TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #38

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My morning musing - did MB's murder have to take place on the day that it did? What would have happened if MB's class was not moved indoors? Although MB normally unlocked the doors of CCoC to give her campers access to the bathrooms, was this typically done later in her routine? Did she normally set up her equipment and then unlock the building (hence unlocking the doors closer to the time that the first camper would have arrived.... hence, giving SP a smaller time frame in which to escape)? Did MB ever enter the building when they held class outside? Or was this a "go" on this particular day because MB would be inside CCoC at an early hour with a high level of certainty?
I have struggled with your first question. My belief has been that this was not a case of April 18 come hell or high water but rather taking advantage of the circumstances. Others believe differently. I also believe that not getting arrested had a higher valuation to SP than actually killing Missy. That is, I believe that had Missy arrived just 5 or 10 minutes later or if someone else arrived at the same time then Missy would still be alive today never knowing how close she came to being killed. And it is likely WS members might have talked about a strange burglary in Texas for a few days because it still probably would have made the news and that would be that. My question has always been if this were a case of kill Missy no matter what then why bother with anything this elaborate.
2 things, that raised questions - and some answers- in my mind:

One, why was the crime scene marked off so tight? It did not include the entire church property, but basically only the building, if you look at news coverage and follow the yellow tape. A broader crime scene would have secured any additional evidence possibly found in the parking areas and beyond. Evidence is collected and secured not only to hopefully lead to an identification, but also to be used in court.

Two, why was the crime scene cleared so fast? A search of the property would have required additional man power ( academy members for example) and a broader crime scene (again). Why the hurry? Why letting church members back into the building so quick? The entire interior area, where SP is seen on camera, was supposed to be checked by CS investigators. They must have been incredibly fast to cover so much space. Unless- SP left incriminating evidence behind and they just have not found the source yet?


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The clearing of that crime scene so quickly has bothered me from the very beginning. It seems to indicate a very small area impacted (low blood spatter, etc)...but SP was all over that building, as evidenced by the videotape-all of which we have not seen.

On the the point of blood spatter..surely hitting someone in the head with a hammer would cause cast off or whatever it's called. They would be able to assess exactly where the SP stood, the swing arc, height of SP. Depending on ceiling height, ceiling, walls and floor would need cleaning. Surely trace amounts of blood would transfer to SP and therefore his movement through the building to exit might well be trackable.

If an artery or vein were punctured, even more blood would have been released into the environment. With all that, we are told the crime scene was cleared within 24-48 hours (I need to check my notes for the exact time)
One more picture to ponder.....as I watched the video again and again, I enlarged it as much as possible and was able to grab this photo. This view was taken before they park and I believe in back of the building. Try and enlarge the photo yourself to look more closely. My feeling hasn't changed, I still see a female driving the car with brown hair, as well as strands of her hair sweeping across her left shoulder, and hair tucked behind her left ear. Further, I see someone behind her in the back seat, almost leaning on the back of the driver's seat so to view where the driver is driving? Or trying to stay hidden. On another interesting note, it appears there is an object on the dashboard but not sure what it is. Any thoughts?
The device on the dash is interesting. Anyone recognize what it is?
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The clearing of that crime scene so quickly has bothered me from the very beginning. It seems to indicate a very small area impacted (low blood spatter, etc)...but SP was all over that building, as evidenced by the videotape-all of which we have not seen.

On the the point of blood spatter..surely hitting someone in the head with a hammer would cause cast off or whatever it's called. They would be able to assess exactly where the SP stood, the swing arc, height of SP. Depending on ceiling height, ceiling, walls and floor would need cleaning. Surely trace amounts of blood would transfer to SP and therefore his movement through the building to exit might well be trackable.

If an artery or vein were punctured, even more blood would have been released into the environment. With all that, we are told the crime scene was cleared within 24-48 hours (I need to check my notes for the exact time)
I believe MPD said they cleared the scene by noon on the day of Missy's murder. Someone else should chime in if they know different.
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The clearing of that crime scene so quickly has bothered me from the very beginning. It seems to indicate a very small area impacted (low blood spatter, etc)...but SP was all over that building, as evidenced by the videotape-all of which we have not seen.

On the the point of blood spatter..surely hitting someone in the head with a hammer would cause cast off or whatever it's called. They would be able to assess exactly where the SP stood, the swing arc, height of SP. Depending on ceiling height, ceiling, walls and floor would need cleaning. Surely trace amounts of blood would transfer to SP and therefore his movement through the building to exit might well be trackable.

If an artery or vein were punctured, even more blood would have been released into the environment. With all that, we are told the crime scene was cleared within 24-48 hours (I need to check my notes for the exact time)

MPD said in one of the first pressers that it was cleared by noon. That's 7 hours from 911 to scene cleared.

