TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #14

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MOO The relevant search warrants were sealed. The " target numbers" we can see are irrelevant but something that LE had to check into to be thorough. No new press releases or pleas to the public says to me that LE no longer needs the public's help. They've already identified the perp(s) & any accomplices IMO. I think when an arrest is finally made we will understand why it wasn't days after the murder. Until then, try to keep an open mind that there are likely very innocent people whose name and reputation has been picked apart. These people are screwed if they stay silent and screwed if they speak to the media....they just can't win in the "court of public opinion." Choose your words wisely when "speculating".
Is it just me, or did CT delete a lot of posts off of her FaceBook page?


i don't know if the husband and his parents are involved in any way, but the way they are behaving and speaking to the media is not helping them. It's not like this is a missing person case where there's a strong need for sustained media interest. The police have engaged the public and requested tips. There's not much for the family to add - if they had hired attorneys, the attorneys would be telling them to zip it with the media.
When someone is murdered, does their life automatically become an open book? I've been trying to understand why it was necessary to make suspected affairs and financial difficulties known to the public. There is no known motive or suspect other than speculation, so why would such personal information be revealed? Can anyone help me understand this. Thanks.
Who in the family wears a XXL female? The trash would have been a mistake as LE was trash snooping. I've heard several shirts were taken in. I'm sure a dog fight soiled two of them , but what about that XXL? Hmmm.

RB's wife looks like that's about her size.
Newbie here.. I've read the posts and haven't noticed anyone mentioning that the person in the video walks similarly to the FIL. I hope this isn't breaking any rules.

Yes, that has been mentioned many, many, many times. No offense. He was out of state with an alibi the police can easily confirm. Also, he has very protuberant abdominal fat, whereas the perp did not.
Interesting! Almost as if he was trying to explain the actions of the perp before those actions had even been released. Nice catch!

Story-telling breakdown according to statement analysis experts:
Truthful = 25% before / 50% / 25% after
Deceptive = 35% before / 50% / 15% after
I have been watching "If loving you is wrong". One of the main story lines is about a couple with 2 children living a perfect life. Then the husband discovers his wife is having an affair with the man next door. He's devastated. Had no clue. He's consumed with questions about how this could happen. He's wondered about everything his wife has said and done over the last couple of years. I see BB here. Was the last 10 months of the "I love you texts" to make me unsuspicious? Were those times she wasn't where she was supposed to be because she was with him? His mind has to be racing with all the questions. On top of this LE suspects an affair might be the reason she was murdered. I'll cut him all kinds of slack in front of the cameras.
When someone is murdered, does their life automatically become an open book? I've been trying to understand why it was necessary to make suspected affairs and financial difficulties known to the public. There is no known motive or suspect other than speculation, so why would such personal information be revealed? Can anyone help me understand this. Thanks.
Because it could point to motive.

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When someone is murdered, does their life automatically become an open book? I've been trying to understand why it was necessary to make suspected affairs and financial difficulties known to the public. There is no known motive or suspect other than speculation, so why would such personal information be revealed? Can anyone help me understand this. Thanks.

LE knows more than we know and there's probably a reason that they do what they did, like seeing how those they're watching respond to this being publicized.
When someone is murdered, does their life automatically become an open book? I've been trying to understand why it was necessary to make suspected affairs and financial difficulties known to the public. There is no known motive or suspect other than speculation, so why would such personal information be revealed? Can anyone help me understand this. Thanks.

Here's what I think....Regrettably, when SWs become public record (sans a gag-order), all details are out there. For example only (please note,example before I'm lynched, LOL), in order to issue a SW on a bank, a judge requires justifiable cause. A good enough reason to as to why court orders may eventually be imposed on these institutions (cell companies,banks etc).

In order to further inquiries, LE may need to see all bank transaction details. Ditto marital issues: cell phone records for a timeline. This is tragic as we the public (and I'm the worst) pull apart every word! We strip a lamb and build an elephant. All basically b/c it's public record.
None taken! Thank you- still learning the navigation and missed the alibi info. His walk stuck in my head.
Is it just me, or did CT delete a lot of posts off of her FaceBook page?

