TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #41

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I respect your belief.
JMHO we do not know what the crime scene consisted of. At the Press Conf we are referencing, Capt Spann would not comment on injuries. He was evasive as he should be on some questions.

Quoting you, "Otherwise if this was purely a bludgeoning then SP would have significant amounts of blood on them that they would trail, drip, and get on anything and everything along their path out of the church and there would not be a presumption on MPD's part about which way SP went after the murder - it would be definitive."

JMHO there very well could have been a trail of blood, drips and many things. Honestly that question was NOT asked, we (public) just assuming again.
Male Reporter: Did the suspect stay around after the assault happened?

Captain John Spann:I believe he left shortly after that. Again, going back, piecing together the videos, because you're getting different angles,depending on what cameras, but I don't believe &#8211;&#8211;he left pretty much right after that occurred. I don't believe he went into other &#8211;&#8211;we don't have any indication that he went anywhere else, into any other rooms,within the building after the assault took place.<does not say anything about what crime scene looked like, or really any reason why they thought that, they were still reviewing, only that believe left "shortly" after that, Mimi>

Female Reporter:And is he seen fleeing? Is he seen after the assault?

Captain John Spann: Again, we see him walking down one of the hallways, but presumably he went out the way he came in, which was through a metal door that had a glass window that was broken out. <speaking in general what they see the suspects doing on video, nothing about any blood or no blood -mimi> And, again, this is all speculation on our part that he broke the window and reached inside to open the door, but we also have a second and third windows [sic] that were broken, but we don't have any evidence that anybody ever went through them. They were just broken. <speculation is about the broken window on the Metal door to kitchen, and the other windows broken (kitchen window next to metal door, and the NE rear doors) they would be able to tell if someone went through those doors/windows both prior and afterwards... , Mimi>

Afterwards is an adverb. If something happens afterwards, it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned. You often use afterwards in expressions like not long afterwards, soon afterwards, and shortly afterwards.
(examples given)
She died soon afterwards.
Shortly afterwards her marriage broke up.
I've thought about that too. We don't know what we don't know type of thing. Also, working off the assumption that the murder was well planned did SP have a plan to deal with the crime scene after the puncture wounds? What might SP done? Nothing didn't care, covered themselves w something to contain, was near a door and ran out into the rain. We don't bc murder was not caught on camera( LE said) and bc we don't know the parts LE didn't tell the public. JMHO

I have an idea.

Let's assemble a simple 10 questions that are still foggy or unanswered. And send them to the Midlothian police front desk or Facebook page to be answered. Jmo.

Because if I was a mother in Midlothian. I would be scared if my murder case that was filmed on video at a church; still wasn't solved. Jmo.

So agree with you!!! What I would give to watch that video ...all of it!

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Quote Originally Posted by ezrah View Post
The timeline states MB is seen " walking in" the COC and first camper arrives approx 15 min. later. I don't see timewise the opportunity for her to be killed elsewhere and then be seen walking in the COC. What is your theory? I'm missing something.

Agree...imo.... we have to trust MPD is being honest with us, if not, then we can easily believe that there are bloody footprints and they are being dishonest with the public.
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RBBM. No snark intended, but when has MPD ever stated anything about either there being or not being any bloody footprints? (bloody footprints as in blood on footwear) :lookingitup: Haven't seen it anywhere speaking of crime scene other than entering presumably through metal door, glass breakage and the 2 first SW that list vague injuries. Media Thread has transcripts of Press Conferences and SW's TIA
Yes I agree. I noticed that the perp looks very big at double doors but as perp turns and walks down the hall, he looks thinner. I think this is so confusing. The only thing that I really noticed was the different shoes but like you, not sure I can trust everything I see. I gave up on the Altima video [emoji31] my head is spinning .....!! Thanks for your input.

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agree. How can a camera angle make perp look humpbacked in one frame and a shining example of great posture in the next? How can a camera angle make SP costume look sloppy, baggy in one frame and then very form fitting in another frame? I still think more than one on camera. Always have. Could be wrong...
RBBM. No snark intended, but when has MPD ever stated anything about either there being or not being any bloody footprints? (bloody footprints as in blood on footwear) :lookingitup: Haven't seen it anywhere speaking of crime scene other than entering presumably through metal door, glass breakage and the 2 first SW that list vague injuries. Media Thread has transcripts of Press Conferences and SW's TIA

That was in reference to her post and some that don't understand why there are no bloody footprints. Some believing that MB was killed elsewhere . My point is this... we have to trust that MPD is being honest with us and know that MB is the one walking into the church. I'm not stating it as fact at all. It's more about us trusting what we have been told .... hope that makes sense [emoji31]

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agree. How can a camera angle make perp look humpbacked in one frame and a shining example of great posture in the next? How can a camera angle make SP costume look sloppy, baggy in one frame and then very form fitting in another frame? I still think more than one on camera. Always have. Could be wrong...

