TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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But surely BB would know if finances were the reason she stopped going...?

ETA: and I would think as the manager, Marc would know this as well!

Has someone said that BB didn't know MB had stopped going? I may have missed it but I'm not aware of him stating that the gym absence was a surprise to him. And anyway, he wouldn't necessarily know that she wasn't going, or why, since indications are that their relationship was strained.

As for the gym manager, he certainly would have the capability of knowing if she was still a member or not. But that doesn't mean that he looked it up. Or he might know and yet didn't feel comfortable stating publicly whether she was or wasn't a member at the time of death, since that's private information.
:silly: more thoughts - [B]it's long so scroll past me[/B], <modsnip> :peace:

&#8220;More reserved than usual&#8221; - had a lot on her mind: husband's chronic pain and upcoming surgery, her own trip away from home and kidlets for three days, making arrangements for who will be staying with them, grocery shopping, packing, her CG business, travel and lodging arrangements, all the usual day-to-day life plus these extras. Having a colonoscopy, if that's what the surgery was, isn't a slam dunk as things can and do happen during the procedure AND there's the worry of what the results will show.

Why take a burner phone to a murder? For emergencies. Seriously. We now know that disposable phones aren't anonymous and untraceable, but it's new to me and possibly the killer, too. I can see someone using the burner to call and check on kids or parents, call for help if your car breaks down or you have a problem (that's a whole other problem - having to explain why you are where you are at that time and maybe why you're dressed like a ninja turtle) but I can absolutely understand not wanting to be without a way to call for help if needed. But, that's me.

I don't believe bringing the burner phone is solely to communicate with an accomplice, although it certainly could be. If it was a thrill kill kind of thing and you wanted to share with buddies, etc.
I think the testing is a lot more difficult than people are assuming. The receipt says that they attempted to treat the stain before bringing it to the drycleaners. It might have just been rinsed, hydrogen peroxide, a stain stick might have been used, etc. I don't think it was just a shirt covered in fresh blood that could easily be stuck under a microscope.

Why on Earth would they take a bloody garment to be cleaned right after a family crime??
Fwiw: An immediate soak in cold water for 24 hours removes all blood. ( all that's visible to the eye anyways)
My mom is a STAINIAC and taught us well....:)
"The Perp is so confident appearing - almost cocky! Very prepared. Almost like routine. How did they know no alarm system, MB would be alone, campers wouldn't come early????[/QUOTE]

Yes!!! This!!!^^^ those questions....I keep asking over and over!

So very risky....was it by chance, dumb immature person breaking into church that was caught off guard by MB or someone in MB's circle.
However that would only really work if she thought it wasn't targeted but instead was something like an interrupted burglary, but she's been saying it was targeted.

Why do you say that? I think she could have made the same statement even believing MB was targeted. Because someone could want MB dead but not have the means and opportunity to do it. It appears that MB had an incredibly busy life and didn't appear to be alone much if at all. If a killer is planning her murder, they're not going to do it in such a way where they're likely to get caught. They're going to try to do it in a manner that they can get away with it. So at a church in a rural location at 4 am on a Monday morning, knowing that MB is going to be the first to arrive, and having confirmation on FB the night before that all systems are go -- that gives the perp MB on a silver platter. Take Camp Gladiator away, and the perp wishes MB was dead but can't come up with a good way to make it happen.
Why on Earth would they take a bloody garment to be cleaned right after a family crime??
Fwiw: An immediate soak in cold water for 24 hours removes all blood. ( all that's visible to the eye anyways)
My mom is a STAINIAC and taught us well....:)

Well, why wouldn't they?
The cleaner said someone did try to clean the garment but was not successful
Remember when you were a kid and your parents were having an intense or private discussion, so they closed the door and worked it out between the two of them. And you could hear them talking but only isolated words or mumbling, and couldn't understand what they were saying. You might have even put your ear to the door.

LE is your parents and that's us right now. I don't think we're going to get much for a while. They're chasing a thousand leads, looking at hours of video, spreading the net way wider (down potential routes people could have driven, since now they have some concert names and vehicles) thousands of phone numbers, trying to get someone to trip up or tip their hand or break down. Giving just enough to keep everyone with their ear glued to the door.

I'm going to my room for now and check in later tonight.
Why do you say that? I think she could have made the same statement even believing MB was targeted. Because someone could want MB dead but not have the means and opportunity to do it. It appears that MB had an incredibly busy life and didn't appear to be alone much if at all. If a killer is planning her murder, they're not going to do it in such a way where they're likely to get caught. They're going to try to do it in a manner that they can get away with it. So at a church in a rural location at 4 am on a Monday morning, knowing that MB is going to be the first to arrive, and having confirmation on FB the night before that all systems are go -- that gives the perp MB on a silver platter. Take Camp Gladiator away, and the perp wishes MB was dead but can't come up with a good way to make it happen.

