TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #45

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Hey GS,
On page 3 and the 2nd timing listed did you notice how it was worded?
“Entering and walking throughout the building “,
Does this mean they have footage now of SP breaking INTO the building?

I think what they meant to say was that the suspect is seen at 3:50 entering and walking throughout “the interior of” the building. The killer could not have been entering from outside at 3:50, because police said they spent “some time in the kitchen” before emerging into the hallway at 3:50. But with that said, I do think it’s possible they have some exterior camera footage from the NE entrance. There was a camera there, and the only non-working exterior camera that I know of was on the front of the building between the main entrance and the north end.

Thanks Gumshoe Stories! As there was a bit of a thread cleanup last night so would you please mind possting again what you thought was important regarding the SUV seen leaving the church and this warrant? tia I've slept since then and lost my train of thought. o_O
Generally, and this is just my opinion, I put less stock in the SUV than I do the Altima. The SUV was related to BWH the original POI that police had. That was over 4 years ago and police never even mentioned it publicly. The SUV was seen by a passerby on the highway but he remembered little to nothing. Police suggested hypnosis and he flat-out refused to do that.

The Altima, on the other hand, we can rely on time-stamped video rather than potentially unreliable witness testimony. What if the witness was wrong about the date, the time, or the location?

This doesn’t mean the Altima is definitely involved. But police were still advising the public of their interest in the car 3 years later. Then there is the strange behavior of the vehicle. And finally, the fact that the church’s interior cameras mysteriously activated at 2:19 (the car left SWFA at 2:04). Police were interested enough in the possibility of a connection between SWFA and the church that they sought a geofence warrant from Google for the two areas. That was three years into the investigation.
Hey GS,
On page 3 and the 2nd timing listed did you notice how it was worded?
“Entering and walking throughout the building “,
Does this mean they have footage now of SP breaking INTO the building?
I think what they meant to say was that the suspect is seen at 3:50 entering and walking throughout “the interior of” the building. The killer could not have been entering from outside at 3:50, because police said they spent “some time in the kitchen” before emerging into the hallway at 3:50. But with that said, I do think it’s possible they have some exterior camera footage from the NE entrance. There was a camera there, and the only non-working exterior camera that I know of was on the front of the building between the main entrance and the north end.

Generally, and this is just my opinion, I put less stock in the SUV than I do the Altima. The SUV was related to BWH the original POI that police had. That was over 4 years ago and police never even mentioned it publicly. The SUV was seen by a passerby on the highway but he remembered little to nothing. Police suggested hypnosis and he flat-out refused to do that.

The Altima, on the other hand, we can rely on time-stamped video rather than potentially unreliable witness testimony. What if the witness was wrong about the date, the time, or the location?

This doesn’t mean the Altima is definitely involved. But police were still advising the public of their interest in the car 3 years later. Then there is the strange behavior of the vehicle. And finally, the fact that the church’s interior cameras mysteriously activated at 2:19 (the car left SWFA at 2:04). Police were interested enough in the possibility of a connection between SWFA and the church that they sought a geofence warrant from Google for the two areas. That was three years into the investigation.
thank you for your replies.
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I just have to point out that the approach you are taking consistently gives every possible benefit of the doubt to the SUV while at the same time explaining away every new connection involving the Altima, no matter how compelling.

Well, the problem is, imo there's nothing about the Altima/Infiniti/whatever that's compelling, in relation to the crime. Right day, same highway, but wrong place and wrong time (by a considerable amount). It's a curiosity, to be sure. The camera switching on during a significant rainstorm, that's not actually a "connection" to the Altima, nor is it the right time, nor is it actually linked to the perp - it's no car, no person seen, just security cam activating like they sometimes do, for no apparent reason, which is a very real thing with motion-detecting cams.

In contrast, the fact that the dark SUV was seen at CCOC, rather than some other place of business way down the road, makes a massive difference to me. Also the fact that at the very time perp would have been making a getaway, THAT was the time (4:30) that the dark SUV was seen, that makes a difference to me. When I hear about the dark SUV, that gets my attention in a way that the Altima does not, because now we're at the right time and place.
It isn't like the driver is doing anything clandestine in the dark as it appears most of the parking lot is lit up like daylight even when the car has it's headlights off. Plus every time they hit their brakes, the bright taillights come on. Maybe they pulled in to wait out a rain downpour. jmo

I would point out that driving around the perimeter of a closed business at 2 am seems pretty clandestine. I went to the property one night at 11 pm - you can find the video on my YT channel - and it was pretty spooky going behind the building. I found myself not wanting to dawdle back there.

People are making a big deal out of the car parking under the lamp post. It’s been pointed out that this makes it harder for the cameras to see thru the reflective windshield. But there are a couple of other points I’ll make about that parking spot:
1. The car is facing the entrance of the building. If I were casing the place and thinking about how to break in, what the layout of the interior was, how well someone from the highway might be able to see a burglary taking place there, etc, that’s exactly where I would park.