In keeping with Jethro's theme of MPD using press releases to send messages to the SP(s), what if that height range of 5" was a message to say, we know one is 5'2" and the other is 5'7"?
Not sure if discussed before but I do wonder what perp would have done if a camper did come early and got out to help MB? I'm sure some campers were close to MB and I could see it happening. This murder...imo... was planned weeks before and it was happening with rain or no rain.

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This is what I think too. This murder WAS going to happen, had been planned and yet another reason for head-to-toe cover - just in case there was another camper there, they'd still carry-out the plan and feel their identity was adequately concealed.
That was in reference to her post and some that don't understand why there are no bloody footprints. Some believing that MB was killed elsewhere . My point is this... we have to trust that MPD is being honest with us and know that MB is the one walking into the church. I'm not stating it as fact at all. It's more about us trusting what we have been told .... hope that makes sense [emoji31]
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It does, thank you! Just trying to keep factual lol Even peoples theories I would hope use all the facts not just the ones that fit and discard the others. JMHO

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias,[Note 1] is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.[1] It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias
It does, thank you! Just trying to keep factual lol Even peoples theories I would hope use all the facts not just the ones that fit and discard the others. JMHO

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias,[Note 1] is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.[1] It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. People also tend to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing position. Biased search, interpretation and memory have been invoked to explain attitude polarization (when a disagreement becomes more extreme even though the different parties are exposed to the same evidence), belief perseverance (when beliefs persist after the evidence for them is shown to be false), the irrational primacy effect (a greater reliance on information encountered early in a series) and illusory correlation (when people falsely perceive an association between two events or situations). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias

Agree.... and thanks!!!!

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Or is that what the suspect wanted? Seems that she was the target, jmo but to dress as though you are LE when in my opine was not needed, could have had all that on and not the logo's that ID'd suspect as LE. I know it sounds weird but maybe suspect was taunting LE or trying to make them look bad. Maybe suspect thought that looking like LE and knowing they would be on camera's that LE would not release the video. jmo idk

I don't think LE in Ellis Co. or Midlothian needs anything else to confuse them. They can't even keep their own house clean. They have no clue.......in my opinion. Culprits probably in Canada now following the case here on WS and laughing......
I don't think LE in Ellis Co. or Midlothian needs anything else to confuse them. They can't even keep their own house clean. They have no clue.......in my opinion. Culprits probably in Canada now following the case here on WS and laughing......


As much as I hate to agree, I don't think they do either. I don't think there are any clues for them to follow. jmo
agree. How can a camera angle make perp look humpbacked in one frame and a shining example of great posture in the next? How can a camera angle make SP costume look sloppy, baggy in one frame and then very form fitting in another frame? I still think more than one on camera. Always have. Could be wrong...


As much as I hate to agree, I don't think they do either. I don't think there are any clues for them to follow. jmo

O/T but Mimi isn't telling Granny and Uncle Jed, that Elley Mae and Jethro are both online on WS :happydance: right now
O/T but Mimi isn't telling Granny and Uncle Jed, that Elley Mae and Jethro are both online on WS :happydance: right now

o/t It was one of my favorite shows, I loved ellie and all her critters. :)
MPD answer today to my question about an update to the ten month lag in updates in Missy case: "We meet regularly with the family, but there is nothing to update that can be released to the public."

Dumbfounded and appalled at the same time..................There is no excuse for this, in my opinion. It borders on negligence, stupidity, or something sinister, IMO.
... Some believing that MB was killed elsewhere ...
If the Medical Examiner has/had released an approximate time of death we may have been able to eliminate this possibility...?
In keeping with Jethro's theme of MPD using press releases to send messages to the SP(s), what if that height range of 5" was a message to say, we know one is 5'2" and the other is 5'7"?
I've often thought this too. Do the videos/stills bear this out? That is, does SP appear to be about 5" taller in some scenes than in others?
I've often thought this too. Do the videos/stills bear this out? That is, does SP appear to be about 5" taller in some scenes than in others?

I'm not the video expert but after zooming in and watching carefully the short section that shows the person walking up to and opening the door next to the glass table and going in, you have to watch slowly or pause because it is a short section, but I think the person who comes out and proceeds to mess with the locked door is shorter, built differently.
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