TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #12

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The whole LinkedIn thing makes me think this is CG related. Who uses LinkedIn except people who need to network? Especially MLM ones? I never used LinkedIn, but I'm old and retired so maybe it caught on after I retired. Maybe it's the new Facebook for working people. Do regular 9-5 working people have LinkedIn? Sorry to be old but I don't think LinkedIn is used by the average blue collar Joe/Jill or secretary. Or old people.
Someone mentioned it a couple of days ago that possibly if someone thinks their spouse/partner of possibly cheating you would check out their FB page and email accounts. What spouse would think to look at their spouses Linkedin account for cheating clues.
Hey guys/gals,

Let's agree to disagree and move on re: the phones. There's no need to be snarky about it.

The other thing is BB's Business is off limits. No sleuthing it please. This was mentioned a couple of threads back.

I drove to the church in Midlothian today & back through Mansfield just to try & get a feel of what the killer may have done with evidence, etc. I was really surprised at how much traffic there is on Hwy 287 - it was bustling for sure. I was almost afraid to get out of my car at the culvert areas for fear I'd be run over. I know there would be probably be much fewer cars on the road at 4 in the morning though. But, the county/state were mowing on both sides of the highway today & were almost done, so I think they would have probably spotted any evidence that might have just been tossed off the side of the road. And I stopped at a couple of the culvert areas & the culvert/drainage ditch was much larger/deeper than it appeared on Google and was very steep and the ground was extremely muddy - there were deep tracks/ruts where I could tell the mowers had gotten stuck so I wasn't able to look closer into the ditches/culverts. I did see a lot of debris - like empty trash/plastic bags, a dead snake, produce trays, tires, bricks, rocks, etc. There is however a Whataburger not far down the road from the church and in the corner of their parking lot is a concrete enclosed area for their big dumpster. It would be easy for someone to whip in, walk inside that concrete enclosure & dispose of evidence in their dumpster.

If the perp knew her every move and exact schedule, looks like he/she would have picked a time when BB, and even RB would be in town to cast more of a doubt on those closest to her with a motive. Odd that the perp would choose a time when those with a motive would be out of state. MOO

this is why im thinking a hit for hire by husband or someone very close. hitman was a friend to hubby, ala the scievers case with MS hired CWW and JR
I feel like BB and grandpa B genuinely talk to cameras cuz they want to keep this in the press to help police arrest the killer.

I feel grandma B (not step grandama...) knows and is talking to a woman (boots too big for ya) who's a mother (when police come for you Sounds like Missy's head and upper chest were smashed with that big hammer. when i put 2 plus 2 my guess is this woman killer is someone who takes great pride and pains and care with her own appearance.

i don't think the killer was dumb enuf to bring her fone along

since its a woman seems so thoroughly planned - killer looks so relaxed and confident - killer had to have stalked Missy and knew all Missy's habits down to how often she flossed her teeth and when - i am thinkin this way

I agree. I think this was definitely a woman and I think she did stalk missy. I personally believe she would be the "resentful stalker" type and I think she sent the LinkedIn messages on purpose to distress Missy. I wouldn't be suprised if this person had previously made herself known to Missy in an intimidating manner. I think the timing of the LinkedIn messages and her trip to Austin is significant, and I think in this person's mind they felt totally justified in killing Missy, I think she wanted to terrorize her.
At the moment I think there are 3 possible POI

Local and married to a trainer who has same type of clothing worn in the video.
Has an injured foot that causes a limp.
Her husband was close to MB, whether affair or just too close.
Possible PPD which can cause outrageous behavior
Could see her making fake LinkedIn to scare MB away from AT

BUT...how did she leave her kids that early in the morning and before AT left for his classes? Did he spend the night elsewhere as that was the day April 17th that both he and Missy arrived back from Austin. Could a woman be so comfortable with the vicious nature of this crime?

