TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #44

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Cherry Pie: Generally people do not own a church. The Bible teaches that a church is a gathering of believers, not a building. Churches are usually incorporated and filed under Section 501C(3) of the IRS code (non-profit). Generally, there are trustees that are responsible for it’s administration. Some denominations (such as Presbyterians and Episcopals), own their buildings and run them from a central headquarters. For Baptists(and Church of Christ theologically generally agree with them in areas like this) buildings are owned by the local congregation.
This posts lands at random ...

Couple of posts have been removed because "little birds" do NOT qualify as factual information. They drop only rumor and other nasty little things.

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LEO putting MB equipment back into her Ford F150 on morning of 4/18/16 prior to it being towed to MPD impound.

One mystery was solved for me last night while perusing old threads.....I believe it was Mimi who posted a photo from MB FB, that showed one group of hers posing for a pic in front of the WORSHIP CENTER, with their mats and equipment right there. Clearly, that is the area that was used for workouts, presumably, on rainy days. That must have been Missy's plan, after she arrived in the rain, on April 18. Have we ANY photos that show a light switch panel for that area??? I suspect that that is where she was headed when she was attacked...and attacked BEFORE she was able to turn on lights. SP was lying in wait somewhere in the vicinity......but would have to have known what MB"s rainy-day alternative was, almost to a tee. This makes me wonder again, if SP is a former attendee of one of Missy's groups. JMO. ETA......or a co- conspirator, of a former rainy day attendee.

That photo is on MB fb from Jan 2016 it was cold and icy out iirc. It was a M and W (going off top of my head) *ETA Jan 2, 2016 MB made post on her fb that would be inside:

Missy Bevers
January 3, 2016 · Ovilla, TX ·
Camp tomorrow @5:00am indoors at Creekside Church of Christ and 9:00am at Midlothian Conference Center...Bring Your Weights!
I'm off to bed...been under the weather since last night. But, will see all of you bright & early! https://www.facebook.com/missy.bevers/posts/10208364859538964
Here is that : with the mats MB workout at Creekside Church in front of Worship Center.JPG

And here is the post that MB made on her CG page and shared to her personal page the night prior. She shared to her page Sunday April 17, 2016 at 7:55 p.m. Her intentions prior to going to sleep were to have outside under awning. Next morning when she got up presuming 3:30 a.m., it was storming - thunder, lightening, heavy rain Monday morning and it is reasonable to me that she made a post or at the least on the CG page or app that would be inside. Either way she was inside the building when she was murdered. We (WS public) do not know if she did take or didn't take any equipment inside. BUT MPD said she had change to inside. JMHO
missy bevers if its raining april 17 2016 post.JPG
ETA: it was lightening and storming bad next morning. I know from looking at photos there was metal railing around the little patio area. Safety wise it was better to move inside rather than stay outside handling WEIGHTS.
That photo is on MB fb from Jan 2016 it was cold and icy out iirc. It was a M and W (going off top of my head) *ETA Jan 2, 2016 MB made post on her fb that would be inside:

Missy Bevers
January 3, 2016 · Ovilla, TX ·
Camp tomorrow @5:00am indoors at Creekside Church of Christ and 9:00am at Midlothian Conference Center...Bring Your Weights!
I'm off to bed...been under the weather since last night. But, will see all of you bright & early! https://www.facebook.com/missy.bevers/posts/10208364859538964
Here is that : with the mats View attachment 129903

And here is the post that MB made on her CG page and shared to her personal page the night prior. She shared to her page Sunday April 17, 2016 at 7:55 p.m. Her intentions prior to going to sleep were to have outside under awning. Next morning when she got up presuming 3:30 a.m., it was storming then next morning and it is reasonable to me that she made a post or at the least on the CG page or app that would be inside. Either way she was inside the building when she was murdered. We (WS public) do not know if she did take or didn't take any equipment inside. BUT MPD said she had change to inside.
View attachment 129904
ETA: it was lightening and storming bad next morning. I know from looking at photos there was metal railing around the little patio area. Safety wise it was better to move inside rather than stay outside handling WEIGHTS.