Yes, I noticed that this morning. Some of her pics are gone, too. Can't say I blame her. I'm really surprised she didn't lock down her page as soon as the SWs were released.
Respectfully, there may be at least a few locals who do have a vested interest in leading public opinion or the investigation down a wrong path. They may or may not be reading or even posting in here. And since the locals posting in here are not "verified" (at least none that I've seen), we should consider that we don't really know who is posting in here or what their actual motive for posting is. Though, like you, I'd want to assume it's 100% purely about seeking justice for Missy.

None taken! Thank you- still learning the navigation and missed the alibi info. His walk stuck in my head.

Poster said that the alibis CAN be confirmed, but they have not been confirmed publicly...............JMO.................so we don't know if the alibis are true or not.
One thing that he said in the very beginning that stuck with me was his long explanation as to why she wasn't targeted. He gave this long explanation about church AV equipment being the reason and then only as an afterthought did he very briefly mention Sunday collections. Ever since then I've wondered what - if anything - was done to the external cameras as well as what was done inside besides breaking windows. In the video that was released we don't see anything with AV equipment and this was before he handed over his receipts, so I don't see that he would have been privy to insider information as his comment seemed very much out of left field. In the other church burglary cases that have been posted here I don't recall seeing the perps trying to steal AV equipment but instead were after cash (Sunday collections or other cash piles) and the prior Creekside major theft wasn't over AV equipment, so I would like to know where that came from and if it ties to the activities to the perp in this case.

Another thing I thought odd about something from the beginning - how the MIL commented that BB told MB the day before the killing that MB needs to be careful. To me, leading a workout class at a church at some ungodly early morning hour isn't really risky behavior. I had a job where I had to make house-calls and do after-hours work with clients there but with no other employees around. My loved ones voiced their concern for my safety when I first started, but it wasn't an on-going discussion.


If BB and/or his family are completely innocent, I do feel bad for this potentially harmful speculation. However, some of their statements are just so obtuse and difficult to comprehend if they are coming from a place of complete innocence.
Is it just me, or did CT delete a lot of posts off of her FaceBook page?

I'm pretty sure she just changed settings to Private. You can still see Profile or Cover Photos under "Private" unless you mark to hide those too. I have mine set on Private as well and noticed that when I did my settings. I don't think she deleted anything, she just changed it from Public to Private.
Thanks for this :) Yes, yes, his travel plans may indeed played out that way; it could be that simple. IMO (and I am sure many), his 3 little girls had their darling mommy bludgeoned to death. This was an over-emergency. His family could have stepped in. when my SO collapsed I raced to the airport and left my car, flew 2 hours home. traffic was not on my mind; I had this noise inside of me until I sprang off that plane. Granted "we all react differently". But not when kids are involved. Let's give him the benefit of the quarrel, here.

Be that as it may, I was personally aghast, if not astonished, at his taking the time to post a pic of the Biloxi hotel & location as if it was a back-packers jaunt through his gap year. Hello? His wife had just been murdered. His little girls sans mommy and daddy. WHY the need for the hotel pic? Why? For what purpose? Unusual and curious.

It is a hinkey-meter trigger. Gather together all the little triggers (to date) and zoom out. Odd. Unusual. In fact quite his actions are questionable which is exactly why such actions and reactions are being questioned. (Not getting at you, I'm perplexed at his apparent oblivion to all that is at stake here. Astounding.)

By posting the pic, was he "proving" his alibi?? Weird, agree.
Reading all your wonderful WS thoughts made me realize why BB sets off my hinky meter. You are all familiar with Freudian slips? How the criminals always slip up by making some remark(s) that reveal their real thoughts or knowledge of the crime, implicating themselves? I thought BB's comment about no insurance for counseling for the girls was beyond weird... Is it that while he talks about medical insurance he has really been thinking about life insurance? Even WS posters had some clarifying discussion that he was talking about medical insurance. But he is thinking about MONEY, and where to get it, like from life insurance - he doesn't need medical insurance to provide the counseling: just pay cash, get a second mortgage, sell a truck, use a credit card, free victim or church help. Without a clear death certificate and with an unsolved murder, life insurance companies often will not pay. Other WS are more knowledgable about insurance intricacies, but I think that much of what BB says publically contains Freudian slips about what is really on his mind. I don't think he cares about the lack of medical insurance or counseling for the girls - he did not express anything about how the girls are so upset, they need help - to me, he is thinking about getting that life insurance money perhaps believing that it will solve all his problems. JMO

Thank you for your perspective. Great point of view.
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