CW-Motive Anger/Fear/Jealousy
Did he attend Austin camp and get rejected by MB in person?
Did he see closeness between Missy and AT or someone else
Was he racist and that angered him more?
He has military background
Did MB threaten to tell his wife if he didn't back off?
Could have created fake LinkedIn to scare her and seek his protection

But...does he have a rock solid alibi for April 18th? And, did he just go to CC cold and figure out the layout prior to MB showing up?

RB-motive BB can't afford divorce, insurance money (?) and peace for his son

knows about MB affairs
MB not caring for son & family now that she is working
MB out all the time flirting etc making BB look bad
BB running out of $
BB wants a fresh start
BB can't afford divorce as he has been sole bread winner and will likely lose a lot to alimony and child support in divorce
BB health issues make RB want to help more
RB has very similar gait to perp
RB likely has rock tools similar to one in video (calls himself 'rock hound' on Facebook)
RB is a facilities manager and in charge of buildings/access at his current job
It appeared that someone told him which door AV equipment was behind and he seemed surprised/BB is the AV guy in his church and may have been in this one or had knowledge of the layout

But....does he have a solid alibi? Where did he get the gear? VB must be a witness and BB accomplice if true.

All three appear to be similar heights. All 3 are very white and I can picture their eyes in that blown up picture that someone posted earlier. Who did this?

All my opinoin based on the info we have.
Ok, so I asked hubby (who does masonry/construction) a few things.

First, when perp first gets into church and tries the second door, IDK if we established it is a hammer and crowbar. You can see where he does the “tap tap” on the crowbar with the hammer.

Next, in the picture I included, hubby thinks he is definitely holding some sort of brick/masonry handle. Someone mentioned this before as well. These also have much shorter handles than a regular hammer. If it were a regular hammer, he would be holding it much lower on the handle and not so close to the head, and it would appear much longer (the handle).


The way he swings the hammer at the end (at the drywall). Hubby says he looks like he has experience with hammers/construction. The way he stands back and swings more with his wrist and lets the hammer do the work. Hubby said it took him a while to relearn that way of using a hammer, once he learned it.

Also, has anyone mentioned the business Mobile Crete, a Concrete and Gunite business that RB is Facility Manager of and VB is Admin. Assistant? http://mobilecretetx.com/cuero/

The tools your husband point out could be used by one in outdoor living construction services such as patios and or concrete......................... Interesting and not because it has anything to do with RB or BB.
Breck80, did BB have outpatient surgery? I thought he had an outpatient procedure, which probably wasn't surgery, IMO. BB likes to expound on his "poor health" so I think if it would have been an actual surgery, he would have used that word?

I concluded that from his social media posts that BB had a colonoscopy, which is considered a surgery. It's invasive and also requires prep and anesthesia.
Someone mentioned it a couple of days ago that possibly if someone thinks their spouse/partner of possibly cheating you would check out their FB page and email accounts. What spouse would think to look at their spouses Linkedin account for cheating clues.

First post, had to comment.
I was cheated on and found conversations in my partners Linkedin private messages thst were not work related (cough, cough). He had his phone and iPad unlocked, like Missy did to gain back my trust. I could see text messages and Facebook stuff, but he didn't think I would check LinkedIn. I also created a fake LinkedIn account to check out the gal he was messaging with as well. The LinkedIn stuff doesn't surprise me at all.

Great at board and posters by the way!
I have wondered if the perp was monitoring or even participating on WS on a few cases. I would guess it highly possible.

that is an intriguing theory. if this was a hit, they could have got the idea from the seivers case.
I concluded that from his social media posts that BB had a colonoscopy, which is considered a surgery. It's invasive and also requires prep and anesthesia.

Respectfully it is not a surgery. It is an invasive procedure. Anesthesia does not make it a surgery.
This LinkedIn thing is completely new to me! WoW who would have thought?
Elle, thank you for understanding my post! I wrote a theory but when I went to post, a new thread had been created.

And I am tagging this on to you unfairly so I will shorten my new theory considerably:

This was a hit. Just not a professional one. There were 2 perp's Involved: SwatPerp(SP) and Perp#2.

