TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #16

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Not picking on you but I find it interesting so many posters hope its not the perp they think it might be. We must really be invested in some of these characters as if its some kind of soap opera.

Many who think it's someone that has multiple young children don't want it to be that person due to the fact that there would be more innocent children left without a mother.
You know, I also wonder about how he/she left. I understand LE seen a vehicle parked some distance away however, the perp would have been covered in blood to some extent. He/she would have to have changed clothing and shoes prior to getting into their vehicle so as not to transfer this crucial evidence. Which leads me to another point...

There has been no mention of searches of homes or vehicles of any persons of interest.

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Where was the vehicle parked and at what time? Was it in church lot? Car or truck, do they know?
Where was the vehicle parked and at what time? Was it in church lot? Car or truck, do they know?
I think they said they wouldn't even try to release a description because it was hard to tell from the footage. So I'm guessing it wasn't in the church parking lot.

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Another thought hit me today. LE stated they noticed in CCTV "a car parked in the distance" but were unable to get a license plate. Really? Parked? Missy had barely arrived and may have taken a few steps inside before the attack. That car had to have been there when Missy arrived and if a car was parked, Missy would have seen it. Yet she jumped out of her vehicle and continued as normal? More proof she knew her killer and was not in the slightest concerned. I feel someone was INSIDE that car and may possibly have even waved.

Then that person in the car was an accomplice or an early camper?
Not having thrown anyone under the bus with initials yet the person closest I could see would be CW, BB, I never liked his initial reaction in video when speaking of his wife, he seemed like the best thing he could say about her was she liked to help people with their fitness, that I found to be very shallow after 20 years of marriage. CT and AJT, I do not think are involved. CW, his wife clearly is better looking than any of the other women tied to this. So if the intimate part according to SW is true, I could easily see anger and wanting to get rid of missy if it was seen as dangerous to his marriage, I can also see the rage that was involved. As for the tactical gear, well it has thrown people way off as they/we seem to be on fishing expeditions looking at an order from China?????? As for China, I order a lot from China, BUT NEVER if it is something I want quickly. If I want it asap, I order from the US.

i think the perp already owned the gear or had access to it from some gym or training facility. They should check to see if any have been stolen recently. Or maybe old boys networks are in protection mode.
He remembers how many months she'd been texting him that every morning, but not her age. <modsnip>

For me, not every detail of my life or my husband's life is at the forefront of my brain, even further away during times of stress. PERFECT EXAMPLE and sadly, funnily, it's true:

Yesterday, I'm doing laundry and grabbed a hanger I had decorated (I craft) in a silly way for a silly Valentine's kidlike design with paint and a Sharpie pen, making dots and hearts, etc. In the main heart, I had written the initials AB (not our real names) and while knew "A" was his first name - for the life of me, I had no clue who "AB" was because I didn't know anyone with those two initials. *sigh* Seriously, I had completely, totally forgotten that letter was OUR last name. :silly: Yes, yes, yes...what an idiot. I rarely use his first name and our last name is just such part of daily life, I had a serious brain faht there. When asked for my phone number or his work number, most times I have to work it out on my fingers like a dial pad or actually open my phone. And that's on an average day. I can't imagine how swiss cheesy my memory would be under BB's extreme stress.

Sometimes people are asked a question and it just hits the wrong part of the brain cycle (whatever) and you can be at a loss. I'm sure there's a scientific or psychological explanation but eh.

Stress does incredible things to living beings. Plants, animals, human beings.
To me this murderer is a psychopath. The crime and the plot screams a deadly, brutal end along with fear and control; a control so large and scary the perp is dressed to terrify in combat-level SWAT gear. The notion Missy knew her killer compounds my opinion. That SWAT gear was also designed to protect the murderer as much as it was to disguise the perp and remove DNA (in his/her mind). That perp still does not expect to get caught (though is trembling now, I'd guess) This is deadly planning. It's not a "flipped switch" or a "crime of passion". There are plenty other ways to murder, if that's the case. This may have been planned for months, as I expect. By a few. It took, IMO, one lethal mindset to set the ball in motion and help was a necessity.
For those of you that want an innocent reason of why CT's phone contacted MB's I find AJ borrowed MB's to call his wife a long shot. To my knowledge there isn't any evidence that MB & AJ even saw each other at the conference or were in close proximity to each other.
please provide.