YUP and MPD must have had a reason to say that she had changed her mind.....either because she had taken equipment inside, or because a camper or several told LE that she had alerted them ...about the change. Or it was just logical that the venue would change in seriously inclement weather. We dunno. JMO
Some denominations (such as Presbyterians and Episcopals), own their buildings and run them from a central headquarters. For Baptists(and Church of Christ theologically generally agree with them in areas like this) buildings are owned by the local congregation.

Good, concise answer.

As a trivia side note, the Episcopal ownership of churches has been in the news lately as the subject of a complex legal fight featuring conservatives and liberal factions fighting over whether the churches are owned by the diocese, or owned by the local congregations in the form of trustees.

Adding to the legal mix are different state laws over the centuries and different internal church administrative policies that may, or may not be legally binding. I think some rulings have gone for local ownership, while one in Texas went for diocese ownership.
Yep.....they are my words. The killer came prepared.

Indeed! He or she was prepared for Missy, herself, being armed and dangerous!!!! Bulletproof helmet and vest - killer was taking no chances that Missy would have a gun on her person.

Another thought, if the SP did have a gun, I don't think they would have wanted it to be shown on camera either. It's a staged burglary, and correct me if I'm wrong, but bringing a gun to rob a building, business, or person would seriously up the charges against said burglar. ? I have no doubt the "burglar" could have had a concealed gun and a taser within that SWAT get-up.

My apologies for so much randomness. It is infuriating that Missy's killer still walks free.
JMO, I don't believe the murder weapon has been recovered. (Whether gun or breaching tool.) Also think SP carried multiple tools and potential murder weapons on himself (visible and not visible). If LE are trying to keep the weapon involved in her death a secret for case integrity (and I believe it's obvious they are), they're not goIng to mention searching for a gun in their SW. (Not unless it's a sealed warrant.)

I've been going through my earliest screenshots just now. A few things I've seen (again) to ponder:

1. In the nbcdfw.com articles posted immediately after her death (my screenshot 19 Apr 2016), Midlothian police said that the autopsy was completed Tuesday afternoon, but that results were "being withheld pending the ongoing investigation their department, county officials, and the Texas Rangers." (bbm)

Texas Rangers are notable for their work concerning investigating internal affairs as well as crime involving firearms:


Why would they be involved the day after her murder, especially if she'd been killed with a hammer or breaching tool?

2. The main W entrance foyer has extremely high ceilings with a soaring entrance and no cameras posted near the doors pointing inward OR outward (none that I can see in a website photo I saved, at least). It also has a few spots where a gunman could hide - the Cubby Corner culvert/recessed entry, and, (closer to the north/south hallway leading to the SW entrance or Common Grounds/Kitchen areas), 2 floor-to-ceiling (24"?) columns in recesses behind which someone could have hidden.

The foyer wall opposite the main west entrance also has no cameras pointing toward the main entrance that I can see, and it has glass windows or doors as well (leading into the sanctuary?). The north/south hallway running perpendicular to that main W entrance foyer also has several glass tables along the walls. Any of this glass may have been shattered in the event of gunfire aimed at Missy as she walked down the hall.

Missy's gear and stuff was deposited at the SW entrance near her car and by the door. Presumably, after unloading it from her vehicle, she circled around to the main W entrance using a special card key or code to enter. If she were ambushed as she rounded the corner to head to that SW entrance to open those exterior doors, she'd have died in that north/south corridor that some of us have seen described in FOIA docs as being the general location of where she was found. After the ambush, SP could've then made a fast exit out the main W entrance door (now unlocked) without damage or evidence of having used it. And also without camera detection, since the exterior cams were not working, either.

