TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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I want to add my experience when it comes to "burner phones".

I purchased this T-Mobile kit from a local Walmart. When checking out, I paid cash and there was no ID required.

I activated the SIM card online using the WiFi capabilities of my phone. I could have done this step from anywhere with a WiFi hotspot (McDonalds, Starbucks, etc). No ID was required, no phone calls needed. I add credit to the account each month with prepaid cards. They are available in a number of retail establishments.

There is no way to connect me with that SIM card unless they have the video of me purchasing the starter kit at Walmart.

LE may be able to determine where the phone originated from the IMEI, but if I bought it off Craigslist for cash, that would probably be impossible.

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Can it be traced via the activation back to the phone from which you activated it?

I remember that when I bought mine, it had to be activated through a different phone. Technology evolves so rapidly, my burner phones were from 1.5 and 2 years ago so I'm guessing a lot has changed!
YES!!!! And that possibly the wife found out about the "burner phone" and found flirtatious messages on it and was going to put a stop to this affair by acting as the husband, lured MB to the church by texting her for some type of rendezvous before her class started. MB shows up and jealous wife was lying in wait. Hmmmm!

Just IMO I don't see there being enough time for a redezvous. I would think she would have gotten there earlier for that sort of thing. Then again, who knows, but I just don't see her risking being caught in the act by someone showing up early for the class.
Can it be traced via the activation back to the phone from which you activated it?

I remember that when I bought mine, it had to be activated through a different phone. Technology evolves so rapidly, my burner phones were from 1.5 and 2 years ago so I'm guessing a lot has changed!
The phone doesn't send any obvious identifying info like a serial number/IMEI when visiting a website with a browser. It is possible that someone could narrow down the phone by using browser fingerprinting. That would not lead to a 100% certainty of the specific phone being used. It would also depend on the type of server logs and analytics the website keeps.

ETA: you could also activate it from anywhere with an internet connection. Public library computer, etc... Probably even using TOR. Plenty of untraceable methods to access the internet.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Random Thoughts and Observations (personal opinion as usual) NG transcript of last night

[20:20:06]When you do the cell phone tower dump, not only do you get the phone numbers of the phones that were attached to that cell tower, you also*get the serial number. The serial number can be traced back directly to the store where it was sold. (very interesting to know. In a good way!)

Nancy, behind me is the gym that Missy Bevers worked out at nearly every day for three years before her*murder. And the gym manager tells us that two weeks prior to the murder, Missy really hadn`t been there at all, and she wasn`t acting like herself.*

Bbm: Missy HAD been to the gym at least once during her final two weeks. The use of the word “really” negates the phrase “hadn't been there at all” for me. OR his comment could be understood to mean that he saw her outside of the gym during that same two-week period in order for him to know she was more reserved during that time period.

MIL's statement about Camp Gladiator taking MB's life: could mean that she was killed whileworking there, not necessarily that someone with CG killed her. But, I don't know what she meant, just telling my thought.

Thank you bringing the gym into the discussion. I have thought from thread one it was someone from the gym who was infatuated with her. When a perp gets rejected professionally and personally, that would make anyone freak. I don't think it's someone from CG either. Hopefully, LE is checking or have checked gym memberships and when ppl have come in at the same time as Missy. Perhaps, LE has video from the gym to check on interactions between members.
Just IMO I don't see there being enough time for a redezvous. I would think she would have gotten there earlier for that sort of thing. Then again, who knows, but I just don't see her risking being caught in the act by someone showing up early for the class.

Agree, if we're talking about a romantic/sexual rendezvous. Unlikely that they would roll out of bed feeling sexy and want to have a quickie in a church, then go face a sweaty exercise class right afterward. But the rendezvous could have been something other than sexual. MB did arrive early... 4:15 when the class started at 5, right? Surely it doesn't take 45 mins to get the room ready for an exercise class.

