TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #18

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Is it known where the trash can (s) at the church were kept. What day, I wonder, was trash picked up in the immediate area ?
You're probably right it's just so confusing because sometimes I think it's a woman in the footage and other times the perp seems masculine. Sometimes they look frumpy and sloppy and other times slim and determined. I just can't figure it out. Maybe it's because they removed the tool pack and changed shoes at some point? It's driving me crazy not being able to figure it out! Come on LE give us something.... Anything.... Please!

Yeah, I feel your pain. I so want to see this solved, ASAP.

(I'm guessing the differing looks in the video have to do with camera lens distortion. But I also think the camera distortion or lack of distinctness can make perp look heavier at times, but not slimmer. In other words, when the perp looks slimmest to me is also when the picture is sharpest - like after he comes out of Room 12 and I see his feet are actually small. And when I see the freeze frame that clearly shows a chest pack, and I realize that has accounted for the earlier 'stout' impression.)
I understand the prohibition re: sleuthing children, absolutely, and other surviving "victims" ......but I also see how that leaves us to presume, pretty much, that whoever the perp turns out to be, or several, that they will be someone(s) that so far, are no one(s) that we have even heard about. I guess we'll just have to wait, and see who LE pops for this. JMO...................I will say that this same (understandable) prohibition applied to the Gliniewicz family, in our case sleuthing last fall.
Is it known where the trash can (s) at the church were kept. What day, I wonder, was trash picked up in the immediate area ?

Dumpster is outside the NE corner of the church. But I can't imagine perp being so stupid as to leave stuff in it. Waste of time, really, as he was no doubt making a very hasty departure with the expectation of campers driving in at any minute.
I saw the one responding to BB about the reward...creepy. I didn't see the one on May 9. I don't know why but I thought the post by BB about the rewards was kind of weird.

Are you talking about the comment made about "Webslueths" ??
I've been focusing on the uniform. I've done searches on eBay and some online suppliers for police/swat gear/uniforms, but have not been able to locate a uniform that matches SP's. It seems there are many similar uniforms for sale that have "SWAT" lettering or no lettering at all, but very few that actually say "POLICE" and the ones that say "police" do not look like SP's uniform.

Has anyone been able to locate anywhere online a uniform that could possibly be SP's exact uniform or even the "police vest"?

Other options are that SP purchased in a brick and mortar store with cash or perhaps even applied the "police" lettering themselves. JMO
MB came to the church at 4 16 am ? I wonder about how much time the perp had with her. and what was really done to her.

It was mentioned earlier that SW spent longer time in kitchen than other spots, maybe gathering supplies they might need.
I've been focusing on the uniform. I've done searches on eBay and some online suppliers for police/swat gear/uniforms, but have not been able to locate a uniform that matches SP's. It seems there are many similar uniforms for sale that have "SWAT" lettering or no lettering at all, but very few that actually say "POLICE" and the ones that say "police" do not look like SP's uniform.

Has anyone been able to locate anywhere online a uniform that could possibly be SP's exact uniform or even the "police vest"?

Other options are that SP purchased in a brick and mortar store with cash or perhaps even applied the "police" lettering themselves. JMO
There is also a patch on the vest? Can't make out what it is though...
There is also a patch on the vest? Can't make out what it is though...

Someone mentioned the shin guards looked like UFC, so I looked up some of their equipment and a couple of vests and shorts looked similar. At one point it looks as if slippers are over boot, and I wondered if these were put on and off to avoid tracking mud or blood.
I've been focusing on the uniform. I've done searches on eBay and some online suppliers for police/swat gear/uniforms, but have not been able to locate a uniform that matches SP's. It seems there are many similar uniforms for sale that have "SWAT" lettering or no lettering at all, but very few that actually say "POLICE" and the ones that say "police" do not look like SP's uniform.

Has anyone been able to locate anywhere online a uniform that could possibly be SP's exact uniform or even the "police vest"?