The reason she was busy was because she was working. If you take her job away, then she goes back to being a stay-at-home mom like she was for years prior to becoming a trainer.
"The Perp is so confident appearing - almost cocky! Very prepared. Almost like routine. How did they know no alarm system, MB would be alone, campers wouldn't come early????

Yes!!! This!!!^^^ those questions....I keep asking over and over!

So very risky....was it by chance, dumb immature person breaking into church that was caught off guard by MB or someone in MB's circle.[/QUOTE]

Was arriving so incredibly early MB's usual plan? perhaps killer was texting MB, pretending to be someone else, arranging a rendevous (perhaps spouse of cheater, pretending to be the cheater arranging a hook up) and this is why killer knew MB would be there early and knew because it was so early, others not likely to be there. Perhaps killer intended to just frighten MB but things got out of hand? All JMO....
The fact that a burner phone may be in play here keeps sticking out to me. Why do you even need a phone at all? If a burner phone is in fact in play then it obviously means atleast 2 people know what happen that morning. If there is just 1 single perp then there is no reason to contact anybody or have a burner phone. Did they need to call for a ride or notify someone the deed was "done". Record it or take pics? I just do not see why you would need a burner phone especially if the perp acted alone. IMO

I agree. Maybe the burner phone number is showing up on of of the records of the SW
I want to add my experience when it comes to "burner phones". I purchased this T-Mobile kit from a local Walmart. When checking out, I paid cash and there was no ID required. I activated the SIM card online using the WiFi capabilities of my phone. I could have done this step from anywhere with a WiFi hotspot (McDonalds, Starbucks, etc). No ID was required, no phone calls needed. I add credit to the account each month with prepaid cards. They are available in a number of retail establishments. There is no way to connect me with that SIM card unless they have the video of me purchasing the starter kit at Walmart. LE may be able to determine where the phone originated from the IMEI, but if I bought it off Craigslist for cash, that would probably be impossible. Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
LOL now we all know how to have a secret phone for whatever purpose.

excerpt below from Nancy Grace aired 5/11/16 - http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1605/11/ng.01.html

"LEVITAN: So the carrier registered the phone. They know where and when that phone was activated. And most stores that sell disposable phones do keep a video for 30 days of who bought that phone."

I stated in a thread way back that a professional criminal or hitman would buy phones all over the place, and keep them for a long time before using them, maybe a year or two, because LE would likely not be able to go back and get old video of the purchase even if they knew specifically where and when it was purchased.
video for 30 days of who bought that phone.[/B]" I stated in a thread way back that a professional criminal or hitman would buy phones all over the place, and keep them for a long time before using them, maybe a year or two, because LE would likely not be able to go back and get old video of the purchase even if they knew specifically where and when it was purchased.

Wouldn't be necessary to purchase them in advance, one can get starter kits like crazy on Ebay.
Has anyone thought that maybe the person has a "burner phone" to talk to MB b/c they have a wife who doesn't know that they talk to MB (from that phone that the wife doesn't know they have). If that makes any sense at all. The phone may not be a burner phone in the sense of having it to talk to someone else about the murder like we saw in the Teresa Sievers case. IMO

Hopefully that makes sense.
If MB was having financial difficulties could she have borrowed money from someone ? Were the fitness classes her only source of income ? I think this murder had to do with money. jmo. I thought of the perp as a juvenile based on a few reasons, and some people will use juvenile gang members to do murders. They may not have a record, may not have any prints on file, and may not be tried as an adult. all jmo ( so no links)...
I took her statement to mean that the murder was made possible by the fact that MB was at that place alone at 4 in the morning. If not for CG, she wouldn't have been in that setting and the killer wouldn't have had opportunity.

LOL, that's what I said :D but not as well or as clearly as you!
Has anyone thought that maybe the person has a "burner phone" to talk to MB b/c they have a wife who doesn't know that they talk to MB (from that phone that the wife doesn't know they have). If that makes any sense at all. The phone may not be a burner phone in the sense of having it to talk to someone else about the murder like we saw in the Teresa Sievers case. IMO

Hopefully that makes sense.

YES!!!! And that possibly the wife found out about the "burner phone" and found flirtatious messages on it and was going to put a stop to this affair by acting as the husband, lured MB to the church by texting her for some type of rendezvous before her class started. MB shows up and jealous wife was lying in wait. Hmmmm!
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