So I guess it's possible that someone could have contacted her and asked for a few minutes to talk prior to class. All along I've assumed she was caught by surprise, but it's an intriguing possibility that maybe she fully expected to see someone prior to class.
YES!!!! And that possibly the wife found out about the "burner phone" and found flirtatious messages on it and was going to put a stop to this affair by acting as the husband, lured MB to the church by texting her for some type of rendezvous before her class started. MB shows up and jealous wife was lying in wait. Hmmmm!
I can't see this as very realistic, because this would have left a digital footprint (on MIssy's phone), which would then point exactly back to the sender.
YES!!!! And that possibly the wife found out about the "burner phone" and found flirtatious messages on it and was going to put a stop to this affair by acting as the husband, lured MB to the church by texting her for some type of rendezvous before her class started. MB shows up and jealous wife was lying in wait. Hmmmm!

Respectfully, I do not agree. That seems to go beyond desperate, brings a whole new meaning to bootycall which for the most part takes place at 2 am. I think MB's intentions was to get there early and set up, all people have their rituals even if she did not have to set up much A rendezvous before class not likely IMO.
I can't see this as very realistic, because this would have left a digital footprint (on MIssy's phone), which would then point exactly back to the sender.

What if that's what the perp wanted to happen? In the jealous wife situation, she could have used the hubby's phone not only to set up the meeting, but also to frame him. There wouldn't be any way to prove that SHE was the one using his phone.
YES!!!! And that possibly the wife found out about the "burner phone" and found flirtatious messages on it and was going to put a stop to this affair by acting as the husband, lured MB to the church by texting her for some type of rendezvous before her class started. MB shows up and jealous wife was lying in wait. Hmmmm!

I don't 100% disagree b/c the wording of the SW made it sounds like the killer's phone was in contact with MB phone so it could have said something to the effect of meet me here or they could have been texting before she arrived at the gym. If she was hiding an affair she could have deleted on her part right after (swipe left) since she didn't have a passcode on her phone. JMO of course, we don't know why they think or mentioned the killer being in contact with MB via phone the day of or during the time (for me that means at their time of arrival not hers) of the murder.

ETA: Even more disturbing if it was someone she was not interested in (maybe anymore) and did not want to see and they were bothering her or reaching out to talk since BB was out of town and she just got back into town. Thinking of the Heather Elvis case here.

I don't 100% disagree b/c the wording of the SW made it sounds like the killer's phone was in contact with MB phone so it could have said something to the effect of meet me here or they could have been texting before she arrived at the gym. If she was hiding an affair she could have deleted on her part right after (swipe left) since she didn't have a passcode on her phone. JMO of course, we don't know why they think or mentioned the killer being in contact with MB via phone the day of or during the time (for me that means at their time of arrival not hers) of the murder.


I agree that there was probably contact between MB and whoever, BUT I highly doubt that it involved a sexual encounter before class was to start.
Midlothian Anytime Fitness's facebook page has lists of the months most active members. Missy is never on any of the lists.

Can't help but wonder if the gym owner is embellishing Missy's involvement at his gym.
I don't 100% disagree b/c the wording of the SW made it sounds like the killer's phone was in contact with MB phone so it could have said something to the effect of meet me here or they could have been texting before she arrived at the gym. If she was hiding an affair she could have deleted on her part right after (swipe left) since she didn't have a passcode on her phone. JMO of course, we don't know why they think or mentioned the killer being in contact with MB via phone the day of or during the time (for me that means at their time of arrival not hers) of the murder.

How about... if the killer was in contact with someone on the target list who was in contact with MB.
I agree that there was probably contact between MB and whoever, BUT I highly doubt that it involved a sexual encounter before class was to start.

I agree, I don't think it was for sex before class- IMO
If there's a burner phone, then clearly there is more than 1 person. Would the carefully disguised perp risk talking/texting to Missy? More likely it's 2 other people discussing the plan. And 2 other people who must have known her, otherwise there would be no need for a burner phone. Both BB and VB had 2 phone numbers listed in the search warrant. Why would they need 2 numbers? Maybe BB for work, but VB?
I agree that there was probably contact between MB and whoever, BUT I highly doubt that it involved a sexual encounter before class was to start.

It could have been a simple message "hey can we talk before class today". She could have agreed and would not have been suspicious of the person being there so early.
If there's a burner phone, then clearly there is more than 1 person. Would the carefully disguised perp risk talking/texting to Missy? More likely it's 2 other people discussing the plan. And 2 other people who must have known her, otherwise there would be no need for a burner phone. Both BB and VB had 2 phone numbers listed in the search warrant. Why would they need 2 numbers? Maybe BB for work, but VB?
BBM. I have 2 "mobile numbers" because I have a tablet with a data plan and it requires a phone number. It would be considered a 2nd cell number. I could make calls on it but I never do.
On a different note, something else I've been thinking about - words, and the different meanings and interpretations we assign to them.

