TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #42

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No I fake checked in to see if it worked... it did.
So the public spends 5 weeks trying to analyze that SWFA video and finally something concrete pops up and MPD goes silent. Why?

Respectfully, I'll give you a general reply and some specific ones, and all this is a bit contrary to your quest, but maybe it helps explain some of the "why" that you are asking aloud.

IN GENERAL - Not being argumentative, but something that I think needs to be considered, respectfully offered. Ultimately, if we can't trust LE to know their job and do it on any level, it's pointless anyhow, right? Also, if we are going to say "LE is clueless" and reject what they tell us, then why are we in the next breath complaining that they aren't saying more and welcoming us into their inner circle? In any event, I personally don't see a benefit for LE to tell the perp (who is part of the public) what they know and how/why they know it and what they are trying to find next and so on.

Re the questions you are asking about BB's trip to MS
Respectfully,, all of those were asked and answered, and debated to death, for probably 1000 posts or more back in May and June. About the airline schedule, another traveler, times, locations, all of it, everything you are chasing plus way way more. And ultimately it went nowhere, and we with our limited knowledge had to admit that LE - who had apparently sent someone to MS who used all of their LE skill and expertise and access to get information - was saying that BB was definitely there in MS just like he said.

I would refer you to the threads back in that time frame if you want to read all the discussion. I've responded a bit here already, but respectfully I don't want back in the same loop again, so personally I will bow out of this rerun at this point.

Re the Altima color
I think that was discussed here at length as well, and found to be "not a thing" as well. Old car, multiple years, multiple exterior possibilities, meaning multiple interior options as well, and really all they did was generally tell what they saw in the video.

Re their reaction to the video grabs you have sent
I'm not sure that what you are labeling "concrete" is a description they would offer, and respectfully, it seems to me their response is probably NOT unreasonable. If they are going to look at pics/screen shots submitted, (as i read it) they want to use/know raw source material, and know the source, so they can see the originals and know they aren't wasting time considering someone's photoshop play. When you ask THEM to get that original for you, that's exactly the opposite of how they want to spend their time. (Whether it's even doable, to be able to work backwards from an edited pic to an original, without knowing what was done, that's over my head, but it sounds like they don't feel it's helpful to be in that loop.) So at the end of the day, in their eyes, perhaps what you submitted was of no value whatsoever, but merely a huge time-waster in the form it was in, and their suggestion to look elsewhere was a fair reflection of their honest belief.
Originally Posted by bernst View Post
True but what's interesting is you can't check into a PLACE if you're not actually there. You can check into a LOCATION (city, state) - like BB did - however, you have to actually be there for the PLACE to even show up on your list of "check-in" options. He manually typed in the name of the restaurant, which I find interesting.

And as for alibi's - if someone can find me two sources where BB and/or KS state that BB flew American that day - um, we have another "red flag" to add to the list.

And finally, the last MPD addressed the public about this Altima and the tools used, we were told that the Altima was NOT a suspect vehicle and we were told that the tools belonged to the church.

I shared these images with them on 2/7 and was given permission by MPD to distribute to others to see if they could help clear them up.

So, I took it to the next level and reached out to the National Center for Media Forensics (professionals that have proper security clearance to work with FBI, CIA, NASA, NSA) and they help law enforcement all the time. They helped to analyze the Boston Marathon bombing and the ISIS beheadings of the two journalists - two of MANY examples of where they have helped to analyze, enhance and authentic digital surveillance. They are willing to look at this video and run it through their software and analyze and work DIRECTLY with MPD but they need to original source file before it was uploaded to YouTube and no one will provide it.

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Today, 01:43 PM#646 bernst bernst is online no
Quote Originally Posted by Seriously? View Post
I mean no disrespect with this question. Since we have recent confirmation from MPD that the FBI continues to assist on this case, why would we assume the FBI hasn't already explored this option, if it was considered appropriate?
Because I was communicating with the FBI at the same time I was communicating with MPD and they were also unaware of the items that can be seen in the car. I copied the FBI resource on the same email that went to FBI offering up this support without a response to take them up on their offer and as of last Friday, NCMF still had not heard from them.
bernst Today, 01:46 PM#647In fact, it was through my discussion with the FBI resource and his comment about the perception that the public has re: FBI having an endless amount of resources available to them to do this kind of thing. It was further emphasized at that time that you can only go so far with enhancing an image before you begin to distort it, etc. etc. I had not reached out to NCMF at that time yet so he was unaware that this request was coming. I was basically told you can only go SO FAR with video image enhancement. And again, he was copied on the offer of support with no response.

RBBM. 1) We know for a fact, per SWFA comments directly on their SWFA comments section where the Altima video was posted Dec 5, 2016. By SWFA on their own. MPD was not involved in them posting. So that means SWFA is in possession of the video they uploaded to their YouTube channel. *SWFA for some reason unknown deleted those comments they made, but still the video is on the SWFA page, not MPD. So JMHO that is where the video we see would come from.