Great post as always PIM! The Texas Rangers' involvement seals the deal for me that a firearm was used. Speaking from personal experience, a Texas Ranger was brought in and he measured everything, cut a piece of our bedroom wall out and accounted for every shot that was fired and where it went. The guy was a genius when it came to firearms and being able to tell where a shot was fired from and how it ricocheted, etc. He diagramed everything!
Hey Boots!!
Ok so where do you get that the Suspect disabled the door to prevent an escape from inside?

Oh boy! LOL! Maybe I might have dreamed that up.... I think at least one door had the push handle removed. Gotta look for that information! Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
Great post as always PIM! The Texas Rangers' involvement seals the deal for me that a firearm was used. Speaking from personal experience, a Texas Ranger was brought in and he measured everything, cut a piece of our bedroom wall out and accounted for every shot that was fired and where it went. The guy was a genius when it came to firearms and being able to tell where a shot was fired from and how it ricocheted, etc. He diagramed everything!

Thanks, Bootsctr. It makes for a strong case in my thinking, too (plus the dog being brought in the morning after her autopsy was completed).

SteveS answered this post earlier saying that a source had established that LE said that she'd entered by the SW door (I either missed that if recent or forgot it from reading in 2016). I still think, with the main W and SW entrances taped with crime tape, that those areas were where the bulk of the investigation was focused, and the part of the church most involved in the attack. I would think SP would elect to leave by the quickest exit available post-murder, an exit not caught on videotape. (And LE have stated there is no tape of the attack nor of SP after the attack.) The main W entrance appears to be the only one not having cameras pointed at it. The doors would be operable from the inside without having to break them to exit. Even though that exit would be viewable from the highway, it's doubtful SP would worry about anyone seeing him in the dark at that hour (and disguised as a SWAT officer it's doubtful he cared, anyway).
Well I found proof that the Suspect had a light on his/her helmet :happydance:
suspect has light on helmet.JPG

Go to the end of MPD released video. start watching as the door opens - watch the inside of door frame the light shines on it, and can see on the wall too as movement of the Suspect. Hat tip to either PIM or Jethro long ago giving us a zip file on thread of the 4000 or so frames :loveyou: This particular frame is not the first but best I chose for this post. This frame is before #3424

(notice that the door is closed completely - so makes me curious how long had been in room or if went into room from open door in distance and came out? why was camera on so long)

Start watching at about 1:49 mark have to watch fast
Oh boy! LOL! Maybe I might have dreamed that up.... I think at least one door had the push handle removed. Gotta look for that information! Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
I remember the outside handle was removed from metal kitchen door, but the inside push handle was still intact. And we (public) do not know if MPD took it off or the Suspect. Just that we have media photo with it removed. We seen Johnson and 2 other LEO looking at the door but it is open (the outside handle on side away from our view) I think some pondered that the square object Suspect had at end of video may have possibly been something like that. But I haven't seen anything that showed any door disabled other than the busted but those were on opposite side of building.
EXACT Quotes from the doc <>
1) "front passenger truck door and truck bed lid are open"
2)"after viewing the body we were asked to process the truck under the awning"

So my questions and thoughts are, Spann said that MB was unloading her truck. #1 for me confirms that she was indeed doing that.. I also went back through my ss and found the one that MB posted on her CG fb page and shared to her personal FB page. I know that MPD said she changed the class inside, but on her post she says CG trains in the rain. Unless she sent something telling people inside, jmho it was still being under the awning where she was unloading. BUT MPD say she changed it.

