TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #39

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Just wanted to put this video out there because it also shows the office upstairs in slow motion as well.

Thank you for the hard work you have put in on these videos. I watch them all...

Was there a link attached ?
Is it possible that the angle of the photo can make the printing look longer or shorter? In the Brain Scratch video the top line appears to take up more space.

See at about 16:10 mark

Good point!

Here is the tag from the BrainScratch and my capture next to each other. State name - no lower writing indicates to me this is indeed the state name- definitely looks different now, more letters and I possibly see a gap after the first few letters, like in New Mexico or New Hampshire. However, those states display their state of origin on the bottom of their plates.



Source of first picture: Brainscratch


  • MB tag from Brainscratch video.png
    MB tag from Brainscratch video.png
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  • MB tag resampled Xsmall adapted.jpg
    MB tag resampled Xsmall adapted.jpg
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  • MB tag resampled Xsmall adapted.jpg
    MB tag resampled Xsmall adapted.jpg
    14.1 KB · Views: 580
We know that SP was first seen on camera at approx. 3:50 a.m. and that MB was first seen on camera at approx. 4:18 a.m. It is true that no one found MB until approx. 5:00 a.m. (but keep in mind a camper was waiting in his or her car in the parking lot starting around 4:35 a.m.). And it’s true we don’t know the exact time the perp left the building. However, logically, the perp got out asap and didn’t wait around for anyone else to come in (assuming this was a targeted killing, which I think it was). I suppose one could entertain the idea that MB was there awhile setting up while perp hid, but again, that doesn’t seem logical considering perp would increase chances of being caught or seen leaving. LE’s indications are that MB went in and the crime happened immediately thereafter – otherwise, LE probably would have stated that she was setting up for a while before the crime happened. She went in and walked toward the location of perp and was never seen on camera after that… I think if she had been there 30 minutes setting up, LE would say, “we see her on camera for several minutes setting up, etc.” or “going back and forth to her car.” But they don’t say that so I think LE believes she went in and was immediately ambushed.

I agree that logically you would think someone would want to attack and get out as quickly as possible. They have no idea how long the attack will take. They do not know who might enter the building or when. To me that is why I am so interested in this section of the timeline - if the SP did not act logically and was lying in wait for 30 minutes, then why? What does that tell us?

Having the actual video of her actions within the church would be very helpful. From pictures of the crime scene, you can see her truck parked near the front door. Reports have said she is seen on surveillance walking down the main hallway. I would like to know if she made several trips to retrieve equipment and see how far she had to walk to the classroom from the front. Obviously, police have said her body was located in the SW corner, so it was a ways from the front door.

Just knowing what time she was last seen on tape would be helpful. Of course, when she saw the SP, she could have taken off running. Reports have said there was a struggle involved, but of course we have no way at this point to know how much of a struggle. The attack could have taken 30 seconds or 30 minutes - impossible for us to know.

If she was in there for 30 minutes before meeting the attacker, it would mean the murderer cut things very close to starting time for her class. That would mean they had a very good reason to not want the attack on camera or to have her see them so close to the front door. Is it possible there was another door she could have come in that would have been closer to the classroom that the attacker may have assumed she would use? It also tells me they were confident they could overtake her in a short amount of time, which I'm not certain a female attacker would have been as confident of as a male.
Refresher on TX specialty license plates. Many fit this possibility.

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And that is the problem. I can't match anything to the current plates. I don't know if they have images of older specialty plate designs that might match. And from what I see amongst current designs, the only thing that looks remotely close to what I think I am seeing is the "Disabled License Plate". All other images have stars or the shape of Texas in the upper right. And the other problem is the format of letters and numbers for plates wouldn't match either unless it is a custom plate. So I don't quite know what to make of what I think I see aside from it could be very wrong. I know I still have much work to do on the plates.
It seems you are privy to some inside info that has not been presented to the general public if I'm interpreting your statement correctly. You are saying per inside info MB arrived at the COC much earlier than the official timeline states. Why would she have arrived earlier and why would LE mislead in their statements?

