TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #43

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I’ve followed since the beginning as well. This case is the reason why I became a member. I understand everything you’re saying and I get that it’s important to know where she was found, but we know she was found in the SW corner. Why does this keep coming up?
One aspect of working a crime where you have no idea who the perpetrator could be is to fully understand every element of the crime and the flow of the crime. This will tell you a lot about the killer. It will expose traits that they have and use all the time - things they can't easily hide since they don't give them second thoughts. For example, being organized, being a planner, being punctual to a fault, estimating time for tasks with high accuracy, attention to detail, obsessiveness, being calm under pressure, etc. Many individuals have such traits but very few will have all of the ones that can be determined based on all of the elements of the crime and the flow of the crime. Having video of the person doing some of the elements of the crimes is a bonus.

This is why every last thing SP did and where and when, in what order, is significant. In this case we aren't looking for one of millions and it could be anyone. The sum of the elements of the crime and the flow of the crime should narrow that down significantly especially combined with any other evidence LE may have either from the crime scene or cell tower records, or phone records.

A great deal of this discussion would not go on and dozens, if not hundreds, of hours of research could be avoided if LE just said where she was killed and perhaps released the video they have released with the timestamps or release whatever video they haven't released as well (also with timestamps).
One aspect of working a crime where you have no idea who the perpetrator could be is to fully understand every element of the crime and the flow of the crime. This will tell you a lot about the killer. It will expose traits that they have and use all the time - things they can't easily hide since they don't give them second thoughts. For example, being organized, being a planner, being punctual to a fault, estimating time for tasks with high accuracy, attention to detail, obsessiveness, being calm under pressure, etc. Many individuals have such traits but very few will have all of the ones that can be determined based on all of the elements of the crime and the flow of the crime. Having video of the person doing some of the elements of the crimes is a bonus.

This is why every last thing SP did and where and when, in what order, is significant. In this case we aren't looking for one of millions and it could be anyone. The sum of the elements of the crime and the flow of the crime should narrow that down significantly especially combined with any other evidence LE may have either from the crime scene or cell tower records, or phone records.

A great deal of this discussion would not go on and dozens, if not hundreds, of hours of research could be avoided if LE just said where she was killed and perhaps released the video they have released with the timestamps or release whatever video they haven't released as well (also with timestamps).

Agreed. I sure wish LE would make an arrest and release the info they have or at the very least release something so we can help them solve this.
One aspect of working a crime where you have no idea who the perpetrator could be is to fully understand every element of the crime and the flow of the crime. This will tell you a lot about the killer. It will expose traits that they have and use all the time - things they can't easily hide since they don't give them second thoughts. For example, being organized, being a planner, being punctual to a fault, estimating time for tasks with high accuracy, attention to detail, obsessiveness, being calm under pressure, etc. Many individuals have such traits but very few will have all of the ones that can be determined based on all of the elements of the crime and the flow of the crime. Having video of the person doing some of the elements of the crimes is a bonus.

This is why every last thing SP did and where and when, in what order, is significant. In this case we aren't looking for one of millions and it could be anyone. The sum of the elements of the crime and the flow of the crime should narrow that down significantly especially combined with any other evidence LE may have either from the crime scene or cell tower records, or phone records.

A great deal of this discussion would not go on and dozens, if not hundreds, of hours of research could be avoided if LE just said where she was killed and perhaps released the video they have released with the timestamps or release whatever video they haven't released as well (also with timestamps).

I agree and I think the way the snippets of video was released left a lot of question marks for the public.

It seemed to be selectively edited. So immediately the public begins to wonder why was that done and what was not released?

In this case if they really want the perpetrator caught then why not just release the whole thing minus any scenes with the victim of course.

The video came out as heavily edited and it immediately makes you wonder why just those select few parts. There had to be more that could be helpful to see and still not be graphic.