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I have struggled with your first question. My belief has been that this was not a case of April 18 come hell or high water but rather taking advantage of the circumstances. Others believe differently. I also believe that not getting arrested had a higher valuation to SP than actually killing Missy. That is, I believe that had Missy arrived just 5 or 10 minutes later or if someone else arrived at the same time then Missy would still be alive today never knowing how close she came to being killed. And it is likely WS members might have talked about a strange burglary in Texas for a few days because it still probably would have made the news and that would be that. My question has always been if this were a case of kill Missy no matter what then why bother with anything this elaborate.

This is an excellent question.It is the whole case.JMO I can't, though, get past the savagery of this murder. Attacking her face seems so personal. jmo

One thing I noticed : the strange driving around the gun store, lights on, lights off, etc, it almost mimics the SP's behavior inside the church. Aimless meandering...
I think it's a rental car with some sort of triple a or roadside assist sticker. Don't those cars have satellite SOS button locators ? I think on the dash is some sort of waterproof gps or light

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If person had military experience then they're most likely trained to handle death in a different way than most...so a change in behavior may not be super obvious. JMO

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Military, law enforcement or medical training or mortuary come to mind
Maybe one of the reasons the scene was cleared so quickly is that they have SP on camera wearing gloves so they don't have to dust every single possible surface, door handle etc. They can also see where SP moved around the building so they know where they should search for additional evidence.

The portions of video we have seen, SP is just opening doors, peeking inside rooms and wandering around. If the rest of the video shows more of the same (which LE indicated it does) then there wouldn't be much for them to search for on the remainder of the property.

Perhaps there wasn't much to process aside from the actual murder area, which I've sortof surmised is just beyond the range of the main hallway camera. I wouldn't be surprised if the only evidence they have from the scene is the video and Missy's body.

I think the fact that we don't have footage or pictures of LE searching the surrounding open area on foot, in a grid (or do we?) indicates that LE believes the car they saw in the surveillance video that they could not identify is SPs transportation. Otherwise, wouldn't the press give us photos of cops searching the surroundings looking for a dropped weapon, a snag of clothing on a branch, deep footprints in the mud etc?
<modsnip>The thing about MPD is that they don't seem to have any compunction about hanging people out to dry - for example the victim or CW - so why should they care who is being vilified on social media.
Jethro4WS est. the case map of CCoC for us.

In mid-August, 2016, upon entry from the Main Western Doors and turning right once inside to walk toward the SW Corner. There are 3 doors: 20, 18, 17. Using your map's key:

W3 - Door 20 * The green bar is also Door 20.
W4 - Door 18
There is another door here marked Door 17.

The Red Rectangular with the door opening is actually the "Family Room" or "Family RestRoom". Not numbered.

WB1 - Door 16 * Men's RestRoom; Needs to be rotated so door opens into alcove.
WB2 - Door 15 * Lady's Rest Room; Needs to be placed along the Western wall next to WB1.
The peach flooring in front of the Men's and Lady's Rooms form the alcove space. The alcove wall is missing on the map that begins at the SW corner, has a gap in the center and continues on down the wall to the Family RestRoom....

At the Stage, in the lower right corner of the map, Mimi this especially is for you!, where there is a green mark on the outer line on the light red box marked SS, that is a door. It is Door 14.

Also, at the Stage, in the NE corner, there is a light red box marked NS. The green mark is for Door 9. (Almost directly across from Door 8.)

Interesting, because if what you relate is accurate (and I have no reason to believe it is not), then CCoC renumbered the doors in the wake of the murder. The numbering was very different at the time of the murder and shortly thereafter, from what you say.
@ 07:46


Screen Grab of the Broken Glass mentioned in N. Grace Mysteries Show. Can we trust this scene to be from Crime Scene photos or just a generic shot of broken glass?


I never noticed this before, but at approximately 12:17 on ng video. The sp comes around the door and "shows" a tool they're going to try out, they look at someone and raise the tool as if to say "got it, or trying this now" it's the oddest thing and gave me the creeps. Could go along with second sp theory.
My morning musing - did MB's murder have to take place on the day that it did? What would have happened if MB's class was not moved indoors? Although MB normally unlocked the doors of CCoC to give her campers access to the bathrooms, was this typically done later in her routine? Did she normally set up her equipment and then unlock the building (hence unlocking the doors closer to the time that the first camper would have arrived.... hence, giving SP a smaller time frame in which to escape)? Did MB ever enter the building when they held class outside? Or was this a "go" on this particular day because MB would be inside CCoC at an early hour with a high level of certainty?
One obvious thought is that SP knew MB would enter the building, where (S)he might not know how non-rain days worked. That would indicate that SP wasn't familiar with MB's classes on a personal level meaning SP wasn't a camper
Quite interesting. The thing about MPD is that they don't seem to have any compunction about hanging people out to dry - for example the victim or CW - so why should they care who is being vilified on social media.