1) WHY were LEO putting equipment back into MB truck? If it was inside building, it would not be put back into her truck jmho.
2) The only portions of the church that had crime scene tape was the West doors bound with cs tape, long stretch in front of the church, and the area in front of the truck and then from other side of PC/awning to the ac unit. The SW corner of the building. None in the NE-rear, None on the North side where the kitchen window and metal door were busted.
3) From the document, it states that the front passenger door open and bed cover open - so everything in vehicle was in "plain sight" inside the truck.
4) Document/report says they were asked to "process the truck". Yet the SW for the Ford F150 says "an inventory" was done. **iPHone was not listed on the SW application to search truck. Nor was it listed as items seized (iPad and Planner seized)

From my source who is a CID Inv crimes against persons I am told " with truck doors open- that puts in plain view, inventory always done prior to tow IF being towed to tow yard. BUT, if they seized the vehicle and had towed to their impound, there would be no need to do inventory because vehicle would be secure - waiting for a search warrant.

So, did they process the truck as in processing a crime scene? Or inventory the truck to tow? But was towed to the MPD, per documents. Also the putting her equipment back into her truck. How does that work?

On the iPhone & iPad SW, it states that "cellular telephone discovered owned by Terri Leanne Bevers" this was listed to be located at MPD, it not clear if it was from inventory of the truck or where it came from.
View attachment 129875 View attachment 129876 I also find it interesting that "Capital" was scratched out (Capital Murder)

SO JMHO If 1st camper came up at 4:35 a.m per MPD, they had to have seen MB door open, bed cover open, equipment out right? So maybe they called her and no answer? Then as others showed up they went up together and that when she was located inside. **we do not know by the document if that is what it looked like when campers arrived only when the report writer arrived.

Last thing we know what time the document writer arrived 7:53 a.m. and saw the body still there. That something else new.

Well, Mimi, I attend appts all day and come home to find you've been sipping ahhhlottt of coffee! Kudos! Your stamina is to be admired. In fact, I must relax a bit before tackling some of the detailed data you've cleverly pieced together here today. Your posts are chocked full of meticulous info that I'll need my thinking hat because the one I'm wearing has a red feather in it.

Last week, perhaps, while you were on vacation, I posted a question along with a SS, by asking, if Missy's iPad was on the hood of her truck. Her equipment is stacked on the concrete but because we don't what time the image was taken, who knows if LE placed her items, or possibly their own items, on her hood or if she did all of that unpacking and stacking of equipment upon arriving. I always assumed she entered the doors while carrying some supplies indoors with her.

There is another clue in the SS image. Someone brought their food and drink to the CS. Was it breakfast or lunch? Why take the food out of the LE vehicle while attending a murder crime scene? It's in poor taste is only mho. It's placed on the curb just west of her truck.

One other matter, why do some sleuths feel Missy was surrounded by glass? I didn't get that impression from the presser. Didn't LE state that they found broken glass but never stated broken glass was necessarily around MBs body?

I'd like someone, who knows, to ID the LE in the SS, if possible. One of them outside of the yellow tape has a drink in his hands so the one on the curb is probably not his. Didn't Sgt Scott wear a light pink colored long sleeved shirt that day so he is not in this image?

SP Missys Truck and Equipment.png
Credit for image is news video linked the first time the SS was posted. Merci.
Sounds like you are agreeing with me based on your responses. I just stated a Burglary is not exclusive to just theft. "Usually a theft" says by itself there are other circumstances that constitutes a Burglary like Vandalism. You can't mistake the term "Usually" with "Always". That's all I was trying to convey. She said it couldn't be a Burglary because nothing was taken and that simply is not a true statement.

I was following up to someone else’s post and may have using their terminology to make a greater point.

Anywhoo.....since you seem open to discussion, what would you call this crime?
Murder? Vandalism? Robbery? Burglary?

Obviously, I’m leaning towards Murder and Vandalism but would like to hear your take on things.
Being bludgeoned to death in the face and chest is as personal as strangulation, ie it is up close and so very personal. This was no random crime, this is first degree premeditated murder. I believe the killer is female. A very creepy female.
Good, concise answer.

As a trivia side note, the Episcopal ownership of churches has been in the news lately as the subject of a complex legal fight featuring conservatives and liberal factions fighting over whether the churches are owned by the diocese, or owned by the local congregations in the form of trustees.

