TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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Hmm, To date I have not heard LE utter any of the rumors that this reporter shared

Why is it that people don't want to believe what is in MSM without a direct quote from LE, but are willing to take what a reporter said as truth even though she protected herself by admitting it is rumor.

If this woman ( I am not even going to use initials) is guilty, I will be happy to watch the arrest.
If she is not, I hope there is some way for her to rebuild her life
I'm also wondering the same. Maybe the perp is so nonchalant because the perp did not intend to be there to kill, only to frighten and send a message. That could explain not going with a gun (if there wasn't one). Maybe the tools were just to break in and then something escalated and got out of hand when it wasn't intended to. All JMO

This is an idea worth considering, IMO. That would also explain some of the random damage and locked doors being pried open. This is sort of an off the wall theory, but what if the perp didn't get to finish doing their prep work because MB showed up so early? Maybe they intended to find paint or something and leave a scary message for MB. But MB arrives earlier than they thought, when no message had been created yet. So that ruins the plan to scare MB specifically - now all she would think is that it was a random burglary - and so then the perp just snaps and kills her. If the prep work had been completed, perp could have left the scene, OR maybe even stuck around and kept up the ruse of being there to "investigate".
nope. all they have mentioned is the gait- that's it. its frustrating to read people relaying information as if LE said it, when in fact someone in the MEDIA may have said that LE said it. The media has incorrectly reported on this case several times.
however, i don't think i have even read in media reports that LE is looking for a person with a broken foot!

BBM-- Speaking of the "gait", I was watching a news video with RB walking and compared it to the video of the Swatperp.. I don't know if it was because I was really tired last night while watching both videos side by side but they are similar .. I will need to re-watch both this weekend but I thought it was quite interesting. JMO
I agree that a guest on a radio show isn't necessarily reliable - after all, last week's guest said the buzz was that it was a black woman.

But the fact remains that anyone publicly named in a SW becomes a person of interest publicly, unless and until LE states that they've been ruled out.

This site, from my several days of being here, seems like it's run as a pretty tight ship. They have clear rules and don't hesitate to delete posts that are wild speculation. Like LE, we just are trying to follow the clues and see where they lead.

Not to be harsh, but this site wants this thread to be about MB and solving her murder. I don't think they want us navel-gazing and wringing our hands about some other person. We're here to try to figure this thing out, and those who are uncomfortable with that process always have the option of sitting it out. As always, JMHO

BBM..... I think we are allowed to question the veracity of the information available and are certainly allowed to examine the possibility of false accusation. Until a MOD makes a statement, we may wring our hands as much as we like

This is not directed at you, I have seen people say this many times over the last few days.

I have not heard that info come directly out of LE's mouth(s), only reported in the media with no specific LE name attached to it. IF there is one, can someone please share it.

If I was conducting an investigation and had a target list the last thing I would want to do is tip my hat that I had a strong suspicion about one (or more) person(s) on that list. So maybe I would throw that bone to the media and let the perp (he/she) feel comfortable.

I am waiting for LE to stand in front of a mic and say these people are not POI, until then I'm not buying it. Now if a LE name had been attached to that statement I might consider it. No name ... no accountability. As far as I am concerned it's just a "source" at this time.

JMO and all that jazz. ;)

Maybe many of you sleuthers know this... Are there examples of cases where LE has claimed certain people are not POI and then later on those people do become the suspects and get arrested? I'm not sure if that typically happens (LE going back on their word). Would be useful to understand if this has happened before. If there aren't other examples of it then I would guess we truly do need to take target numbers off our suspect list.
Hmm, To date I have not heard LE utter any of the rumors that this reporter shared

Why is it that people don't want to believe what is in MSM without a direct quote from LE, but are willing to take what a reporter said as truth even though she protected herself by admitting it is rumor.

If this woman ( I am not even going to use initials) is guilty, I will be happy to watch the arrest.
If she is not, I hope there is some way for her to rebuild her life

I was just thinking yesterday that if this person is not the murderer, she and her family will probably need to move out of the area or even out of state when this is all over. I would.