On Wed April 20th, Kerry Sanders from Today Show reported FBI was going through thousands of hours of SWFA video. Since SWFA had turned over (PER MPD & SWFA) the parking lot Altima video on Monday April 18. JMHO and since it is clear that the SWFA video is not complete, again JMHO FBI and all those resources have the original untouched video. And they would not again JMHO reply back to you since you are not in possession of the original that they needed or are someone involved in the case first hand. No Snark intended.

ETA: MPD also had the orig SWFA video as that is where they obtained the 2 SS they released. Both SWFA and MPD stated they have other but grainy (SWFA said their zooms are grainy)
I can't remember where this information appears in our discussions, but we talked about the check in and picture for a loooong time! Very early on when suspicions were rampant. I'm not volunteering to try to find it, so I'm doing this from memory. If I'm remembering correctly, there was a consensus that the picture that posted was not a recent shot of the restaurant. There was discussion about where the plants are placed by the door, the size of the plants and lighting, which led us to believe the check in picture was not taken April 17th but was the picture from the restaurant's site. I also want to add these discussions were had when there were very high numbers of folks posting on the thread, so many perspectives were heard.

Does anyone else remember all this?

Batbrat analyzed the various Half Shell Oyster House photos. Thread 31, post 902. I'd link to it, but I'm seemingly quite inept at doing so.☹️

Edited to add: Here's a link to the page on which post 902 appears: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...rch-person-in-SWAT-gear-18-Apr-2016-31/page61
JMHO, Whether BB went to MS or not matters not at the moment - unknown who the Suspect is or if anyone else is involved (as with the Seivers case multiple times compared here) (we have MPD that has actual documentation of said detailed alibies) BUT BB is NOT the Suspect in the Creekside Church of Christ video released by MPD.
Snip from May 20 2016 press conf after the Tarrant County team had did their reconstruction - where they had the complete actual video from CCoC and access to the actual church areas:

Chief Johnson said both her husband and father-in-law have been cooperative and forthcoming. Both have provided detailed alibis that have been independently corroborated.

Bevers’ killer can be seen on surveillance video walking through the building wearing what looks like tactical gear. Investigators were able to use the video to narrow down the height range of the killer to between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 7 inches.

But, police still cannot be certain about the killer’s gender or race http://www.fox4news.com/news/143398538-story

Fact from Facebook SW Affidavit https://www.dropbox.com/s/9152vpwur2bsray/Brandon Bevers search warrant.pdf?dl=0 >BKB White Male, 6'2". 195 lbs, Brown Hair, Green Eyes, DOB 6/7/1973
I noticed that MPD has still not responded to the question, which inquired if the MB case was cold, on their Facebook page. Sometimes the things that are not said are the most powerful. Where are the people demanding answers? Where is the push for Missy's justice? LE, the media, and her family are all silent. It's so frustrating.

Despite the suspect being caught on video, the public still doesn't know whether the SP is male or female. We still don't know SP's height (a 5-inch range is insane). We still don't know if the Altima is involved. We know absolutely nothing about the suspect other than (s)he wore a swat outfit. Unfortunately, we don't even know if the outfit is real or fake. How does anyone expect this case to be solved? Are those working on the case waiting for a confession? I wish that there was a desire from somebody, anybody to increase exposure so that this case can be solved.

ETA - Statistically speaking, SP is likely not male. Only .61% of males are 5'2" or shorter. That means that over 99% of males are taller than 5'2". The percentage of males who are 5'7" or shorter is 21.7%. And yet, we still don't know SP's gender.

ETA 2 - Since they don't know gender, we can conclude no DNA was recovered from the CS.

RBBM. 1) We know for a fact, per SWFA comments directly on their SWFA comments section where the Altima video was posted Dec 5, 2016. By SWFA on their own. MPD was not involved in them posting. So that means SWFA is in possession of the video they uploaded to their YouTube channel.


I am thankful for SWFA trying to push this to a resolution. Perhaps, they are just as frustrated as some of us here. I can't imagine that it was easy for them to publish that information, especially in a small town. I keep checking the news and waiting to see that they were raided.
Quote Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
That is condensation on window(s), can see it in other sections on the SWFA video.