Adding to the legal mix are different state laws over the centuries and different internal church administrative policies that may, or may not be legally binding. I think some rulings have gone for local ownership, while one in Texas went for diocese ownership.

My happy little Episcopal Church was paid for by the wealthy founders, one generation past. Hence, it does not belong to the Diocese. We also own a couple of homes nearby that are offered to the Rector and Associate Rectors and their families as possible living quarters. A retired Rector stayed in one for a while before moving into a nearby town. Another home was purchased and renovated for using as a banquet hall when special speakers visit. Another exquisite nearby home was donated to my Church that we use for youth ministry. The Diocese doesn't own any of those properties. The Church owns them. They are managed by the Vestry Members elected annually.

When I visited Midlo in 2016, there was an empty lot with a large sign located at 5040 Monroe Dr. that read: "Future Home of Stonegate Church." It is appx a ten mile distance between the two Churches. One of the 25 founders of Stonegate Church was a very good friend of Missy's and their daughters were friends. At that time, they met for Church at the Convention Center adjacent to the Courtyard Marriott. Their reported Annual Revenue is $163,607.00 I caught a recent video whereby they allowed the children to fill the soil with water and have a day in the mud with giant sprinklers. At its completion, it will be surely be divine.

Creekside Church Of Christ is a privately held company in Midlothian, TX and is a Single Location business.

Categorized under Church of Christ. Our records show it was established in 2007 and incorporated in Texas. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $120,000 and employs a staff of approximately 3.
BB picked up MBs truck at MPD on April 22, 2016

A search warrant obtained by News 8 Thursday shows Bevers suffered a wound to the head from an unknown instrument.

A day before, News 8 was there when an ATF dog was taken inside the church to check for gunshot residue. The Texas Rangers are also involved in the case.

Bevers’ husband, Brandon, arrived at police headquarters with a friend around 2 p.m. Thursday. His brother, Chad Tucker, told News 8 that he came there to make arrangements to pick up his wife’s truck.

[A former prosecutor] Shook also says that the person was most definitely not behaving like a burglar. A typical burglar is going to get in and get out, not spend time wandering around the building.

“You don’t dress as a police officer and break into a church,” Shook said.

LEO putting MB equipment back into her Ford F150 on morning of 4/18/16 prior to it being towed to MPD impound.


Whew took me some digging but I found the link from an old post. Same link as on the first ss https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/W...thian-Church_Dallas-Fort-Worth-376136631.html

06-21-2016, 10:02 PM#133 arkansasmimi https://www.websleuths.com/forums/s...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-29&p=12649478#post12649478
Quote Originally Posted by wgram View Post
I have never seen this picture before. Its not a truck which is what they said MB was driving
What/Who is this vehicle belong to?
This is the Ellis County Crime Scene Unit van. And I am unsure of the equipment. I have a link where MB truck is still there and LE is taking things out, at first I thought were putting back into MB truck but I thinking maybe this stuff. Let me see if can find that link

OK here link. Go to approx 1:56 mark. JMHO they were maybe processing MB truck? WE do not know if her doors were open or closed when CG Campers arrived. This is on April 18, so very possible that MB doors were open? We just do not know. http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Wom...376136631.html
Last edited by arkansasmimi; 06-21-2016 at 10:10 PM.
Thanks, Bootsctr. It makes for a strong case in my thinking, too (plus the dog being brought in the morning after her autopsy was completed).

SteveS answered this post earlier saying that a source had established that LE said that she'd entered by the SW door (I either missed that if recent or forgot it from reading in 2016). I still think, with the main W and SW entrances taped with crime tape, that those areas were where the bulk of the investigation was focused, and the part of the church most involved in the attack. I would think SP would elect to leave by the quickest exit available post-murder, an exit not caught on videotape. (And LE have stated there is no tape of the attack nor of SP after the attack.) The main W entrance appears to be the only one not having cameras pointed at it. The doors would be operable from the inside without having to break them to exit. Even though that exit would be viewable from the highway, it's doubtful SP would worry about anyone seeing him in the dark at that hour (and disguised as a SWAT officer it's doubtful he cared, anyway).
MPD did clarify that MB entered the doors closest to her truck.