I don't agree that MPD "hung out to dry" either MB or CW. If anything, I think they've been quite protective.

The only info they have released has been the SW which they had no choice but to release because they were public record. And the most damaging of the SW - the one for BB's FB - they engaged in what I would consider subterfuge. They left out the probable cause affidavit in which the KC affair was alleged. When asked for it, they sent a duplicate of the MB FB affidavit. When asked for it again, they finally provided it.

And what is Ga Peach referring to about a KS "rant" on MPD's FB page? I've looked all over their FB and don't see it.

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One obvious thought is that SP knew MB would enter the building, where (S)he might not know how non-rain days worked. That would indicate that SP wasn't familiar with MB's classes on a personal level meaning SP wasn't a camper

I recall hearing that MB posted to her fitness group's facebook group that the venue had changed to the church due to the weather (Can't remember if posted the night before or in the early early morning) So that was likely how SP knew where MB would be.

Given how SP searched the church and inspected rooms I would guess they were trying to figure out the exact room the fitness would likely take place and rooms with windows to make sure they could get away quickly after the murder or if MB arrived with someone else or someone else arrived prior to MB.
Maybe one of the reasons the scene was cleared so quickly is that they have SP on camera wearing gloves so they don't have to dust every single possible surface, door handle etc. They can also see where SP moved around the building so they know where they should search for additional evidence.

The portions of video we have seen, SP is just opening doors, peeking inside rooms and wandering around. If the rest of the video shows more of the same (which LE indicated it does) then there wouldn't be much for them to search for on the remainder of the property.

Perhaps there wasn't much to process aside from the actual murder area, which I've sortof surmised is just beyond the range of the main hallway camera. I wouldn't be surprised if the only evidence they have from the scene is the video and Missy's body.

I think the fact that we don't have footage or pictures of LE searching the surrounding open area on foot, in a grid (or do we?) indicates that LE believes the car they saw in the surveillance video that they could not identify is SPs transportation. Otherwise, wouldn't the press give us photos of cops searching the surroundings looking for a dropped weapon, a snag of clothing on a branch, deep footprints in the mud etc?
I agree except, I put gloves on one at a time. There may have been some skin cells on the exterior of one of the gloves the SP was wearing. A snowballs chance they would be found in the church? Yes, but no way in 7 hours. Eh, maybe I watch too much NCIS, but still I don't get the impression Dr Henry Lee was called in to do forensic analysis of the scene..
Does anyone see the police in white on the back of jacket in frame 6:59 of the car video? Can anyone put that picture up here?
Maybe one of the reasons the scene was cleared so quickly is that they have SP on camera wearing gloves so they don't have to dust every single possible surface, door handle etc. They can also see where SP moved around the building so they know where they should search for additional evidence.

The portions of video we have seen, SP is just opening doors, peeking inside rooms and wandering around. If the rest of the video shows more of the same (which LE indicated it does) then there wouldn't be much for them to search for on the remainder of the property.

Perhaps there wasn't much to process aside from the actual murder area, which I've sortof surmised is just beyond the range of the main hallway camera. I wouldn't be surprised if the only evidence they have from the scene is the video and Missy's body.

I think the fact that we don't have footage or pictures of LE searching the surrounding open area on foot, in a grid (or do we?) indicates that LE believes the car they saw in the surveillance video that they could not identify is SPs transportation. Otherwise, wouldn't the press give us photos of cops searching the surroundings looking for a dropped weapon, a snag of clothing on a branch, deep footprints in the mud etc?
They did search the building and the grounds with the dog from the ATF. I also believe from earlier threads they had a dog from Red Oak out the same day.

I don't believe that have much evidence either. However, I would think that they would have processed everywhere SP was known to have been. You never know where a hair or a fiber may be found or even a blood drop.
Quite interesting. The thing about MPD is that they don't seem to have any compunction about hanging people out to dry - for example the victim or CW - so why should they care who is being vilified on social media.

I agree. I'm still scratching my head and mulling over the various events surrounding this case in the last week. The NG story really got people worked up about a new POI. MPD, who has not been forthcoming with info in their investigation, comes out of the shadows and makes a MSM statement saying a person was investigated and cleared. IMO MPD could alleviate rumors from becoming problematic for them if they would give the public occasional updates. Apparently, all of the family, friends, CW, the new POI have been " cleared", "not considered suspects". So if a person is cleared or not a suspect can they be put back on those lists later on...

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