I wish Tricia had asked the reporter if anyone has hired an attorney. That would not indicate the person is guilty, but it would be interesting information. If I were innocent and being attacked all over social media, I would hire an attorney.
Why is it that people don't want to believe what is in MSM without a direct quote from LE, but are willing to take what a reporter said as truth even though she protected herself by admitting it is rumor.

If this is directed at my post about the Fox story - I never said I was willing to take the podcast reporter's comments as truth. I only said that if the owner of this site we're posting on is willing to have a guest who points a finger at CT, then it's not out of bounds for us to discuss CT on this message board that is owned by Tricia too.

People keep wanting to pass judgement on those who are trying to dig for the truth. LE told us early on that they believe someone knows the person in the video. They asked us specifically to analyze the video and to call in tips. That is what we're doing. We need to continue trying to figure this out - not to exonerate (fill in the blanks) or talk about how someone's life is being destroyed, but to honor the person whose life already HAS been destroyed, in the ultimate sense.
While we are wondering. Maybe it was not jealousy of the AT and MB connection. Perhaps, since it's up for debate...and it's possible that BB was dallying too...maybe the connection extends to BB and CT. I mean since we are going is all directions. Might as well go there.
If this is directed at my post about the Fox story - I never said I was willing to take the podcast reporter's comments as truth. I only said that if the owner of this site we're posting on is willing to have a guest who points a finger at CT, then it's not out of bounds for us to discuss CT on this message board that is owned by Tricia too.

People keep wanting to pass judgement on those who are trying to dig for the truth. LE told us early on that they believe someone knows the person in the video. They asked us specifically to analyze the video and to call in tips. That is what we're doing. We need to continue trying to figure this out - not to exonerate (fill in the blanks) or talk about how someone's life is being destroyed, but to honor the person whose life already HAS been destroyed, in the ultimate sense.

My comment is not directed at any particular post
It is just my comment

And I disagree.. I personally do not think I have the right to publicly accuse ( destroy the reputation) of anyone that has not been named a POI or a suspect. But that is just MHO and not directed at any particular post
HERE is my issue. LE confirmed "the marriage had financial issues AND intimate relationships"

They did not say: MB had intimate relationships and financial woes. A marriage (as if this even needs reminding) is TWO people. True: Missy's murder has flung their once-private financial position out into the open. Somehow people have massaged this into MB being the deflector in the marriage? That's nuts. FWIW, from the SWs, yes, I believe BB had his own flings, too. They *both* did. But we do not *know* that.

Result? Majority people translate flirtatious messages to an affair. We have heard NOTHING more than that. CT and BB have been condemned as the perp by growing anger on 2 sides of a fence. And it is deplorable! BOTH of these (as yet innocent) people have become society's suspects and BOTH have children. Children, people. This is so going pear-shaped and it is truly breaking my heart. If it breaks my heart I cannot imagine the horror those on SWs are going through. Folk need to chill out here. Big time.
Not only is Tamarack Jolee very credible apparently but it's in my opinion and I'm sure many others that Tricia wouldn't allow "small town gossip" as part of her show. Tamara is obviously quite connected.

I agree, thank you for posting this. I'm firmly of the opinion that CT did this and have been for awhile. I'm not going to apologize for feeling this way. I would not be suprised if she's under surveillance and IMO, I think her husband is trying to keep things as normal as possible for his children. I don't think he was involved at all and I wouldn't be suprised if he is cooperating with LE. Imo, LE is confirming everything they can with experts they might need at trial before making an arrest.

I think confirmation bias can cut both ways in this case. We all see what we see in the video and all have different opinions, for example, I think the eyes from the still photos, and the videos look like CT, where someone with a different suspect in mind might see something else that convinces them it's the person they think. In the end does it really matter who is right as long as LE arrests the right person, I don't think so. We all want the same thing, justice for Missy. I have read many posts using another case on here as an example as to why people think it's possible this was orchestrated by family. We are all entitled to our own opinions and those who do think it was CT shouldn't be judged. Do I hope this turns out to be a perp with no children that could be further impacted by a parent being arrested, of course! We all wish this sick crime didn't happen. Again, jmo.
I was just thinking yesterday that if this person is not the murderer, she and her family will probably need to move out of the area or even out of state when this is all over. I would.