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Who is stating MB arrived earlier than the timeline? Nothing I have stated conflicts with LE's posted timeline.
That is my interpretation, that it was over quickly after entering, as well. Once you get to the point of SP being in there beyond the first arrival of a camper and then even beyond that to where at least 2 more cars and 3 more campers arrived (based on what locals said about who all went into the building when Missy was found from the earliest threads) then you get to someone so determined to kill her no matter what. At that leads to the problem of reconciling the elaborate ruse that was going on and quite frankly why bother. Someone that determined to kill someone no matter who else shows up, no matter the risks, isn't likely to bother with any of it. I can't reconcile that.

I know what you mean. MB was killed with such ferocity, such a high level of anger...it seems more like a crime of extreme passion.But then when you look at the case, examine it, it seems that it was very well planned. How did her killer keep up that level of anger > This is one of the strangest cases I've read here { and that's saying a LOT )...jmo
We have multiple direct comments from law enforcement. I think those were provided to you upthread.

We've been studying this case for quite some time, dissecting every word from every press conference and every SW affidavit. There is absolutely no evidence that she was there for 30 mins, other than one media outlet's mistaken paraphrasing.

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You have not presented a single affidavit that says she was not there for 30 minutes. Brief comments from a police officer who is responding to questions off the cuff simply do not carry the same weight as a signed affidavit. And there are LOTS of people - myself included - who have been studying the case for quite some time.
Respectfully, I believe you are the one misunderstanding. Information was available to the public prior to that warrant being unsealed. I'm a retired attorney, and I know that what the law says SHOULD happen and what DOES happen are two very different things - especially in the digital age.

RBBM. Respectfully, and no snark intended. You can go through the verified professional to have your credentials verified and post your professional "expertise". Link to do that.. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...s-amp-Verified-Insiders&p=8580064#post8580064
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We all have the option to believe or disbelieve a post. Personally I try to be as factual as possible and give links to back up. I am not always correct and I realize that. I was told repeatedly that there could not have been any Sealed SW's prior and I disagreed then and posted the Statute. Well guess what I was correct. I have stated multiple time that I do not have legal education. But I can read and process information. And I personally would hope you do that to explain how that happened in this case of it being Public, if the SW was written on 4/20 and had not been executed (not have to file for public viewing until afterwards per the Texas Statue) And Immediately it was requested to be sealed. AND WAS, by Judges order. again link to the SW https://www.scribd.com/mobile/document/317249202/Missy-Bevers-FB-Search-Warrant

JMHO common sense and following trials yes, there are things leaked and so forth. But in THIS CASE, THESE 2 SW, we have no proof of anything of the sort. Please provide proof and links if you have to prove. I just trying to keep factual. The article you used as reference, you clearly misunderstood. The SW for BB and MB Facebooks were sealed for 2 months. THEN the Media reported on it. Not the other way around.
JMHO unless link to back it up.
You have not presented a single affidavit that says she was not there for 30 minutes. Brief comments from a police officer who is responding to questions off the cuff simply do not carry the same weight as a signed affidavit. And there are LOTS of people - myself included - who have been studying the case for quite some time.

:gaah: Affadavits don't state things that didn't happen (i.e. Missy didn't sit down; Missy didn't take a nap; Missy wasn't there for 30 minutes). Affadavits state what LE does know.

I am beginning to come back around to a hit scenario, but I don't believe this was carried out by a career criminal. I think that it's more likely that SP has/had a career that witnesses a lot of death or trauma. LEO, FF, EMT, military, ER nurse/doctor, PI, crime scene investigator, coroner, enbedded reporter, and so on. Since no one has come forward to report a noticeable change in SP's behavior after MB's death, I think that SP was highly unaffected by his horrific actions. He was hardened by his prior life experiences. JMO
:gaah: Affadavits don't state things that didn't happen (i.e. Missy didn't sit down; Missy didn't take a nap; Missy wasn't there for 30 minutes). Affadavits state what LE does know.

