cps hasn't acted on any of the reports/investigations that have been made public. Both police dept stances are "this is an ongoing investigation per fb pages for the depts.
I do know during the hearing moms atty is saying "cps can testify to xyz re: dad" and cps is shaking her head no.
I am unclear who had hair follicle test but it was bc the children told dad a story about the boy licking a "fizzy rock"
The car incident happened approx 2 weeks ago.
I believe the girl disclosed in july.
They have asked for an amicus.
evidentiary hearing asked to be held "soon" per the live court hearing.
Mom has not turned children over for today's visit. **mom dropped kids off almost 2 hours late**
ETA all imo

Thanks so much for that. It clears some stuff up. I have some questions:

1. Who had the boy’s hair follicle tested and why?
2. How do we know the child tested positive but nothing was done?
3. Why did the temporary judge give custody back to dad despite a pending CPS investigation? What was the basis for that order? I’d love to know what the paperwork said.
4. So CPS did investigate and evaluate the little girl but no outcome yet? The child was very definitive in the video.
5. The car incident happened in July? They’re still investigating to see whether to charge them?
6. Why did the amicus recuse herself? Did anyone say? That’s unusual. And has a new one been appointed?
7. When is the evidentiary hearing?

Thanks in advance!

And sorry all for the repeated numbered lists! It helps my brain to be organized!
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There are no answers as to why cps hasn't acted on any of the reports/investigations that have been made public. Both police dept stances are "this is an ongoing investigation per fb pages for the depts.
I do know during the hearing moms atty is saying "cps can testify to xyz re: dad" and cps is shaking her head no.
I am unclear who had hair follicle test but it was bc the children told dad a story about the boy licking a "fizzy rock"
The car incident happened approx 2 weeks ago.
I believe the girl disclosed in july.
They have asked for an amicus.
evidentiary hearing asked to be held "soon" per the live court hearing.
Mom has not turned children over for today's visit. **mom dropped kids off almost 2 hours late**
ETA all imo

Thank you so much!! Really appreciated.
There is also a recording of dad talking to a cps investigator 2ish years ago. They were informing him that his kids were subjects in an investigation Re: domestic violence in the house between mom and bf they ordered counseling. Dad and stepmother ask some questions regarding the kids safety and answer that the bf seems like a decent person and they don't know of any problems and end the call saying they feel fine with the plan put in place. I am not sure if that investigation stems from the 911 call (also can be heard online) for DV of mom barricaded in the bedroom with the kids while bf who she says is a felon and is possibly armed is in the house with the baby (moms and bfs) or not.
I did try to search for links to both those recordings but am unable to find them but I did personally listen to both of them several days ago.

All imo
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She seemed very distraught during the video in the car. No matter what she has to be kept away from that boyfriend. She was pleading for them to believe her. That's impossible to discount.

The only things that give me pause are that when the mom and grandmother (who I do not like at all) asked her why she didn't want to go, she didn't bring up the molestation until the end. And, how she described the act was a tiny bit unusual. But I'm not a psychologist. And when she said she found blood in her underwear in the morning - something made me feel she found that to be evidence of abuse, without an actual memory of the particular act that caused the blood.

I do feel it's easier to convince a smaller child that she or he has been abused. But this kid is almost 10. Much harder to do. And most of them are very coached but although I see evidence of manipulation with this dad, she did not seem coached in the car at all. She seemed credible.
I am a family counselor, but I dont post as one, as I'm not verified and don't care to be. But, her disclosure of the abuse is what i would see as typical. What isn't typical is that she said it, at all. It takes a loooooootttttt for a child to build the nerve to finally admit it. Even as adults, we find it hard to get difficult words or conversations to come out of our mouths. You didn't see the mom walk off, but i could tell she did bc the child said its not you, its her, as if the mom wasn't there for the disclosure. She also did some very rapid, very big breaths, signifying anxiety right before she said the words. She said the words in a hushed manner, in child code terms about her vivi. All of her actions, timing and wording seemed right on for a child her age going through what she said.

All my opinion!
I am a family counselor, but I dont post as one, as I'm not verified and don't care to be. But, her disclosure of the abuse is what i would see as typical. What isn't typical is that she said it, at all. It takes a loooooootttttt for a child to build the nerve to finally admit it. Even as adults, we find it hard to get difficult words or conversations to come out of our mouths. You didn't see the mom walk off, but i could tell she did bc the child said its not you, its her, as if the mom wasn't there for the disclosure. She also did some very rapid, very big breaths, signifying anxiety right before she said the words. She said the words in a hushed manner, in child code terms about her vivi. All of her actions, timing and wording seemed right on for a child her age going through what she said.

All my opinion!

Thank you for that.

I hope dad can start following the rules. The mom and grandma seem horrible. I saw the child talking to her dad in a FaceTime call and it seemed apparent the mother was monitoring and the child was scared of communicating too much.