I wish Tricia had asked the reporter if anyone has hired an attorney. That would not indicate the person is guilty, but it would be interesting information. If I were innocent and being attacked all over social media, I would hire an attorney.
My husband and I were talking about this case last night. He told me if he were murdered, hire an attorney and do not answer questions without one present. LE is always gathering evidence, and I talk too much in general. We have several friends in LE who always tell us never to talk to LE if they come knocking. It has nothing to do with guilt or innocence; it's simply a right we choose to exercise.
Hello MG. In this pic, perfect shot of a very slim ankle (feminine) and reminds me of early reports (day of,or after murder) "...the perp was wearing so much clothing...". and deliberately large shoes. This excess padding may have contributed to the "swagger" that's been talked about. Those that felt she was pregnant is probably due to (what appears to me) to be a body bag carrying tools, phone, etc.
I'm another new poster, drawn in by the classic "whodunnit" nature of this killing. Also a retired police officer. I've tried to follow these threads, but it seems impossible to keep up with all the info. I think the thing that bothers me most is the conflicting theories that go thru my mind, based on past precedents. Any police officer will tell you that the big 3 reasons for murder are:

So, "sex" jumps out front on this one. Then, husband happens to be out of town. Convenient coincidences like this also leap out to me. Another sub-motive with married couples in trouble could also be child custody, or influence on the affections of the kids.

The video is a rare bit of bonus evidence here, but it also causes more conflict for me. Another adage I used to toss around was "burglary loves company". The burglary angle here is pretty weak, IMO. As a former K-9 handler, burglars were what we dealt with. Church burglars were usually young, and rarely acted alone. They suspected alarms, and moved fast. Smash a window and head for the office usually. They don't pre-plan, and invest in phony police gear to hide. They pull a t-shirt over their head and move fast, not this plodding around. They get out quickly.
Alarms on churches are funny. Many suburban churches still don't have them. Truthfully, they aren't targeted much. Still, thieves always expect them. I don't think many folks think this was a burglary, but the nonchalance of the suspect is unusual.

The video really bugs me. That walk does often look like a woman, but the part where the suspect stops and grabs at a door knob looks very male. The walk does look much like the father-in-law, but at the same time looks a little more effortless; maybe younger? The suspect doesn't look quite as big given the bulky clothes to me. Hard to say.

The choice of weapon certainly suggests a male suspect typically. If whoever did it was dumb enough to buy a new hammer for the job, it will probably backfire.

Another tid-bit I haven't noticed mentioned is that this suspect is someone capable of slipping away for an hour at 0400 on a rainy morning without worrying about being noticed, or leaving kids unattended, etc. Just something to file away.

I'd imagine the detectives are working very hard on tracking phones, and trying to run down places where that tactical gear might have been sold. It could be tough, but if you look for say, a purchaser that bought a single jacket in the last 3 months, something could turn up.
Thank you for your insight. I'm consumed with finding out whodunnit. I mean this is worse than FB time consuming!
As a mother, I can't imagine the thought of risking getting caught/them being without a mother, and then just the fact that I would forever be remembered as a murderer...not just as a woman scorned who gave up her career to have children only to be cheated on by her husband. So to me, either the person had some kind of phychotic mental break, or it was a hit (based on my gut, I don't believe the husband was involved).
Hmm, To date I have not heard LE utter any of the rumors that this reporter shared

Why is it that people don't want to believe what is in MSM without a direct quote from LE, but are willing to take what a reporter said as truth even though she protected herself by admitting it is rumor.

If this woman ( I am not even going to use initials) is guilty, I will be happy to watch the arrest.
If she is not, I hope there is some way for her to rebuild her life

I have not listened to this interview with the reporter yet but I can tell you I don't believe everything the press says.

It's my personal opinion that MPD knows what is being said on FB and elsewhere about the people on the target list. If they truly cleared someone (or all) of these people then why not go to a podium and state as such to the public to stop such wild speculation? Like others have expressed, innocent lives get damaged to some degree. MPD, FBI, ATF all know this.