2. There is a landscaped island with shrubbery right next to the car, between it and the highway. Plus the property sits down kind of in a hole, below highway level. So that car, parked in that space, is pretty well concealed from the highway. I have another video (daytime) on my YT channel showing the vantage point of that parking space.
Well, the problem is, imo there's nothing about the Altima/Infiniti/whatever that's compelling, in relation to the crime. Right day, same highway, but wrong place and wrong time (by a considerable amount). It's a curiosity, to be sure. The camera switching on during a significant rainstorm, that's not actually a "connection" to the Altima, nor is it the right time, nor is it actually linked to the perp - it's no car, no person seen, just security cam activating like they sometimes do, for no apparent reason, which is a very real thing with motion-detecting cams.

In contrast, the fact that the dark SUV was seen at CCOC, rather than some other place of business way down the road, makes a massive difference to me. Also the fact that at the very time perp would have been making a getaway, THAT was the time (4:30) that the dark SUV was seen, that makes a difference to me. When I hear about the dark SUV, that gets my attention in a way that the Altima does not, because now we're at the right time and place.
Maybe LE got some tyre tracks/marks matching a Nissan, or someone gave them some dash cam/surveillance .... there’s something we aren’t being told, that’s definite.

New here so please forgive me if my post is hard to read or isn't formatted correctly. I've just taken some images of the car from the SWFA footage and ran it through a Car Make and Model Recognition algorithm (credit to Car Make and Model Recognition - Algorithm by LgoBE - Algorithmia).

Some of the images couldn't be processed for some reason but I have just included the ones that were. The results lets say are interesting. In 3 of the 6 images, it doesn't even predict a Nissan. In 1 of the images it predicts a Nissan but with a confidence level below 50%. Only 2 0f the 6 images it predicts a Nissan Altima with a confidence level of over 50% (the only time it predicts with over 50% confidence). The model year it predicts for the two images is 2007 & 2008 respectively. None of the predictions included an Infiniti car.

Image 11 seems to be a strong indicator that the car is an Altima 2007 make. Not sure what model year LE had in mind. Worth noting that Image 11 also seems to be the best quality image, hence the disparity in results of the other images due to them being much lower quality.


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Image links:
image11 — Postimages
image9 — Postimages
image8 — Postimages
image7 — Postimages
image4 — Postimages
image3 — Postimages

In my original post, I mentioned how the model gave some confidence that this was a 2007 make. However, after reviewing some more images I'm not so sure.

Take a look at this 2007 model and notice that the bottom grill is one full line that extends to the fog lights:

Now compare this with this cctv image and you can see that the bottom grill is segmented so the fog lights are separate:

I think since the 2010 model, the design of the bottom grill changed so that the fog lights were separate:

But since the 2013 model, the design changes again so that there is an additional lamp above the fog lights and the design of the headlights changes slightly:

So looks like LE were on the ball saying that this is possibly a 2010 - 2012 model. I think the analysis that I undertook needed more clear pictures from all angles of the vehicle (not just the rear). Still very confident that the car at SWFA was an Altima, but glad that I revisited my original post.
I used some online photo enhancing, and ran though a filter. These were the best images I could make. I'm not a hundred % sure, but it looks to be a woman, with something weird on the dash.


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Just want to give a shout out to everyone on this thread for examining, re-examining, questioning, and re-questioning the info on this case.

Old eyes and new eyes to the case give interesting insights and ideas.

I look forward to the day this case is solved and justice served.

In my original post, I mentioned how the model gave some confidence that this was a 2007 make. However, after reviewing some more images I'm not so sure.

Take a look at this 2007 model and notice that the bottom grill is one full line that extends to the fog lights:

Now compare this with this cctv image and you can see that the bottom grill is segmented so the fog lights are separate:

I think since the 2010 model, the design of the bottom grill changed so that the fog lights were separate:

But since the 2013 model, the design changes again so that there is an additional lamp above the fog lights and the design of the headlights changes slightly:

So looks like LE were on the ball saying that this is possibly a 2010 - 2012 model. I think the analysis that I undertook needed more clear pictures from all angles of the vehicle (not just the rear). Still very confident that the car at SWFA was an Altima, but glad that I revisited my original post.
it is a Nissan Altima, you can always tell by the rims. Car Brochure websites are the best to find rims on cars. Also if it is a silver car, the paint code for that is K23 on Nissan. The back lights on the video look similar to the 2013, but k23 was used on 2010 and up vehicles. https://www.xr793.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2013-Nissan-Altima.pdf


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Maybe LE got some tyre tracks/marks matching a Nissan, or someone gave them some dash cam/surveillance .... there’s something we aren’t being told, that’s definite.