The way the little girl and one of the boys ran to their dad in video I watched of the custody exchange that just took place, says a lot.

I think the judge at the last hearing doesn’t want to overstep and undo what the temporary judge did. But if she sole custody to dad previously, then she hopefully will again. The child seems to feel very loved and safe with dad. She clearly doesn’t with her obnoxious mother.

If that was my kid and I KNEW I hadn’t participated in or allowed any molestation but she was crying and insisting I did and terrified of leaving her dad, I think I would cry with her and tell her how much I love her and ask her what can I do to make her feel safe.

But she was just acting like the child was throwing a tantrum rather than being totally anguished.

And if there’s a history of DV there? Makes it all much worse.

Dad needs to pull it together and stop publishing anything to do with his child.
There is also a recording of dad talking to a cps investigator 2ish years ago. They were informing him that his kids were subjects in an investigation Re: domestic violence in the house between mom and bf they ordered counseling. Dad and stepmother ask some questions regarding the kids safety and answer that the bf seems like a decent person and they don't know of any problems and end the call saying they feel fine with the plan put in place. I am not sure if that investigation stems from the 911 call (also can be heard online) for DV of mom barricaded in the bedroom with the kids while bf who she says is a felon and is possibly armed is in the house with the baby (moms and bfs) or not.
I did try to search for links to both those recordings but am unable to find them but I did personally listen to both of them several days ago.

All imo


Does anyone know if this is the same boyfriend as the one currently accused? Mom may well have dumped this guy.

We don't know what CPS is doing, and that is for many good reasons. Protects the kids!

Completely agree that Dad needs to follow the court's directions & pronto.

Prayers for these kids!
Thank you for that.

I hope dad can start following the rules. The mom and grandma seem horrible. I saw the child talking to her dad in a FaceTime call and it seemed apparent the mother was monitoring and the child was scared of communicating too much.

The way the little girl and one of the boys ran to their dad in video I watched of the custody exchange that just took place, says a lot.

I think the judge at the last hearing doesn’t want to overstep and undo what the temporary judge did. But if she sole custody to dad previously, then she hopefully will again. The child seems to feel very loved and safe with dad. She clearly doesn’t with her obnoxious mother.

If that was my kid and I KNEW I hadn’t participated in or allowed any molestation but she was crying and insisting I did and terrified of leaving her dad, I think I would cry with her and tell her how much I love her and ask her what can I do to make her feel safe.

But she was just acting like the child was throwing a tantrum rather than being totally anguished.

And if there’s a history of DV there? Makes it all much worse.

Dad needs to pull it together and stop publishing anything to do with his child.

Yeah, just from a human standpoint.... there is no way ANY child, much less MY OWN child could say those things to me and me not break down and hug her and want to keep her safe and gt all the info. And file a police report against anyone who said said hurt her. The way it wasnt questioned, but rather glossed over and hushed.... that was the most telling, to me. I dont know many parents or grandparents who would not be shocked and protective, in that moment. Im going with the apple/ tree thing here....
She seemed very distraught during the video in the car. No matter what she has to be kept away from that boyfriend. She was pleading for them to believe her. That's impossible to discount.

The only things that give me pause are that when the mom and grandmother (who I do not like at all) asked her why she didn't want to go, she didn't bring up the molestation until the end. And, how she described the act was a tiny bit unusual. But I'm not a psychologist. And when she said she found blood in her underwear in the morning - something made me feel she found that to be evidence of abuse, without an actual memory of the particular act that caused the blood.

I do feel it's easier to convince a smaller child that she or he has been abused. But this kid is almost 10. Much harder to do. And most of them are very coached but although I see evidence of manipulation with this dad, she did not seem coached in the car at all. She seemed credible.
But I'm not a psychologist. And when she said she found blood in her underwear in the morning - something made me feel she found that to be evidence of abuse, without an actual memory of the particular act that caused the blood.
Maybe she was being drugged at night before going to bed.
Yes he was named in the call with the CPS worker.

Does anyone know if this is the same boyfriend as the one currently accused? Mom may well have dumped this guy.

We don't know what CPS is doing, and that is for many good reasons. Protects the kids!

Completely agree that Dad needs to follow the court's directions & pronto.

Prayers for these kids!
This case is getting out of control.

The online group is stating that dad has Sophie due to an emergency court hearing on Labor Day but kept the brothers who were supposed to go back to mom. Hearing tomorrow.

They’re saying that S says she was assaulted by four men before she came to dad, who cycled into the hotel room she was staying in with mom before she went to her dad’s for the weekend. And that on Sunday with dad she started screaming with pain and went to the hospital. And I guess divulged what happened.

But no arrests.

Oh and the judge supposedly recused herself and left the state.

I don’t know what’s happening. It seems very bizarre.
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