TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #48

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"A fitness trainer and mother of three was murdered in a Dallas-area church Monday morning by a man wearing SWAT gear, police said."

"Boot camp-style exercise class participants who showed up at the Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian, Tex., around 5 a.m. found their instructor Terri “Missy” Bevers, 45, dead, according to the Midlothian Police Department."

"Fitness trainer Terri (Missy) Bevers, 45, was killed early Monday just before her boot-camp style class, police said. Participants in the Camp Gladiator class found her dead when they arrived to a Midlothian, Tex., church for the workout."

"Police Chief Carl Smith said a man wearing what looked like a tactical helmet, gloves and a heavy vest with "POLICE" written on it could be seen in security camera footage from the E. U.S. Highway 287 church just before Bevers arrived. The department released the 4 a.m. footage Monday afternoon, though Smith said no cameras captured the attack."


LE Update/Presser on April 22, 2016

Link to Midlothian Police Department facebook page
Images (still and video) from the church featuring the perp can be seen here.

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Dear Websleuths Members,

We are going to apply common sense to the Missy Bever's discussion.

You all have really done some amazing sleuthing in the Bever's case. Thank you for putting forth the effort to bring us interesting and helpful posts.

From now on if a member disrupts the thread in any way they will be timed out or banned.

Disrupting the thread could be anything from hitting the alert button over and over on posts that do not violate our TOS, to trying to disrupt members who are discussing a scenario that you disagree with, to arguing over something so minor that it makes me want to rip my eyeballs out of my head in frustration.

Here is an example: No more arguments over "shards of glass" VS "broken glass" LE referenced.

No outright accusations against specific individuals but very general broad speculation or theorizing will be allowed.

The last word from LE was a long time ago and was that none of the persons listed in the search warrants that have been released are suspects "at this time"

We all know that is doublespeak for we are not willing to name any of them POI or suspect RIGHT NOW.

So a general speculation of "I still find the husband's statements odd, his demeanor off. Something is not right there" are fine. While statements like "BB did it, I mean come on, his wife was sleeping around and it's almost always the husband or boyfriend" are over the line.

"I think this was motivated by jealousy by someone Missy knew, someone who felt threatened by her, someone with low self-esteem" would be okay while "it was that one woman [whatever her initials are] married to one teacher [insert initials]" would be over the line.

This should be easy to understand.

We want a lively and interesting discussion, however, we will not allow the Bever's discussion to get out of hand.


Search Warrants

dry cleaner warrant - redacted
LinkedIn warrant 5-5-16
AT&T Tower warrant 5-5-16
Search warrant

FB Warrant Probable Cause Affidavit

Another video recently released online shows what police call a “vehicle of interest,” although investigators will not confirm if they have identified its driver or explained its unusual appearance near the church. It was recorded by a series of cameras posted around a gun store near the church about two hours before the murder. The Nissan Altima spends six minutes in the SWFA Outdoors parking lot, much of the time with its lights off. The church is on the opposite side of the divided highway, less than a half mile away.

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READ THE OPENING POST AND THIS ONE AND THANK BOTH IF YOU INTEND TO POST. Pay particular attention to Tricia's warning about bickering and how to post in regards to your suspect(s). Outright accusations will not be tolerated.

Referring to people or groups of people by nicknames or alternate names needs to cease. You may use initials. Keep in mind that some of you are discussing a family that has lost a member to murder. It is one thing to find someone's demeanor off or point out perceived inconsistencies in their statements. It is quite another to bash them when they have been accused of nothing by Law Enforcement. I urge everyone to find that line and stay on the right side of it.
Going on 5 years since fitness trainer, Missy Bevers was murdered by a person wearing swat gear. Her killer has yet to be found.

Tricia is wanting the Missy Bevers discussion reopened with a view to going back to the very beginning with fresh eyes.

Please continue discussion here. Remember that rumors are absolutely not allowed, and in all other respects keep your posts in line with TOS.
Will take this top page opportunity to present my opinions.

I believe the intruder was a local or semi-local person playing pretend. Probably alone in their head but it might be worth researching organized events from the time.

I believe the intruder was just as bumbling as they appear in the released video. I don't think they had any plan at all in mind and were wandering aimlessly and I think they chose the church because it was convenient - although them being an "angry atheist" is a possibility.

I think Missy and the intruder surprised one another and the police costume caused the power dynamic to go from the intruder initially over to Missy when she realized this was not a police officer and was, in fact, someone weak enough she felt she might verbally and/or physically confront him and that shift of the power dynamic from our <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING> over to Missy made them angry AND desperate enough to kill

I think afterward they fled home and destroyed every bit of their costume, never again to prowl - but I think their parent might have noticed a big shift in their behavior coincidental with the murder

Despite giving up prowling, I think this person still is heavily into pretend/fantasy type stuff that makes them feel more powerful than they are
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The "wanna-be" ideas make sense (maybe wanting to be a game player, maybe wanting to be a real police officer, maybe just wanting to have a life).