I am beginning to come back around to a hit scenario, but I don't believe this was carried out by a career criminal. I think that it's more likely that SP has/had a career that witnesses a lot of death or trauma. LEO, FF, EMT, military, ER nurse/doctor, PI, crime scene investigator, coroner, enbedded reporter, and so on. Since no one has come forward to report a noticeable change in SP's behavior after MB's death, I think that SP was highly unaffected by his horrific actions. He was hardened by his prior life experiences. JMO

An affidavit most certainly could say MB was only on video for 5 minutes, but none that have been presented here say that. And they cannot say the attack was done with *advertiser censored* minutes because it did not occur on camera (based on LE's statements) so it would only be their guess.
We know that SP was first seen on camera at approx. 3:50 a.m. and that MB was first seen on camera at approx. 4:18 a.m. It is true that no one found MB until approx. 5:00 a.m. (but keep in mind a camper was waiting in his or her car in the parking lot starting around 4:35 a.m.). And it’s true we don’t know the exact time the perp left the building. However, logically, the perp got out asap and didn’t wait around for anyone else to come in (assuming this was a targeted killing, which I think it was). I suppose one could entertain the idea that MB was there awhile setting up while perp hid, but again, that doesn’t seem logical considering perp would increase chances of being caught or seen leaving. LE’s indications are that MB went in and the crime happened immediately thereafter – otherwise, LE probably would have stated that she was setting up for a while before the crime happened. She went in and walked toward the location of perp and was never seen on camera after that… I think if she had been there 30 minutes setting up, LE would say, “we see her on camera for several minutes setting up, etc.” or “going back and forth to her car.” But they don’t say that, so I think LE believes she went in and was killed very soon after entering. See LE press conference at below link.


Adding LE affidavit stating MB entered building and walked toward location of suspect and never seen again on camera.


From 4:18 a.m. until whatever time the Campers entered the building (which should also be on video for specific time to MPD we only know what time first 911 call was made and one would have to "assume" if was quickly after MB was found and realized needed medical attention. But what we the Public have is 4:18 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. "two 911 calls received from location" < from Official Timeline >https://www.facebook.com/1950470073...95047007358/10154082916172359/?type=3&theater

So common sense tells us that there had to be xx time from entrance of Campers... walking and finding MB. Maybe seconds or a minute plus seconds. But not immediately did they see MB from outside and call, we know this from SW Affidavits of Probable Cause. But just because the first camper arrived at 4:35 a.m. JMHO does not stop a clock. JMHO factually, from time MB was first seen (for us, MPD knows last time exact she went out of video to the second, not to be seen again until found by Campers) until the two 911 calls at 5:00 (which search warrants state diff time iirc but have to review so jmho)

4:18 - 5:00. Factually that is 48 minutes that the General Public does not know what happened in that building as to when/times MB last seen on video, murder happened,and exit of Suspect. Only opinions and speculation. MPD knows much much more.
You have not presented a single affidavit that says she was not there for 30 minutes. Brief comments from a police officer who is responding to questions off the cuff simply do not carry the same weight as a signed affidavit. And there are LOTS of people - myself included - who have been studying the case for quite some time.

But you only recently began posting here about it, so I wonder if you are completely up to date on all the documents that we have been reviewing here for months. I personally believe that if you had, you wouldn't be doggedly determined to put credence in one news outlet's summary of an affidavit. We have shown you the original source affidavit. There is nothing about 30 minutes in that affidavit.

In following this case, we have seen a national news outlet report that MB was "shot" and then go back and edit the story later. Media often make mistakes. If you were looking at the totality of the coverage and documents concerning this case, I personally don't believe you would be trying so hard to fit your square peg into this round hole. JMHO.

If you haven't read through the 38 or so threads in their entirety, it's well worth the effort.

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Don't know if you will hear back from Fox4. I know I specifically tipped them to the existence of the SWFA video (after these threads were closed when we had just started discussing it) and only that TV station - and they were the only TV station to carry it (and they had none of the dust up from NG in their story so it wasn't from that). Don't know if anyone else tipped them to it. But I know that I never heard a word from them.