On if there was or wasn't a camera in the West entrance area, we only have photos to ref from years prior (the one with squirrel added is good ref for this. Look at the vent by Cub Corner. No camera. Notice this was long time prior to 4/18/16. But if you look at photos from the VBS 2016 you will see there is a camera by that same vent. (seen from reflection in the mirror by Come As You Are).

I agree with you on that being the area where most activity seemed to be. It is also the area where they brought Titian in. Crime scene tape is all along the front of the church, front doors have tape around them, awning area by truck those are only places with crime scene tape.

Here is the first frame of Suspect in the area from MPD video. I can't remember which one of yall shared the zip file. But this one is # 457 View attachment 129924 From this we know approx area as to where camera movement was detected of Suspect walking. JMHO it was in the area just prior to where the Suspect is or at least vicinity. But if you remember the photos we looked at after I thought I saw someone squatted down, at least for me it goes with everything we are told.
Link to MPD video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePS8TJ6UAqY
Well, Mimi, I attend appts all day and come home to find you've been sipping ahhhlottt of coffee! Kudos! Your stamina is to be admired. In fact, I must relax a bit before tackling some of the detailed data you've cleverly pieced together here today. Your posts are chocked full of meticulous info that I'll need my thinking hat because the one I'm wearing has a red feather in it.

Last week, perhaps, while you were on vacation, I posted a question along with a SS, by asking, if Missy's iPad was on the hood of her truck. Her equipment is stacked on the concrete but because we don't what time the image was taken, who knows if LE placed her items, or possibly their own items, on her hood or if she did all of that unpacking and stacking of equipment upon arriving. I always assumed she entered the doors while carrying some supplies indoors with her.

There is another clue in the SS image. Someone brought their food and drink to the CS. Was it breakfast or lunch? Why take the food out of the LE vehicle while attending a murder crime scene? It's in poor taste is only mho. It's placed on the curb just west of her truck.

One other matter, why do some sleuths feel Missy was surrounded by glass? I didn't get that impression from the presser. Didn't LE state that they found broken glass but never stated broken glass was necessarily around MBs body?

I'd like someone, who knows, to ID the LE in the SS, if possible. One of them outside of the yellow tape has a drink in his hands so the one on the curb is probably not his. Didn't Sgt Scott wear a light pink colored long sleeved shirt that day so he is not in this image?

View attachment 129920
Credit for image is news video linked the first time the SS was posted. Merci.
Not sure who that person not in uniform. There is another man same type haircut but in a blue polo and jeans seen in another media shot over by 2 LEO looking at the metal door. We know Asst Chief Keven Johnson was there. I just assume one of those are him.
On food, its outside the crime scene tape, maybe someone brought it for the person who was keeping the crime scene log? They may have been there since first responders. I get what your saying.

On whatever is on MB truck hood, JMHO I would say it was the CST that was processing the truck stuff. SW for truck stated MB iPad was located inside the truck as was her purse.

On the part your asking
"One other matter, why do some sleuths feel Missy was surrounded by glass? I didn't get that impression from the presser. Didn't LE state that they found broken glass but never stated broken glass was necessarily around MBs body?"

Around the body comes from Original https://www.facebook.com/Midlothian...95047007358/10154073544117359/?type=3&theater and 4:30pm Updated Official Police release by MPD https://www.facebook.com/Midlothian...95047007358/10154073570637359/?type=3&theater

MPD official press release.JPG

Yet Cody Moon, Lead Inv, states in the iPhone iPad SW Affidavit for Probable Cause.
"As first responders arrived on scene they observed several exterior and internal doors with extensive damage to them as well as broken glass throughout the inside of the church."

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