In any event, this is with 100% certainty a <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING> Total failure in life - they have given their life up to be a botched burglar, violent <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING> They can never escape the reality of what they have done, and they now have to spend the rest of their life hiding who they are at all costs. Their life is gone, and they have exchanged their whole life, and the life to come, for that losership.
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If you are hinting at why not just leave since there wasn't anything stolen and the odds at finding something to steal would take more time and effort than its worth then I see the point. Some property damage isn't a big deal in the scheme of things or the context rather in this scenario with this individual. I understand the perspective that some posters have suggested that the perp was surprised thats why it happened. IMO the only way Missy could really identify this individual was by their height. That's the only thing that's really visible. Other things like gait walk style limp can all be made up. So this individual could have just left and just fired a shot and Missy would stop pursuing if that's what happened. So like I said before this to me seems more than just an attempted burglary gone wrong.
I wasn't hinting at anything at that point, just wondering.
I know that there are many circumstances to consider in this case (known and unknown publicly), but I was curious about the outcome the simple failed burglary.
In scenario that perp would be caught by someone while trying to burglarize the church, and either run away (but ended up recognised and caught) or just gave up and politely waited for the cops to arrive.
What kind of penalty could the person expect for that: anything serious (like three years prison or more) or most likely nothing serious (so penalty lighter than few months)?

" IMO the only way Missy could really identify this individual was by their height."
If there is no surveillance then we can't be really sure if the perp still had his helmet on and closed at the time Missy got in. She could be able to see much more than we can guess, and it might be not totally out of the range of possibility that perp tried to talk their way out of it and had distinctive voice, or had a voice that was known to her.

1 LE didn't say any of that, or anything like it, in the affidavit. All they said was that maybe some of it COULD have happened. Not that any of it did.

They are just making up things that who knows, what if, you never know, please give us everyone's phone-text=data records so we can see if there's anything to be found.

2 For those who have forgotten, LE said they have no video of the murder, or anything after the murder. From the time that MB disappears from view heading up the westside hallway, after that it's all unseen.
As for that - before I was just theorising, cause I don't believe that it's that far fetched as a possibility that video recording of this murder could exist at some point.
Maybe not by phone, but there is no shortage of little cameras attachable to the helmets. Some big enough to tell if suspect is wearing one even with this video quality, others are much smaller.
Most likely the perp didn't have one, but IMO this possibility is much more likely than to require making things up.
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Whether they were "required" to make up such speculative ideas (of the involvement of phones, cams, pictures, etc by perp) or not, my point was that indeed in this context LE did make them up out of mere possibility, what-if, who knows, maybe, could be, you-never-can-tell, these-things sometimes-happen, speculation. There was no actual evidence at all mentioned of such things actually being seen or found.
It's beyond me to even try to read through all these threads but I'd love to know if any person working in security and with surveillance ever gave their insight about the video from the gun store parking lot - and I don't mean that specific store or even that area.

I tried to find an answer but failed - was that surveillance from the store checked as far back as possible to check if this specific model of a car was seen there before?
And - no matter if the answer here is yes or no - what about other nights: did it happen at least once in available history of this parking lot that someone was driving and messing with their lights in such unusual way?
What are thoughts of people who worked at security and looked at surveillance for years?
Is that like "oh, that's hella suspicious, I never saw anything like that in my life" or like "oh yeah, I saw something like that couple times"?

I used to think that store is in some significant distance from the church, not that it's just across the road and clearly visible. I know that there is significant time gap so it could be nothing, but it was unusual enough to end up in media. But exactly how unusual on 1 to 10 scale - two or nine?
To my knowledge the driver never came forward.
So... not a local? But why would they act like that? Not taking any stops, not really looking like they're checking if car is working properly, its more like they're checking how this car is working.
Some kid with no licence who take advantage of their parents sleeping and sneaked out to drive around?
That would suggest that car was taken from somewhere in the area, pretty sure all registered were checked.

Would police ask about owners alibi only? Would they also asked about the, excuse me but - car's alibi? Maybe the owner slept soundly for the whole night while someone got access to their keyes and decided to use it in burglary: taking the car early night, checking it out on the nearby parking lot, then going for a ride to build up the courage (get the outfit) and then came back to try to rob the church?
It's beyond me to even try to read through all these threads but I'd love to know if any person working in security and with surveillance ever gave their insight about the video from the gun store parking lot - and I don't mean that specific store or even that area.