When LE said they uncovered communications that were "flirtatious and familiar", I immediately jumped to sexting. Didn't most of you? But let's think about that. You've got LE people who are strangers to those involved. They don't know their lives and relationships. It's one thing if the communications said something like, "I loved the sex we had last night" because that's unambiguous. But what if a man texted MB, "Hey honey, that most recent pic of you was hot!" Seems to be in the came category. But what if it turned out that it was sent by someone she's known for years, a guy in the fitness industry who calls EVERY female "honey" and means nothing by it, and it was all about fitness accountability and zero to do with romance or sex?

Same is true with phrases like "strange and creepy" message. What does that mean, exactly? Is it strange and creepy to anyone who would read it, or would it seem not that creepy to some who might read it?

So I'm reminded that we don't necessarily know what we think we know, because we're having to filter our thoughts through individual biases and broad interpretations of language that LE might not have even used correctly in some cases.
Does one pay for a gym membership weekly? Or monthly?

Not a very active person here:blushing:

I have a membership at Anytime Fitness and it is an automatic withdrawal from my checking account monthly. In order to stop attending you must send a letter to cancel your membership. That's the way my contract reads anyway. Not sure if they are all set up this way or not.
Actually, that's the normal procedure for pretty much every police department in every high profile case in every decent-sized-or-bigger city everywhere. They feel no need to tell the public the details of what they discover, as they discover it, and act in that vein. So if we're smart, we're not reading something into the lack of known-by-us information on each test, each lead, each POI, and so on, because that lack of public information is nothing more than "regular life" in the way these things are most likely to be handled.

I agree with this assessment. LE involves the public as far as requesting assistance, but are typically guarded with most information as the investigation unfolds. Leaks, some intentional, most not, are the scraps we feed on. This is why I try to make evaluations based only on evidence that either the courts or LE themselves officially release in the way of press conferences or public pleas. Having witnessed what goes on in the media/online as far as manufactured evidence, deliberate omissions, or plain old scuttlebutt getting twisted into "facts" (and constantly repeated without verifiable sources), I become frustrated and wary.

The thing about this case that gives me a sense of confidence is the overlap of investigatory agencies. The best in the country. I have my own theories, like most of you. I'm impatient and curious, something you all can relate to. I'm enjoying hearing other opinions on this case.

My one request to other Websleuths is to let the mods do the censoring. It gets annoying to read comments like "we already discussed that evidence and we decided" or "your ideas aren't valid because of your confirmation bias" etc. These are meant to censor and squelch thread participants, who may actually have something of value to contribute. The mods are doing a great job. I feel like if they need our help, they'll ask.
On a different note, something else I've been thinking about - words, and the different meanings and interpretations we assign to them.

When LE said they uncovered communications that were "flirtatious and familiar", I immediately jumped to sexting. Didn't most of you? But let's think about that. You've got LE people who are strangers to those involved. They don't know their lives and relationships. It's one thing if the communications said something like, "I loved the sex we had last night" because that's unambiguous. But what if a man texted MB, "Hey honey, that most recent pic of you was hot!" Seems to be in the came category. But what if it turned out that it was sent by someone she's known for years, a guy in the fitness industry who calls EVERY female "honey" and means nothing by it, and it was all about fitness accountability and zero to do with romance or sex?

Same is true with phrases like "strange and creepy" message. What does that mean, exactly? Is it strange and creepy to anyone who would read it, or would it seem not that creepy to some who might read it?

So I'm reminded that we don't necessarily know what we think we know, because we're having to filter our thoughts through individual biases and broad interpretations of language that LE might not have even used correctly in some cases.

....if anyone other than my hubs sent me a text that said I look "hot"...I would find it creepy and I'm sure my husband would not appreciate it. And I think MB, the friend who saw the message and LE can all decipher between an innocent text and a flirtatious text with a bit more yuck factor.
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