I haven't been big on speculation about people or faces but this is one is definitely not condensation:


The mark on the SWFA YouTube video these are taken from is around 2:56 mark.
Your linked that states is "definitely not condensation" Bernst photo stating a face.jpg

SS I took and have prev posted multi times lol
2:56 mark swfa altima 256 MARK.JPG

And I zoomed in to 500% doing absolutely nothing else (ctrl + til got to 500%) that is as technical as I am. **Yet I do understand there are multiple frames that make up seconds and tons of frames to make a video. Just not ever taken the time to the ripping of frames and such. Tippy Lynn and NIN are good and experienced at this. NIN does at his/her day job :blushing: maybe they will chime in. I personally do not see a face. I see condensation. Also jmyo best view of the driver also. I personally have only "seen" driver. JMHO
SWFA Video 256 mark.JPG
How do you know that? Because MPD said so? Ok, let me ask this - anyone know who he was traveling with? Nope. Don't you think that person would be standing up in his defense?

Yes--I have mentioned this on a number of occasions but BB's traveling companion (at least on return leg with the rental car "Mississippi plates") has ghosted everyone. If my loved one was killed, the last thing I would be talking about is what state license plates my rental vehicle bore.
True but what's interesting is you can't check into a PLACE if you're not actually there. You can check into a LOCATION (city, state) - like BB did - however, you have to actually be there for the PLACE to even show up on your list of "check-in" options. He manually typed in the name of the restaurant, which I find interesting.

And as for alibi's - if someone can find me two sources where BB and/or KS state that BB flew American that day - um, we have another "red flag" to add to the list.

And finally, the last MPD addressed the public about this Altima and the tools used, we were told that the Altima was NOT a suspect vehicle and we were told that the tools belonged to the church.

I shared these images with them on 2/7 and was given permission by MPD to distribute to others to see if they could help clear them up.

So, I took it to the next level and reached out to the National Center for Media Forensics (professionals that have proper security clearance to work with FBI, CIA, NASA, NSA) and they help law enforcement all the time. They helped to analyze the Boston Marathon bombing and the ISIS beheadings of the two journalists - two of MANY examples of where they have helped to analyze, enhance and authentic digital surveillance. They are willing to look at this video and run it through their software and analyze and work DIRECTLY with MPD but they need to original source file before it was uploaded to YouTube and no one will provide it.

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RBBM. Are you stating as "fact" that MPD has stated/told us "we were told that the tools belonged to the church" if so can you provide a link. I have scanned the SWs and through my extensive notes and may have missed this fact, and want to document it. What I have seen only is that the "carrying tools consistent" with those the Suspect seen carrying in the video. I do not remember ever seeing or hearing they factually belonged to the Creekside Church of Christ. Thanks in advance.
I noticed that MPD has still not responded to the question, which inquired if the MB case was cold, on their Facebook page. Sometimes the things that are not said are the most powerful. Where are the people demanding answers? Where is the push for Missy's justice? LE, the media, and her family are all silent. It's so frustrating.

Despite the suspect being caught on video, the public still doesn't know whether the SP is male or female. We still don't know SP's height (a 5-inch range is insane). We still don't know if the Altima is involved. We know absolutely nothing about the suspect other than (s)he wore a swat outfit. Unfortunately, we don't even know if the outfit is real or fake. How does anyone expect this case to be solved? Are those working on the case waiting for a confession? I wish that there was a desire from somebody, anybody to increase exposure so that this case can be solved.

ETA - Statistically speaking, SP is not male. Only .61% of males are 5'2" or shorter. That means that over 99% of males are taller than 5'2". The percentage of males who are 5'7" or shorter is 21.7%. And yet, we still don't know SP's gender.


I am thankful for SWFA trying to push this to a resolution. Perhaps, they are just as frustrated as some of us here. I can't imagine that it was easy for them to publish that information, especially in a small town. I keep checking the news and waiting to see that they were raided.

The height range is actually 6 inches, from 5-2 to 5-7. Agree with you, that's crazy.

Also agree with you on where are all the people wanting answers? If I were the public, living in or near Midlothian, I'd stage a peaceful gathering in front of MPD on April 18. I would also suggest writing/emailing every news source in the Dallas area encouraging them to do a piece on MB around April 18.

As for gender and height, I don't believe that 5-7 is the max for this perp. And in north Texas, as elsewhere, there is a significant Hispanic population, and Hispanic males statistically are shorter in height. I am in no way saying that MB's killer is Hispanic; just saying that I don't believe it's valid to state so strongly that "SP is not male".
1. They need to release the full video.
2. Confirm the FIL and BB's alibi's. They have not done that.
The height range is actually 6 inches, from 5-2 to 5-7. Agree with you, that's crazy.

Also agree with you on where are all the people wanting answers? If I were the public, living in or near Midlothian, I'd stage a peaceful gathering in front of MPD on April 18. I would also suggest writing/emailing every news source in the Dallas area encouraging them to do a piece on MB around April 18.

As for gender and height, I don't believe that 5-7 is the max for this perp. And in north Texas, as elsewhere, there is a significant Hispanic population, and Hispanic males statistically are shorter in height. I am in no way saying that MB's killer is Hispanic; just saying that I don't believe it's valid to state so strongly that "SP is not male".