CT is not the only person on that list that has raised eyebrows.

Yeah I know what it says in the SW but I think saying these people are not suspects or POI's is hogwash. If they weren't then why have any (or all) on the list to begin with?

Looks like we will all just have to wait for a presser with LE but I don't think that will happen until someone is in handcuffs.
Don't worry. Even if they calculate the perp to be 6 feet tall or over, some will say that CT put rocks or piled saran wrap into her boots to make her look taller. ;)

This made me laugh more than it should have. Thank you for that.
I'm confused on why people think rumors in this chat room would destroy a family. This is really a rather unknown site. I happened to stumble upon it. I highly doubt anyone in the case has been on here or is even aware of it.
On a different note, wondering if the town is turned upside down with reporters, LE and tourists during this whole crazy parade?
Are nearby hotels and restaurants booked up?
Do the towns people feel any safer with the international public scrutiny, or paranoid considering ( presumably) that more strangers are around?
Has all the attention concerning affairs, brought families closer or pushed them apart, ie. have the divorce lawyers been busier than usual?

If and when all the hoopla settles down, will the community become stronger, or broken?
Has any of this affected home sales?
imo, speculation.
Means, motive, opportunity.

Means - if someone lived in a nearby town, had the financial resources to acquire gear, had the ability to case the scene, to research the victim's schedule and whereabouts, had the ability to leave the scene and return to a 'normal' schedule that day.

Motive - if someone were terrified of losing the family unit, protecting that family could be motive. The person could have been jealous and/or afraid that the spouse was not attracted to them and was looking elsewhere for what should be kept within a marriage. The person could have a controlling personality or a personality disorder which may lead them to embellish actual facts into something much, much worse. Or maybe something much, much worse was actually going on. In either case, if someone was so consumed by control - this could be motive to do away with the one person who was so threatening to the family. That person could be threatening in two ways - taking the spouse away and/or threatening the financial means of support. This person could have portrayed (perhaps even on SM) a lot of controlling, perhaps narcissistic, characteristics that do not fit the profile of an emotionally healthy individual.

Opportunity - if prior to the crime, someone had some time alone, they could have had the opportunity to be in the vicinity and case the crime scene, could have had the opportunity to assemble the gear needed for the crime. If the day of the crime, one's family were away and/or left the house prior to the needed time of departure, one could have gone to the crime scene, committed the crime, and returned home without detection. Even perhaps disposing of the gear along the way, perhaps along a back road, into water, into garbage facility, etc.

Of the original target number list, means, motive, and opportunity have pointed me in one direction without any rumors involved. Especially with physical similarities to the crime scene video. Time will tell.
I have not named names, I have sleuthed - which is what I understand this forum is about - and I believe there is only one person who has the means, motive, and opportunity. I am not following rumor or innuendo here. No one else on the list fits IMO.
I have not listened to this interview with the reporter yet but I can tell you I don't believe everything the press says.

It's my personal opinion that MPD knows what is being said on FB and elsewhere about the people on the target list. If they truly cleared someone (or all) of these people then why not go to a podium and state as such to the public to stop such wild speculation? Like others have expressed, innocent lives get damaged to some degree. MPD, FBI, ATF all know this.

CT is not the only person on that list that has raised eyebrows.

Yeah I know what it says in the SW but I think saying these people are not suspects or POI's is hogwash. If they weren't then why have any (or all) on the list to begin with?

Looks like we will all just have to wait for a presser with LE but I don't think that will happen until someone is in handcuffs.

And also, the LE quote (if accurate)stated "at this time" not suspects or POIs at this time
A lot could have changed since that was reported

I agree, nothing we can do but wait and see
And I do hope it is very soon
I'm confused on why people think rumors in this chat room would destroy a family. This is really a rather unknown site. I happened to stumble upon it. I highly doubt anyone in the case has been on here or is even aware of it.

I think you need to dig a little deeper into this "unknown chat room"....you might be surprised. ;)
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