Perp2 stayed out of the camera range after dropping Swatperp at the kitchen door via car. This allowed SP to stay dry before entering the kitchen. Perp 2 headed around back to damage
the back doors, all out of camera view to give the break-in more authenticity. (Because that took some real strength.) Perp 2 knew there were no cameras outside.

Perp2 has instructed SP to make things look like a burglary inside and where to find some tools.

Perp 2 says he/she will warn SP
when it's time to hide in the sanctuary via their mikes. Perp2 knows eactly when and where the Victim will enter.

When Victim enters and goes into the Sanctuary holding a tub of stuff, she is taken by suprise because of the dark. SP does what she and Perp 2 agreed to.

After, SP wipes feet on the carpeted floor he/she leaves all the church tools there (as there is no way they can be traced back) and relays to Perp 2 to meet at the side door. Perp 2 is waiting with the car and they speed off because first he has to drop SP at his/her car that they stashed along the way so Perp 2 can get to work on time.

An abbreviated version (thankfully for you all). I will remain quiet for the rest of the

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Seriously, that was good
that is an intriguing theory. if this was a hit, they could have got the idea from the seivers case.

Well I want full disclosure if that is determined! :doorhide:
How far was AJT's class from the murder site? Would it be close enough to ping from the same cell tower?
Someone mentioned it a couple of days ago that possibly if someone thinks their spouse/partner of possibly cheating you would check out their FB page and email accounts. What spouse would think to look at their spouses Linkedin account for cheating clues.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say! Thank you DaleTray! And to add to checking out FB and email - also phones. But LinkedIn for hanky panky? Unless LinkedIn is just part of the couple's lives. Which, as an old person, makes me think a younger couple who were both invested in business-networking had LinkedIn, and it was used on a regular basis to network and drum up clients.
Previous thread (I can't quote from closed) mentioned a hit may not involve payment by money well that got me thinking. How about payment by (not destroyed) weapons? Some of us keep feeling the 2 cases may be linked. :thinking:

Totally agree.
Here’s my theory, if anyone wants to give me feedback I’d appreciate it!

• I believe the suspect had a key to the church (either taken from Missy and copied, or another resource). I don’t think Missy would have gone into the church had the door been obviously broken into. I also think the window screen next to the entry/exit door was bent by suspect on the way out to help with the appearance of a burglary gone wrong.

• Suspect expected to be able to shut off cameras. He comes in semi-relaxed body language, seems like he is counting distance (like he’d looked at blueprints or had been there before) to when he gets to the first door.

• Opens the first door, stops and stares, almost confused (he was expecting AV room).

• Mild internal panic as he goes door to door, looking for AV room. Body language slightly more rushed? I think he realizes at this point that he might not be able to cut the cameras off, so anything after this point could be done as a distraction/to throw people off.

• Suspect almost walks right by the double doors (the doors with the ones that half-open horizontally). It’s almost as if he realizes he better look in all of the rooms so that it looks like a burglary, so he almost goes by it, but then stops and looks in. (If he’s looking for the AV room, it would be a single door, no reason to look in double doors).

• End of video – hitting hammer at wall. I think he was getting desperate to find the AV room to destroy video evidence. I think he couldn’t pry open one of the doors, maybe more security on it if it is the AV room, so he was trying to put a hole in the wall to either: open it from inside, or look inside and see if it is the AV room. Or there was a camera above where he was putting a hole in the wall, and he intended to try to cut electrical lines from the camera.

• The way he swings the hammer at the end (at the drywall). Hubby says he looks like he has experience with hammers/construction. The way he stands back and swings more with his wrist and lets the hammer do the work. Hubby said it took him a while to relearn that way of using a hammer, once he learned it. This is one of the reasons I believe the suspect is a male.

BB also mentioned he used to work at churches and work on their AV equipment.

RB works with concrete – explains why he would have a brick/masonry hammer.

I believe suspect to be either BB, RB, paid family member or paid hit.
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