I agree with you !

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The height range is actually 6 inches, from 5-2 to 5-7. Agree with you, that's crazy.

Also agree with you on where are all the people wanting answers? If I were the public, living in or near Midlothian, I'd stage a peaceful gathering in front of MPD on April 18. I would also suggest writing/emailing every news source in the Dallas area encouraging them to do a piece on MB around April 18.

As for gender and height, I don't believe that 5-7 is the max for this perp. And in north Texas, as elsewhere, there is a significant Hispanic population, and Hispanic males statistically are shorter in height. I am in no way saying that MB's killer is Hispanic; just saying that I don't believe it's valid to state so strongly that "SP is not male".

I stand corrected. I did not mean to empahatically state that "SP is not male." I meant to say that it is more likely that SP is female than male if the maximum height is 5'7". If SP is male,the subset of possible perps is relatively small since only 21.7% of males would fit the height parameters. I have updated my post in an effort to avoid confusion. Thank you.

Also, thank you for the reminder about the large Hispanic population in Texas.

The height range is only 5 inches though. :smile: I understand your point. If you are looking at a person's height in discrete inches, there will be six different possible heights (5'2", 5'3", 5'4", 5'5", 5'6", & 5'7"). However, that is still a 5-inch range. I think that we both agree that the range is crazy.

If I lived closer, I would be happy to organize a peaceful demonstration outside of MPD. I am so frustrated that Missy seems to be slipping through the cracks. This perp was caught on camera, and we still know nothing!

I am so thankful for the faithful posters who are still dedicated to Missy's case. :loveyou: She won't be forgotten.
Is the silence the strategy to correctly resolve and conclude the investigation. Or is the silence the strategy to deflect criticism for the lack of a resolution and conclusion?

I have always felt of all the complexities in life, determining motivation is often the most difficult.
I just think cases like this take time...there was another girl in DFW and it took what seemed like forever for the guy to be convicted. They had proof of them together on video, and her body has never been found.

There will be an arrest eventually, and I think in hindsight the lack of communication around it will make sense. JMO

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KS was quoted directly in a newspaper interview as saying BB took American, fwiw. But respectfully, I can't imagine how the name of the airline that took him to Gulfport/Biloxi really matters. If he was there, he wasn't in Midlothian, regardless of which airline took him there. And LE says they have verified he was in MS just as he said he was.

It WOULD make a difference because the integrity of the spokesperson would be compromised. It would be similar to when RB stated that there were two bloody shirts taken to the dry cleaners, when the warrant says ONE bloody shirt was confiscated. People keep ignoring important details. Details lace up a crime!

HONESTY counts!!
I just think cases like this take time...there was another girl in DFW and it took what seemed like forever for the guy to be convicted. They had proof of them together on video, and her body has never been found.

There will be an arrest eventually, and I think in hindsight the lack of communication around it will make sense. JMO

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I hope that you are right.

I didn't expect this case to be solved overnight, and I do understand that things take time. My frustration stems from the fact that 10 months ago LE told the public to not be concerned about more victims and that they had the situation under control. It was at that time that LE told the public that they would let them know if they needed any further help or required any assistance. They stopped all press conferences. They have not issued any further statements. Ten months is a long time to tie up loose ends. Since that time, it has become clear that they didn't have the evidence they needed to make an arrest and secure a conviction. Why push away the public when you don't have all of the pieces? Why insult the "internet detectives" when you have not solved the case? LE has no idea who is holding the key piece of information that will unlock the case, but why discourage people from coming forward? Without further evidence this case won't be solved.

In the meantime, potential credible witnesses may have forgotten key details.

Furthermore, until LE knows who killed Missy, they don't know the motive. Until the motive is known, how can they be sure that the general public is safe? I firmly believe that she was targeted, but I don't why. I wouldn't feel comfortable making any statement about the safety of the community.

Cannonball has repeatedly made the point that LE should be (have been) more transparent. I gave LE the benefit of the doubt since things do take time. However, in hindsight, Cannonball was right. There is no excuse for there not to be an arrest when LE pushed away the public.

In closing, I hope that you are right. I hope that this silence all makes sense one day. Right now, I am not buying it.
Well said, peach...I didn't quote to save space, but I definitely think the silence from her own family is strange. I've always said everyone grieves differently, but after this long I'd be fighting mad too wanting answers. JMO

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Maybe there are some issues with the times of flights by American on the day(s) that he traveled?

Not sure why almost everyone here takes MPD/LE literally. There is NO proof that the alibi of BB and/or RB-VB is 100% foolproof! We have no witness statements that have been published, no airline ticket info, etc. We need to get this "set-up" of circumstances by MPD/LE addressed and verified. Crimes need facts to be able to be solvable!!!!!!
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