:) and you won't they want to appear that "they were doing their job reporting". No I did not tip them or contact them, but it very evident they did not "find" themselves. Also it was the Waxahatchee paper that had the most recent comments on the case, which referenced the person that was interviewed and not in any SW that have been released to date. JMHO until an arrest or someone going through "filed for record" entries from July to current would be only way to know if anything else filed. *we know that Reporters have contacts in clerks offices and get a tip something filed. Since so much sleuthing/gossiping on social media and internet, and gossiping around local. Possible there is a gag order legal or just within MPD CID.
ALSO a Grand Jury is Secret/not public. We (PUBLIC) have no way of knowing if they have gone before a GJ at anytime in this case. <Fact :)

gag order
n. a judge's order prohibiting the attorneys and the parties to a pending lawsuit or criminal prosecution from talking to the media or the public about the case. The supposed intent is to prevent prejudice due to pre-trial publicity which would influence potential jurors. A gag order has the secondary purpose of preventing the lawyers from trying the case in the press and on television, and thus creating a public mood (which could get ugly) in favor of one party or the other. Based on the "freedom of the press" provision of the First Amendment, the court cannot constitutionally restrict the media from printing or broadcasting information about the case, so the only way is to put a gag on the participants under the court's control
. In Canada, however, the media can be restricted, as in a famous case in which American newspapers were smuggled across the border to report on a particularly lurid sex-murder case in which a second accused person was yet to be tried. A gag order can also be made by an executive agency such as when President George Bush issued a gag order which forbade federally funded health clinics from giving out information about abortions, a gag order which President Bill Clinton rescinded on his first day in office, January 22, 1993. http://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=802
Noticed something on the video. Before driver pulls around to a stop under the light, he/she drives down the side of the building nearest the road and brakes as he/she arrives at the spot where you can turn right to leave. After a brief pause, driver decides to continue forward and pull under the light. It strikes me that the driver was considering pulling out of the lot at that time, but for some reason decided to pull around and park and sit for 4 mins. If you accept the assumption that the brake was a consideration of leaving at that moment, it follows that parking was not part of original plan and thus something necessitated that decision.

I wonder what caused that driver to decide to pull around and park instead of leave? A phone call that was about to end that didn't so the driver decided to park to finish the call? Driver stopped to get a fix? (drugs would explain erratic behavior in the parking lot) I wonder what the driver was doing for that 4 minutes?

There was a car/vehicle of some sort that was a short distance behind the Altima on 287. It's possible the Altima noticed that vehicle not too far behind, and attempted to "disappear" off the highway (hence the turn into the SWFA lot with headlights off), and pulled around SWFA building while it passed.


If the person in the SWFA lot was, in fact, SP, then they weren't afraid to take some risks. They would also want to be sure that no other cars saw them pull into the church lot, so waiting at the SWFA until the road looks clear (in the opposite direction, which is where you'd have to go to get back to the church) makes sense.

EDIT: I further speculate that the driver of the Altima was not concerned with being seen by anyone in the SWFA building/lot, but rather being seen by cars passing by on the highway. You can't see what's going on on the highway when the headlights go off as the car comes around the front of the building again, but I would bet that a car was going by. Notice that the headlights stay off and the car stops and waits to ensure the first car goes past the SWFA entrance before continuing around the back (around the time of attached screenshot).

ANOTHER EDIT: Before I lose my train of thought.. these two events happening within an hour and a half of each other in the same area on the same night and being unrelated, isolated incidents is extremely unlikely. The Altima driver was being careful not to be seen or followed, but not "planning a murder" careful... more like "planning to vandalize/break into something" careful... I think we're dealing with an amateur who moonlights as a criminal. One who is conscious enough of their surroundings to try not to be seen pulling into the parking lot of a building, but not conscious enough to think about being caught on video in the aftermath of a murder..
Quote Originally Posted by PatTheRat View Post
Information pertaining to it WAS available prior to the unsealing. That's the point I was making that you apparently overlooked. People - especially the media - get tips all the time. Sealed warrants, secret interviews, private text messages - all of that can be - and often is - leaked to the press all the time.