There is much more info that we haven't been told, no question about that.

But what is it? Is it even about the Altima? Do we know everything there is to know about the Altima, or nothing? What about other cars?

Without knowing what it is that we haven't been told, we have no way to know if that "missing info" is the sort that could take us further, or if it's just the sort that eliminates some speculation where we are chasing ideas that are flat wrong.

I hope there's more of every kind of evidence on this case. In which case, LE has a better chance to put the pieces together. But ya don't know what ya don't know.
Do we know if the any of the cameras at the SWFA were positioned in a way that you could observe any headlights/tail-lights or other car figure slowing down on the highway and pulling into the church? I think one of them had a decent view in that direction. Is there other footage from those same SWFA cameras from other nights where we could observe whether that's the case?
Do we know if the any of the cameras at the SWFA were positioned in a way that you could observe any headlights/tail-lights or other car figure slowing down on the highway and pulling into the church? I think one of them had a decent view in that direction. Is there other footage from those same SWFA cameras from other nights where we could observe whether that's the case?
There is a camera mounted high on the SWFA building that would have been able to pick up headlights turning into the church. You can see the lights of the church at one point from that camera angle. And SWFA has separate daytime footage on their YT channel where you can see the church in the distance.

I know that police requested SWFA provide 8 hours of footage from exterior cameras from that night. It was so much footage that police had to purchase an external hard drive to hold it all.

I am confident that if a vehicle turned into the church or exited the church, police know about it and have the time stamp.
This is the view of the church from SWFA's default camera position. You can see the church in the upper left hand corner. On a dark and rainy night, I'm not sure a car could be seen turning into the church. It's a four lane highway frequented by semis.

These videos have been previously posted and discussed on Websleuths.
I'm glad this case opened back up! I've been here from the beginning and this one has always bothered me so much.

In regards to this particular video and watching it again....things I noticed:

  1. The lights going on and off all the time. Why did he/she just not leave them OFF the entire time in the parking lot? One thing I wondered is one view they stopped by a window and I had the thought they turned the lights off so that they could try to see if any lights were on IN the building itself. (around 1:25/1:26 mark)
  2. 3:15 mark - The car parks. I find it interesting it parks directly under a light where there is glare on the window versus one of the middle spots in between the lights. I don't think this was on purpose, I think they just lucked out. But I did watch the car intently and I do NOT see any movement, in the front or the backseat. IMO they parked there waiting for an "all clear" to move on. I remember originally thinking maybe they stopped to put on clothing (or change clothing), but seeing no movement, I don't think this was the case. And if it were lovers....one, why drive around the building, why not just park and go at it and again, no movement in the car.
  3. 6:59 mark - look at how far BACK this drivers seat is. IMO there is no way the car is driven by a woman, it has to be a tall man. IMO that seat is pushed back as far as possible.

Off to continue to read posts....

Sorry if this has been discussed already, as I think every tiny bit probably has.... I analyzed the space at 4:48 from the video of the car in the parking lot. It is blurred, changes shape, skips (I do note areas around that remain consistent) , and has some white movement behind it (an elongated distortion from rain and lighting?)

Hmm. Is it just an anomaly? Is there another person beyond that blue blob? Perhaps white pants walking in the upper right of the blue blob...

Mostly it seems like a rain vs light reflection.

I’m on my cell so I turned it sideways and pinched it out to zoom that area.

Also, two vehicles parked along the wall at what seems to be the rear. Janitors park like that, late at night. Church vehicles? Curious.


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This has always been a biggie for me also, how did SP get away with no one seeing him/her since it was SO close to the time for campers to show? And I still wonder what lured MB into the trap. Empty building, dark and rainy outside, if I heard a weird noise or someone holler for me, I would NOT have gone into the building, I would have locked myself in my truck, especially since MB had a firearm inside. Was it the voice of someone she knew, she wasn't scared of? Or did they shoot her first while she was walking through then attack her.

My speculation - 17 minutes between MB arriving and first camper pulling into the lot. That is not a lot of time for SP to lure MB in to kill her and then get away. I'm going to factor in 5 minutes for MB to get doors open and start unloading a few things before she was trapped. That leaves a 12 minute window for the killing and SP escape. Now, the SP easy could have taken longer since MB wasn't found until 5:02, but still, SP had to get away and the closer to 5:02AM it gets, the more people start to show up in the lot and the harder for SP to get away unseen.

I was thinking about this too. Seems the first camper to arrive was cutting it close to the suspects departure. The timing would have one or more campers crossing paths with the suspect nearby.

Video of the suspect leaving the building must exist.

And I haven’t had time to research whether the Altima was still in the lot when Missy came in or had left already. Time stamps of the car in the lot would be nice.
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