I tried to find an answer but failed - was that surveillance from the store checked as far back as possible to check if this specific model of a car was seen there before?
And - no matter if the answer here is yes or no - what about other nights: did it happen at least once in available history of this parking lot that someone was driving and messing with their lights in such unusual way?
What are thoughts of people who worked at security and looked at surveillance for years?
Is that like "oh, that's hella suspicious, I never saw anything like that in my life" or like "oh yeah, I saw something like that couple times"?

I used to think that store is in some significant distance from the church, not that it's just across the road and clearly visible. I know that there is significant time gap so it could be nothing, but it was unusual enough to end up in media. But exactly how unusual on 1 to 10 scale - two or nine?
View attachment 360769
To my knowledge the driver never came forward.
So... not a local? But why would they act like that? Not taking any stops, not really looking like they're checking if car is working properly, its more like they're checking how this car is working.
Some kid with no licence who take advantage of their parents sleeping and sneaked out to drive around?
That would suggest that car was taken from somewhere in the area, pretty sure all registered were checked.

Would police ask about owners alibi only? Would they also asked about the, excuse me but - car's alibi? Maybe the owner slept soundly for the whole night while someone got access to their keyes and decided to use it in burglary: taking the car early night, checking it out on the nearby parking lot, then going for a ride to build up the courage (get the outfit) and then came back to try to rob the church?
Or perhaps another possibility..and this has been mentioned before..that the drive thru and park was nothing more than a quickie after bar closings. The time was right. And maybe no one fessed up because they didn't want to be caught...um with their pants down. Especially if it was someone married. Jmo
I used to think that store is in some significant distance from the church, not that it's just across the road and clearly visible.
The SWFA is .4 miles, about 2112 ft (corrected)from the church. Driving distance is longer because a barrier forces a U-turn to get to the driveway(s).
Across the street from the church looks to be a business called Firefly Gardens. I measured from the driveway across the street from the church, to SWFA to get an exact measurement.
I did see a video where you could kind of see headlights at night that would be near the church, from the SWFA parking lot. There is a street view that looks like you can make out a (the church) building if you are in the roadway near the SWFA driveway, in the daylight.
edit to correct mileage
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Or perhaps another possibility..and this has been mentioned before..that the drive thru and park was nothing more than a quickie after bar closings. The time was right. And maybe no one fessed up because they didn't want to be caught...um with their pants down. Especially if it was someone married. Jmo
Should be easy to estimate the likelyness of that by looking into the other surveillance at the time.
The SWFA is .04 miles, or 211 ft, from the church. Driving distance is longer because a barrier forces a U-turn to get to the driveway(s).
Across the street from the church looks to be a business called Firefly Gardens. I measured from the driveway across the street from the church, to SWFA to get an exact measurement.
I did see a video where you could kind of see headlights at night that would be near the church, from the SWFA parking lot. There is a street view that looks like you can make out a (the church) building if you are in the roadway near the SWFA driveway, in the daylight.
The screen I pasted before was from this clip. They're showing the view from one of the store's window.
The screen I pasted before was from this clip. They're showing the view from one of the store's window.
My post was incorrect for the distance and I fixed it. I think the view from an upstairs window, being zoomed in like that, is giving a misleading view of the distance. You can go up and down the roadway via Streetview to get a better idea of the layout. It's across the street yes, 4/10's of a mile down the road. It's not my opinion, you can see it for yourself. I'm not thinking it's important if it's directly across the street or not.
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The church looks massive and clear and really close to SWFA in broad daylight on a clear day from high up with a zoom lens. In real time and from where the car was circling and parked, not so much.

That night was even worse conditions. There was heavy dark black cloud cover with a layer of massive rain. It was effectively moonless - the moon was nearing the western horizon, and invisible through the rain coming down and the rain clouds. And the view from the car (whatever it was) was at ground level.

If you watch the SWFA video of the car at night, no church is visible from what I have seen. And that video does have a much higher, cleaner viewing angle than a car would have. In it, vehicles heading up the highway in the church's direction are a light going through and into the blackness until swallowed up. Church? What church? Just blackness.

NSF's suggestion to use the Google Maps streetview is excellent for obtaining some perspective, if you really want to know. If you start at SWFA driveway and go NW on Hwy 287, with images taken in broad daylight, you see how distant and relatively small the church looks from SWFA at road level. In the SWFA parking lot, it's even a bit lower and there are trees to impede the view too. There's nothing to see from there, folks.

Will take this top page opportunity to present my opinions.

I believe the intruder was a local or semi-local person playing pretend. Probably alone in their head but it might be worth researching organized events from the time.