And until I hear back from this media outlet that they made an error, I'm not going to chalk it up to "oh, they must be wrong because we haven't seen it yet."

It seems you are privy to some inside info that has not been presented to the general public if I'm interpreting your statement correctly. You are saying per inside info MB arrived at the COC much earlier than the official timeline states. Why would she have arrived earlier and why would LE mislead in their statements?

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This is 2 different issues. 1, the SW did not state what he article stated. 2, MB was seen entering at 4:18 and first call (2) to 911 were at 5:00 (see my post upthread). So technically there is 48 minutes MB was in the building at least depending on what time Campers walked in. Suspect was in building *IN BUILDING as we know from "about ten minutes til 4 when first seen on video" do not know how long factually had been in building (PUBLIC). We only have 1 time stamped portion and that was at 3:58&seconds... that was at time the Suspect was nearing the SW area where opened door then tried to pry open other door. From time first seen we go with 3:50 - 4:18 a.m that is 28 minutes. That we (PUBLIC) know Suspect was in prior.

Approx 3:50 - 4:18 a.m. Suspect first seen on videon in building/ MB walks in building
4:18 - approx 5:00 MB enters building/ two 911 calls

Approx 3:50 - Approx 5:00 that is 1 hr 10 minutes approximately that Suspect could have been in the Creekside Church of Christ. Not counting anytime prior to first seen on video. JMHO for factual information from MPD press conf, Official Timeline that MPD put out and from LEGAL Search Warrant Affidavits of Probable Cause.
But you only recently began posting here about it, so I wonder if you are completely up to date on all the documents that we have been reviewing here for months. I personally believe that if you had, you wouldn't be doggedly determined to put credence in one news outlet's summary of an affidavit. We have shown you the original source affidavit. There is nothing about 30 minutes in that affidavit.

In following this case, we have seen a national news outlet report that MB was "shot" and then go back and edit the story later. Media often make mistakes. If you were looking at the totality of the coverage and documents concerning this case, I personally don't believe you would be trying so hard to fit your square peg into this round hole. JMHO.

If you haven't read through the 38 or so threads in their entirety, it's well worth the effort.

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Show me where the news outlet's statements conflict with even a single affidavit.

To assume she was murdered as soon as she headed down the hallway is nothing more than that - simply an assumption. The LE has admitted the murder did not occur on camera, so they cannot state with any level of certainty as to whether she was murdered at 4:20 or 4:50.
You have not presented a single affidavit that says she was not there for 30 minutes. Brief comments from a police officer who is responding to questions off the cuff simply do not carry the same weight as a signed affidavit. And there are LOTS of people - myself included - who have been studying the case for quite some time.
By the way, these are not "off the cuff" responses to questions that we're talking about. These are prepared remarks. For example, assistant chief Johnson in the Apr. 22 presser says in his prepared remarks:

"Ms. Bevers arrived at about 4:16 in the parking lot and entered the church immediately. A few minutes later, she was inside the church not realizing the intruder was already inside. And shortly thereafter, she was murdered inside the church."

Certainly "shortly thereafter" is not specific. But I would argue that it implies a span of time less than 30 minutes.

But to clarify further, let's go back to the search warrants. This comes from the SW that LE sought for BB's FB info (underlined by me):

"The decedent was murdered as she arrived to prepare for a physical fitness class..."

That's a little more specific than "shortly thereafter", and even further away from an implication of 30 minutes.
In terms of the license plate I am not convinced that it is anything but a Texas plate. I have two images of the front plate I will post but I will warn you they are only enlarged a bit and I haven't run them through the alien baby sonogram blender tool so you might not be able to interpret them.


I am pretty sure the second image has the star in the upper left and both have TEXAS at the top middle of the plate. I think that might be a specialty plate with some symbol to the left and a four digit number that maybe starts with "24" and maybe "247" and maybe even "2479" or "2474" or "2471". Obviously, I could be quite wrong but that is the interpretation of the front plate I have so far.

I saw what resembles a star in the top left also.
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