At least for me it really made me question why only certain parts were released when it appeared that more could have been released without jeopardizing the case. The goal was for the public to help identify the suspect to help LE out wasnt it. So why not give us all they can.
I dont think I will ever understand it. I guess I would have to be on the inside of LE in order to get a better understanding why they do things like that.
Agreed. I sure wish LE would make an arrest and release the info they have or at the very least release something so we can help them solve this.
At this stage of the game it is going to take a confession. Otherwise, this case goes will not see an arrest let alone a trial. Unless, MPD has evidence that they hadn't realized the significance of at the time they first processed the scene and emphasized other evidence in building their own theory of the elements of the crime and how they fit together in the flow.

Hence, why I suggested perhaps two dozen posts ago that with the new eyes looking at this case they examine what happened with the doors at the northeast entrance and how that fits within the overall crime. For me that has always been a riddle in this enigma.
I find it interesting, that during one of the PCs it was confirmed, that tools (plural) were found at the CS consistent with tools seen being used by the SP.


Unconventional thinking. Not to be gross but one of the best ways to connect SP to the crime would be blood evidence and the tools most likely had more blood on them than anything. And I know you could dispose of the tools but then they would have been in your car, maybe garage, et al. This eliminated a major connecting point. And points to someone that seemed to have an acute understanding of crime scenes. At least a strategic thinker. JMO.
I agree adisproportional amount of time and energy has been expended on speculatingexactly where the confrontation took place (and where the body was discovered).

Out of the10 things that could break this case in order of importance, it’s probably somethinglike #9.
#1. Would be someone unburdening their soul oftheir knowledge of this horrific act. Orrealizing that as an accessory or accomplice, they’re better off making a dealand controlling their future.
#2. Finding some forensic tidbit of evidence. Spot of blood. Something from the video being found. That there is even a trace of physicalevidence; every year the testing mechanisms become more probing and precise,with the data banks of known samples increasing yearly. A tremendous number of old crimes are beingsolved each year via DNA.
#3. Arelative or friend or acquaintance seeing the video and recognizing thegait/mannerisms. And/or knowing theyweren’t where they were supposed to be 4/18 o’ dark 400.
#4. Findingwho would be who was angry enough with MB to carry out such a savage attack andcapable, both physically and psychologically to reach such heinous depths.
Call me naïve,but I’ve always thought in such an underpopulated area and such desolate hourthat by taking a broad enough sweep of enough CCTV’s within 3 or 4 miles ofCCoC, an hour either way from 4 am, a car would stick out as being out of placeor behaving unusually that night. Ifsomeone saw a dark small SUV. Where didit go after leaving CCoC.
Go back the previous couple weeks to seeanyone casing the church, both inside and outside.
The onlything placement within the building helps me with is if there wereopportunities to escape for either of them, then it probably wasn’t a spooked burglaror fantasy player. Even dropping the toolsat the scene would be very counter instinctive, IMO. This was planned and carried out. That’s what the percentages areoverwhelmingly, and that’s what the video shows pretty overwhelmingly. IMHO.
Again, someof these things take a total blitzing the moment the 911 call is made, and thescene slowly grows cold.

I’m not sure why it matters either. My post just above yours is basically the same as yours. I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking the same thing.
Imo, knowing where she was killed is huge. The fact that the murder was "off camera" indicates knowledge of the church and of it's working cameras.

SP, imo, knew where to ambush her without it being recorded. Not only that but SP needed to find the best place to surprise her, thus getting the upper hand.

How was SP able to escape without being seeing on camera?

Could all of the above been luck?
Maybe some, but not all. SP knew too much about the church, the cameras, and where best to murder and ambush MB. IMO, this indicates that it was someone familiar w/ her routine on rainy days, someone who knew where his presence would be recorded and where it would not be. That, imo, should narrow the list of suspects, considerably.

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Suppose perp simply covered the camera before Missy arrived.

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Has anyone thought that maybe the murder WAS caught on camera? Maybe that’s why we only got to see certain parts of the video, because there’s footage of the SP walking through the area where she was murdered before she got there. I know if I was the investigator I wouldn’t release that part. The investigators need something that only the murderer would know. JMHO

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