I believe the intruder was just as bumbling as they appear in the released video. I don't think they had any plan at all in mind and were wandering aimlessly and I think they chose the church because it was convenient - although them being an "angry atheist" is a possibility.

I think Missy and the intruder surprised one another and the police costume caused the power dynamic to go from the intruder initially over to Missy when she realized this was not a police officer and was, in fact, someone weak enough she felt she might verbally and/or physically confront him and that shift of the power dynamic from our <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING> over to Missy made them angry AND desperate enough to kill

I think afterward they fled home and destroyed every bit of their costume, never again to prowl - but I think their parent might have noticed a big shift in their behavior coincidental with the murder

Despite giving up prowling, I think this person still is heavily into pretend/fantasy type stuff that makes them feel more powerful than they are
Your scenario is plausible. If true, I think it points to someone who lives very close.

However, I still think attempted theft of the collections has to be considered a possible motive considering that the crime occurred on a Monday morning. A prospective thief might have assumed that the church wouldn't be able to deposit the collections until the bank opened on Monday. These modern churches are run like big businesses, but a smaller church might simply leave the Sunday collections locked in a drawer or safe until Monday morning. (This is probably no longer true, but where I grew up, churches—or at least some churches—never locked the main doors. I guess they wanted people to be able to go in to pray at any time. I'm sure the offices were locked, but those churches probably would have been easy pickings for a thief.)

The SWAT gear definitely seems to have a role-playing vibe to it. I've even considered that this perp was getting off on thinking that people would see the footage from the video cameras and think that a cop had burglarized the church—so maybe it was someone who tried to become a cop and was rejected because of the psych evaluation.
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The church looks massive and clear and really close to SWFA in broad daylight on a clear day from high up with a zoom lens. In real time and from where the car was circling and parked, not so much.

That night was even worse conditions. There was heavy dark black cloud cover with a layer of massive rain. It was effectively moonless - the moon was nearing the western horizon, and invisible through the rain coming down and the rain clouds. And the view from the car (whatever it was) was at ground level.

If you watch the SWFA video of the car at night, no church is visible from what I have seen. And that video does have a much higher, cleaner viewing angle than a car would have. In it, vehicles heading up the highway in the church's direction are a light going through and into the blackness until swallowed up. Church? What church? Just blackness.

NSF's suggestion to use the Google Maps streetview is excellent for obtaining some perspective, if you really want to know. If you start at SWFA driveway and go NW on Hwy 287, with images taken in broad daylight, you see how distant and relatively small the church looks from SWFA at road level. In the SWFA parking lot, it's even a bit lower and there are trees to impede the view too. There's nothing to see from there, folks.
No, no, I wasn't thinking about perp possibly watching the church from SWFA parking lot - at least not on that day.
But I was under impression that it's quite a distance between those two parking lots, and it's not. It's pretty close but still, reasonable distance.

Of course I am thinking about this theory that driver of that car may be Missy's killer. But I don't think about staring at the church's parking lot to see if cops will show up, cause from where it'd be clearly visible for the driver, it's be also clearly visible for cops.
It is far fetched, but it's the closest convenient spot to waste few minutes. I'd imagine cosplay-cop-unexperienced burglar to need a moment to think about this burglary sometime before. There is no other place around from where it could be possible to stare at the church without being suspicious.

And on that night - I believe that the theory was that perp could try to break into the church much earlier to check if cops will show up.
Those cops would most likely arrive from the opposite direction than SWFA parking is.
Not sure what the time of response would be, but I imagine something between 5 and 15 minutes.
So, trying to break in, getting back into their vehicle would take few minutes.
Driving to the SWFA like a minute.
Few minutes there and going back and driving next to the church to see if cops are there or not. Maybe turning back again at some other spot to make sure that they weren't still there and haven't show up in like 30 mins.

It's not like cops would spend like 30 seconds near the church and leave just cause they haven't spotted any vehicles parked there. They'd go out and check what's going on and didn't try to hide their vehicle. If alarm would be triggered, cop car would be available to see for at least few minutes from the road.
Occams Razor.

Nothing was stolen so IMO this was not a burglary.
The PERP tried hard to make this appear to be a burglary.

Why did PERP arrive shortly before Missy arrived there?
Has the church been burgled before or after this date. Why this date?
Why would a burglar who attempted to steal nothing then commit a violent homicide with "overkill"?
Were they being paid to make sure Missy died?
Did they hate Missy because of a personal relationship that she had with someone?

IMO a POI arranged this murder and made sure they were a long way away from the crime scene and had a good alibi.

Police need evidence to charge someone and they don't appear to have evidence, only suspicions IMO.
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