Haven't seen them, but I have been meaning to ask poster Breck80 if they happened to run into Tamara Jo at the courthouse the day of the murder. Both have said that that is where they heard the news, initially. JMO Breck said as a matter of occupation and Tamara said Jury Duty. ???
Not picking on you but I find it interesting so many posters hope its not the perp they think it might be. We must really be invested in some of these characters as if its some kind of soap opera.

I think we're all invested to some extent- if we weren't, there wouldn't be 16 threads that are 80-90 pages. :)
Good evening folks. I find it disturbing and upsetting the template over the last 20-30 pages, and majority of previous threads, keys into CT & AJ. Constantly. This is wrong and unfair. On every page, at least, they're mentioned. Finger pointing such as what "CT would have thought, said, feared, done, felt, acted". The reminder of why "he shaved his head, acted, would have responded, did what he said, did and would have done". Gee, even his own reactions have been discussed. Amazing! It's not simply an occasional subtle consideration. It is a continued theme. Yet we're not allowed to discuss the thoughts (etc) of BB's family? That's curious, aside from the fact I started off my return here by stating (and stick to my guns), that BB did not murder Missy. I feel so bad that blame has been plunged solely on one couple. That is wrong. I trust when the truth emerges, those here have the courage to stay (or come back) and admit a biased attitude may have deeply affected the lives of people who do not deserve such blame, let alone assumption of their thoughts and private life. JMHO

I closed my eyes & picked page 28. No mention
This whole time I was imagining CG Austin Total Transformation as a conference, as a traditional-type business conference. You know - speakers, break-out sessions, cocktails in the hotel lounge at night.

But that's not what it is at all. It's basically a weekend of getting folks to sign-up as new Campers. Trainers fan out all over the city, they stand outside of local businesses - coffee shops, tan salons - and sign-up new Campers. The new campers get the CG t-shirt, etc. - I'm sure you've seen the photos on MB's FB page that weekend. CG Austin Total Transformation did not just include local Austin trainers, but trainers from out of town too.

I found an Austin trainer's FB page. This guy led an early-morning workout on April 16 outside of the Whole Foods. There's a group photo of all the participants. The FB page is: Camp-Gladiator-Whole-Foods-At-the-Domain/433091836832382

The Austin trainer gives a "Shout out to all the out of town trainers who came in to Austin." The trainer tags one person plus 12 more. Since he gave that shout out, it seems natural that the 13 people he tagged would be those fellow trainers. But none of the tagged are AJ or MB.

I have scrutinized the photo. From what I can see, I do not see MB or AJ in the photo. What do we make of this?
To me this murderer is a psychopath. The crime and the plot screams a deadly, brutal end along with fear and control; a control so large and scary the perp is dressed to terrify in combat-level SWAT gear. The notion Missy knew her killer compounds my opinion. That SWAT gear was also designed to protect the murderer as much as it was to disguise the perp and remove DNA (in his/her mind). That perp still does not expect to get caught (though is trembling now, I'd guess) This is deadly planning. It's not a "flipped switch" or a "crime of passion". There are plenty other ways to murder, if that's the case. This may have been planned for months, as I expect. By a few. It took, IMO, one lethal mindset to set the ball in motion and help was a necessity.
I agree that this was not done on a whim. It took longer than a weekend to plan it. That is why I feel the motive was more professional/monetary/greed.

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Then that person in the car was an accomplice or an early camper?