Other options are that SP purchased in a brick and mortar store with cash or perhaps even applied the "police" lettering themselves. JMO

Forgive me if I've misunderstood you but all my LE relatives' gear have velcro-ed on badges etc. so could be from anywhere...
Regarding the gait.

I do not walk with a gait like swatperp bare foot. However, today I noticed that when I wear my cowboy boots I DO! And then I started to think back, and my husband also walks with a similar swatperp gait with his cowboy boots but not in sneakers.

I know the perp doesn't appear to be wearing cowboy boots, but those are boots. I am wondering if they always have this particular gait or not!

Just sharing. I couldn't believe it today as I was walking and became conscious of it. My right foot was sticking out like swatperp. I guess I am compensating for the larger shoe or the style?

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I've been focusing on the uniform. I've done searches on eBay and some online suppliers for police/swat gear/uniforms, but have not been able to locate a uniform that matches SP's. It seems there are many similar uniforms for sale that have "SWAT" lettering or no lettering at all, but very few that actually say "POLICE" and the ones that say "police" do not look like SP's uniform.

Has anyone been able to locate anywhere online a uniform that could possibly be SP's exact uniform or even the "police vest"?

Other options are that SP purchased in a brick and mortar store with cash or perhaps even applied the "police" lettering themselves. JMO

I posted this earlier:
To anyone who has examined the swatperp(S) in the video very carefully ... as I see many of you have including measuring height, shoes, glasses etc... Have you noticed if there is any splicing going on in the video? ie... the possibility that each edit or 'glitch' could be a switch of 2 perps?
Have you noticed a difference in the size of their shoes (one set smaller on one person than the other), how the hammer is carried in one excerpt but switches to no hammer, the difference in the stuffing of the boots, etc?
I'm wondering if just one of the reasons they dressed like this was to not only disguise themselves, but also to try to disguise that there were 2 or possibly 3 people in that same costume getup...

As always, JMHO :)

IMO shoes are different and jackets are different, not by much, but enough. Would also explain 50/50 split of people saying "it is a man's walk" and "it is a woman's walk" etc. I have thought both and I think logically it was because it WAS both. A man and a woman team. For a planned hit.
I spent some time watching the surveillance video in very slow motion and making notes. Of course, this could all have been covered before because I have read much of these threads but not all of them.

0.28 - As perp comes out from behind the door, the hammer is in his/her right hand and he/she raises it to about waste high, almost as if he/she is motioning to someone.

0.49 - Perp is messing with the locked door and is swinging the hammer (awkwardly) with his/her left hand.

1:08 - 1:10 - Perp adjusts himself/herself near the right shoulder. As he/she walks away, the hammer is still in the left hand (as he/she rounds the corner near Common Grounds)

1.22 - At the dutch doors, perp opens the door with his/her right hand and the hammer is in the left. Steps/leans inside the room

1:34 - Perp comes out of the dutch door room without the hammer in his/her left hand. It could possibly be in the right but hard to tell. As perp walks past the dutch door room and down the hall, he/she stops at another door and I don't see him/her go any further down the hall.

1:40 Recording jumps to perp walking back up the hall and hammer is in the right hand.

1:59 Perp walks through the door with #12 on it and hammer is in the right hand. The white object is in his left hand. He/she swings with the right hand this time.

Also, the perp appears to pick his/her entire foot up each time and sets it down flat; does not lead with heel. It's as if he/she had on swimming fins on.

I am beginning to entertain the idea that there are two people on the video.

All, JMO of course.
"MB came to the church at 4 16 am ? I wonder about how much time the perp had with her. and what was really done to her."

LE thinks she may have been killed about the time she entered, a bit after 4:18. I wouldn't be surprised if the perp was out the door before 4:30, trying to get out the driveway before any others drove in. So that doesn't leave much if any time to prolong anything, or to dawdle after the deed was done.
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