Hi. Despite the early camper allegedly saying they "arrived a little bit early" I ask this: would a camper get there up to an hour early? Early enough to be caught on CCTV as the psychopath perp walked thru CofC, BEFORE Missy arrived?

So it was clearly not "a little bit" early.

I suggest, sadly, a combination of the two, bwt :(
Haven't seen them, but I have been meaning to ask poster Breck80 if they happened to run into Tamara Jo at the courthouse the day of the murder. Both have said that that is where they heard the news, initially. JMO Breck said as a matter of occupation and Tamara said Jury Duty. ???

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I think AT is someone that I'd like to get to know.

He seems like a really good guy.

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This whole time I was imagining CG Austin Total Transformation as a conference, as a traditional-type business conference. You know - speakers, break-out sessions, cocktails in the hotel lounge at night.

But that's not what it is at all. It's basically a weekend of getting folks to sign-up as new Campers. Trainers fan out all over the city, they stand outside of local businesses - coffee shops, tan salons - and sign-up new Campers. The new campers get the CG t-shirt, etc. - I'm sure you've seen the photos on MB's FB page that weekend. CG Austin Total Transformation did not just include local Austin trainers, but trainers from out of town too.

I found an Austin trainer's FB page. This guy led an early-morning workout on April 16 outside of the Whole Foods. There's a group photo of all the participants. The FB page is: Camp-Gladiator-Whole-Foods-At-the-Domain/433091836832382

The Austin trainer gives a "Shout out to all the out of town trainers who came in to Austin." The trainer tags one person plus 12 more. Since he gave that shout out, it seems natural that the 13 people he tagged would be those fellow trainers. But none of the tagged are AJ or MB.

I have scrutinized the photo. From what I can see, I do not see MB or AJ in the photo. What do we make of this?

I think he was just tagging the people in his class. I have mutual friends with some of the people in that class at the Domain (mutual friends in Austin). I don't think the Midlo trainers were in the photo. JMO. :)
To me this murderer is a psychopath. The crime and the plot screams a deadly, brutal end along with fear and control; a control so large and scary the perp is dressed to terrify in combat-level SWAT gear. The notion Missy knew her killer compounds my opinion. That SWAT gear was also designed to protect the murderer as much as it was to disguise the perp and remove DNA (in his/her mind). That perp still does not expect to get caught (though is trembling now, I'd guess) This is deadly planning. It's not a "flipped switch" or a "crime of passion". There are plenty other ways to murder, if that's the case. This may have been planned for months, as I expect. By a few. It took, IMO, one lethal mindset to set the ball in motion and help was a necessity.

So it was a thrill killing involving a few of which one participant knew Missy but only chose her because of opportunity?
Perp's Body Shape --- I wonder if the perp is just fat or wearing many many layers of clothes, or just big from weight lifting. And I'm not just referring to the bullet proof vest. The legs and bottom look fat too. I wonder if FBI has some kind of method to determine how deep or thick those clothes really are. This would really narrow down field. Could be a fat woman, a thin guy, a bulky weight lifting type guy, a fat old guy, etc. also I really wonder how accurate that 5'8-9 height is. Cameras positioned up high usually show suspects as shorter than they really are Ive read.

Different people have different definitions of "fat". I don't see fat anywhere on that person. It's possible there's something underneath the padded protection vest, but legs and ankles and arms that I saw are not anywhere near "fat" to my eyes.

I read on here days ago something that made sense to me. I would think that because this was so well planned by the killer she or he did put plastic in their car and then rolled the whole mess up and buried it somewhere pre planned. I think the killer would not use the nearby resoirvoir to dump all their kill items because police could decide to empty the resoirvoir to check and also weighted down packages can fall apart.

I wonder if LE doesn't already have gear, if it wasn't left behind or out back in place at some gym, or in some dumpster or someone's trash, etc. We haven't heard anything about any local searches of waterways, woods or vehicles. Even if they didn't make SWs public, media would be all over it. You're right about it most likely being covered in blood.
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